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20 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Ironjawz look smashy and bashy. Their priest hits people for more ritual points which is awesome. Not many battle traits but the ones they have are good. Pigs have a frightening number of attacks.

a frightening number of attacks doesn't do you much good if everything hits on 4s or 5s. Even with all the extra attack buffs, halving your hits right out the gate with a 4+, hurts, especially for a low model count elite army. 

I'm going to be optimistic and home that all the leaders in Iron jaws will have + to hit, or +to rend buffs of some type to grant to nearby units, allowing for some strategic play with how you build lists and situate your troops. 

The iron jaws have perennially suffered from a lack of ward saves,  ways to shake of mortal wounds, or being able to heal wounds since the beginning of AoS. I was hoping to see another pip of health on the brutes and other units to help mitigate this. You used to rely on your speed to get into battle before you lost too many units to the enemy, and then smashign and bashing to even the playing field. Now those are both gone, we'll see what the new playstyle is. 

And If it turns out to be terrible, pray for a late edition codex so they can totally rewrite the rules. An early codex means what we're seeing in the faction focus is probably pretty close to the finalized version already at the printers. 

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yes, yes in know its all for game balance, but on a personal level, it Irks me that Gordraak, Fist of Gork only hits for -1 rend and 2 damage. For such an imposing and important character in the lore, you take him off his mount and he's not very scary :) 

yes I know he gets extra attacks if you kill something, but Gork's chosen should hit harder than your average brute. I'd like the megabosses to hit at -2 rend, 3 dam, and Gordraak should even be better then them. He's the chosen embodiment to the avatar of destruction for goodness sakes 😆

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16 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

Yeah but maybe the cost have been multiplied by 3 and the unit you showed is now as worthy on the battlefield as a big pile of manure. 


Once again, we need to see the whole thing before telling everyone that the world is ending. 

indeed, we need to see the whole thing, but coming there to say that “everything is nerfed” is just spreading false information.

Edited by Ragest
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1 minute ago, Ragest said:

indeed, we need to see the whole thing, but coming there to say that “everything is nerfed” is just spreading false information.

There really does seem to be a reduction in rend, but a greater reduction in save stacking more than makes up for that fall in rend. 

I quite like the increase in variation on hit and wound. People complained so much before about everything defaulting to 3+/3+/-1/1. It's good to see not everything at that point.

My understanding is that the big Pig sold pretty well btw. Was out of stock a lot, I saw a lot of people painting them, and some absolute mad lads did well in tournaments with all big pig.

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34 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

I think keeping Orruk Warclans as one faction pack, even while acknowledging that they are 2 completely separate factions is probably due to a very simple reason - they aren't ready to release an Ironjawz Spearhead for whatever reason and they want to be able to say that there "is a Spearhead box for every faction".

But everyone would know that's not true. If at least they wouldn't say they are their own factions... someone could claim that is not clear yet.

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14 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Absolutely loving the sheer amount of AOS BL there is these days.

And quality to boot

Celstial spear, Godeater's son, Grombrindal, new Deekii flynt been pretty great.

Short been pretty swell to read like Kraken bane, the abomination of weird paw, the one road, Grimnirson & Road to Helmarch

Which remeind me to get Hounds

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3 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

And quality to boot

Celstial spear, Godeater's son, Grombrindal, new Deekii flynt been pretty great.

Short been pretty swell to read like Kraken bane, the abomination of weird paw, the one road, Grimnirson & Road to Helmarch

Which remeind me to get Hounds

Well, you know, I didn't want to say that clearly everyone needs to get Hounds, but... ;)

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1 hour ago, Ragest said:

indeed, we need to see the whole thing, but coming there to say that “everything is nerfed” is just spreading false information.

Exaggeration, much? 😅

I jokingly made a point about people complaining about nerfs with every faction focuses while citing Syndrome from The Incredibles and I'm spreading false informations? 😂

But my point still stand : it's not because an army looks nerfed that it wilbe when the full indexes will be out. 

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1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

new Deekii flynt been pretty great.

Agree. A really good surprise, I hope to see a Regiment of Renown like Blacktalons or Saviours of Cinderfall but with Aeslign and her crew.

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2 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

And quality to boot

Celstial spear, Godeater's son, Grombrindal, new Deekii flynt been pretty great.

Short been pretty swell to read like Kraken bane, the abomination of weird paw, the one road, Grimnirson & Road to Helmarch

Which remeind me to get Hounds

Darkoath has been pretty good so far and I was worried I was going to be running out of reading material. I'm very excited for the Thalia Vedra book but truly this edition would be a great time for the next Heldenarr Fall book... if they ever let Noah Van Nguyen get back to him

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On 6/18/2024 at 12:06 PM, CommissarRotke said:

Fair, there's so much that's happened you could fill a book before getting to your point LOL.

IIRC, part of why Gordrakk wanted to crack into Azyr was because he's disappointed Sigmar is still in hiding--as opposed to when he was out fighting with Gorkamorka. Which is hilarious!

Today's Faction Focus seems complicit in my shallow reading of orruks:

Orruks are the most belligerent beings in the Mortal Realms. Conflict is central to their existence, and they pursue it with reckless enthusiasm.  

I do like that the rest of the article expands from there but I read this and felt guilty lol.

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55 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Darkoath has been pretty good so far and I was worried I was going to be running out of reading material. I'm very excited for the Thalia Vedra book but truly this edition would be a great time for the next Heldenarr Fall book... if they ever let Noah Van Nguyen get back to him

I finished the new Darkoath book last Sunday, and I gotta say when combined with the short bit of lore from the exclusive box, Godeater’s Son, and Scourge of Fate, I’m honestly really happy with chaos in aos. It really feels like these characters have been living with the chaos gods and their influence for centuries in a way The Traitor Legions and their ilk just don’t in 40k.

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8 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

It really feels like these characters have been living with the chaos gods and their influence for centuries in a way The Traitor Legions and their ilk just don’t in 40k.

I feel like the problem with the Traitor Legions is that the Traitor Legions mostly don't seem to care about anything other than the Horus Heresy, and most of the time Chaos is just seen by them as a means to an end to get their revenge against the Imperium. 

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3 hours ago, Aphotic said:

Yeah, it's a slap in the face. My IJ collection is large but mostly older models. I'd love to see a spearhead which included new Ard Boyz and such, but alas. "nothing on the horizon." Sucks because Spearhead actually looked rather fun to me by comparison to standard AOS.

If you're in a country that has it, look out for the Stormbringer magazine - one of the issues (73 I think) should be coming with 10 of the new Ardboyz. 

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Something I've seen pointed out on Reddit is that the Waaagh! ability looks like it is Once per Battle for each hero that can use it, since it doesn't have the (Army) tag. That would make it much better to be able to have the +1 attack up more consistently in those big bubbles. 

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I'm rather disappointed we didn't get any elaboration on the recent 'containment' of Kragnos by the Council of Life in today's Loremasters on Warhammer TV. 

For something that seems like it should be considered a significant turn of events, GW is being awfully quiet about it and short on details. 

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