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Seems with every FF, I go that's the army I'll start 4th Ed with lol. 

Really liking the look of IJ, seems they'll play how I've always envisaged them, lots of attacks that hit hard and are hard to shift in return. 

Never seemed right that they could zip around like elves, I'll rather see them all march forward as an unstoppable green wall of muscle and iron. 


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58 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw @Acrozatarim, seeing that someone said the writer of a short story did the Vedra's book I wish you luck with your own book.

PD: Feel free to name one character Ejecutor (Executioner) ;) ;)

If I‘ll ever play Slaanesh, I know how to slightly change your name into something fitting for that army! 🤓

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19 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Seems with every FF, I go that's the army I'll start 4th Ed with lol. 

Really liking the look of IJ, seems they'll play how I've always envisaged them, lots of attacks that hit hard and are hard to shift in return. 

Never seemed right that they could zip around like elves, I'll rather see them all march forward as an unstoppable green wall of muscle and iron. 


I have felt the same way, as the rules are fluffy but also streamlined to be easy to follow.

But the Armies I play actually all feel solid (okay Ogors might be a bit hit and miss but the Beastclaw side seems great and that is all I have) and Slaves to Darkness has me particularly excited!


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26 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Seems with every FF, I go that's the army I'll start 4th Ed with lol. 

Really liking the look of IJ, seems they'll play how I've always envisaged them, lots of attacks that hit hard and are hard to shift in return. 

Never seemed right that they could zip around like elves, I'll rather see them all march forward as an unstoppable green wall of muscle and iron. 


I have no serious intent to start another army but that was a big feel for me with Kruleboyz. I thought they looked super neat and could see myself enjoying that.

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5 hours ago, Aphotic said:

Yeah, it's a slap in the face. My IJ collection is large but mostly older models. I'd love to see a spearhead which included new Ard Boyz and such, but alas. "nothing on the horizon." Sucks because Spearhead actually looked rather fun to me by comparison to standard AOS.

I get that you're upset but why are you causing yourself unnecessary pain? This is the full quote. 

"And while we’ve heard rumbling and clattering with a distinctly Gorkish timbre to it, there’s nothing on the horizon just yet" 

This is explicitly saying that an ironjawz spearhead is coming, just not yet. 

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

This is explicitly saying that an ironjawz spearhead is coming, just not yet. 

Which is only worth about as much as saying "we aren't beasting IJ". Soon tm is the same as never as far as anyone wanting to play Spearhead with their friends before 5th edition is concerned. It could be in 3 months or 3 years.

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3 hours ago, ArcLight said:

Something I've seen pointed out on Reddit is that the Waaagh! ability looks like it is Once per Battle for each hero that can use it, since it doesn't have the (Army) tag. That would make it much better to be able to have the +1 attack up more consistently in those big bubbles. 

you sure? If it was on a hero war scroll I'd agree, but its listed on the Army battle traits, which I would think means it only can be used once overall. 

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4 hours ago, Sahrial said:

I have no serious intent to start another army but that was a big feel for me with Kruleboyz. I thought they looked super neat and could see myself enjoying that.

Buy now!! It’s the best time to get into them before everything drops and you are paying retail again. I started collecting them like 3 months ago waiting them their stock to go up. It was a similar thing with nighthaunt. You could get soooo much stuff secondhand for cheap and then once 3.0 came around and the army got the proper attention and changes there was no more discount to be found!! Happy shopping!!!

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1 hour ago, Cataphract said:

I’ll make the bet for Friday Bldes of Khorne reveal with new Daemon Korgus Khul model

I had the same thought, would be awesome if they did but I won't get my hopes up. 

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2 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

you sure? If it was on a hero war scroll I'd agree, but its listed on the Army battle traits, which I would think means it only can be used once overall. 

When they say "army" is because the ability applies to multiple units

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3 hours ago, Cataphract said:

I’ll make the bet for Friday Bldes of Khorne reveal with new Daemon Korgus Khul model

I wouldn't get your hopes up, sadly. I don't think we will get any previews for the new Ironjawz spearhead or the new Khorgos Khul Daemon Prince model until after Vermintide releases, so as not to distract from the new launch box. 

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2 hours ago, Jetlife said:

Buy now!! It’s the best time to get into them before everything drops and you are paying retail again. I started collecting them like 3 months ago waiting them their stock to go up. It was a similar thing with nighthaunt. You could get soooo much stuff secondhand for cheap and then once 3.0 came around and the army got the proper attention and changes there was no more discount to be found!! Happy shopping!!!

But I already have technically four armies lol

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Two factions= One book. 

I think that is going to be how some of the faction growth (new factions) will be introduced and expanded on. LIke Malerion and shadow elves will be 1 of 2 factions along with daughters of khaine in a combined book for example. 


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8 hours ago, ArcLight said:

Something I've seen pointed out on Reddit is that the Waaagh! ability looks like it is Once per Battle for each hero that can use it, since it doesn't have the (Army) tag. That would make it much better to be able to have the +1 attack up more consistently in those big bubbles. 

Imho they're wrong. "Once per battle" clearly applies to the ability itself (picking a hero is part of the ability). Other allegiance ability are formulated similarly, like SCE's "heaven's sent".

As to the absence of the (Army) tag, I think it's just superfluous for a once per battle allegiance ability. Have we seen any "Once per battle(Army)" allegiance ability?

Edited by Marcvs
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11 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Faction pack means Battletome?

I think that pack structure refer to 3rd edition names. So it is possible that then 4th edition tomes will come up they could have different names and different structure. We only can wait to see. 

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5 hours ago, The Red King said:

Which is only worth about as much as saying "we aren't beasting IJ". Soon tm is the same as never as far as anyone wanting to play Spearhead with their friends before 5th edition is concerned. It could be in 3 months or 3 years.

Indeed! IJ players are rule out of the Spearhead mode. It's as simple as that. GW could have released Spearhead rules for IJ. The mini's are there, but they didn't. So if IJ players don't chose another faction they can't play Spearhead for weeks, months or years. Who knows with GW.

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44 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Indeed! IJ players are rule out of the Spearhead mode. It's as simple as that. GW could have released Spearhead rules for IJ. The mini's are there, but they didn't. So if IJ players don't chose another faction they can't play Spearhead for weeks, months or years. Who knows with GW.

yup kinda sux to not have them there as one of the coolast factions.. luckily spearhead is not a massiv investment (comparably) in time & money so hopefully those players can pick up something else decent.. 

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