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The Rumour Thread

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1 hour ago, ArkanautDadmiral said:

There’s an old world forum this can all go to. 

I don’t care about ToW in the slightest which makes it so frustrating when it’s brought up so much in the AoS threads.

At this point it just feels like ToW fans desperately trying to make it relevant, having to bring the conversation over here as there must not be enough interest in its own threads.

Enjoy your game but stop plastering it everywhere it doesn’t belong. 

I’m excited about BoK focus today. What sort of content started dropping after the faction focuses for Leviathan in the run up to release?

I actually feel it’s the opposite: a core of myopic AoS-only fans who feel weirdly threatened and upset that TOW appears not to have been the flop they anticipated/hoped for.

The assumptions and leaps of logic earlier in the thread - about how TOW’s actually doing really badly because no one wants those ugly old minis, you guys, they might not release the dwarfs - seemed far more nakedly partisan and unfounded than the relatively tentative high level commentary about how GW experienced some solid profits during the period when TOW was released. 

It’s a forums trend that I’d thought was waning but seems to have come roaring back.

Edited by sandlemad
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51 minutes ago, Tonhel said:


It seems some people are a little bit frustrated.

The fact remains that the GW financial year (June 2023-june 2024) was rock solid. The second part of this financial year was even better than the first part. And in that part TOW was released.

GW is doing very well and TOW is part of this success.

I am confident this will be mentioned in the upcoming report. I am already looking forward to the posts from @Peacaf, @Ejecutor and @cyrus saying its fake news from GW and that it are lies.


I didn't say it is fake news. Please don't put words in my mouth I didn't say. Just that I don't think ToW was the leader of those profits, but other sources and ToW was just another small agent like let's say Warcry or Underworlds.

Edited by Ejecutor
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Can we just all be happy that GW are doing really well as a company. They are sharing some of this success with their employees, to the tune of thousands of pounds each. Age of Sigmar has seen a ton of fantastic releases (model-wise) over the last year or more. Warhammer Fantasy (in its new guise as The Old World) has seen a new edition, with new models and a lot of re-released old models and plenty more on the horizon. 

Everything seems to be going well for both of GWs fantasy games (to whatever degree), so let's all be happy for the success of each others particular niche of the hobby as well as our own ❤️

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1 minute ago, ArcLight said:

Everything seems to be going well for both of GWs fantasy games (to whatever degree), so let's all be happy for the success of each others particular niche of the hobby as well as our own ❤️

I would agree with you here if the BoC scenario hadn't happened, but we will never know if this was caused by the release of ToW. My personal opinion is that it was. That's why I am a bit mistrustful of ToW, but now that it is rolling it shouldn't affect AoS anymore. In fact, new models would be also something cool for AoS. As an example, I bought the Bretonnian box so I can use the new Pegasus in my CoS, so please, bring us more plastic models that fit in CoS 😄

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Just now, Ejecutor said:

I did say it is fake news. Please don't put words in my mouth I didn't say. Just that I don't think ToW was the leader of those profits, but other sources and ToW was just another small agent like let's say Warcry or Underworlds.

Nobody is saying that TOW is the only thing responsible for this increase in pre-tax profit. But in the second more profitable part of this financial year TOW was released. So TOW had an impact on those figures in which extend only GW knows.

I tried to be as neutral as possible in my posts about the financial report, but yes I do believe TOW had a very positive impact on it.

It's sad that hear say about TOW flopping is more credible in this forum than financial figures. It is a bit worrisome.

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every time TOW is brought up in an AoS community and it leads to a flame war, an angel loses it's wings.  how does anyone have the energy to even care about this anymore?  how has this conversation happened every single day for the last ten years?  why the hell are we talking about financial reports to have console wars over plastic toys?  let alone financial reports without any clarifying detail????  the money goes to the same guy anyways, and he's ripping ALL of us off!

this hobby at it's core is about breaking a model's sword with your big sausage fingers, replacing the blade with a new weapon, giving the guy a custom name and lore, and then forgetting his most integral rule while you play in your buddy's garage.  not whatever the hell this is.

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Yeah, as someone that started with WHFB I got lots of love for TOW (despite not playing it currently) but I don‘t understand the hate from either side. AoS didn‘t kill WHFB, GW did, and now TOW coexists with AoS. Ideally I‘d like to see more new kits for TOW but the two games aren‘t really taking anything away from each other. I don‘t see this rivalry with 40k and HH and that arguably worsened the spees mahreen syndrome. 

I do however understand that people wanna share their opinions and preferences, so I think an emotional discussion isn‘t a bad thing per se. Everyone knows I got strong opinions on some things as well. Frankly all of us got some things they bring up all the time which might not interest 90% of the board. Silent people, dwarves, tzeentchian sorcerer-warriors in heavy armor - wait, scratch that last one, that‘s obviously a must! The rumour thread might not be the ideal spot for it tho! *wink wink*

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4 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

Can I ask what's rumoured to be coming for skaven please? To add to skaventide I've grabbed some stormfiends, a lightning cannon and a bell. It'll give me enough to play both spearheads. However, I can't seem to find what's predicted/ rumoured to be coming. If anyone could help, that'd be awesome :)


Thanks in advance!

What left in the SG Warhound list

  • Master moulder
  • Stormvermin
  • Globadiers/Skyre acolyte
  • Weapon team 
  • New Wolfrats
  • New Behemoth-->Brood terror
    • Witness the Arrival of the Winged Knight-Azyros and the Abhorrent Brood  Terror - Warhammer Community
  • Arch-warlock
  • New Verminlord name Vizzik Skour
  • New Warlock-->Galvaneer with warpvolt obliterator
    • War of Sigmar - New Skaven Clan Rats revealed and new Weapons team leaked ^^
  • A mighty warrior with black-fur, crimson armor and trophy rack. has an unnaturally loyal and obedient bodyguard regiments
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11 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

What left in the SG Warhound list

  • Master moulder
  • Stormvermin
  • Globadiers/Skyre acolyte
  • Weapon team 
  • New Wolfrats
  • New Behemoth-->Brood terror
    • Witness the Arrival of the Winged Knight-Azyros and the Abhorrent Brood  Terror - Warhammer Community
  • Arch-warlock
  • New Verminlord name Vizzik Skour
  • New Warlock-->Galvaneer with warpvolt obliterator
    • War of Sigmar - New Skaven Clan Rats revealed and new Weapons team leaked ^^
  • A mighty warrior with black-fur, crimson armor and trophy rack. has an unnaturally loyal and obedient bodyguard regiments

So am I correct that according to this rumour plague monks and night runners are not getting new models?

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7 minutes ago, Hollow said:

One of the main reasons I posted the information here is that the company is paying out £18 MILLION equally to all of its 2000+ employees! It is NOT all going to the same person, but many hundreds of designers, writers, creatives and workers that produce settings and games that people (including myself) love. I for one am very happy that all GW employees are getting bonuses and the company is doing well. You perhaps don't care? Ok... Great. 

And the most important bit, IMO, is that it has been shared equally. In my company, for example, there are annual bonuses but based on a % of your salary, so those earning more has also higher salaries. GW made a valiant move there.

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1 minute ago, TrawlingCleaner said:



Two thriving communities can absolutely coexist. People passionate and enjoying other things is ace and people enjoying the same things as me is ace 😁

I only see there Stormcasts and CoS joining forces.

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17 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

That's not true.

I am saying that the pre-tax profit of the second part of the financial report for June 2023 - June 2024 has an increase of 58% compared to the first part (June 2023-november 2023). In the first part Leviathan was released.

I posted that 40k sales are of another planet compared to the rest of what GW sells.

And since ToW , and only ToW , was released during second semester: ToW did better than Leviathan 😉👍


Nope ! True numbers but fake assumptions. 

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7 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

Two thriving communities can absolutely coexist.

The funny thing is, the ven diagram of ToW players/enjoyers and AoS players/enjoyers is nearly a circle. 

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30 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


That's disappointing a bit. Was hoping to go full original, but now considering some 3d printed models to replace the old stuff. Can't really understand why do they keep these ancient night runners, when even Tyranids got full update on 10th edition release.

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1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

I actually feel it’s the opposite: a core of myopic AoS-only fans who feel weirdly threatened and upset that TOW appears not to have been the flop they anticipated/hoped for.

The assumptions and leaps of logic earlier in the thread - about how TOW’s actually doing really badly because no one wants those ugly old minis, you guys, they might not release the dwarfs - seemed far more nakedly partisan and unfounded than the relatively tentative high level commentary about how GW experienced some solid profits during the period when TOW was released. 

It’s a forums trend that I’d thought was waning but seems to have come roaring back.

Appreciate your polite disagreement with me.

You might well be right, it’s not my experience though. The don’t know how often AoS fans are going to the ToW forum to talk about it there, because stay away from it because I’ve no interest. All I can speak for is seeing so much ToW discussion on the AoS threads.

I was frustrated when I wrote what I did so maybe it was a little harsh, I think more likely after reading more it’s complete apathy towards keeping the forum tidy.

Honestly no shade to ToW itself, I hope GW support it properly for everyone who likes it. When I say I don’t care about it I mean that in the same way I don’t care about it I mean that on the purest sense, no hidden meaning.

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13 minutes ago, Ookami said:

That's disappointing a bit. Was hoping to go full original, but now considering some 3d printed models to replace the old stuff. Can't really understand why do they keep these ancient night runners, when even Tyranids got full update on 10th edition release.

Some speculate that they will get refreshed via Warcry, but it has no base.

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The article was about the bonus GW employees received.

In the same article it was mentioned that pre-tax profit increased from 171 to 200 million for the financial year June 2023 - June 2024. We know what the pre-tax profit was for the first part of that financial year. So we know that the pre-tax profit for the second year had a big increase. I guess it will be around 58%.

After that everything went downhill fast.

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Just now, Tonhel said:

The article was about the bonus GW employees received.

In the same article it was mentioned that pre-tax profit increased from 171 to 200 million for the financial year June 2023 - June 2024. We know what the pre-tax profit was for the first part of that financial year. So we know that the pre-tax profit for the second year had a big increase. I guess it will be around 58%.

After that everything went downhill fast.

Would be interesting to know if there’s a general Consumer GW Product fatigue (I am experiencing it in my local Community).

I am affected as well.

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As for how financials could impact other rumours, with GW doing so well I find it harder and harder to believe that ANY of GW systems are being "carried" by other systems or are somehow "dead weight". I suspect that all GW systems are currently successful, so rather than seeing the removal of certain systems (Like Warcry) why not just make more? 

With the factory expansion hopefully completing in 2026, might we see another system set in AoS? What about a game set in the Age of Myth? Or during the Age of Chaos? Epic scale? Naval Combat? Airships? 

With so much more money to play with, projects that previously may never have been considered might be on the table... top. 

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Just now, JackStreicher said:

Would be interesting to know if there’s a general Consumer GW Product fatigue (I am experiencing it in my local Community).

I am affected as well.

From my experience in a few Whatsapp groups, it is pretty tied to the prices rising. Many people here in Spain don't get their salary raised as much as the GW prices.

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1 minute ago, Hollow said:

As for how financials could impact other rumours, with GW doing so well I find it harder and harder to believe that ANY of GW systems are being "carried" by other systems or are somehow "dead weight". I suspect that all GW systems are currently successful, so rather than seeing the removal of certain systems (Like Warcry) why not just make more? 

With the factory expansion hopefully completing in 2026, might we see another system set in AoS? What about a game set in the Age of Myth? Or during the Age of Chaos? Epic scale? Naval Combat? Airships? 

With so much more money to play with, projects that previously may never have been considered might be on the table... top. 

I don't agree. They have a higher revenue, yeah, but that doesn't mean they could remove a system if it is underperforming for a long period of time. A weird example here, IMO, is Cursed City. It was sold like crazy, but had a bunch of weird problems around that made him vanish. Everyone knew many of the SBGL minis were supposed to be launched for Cursed City, but they were in the end just launched as plain AoS minis and Cursed City just received some cardboard. And in this case I think we are talking about a successful product. Imagine one that is not performing well.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Imagine one that is not performing well.

I could. However, it would be much easier to imagine if GW wasn't in its 9th year of concurrent growth on the near eve of reporting another record-breaking couple of quarters. Apart from speculation (which is fun), I don't see many GW products underperforming that much. (It just wouldn't make sense for there to be many underperforming products in a company doing so well)

Cursed City was weird but it is still stocked. It's certainly been in Warhammer stores, online and FLGS that I've been in. 

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