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33 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

Does it mean my theory could be right about they removed BoC to let a free spot on another army with buff references (chorf) ? 

I don't think so. We had many bull related content between different armies. I think it is more related to the launch of ToW and giving them enough core armies without spetting in the AoS planning for the next editions/ releases.

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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

I did think abotu september, but if the reveal is on august, isn't september too close? It's just less than 30 days for preparing all the orders.

We have the box on the 13th of July. The contest votes start on the 15th of July until the 5th of August. Then we will have a preview, and another one at the end of August (Nova Open). By that time we would have seen both ranges. Make your bet with that info. I would say Sept/ Oct.

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51 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I don't think so. We had many bull related content between different armies. I think it is more related to the launch of ToW and giving them enough core armies without spetting in the AoS planning for the next editions/ releases.

I don't believe it anymore that BoC was moved to TOW because of TOW. TOW is probably just a convience to soften the bitter pil and this only works for people that are interested in TOW. The ones that aren't, basically lost their army.

We have only rumours.. nothing concrete of why and how. My guess is TOW was coming full force with all the factions of old, Chaos Dwarfs (The legacy Chaos Dwarfs armylist is almost of the same level as the core factions, it's the most fleshed out legacy faction.) and Cathay / Kislev.

That was imo the very early plan, than something changed (did they realize it was a to big of an investment, fear of failure or whatever). So the scope of the project changed to what it is now. Still fantastic, but ofcourse 50% of the factions are more or less legends only.

Now it isn't noticable, but when all the Arcane Journals are released + campaign books. The legacy factions will feel outdated. (Same as what will happen with BoC and BS in AoS, when all the other factions got their battletome).

Somewhere mid-late spring 2024 the scope of the project changed (again) and we will see in a year or more what it means. It can be pure marketing talk without zero effect. Which isn't unusual for GW. Or it means that maybe Cathay is coming or maybe a legacy faction becomes core or maybe it just means that all core factions get an additional Arcane journal. Lol, or it just means a new dice set.

Edited by Tonhel
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4 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

I don't believe it anymore that BoC was moved to TOW because of TOW. TOW is probably just a convience to soften the bitter pil and this only works for people that are interested in TOW. The ones that aren't, basically lost their army.

We have only rumours.. nothing concrete of why and how. My guess is TOW was coming full force with all the factions of old, Chaos Dwarfs (The legacy Chaos Dwarfs armylist is almost of the same level as the core factions, it's the most fleshed out legacy faction.) and Cathay / Kislev.

That was imo the very early plan, than something changed (did they realize it was a to big of an investment, fear of failure or whatever). So the scope of the project changed to what it is now. Still fantastic, but ofcourse 50% of the factions are more or less legends only.

Now it isn't noticable, but when all the Arcane Journals are released + campaign books. The legacy factions will feel outdated. (Same as what will happen with BoC and BS in AoS, when all the other factions got their battletome).

Somewhere mid-late spring 2024 the scope of the project changed (again) and we will see in a year or more what it means. It can be pure marketing talk without zero effect. Which isn't unusual for GW. Or it means that maybe Cathay is coming or maybe a legacy faction becomes core or maybe it just means that all core factions get an additional Arcane journal. Lol, or it just means a new dice set.

What about boc endless spell and terrain ? Just deleted ? Because there is no endless spell or terrain in tow right ?

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3 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

What about boc endless spell and terrain ? Just deleted ? Because there is no endless spell or terrain in tow right ?

I fear that, that will be the case. What the future will bring for Beastmen in TOW is also unclear. I mean it could be an update like Bretonnia or it could be like O&G. Which means zero new plastic sets and only two resin foot heroes. I do hope beastmen get cool stuf for TOW, but moving to TOW sadly doesn't mean lots of new stuff.

Edited by Tonhel
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2 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

I fear that, that will be the case. What the future will bring for Beastmen in TOW is also unclear. I mean it could be an update like Bretonnia or it could be like O&G. Which means zero new plastic sets and only two resin foot heroes. I do hope beastmen get cool stuf for TOW, but moving to TOW sadly doesn't mean lots of new stuff.

Did we saw darkoath with herdstone in a animation on WH+ ? Can’t find it anymore 

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12 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

I don't believe it anymore that BoC was moved to TOW because of TOW. TOW is probably just a convience to soften the bitter pil and this only works for people that are interested in TOW. The ones that aren't, basically lost their army.

We have only rumours.. nothing concrete of why and how. My guess is TOW was coming full force with all the factions of old, Chaos Dwarfs (The legacy Chaos Dwarfs armylist is almost of the same level as the core factions, it's the most fleshed out legacy faction.) and Cathay / Kislev.

That was imo the very early plan, than something changed (did they realize it was a to big of an investment, fear of failure or whatever). So the scope of the project changed to what it is now. Still fantastic, but ofcourse 50% of the factions are more or less legends only.

Now it isn't noticable, but when all the Arcane Journals are released + campaign books. The legacy factions will feel outdated. (Same as what will happen with BoC and BS in AoS, when all the other factions got their battletome).

Somewhere mid-late spring 2024 the scope of the project changed (again) and we will see in a year or more what it means. It can be pure marketing talk without zero effect. Which isn't unusual for GW. Or it means that maybe Cathay is coming or maybe a legacy faction becomes core or maybe it just means that all core factions get an additional Arcane journal. Lol, or it just means a new dice set.

From all the rumours we had, including some with decent sources, none of them ever mentioned a scope (because we had like 3-4 different scopes so far) including all the previous armies. In fact, what we currently have is the biggest in terms of factions of all the iterations the project had.

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7 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

I fear that, that will be the case. What the future will bring for Beastmen in TOW is also unclear. I mean it could be an update like Bretonnia or it could be like O&G. Which means zero new plastic sets and only two resin foot heroes. I do hope beastmen get cool stuf for TOW, but moving to TOW sadly doesn't mean lots of new stuff.

Maybe they can get a use for the terrain. The endless spells are more complicated to fit in.

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26 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

From all the rumours we had, including some with decent sources, none of them ever mentioned a scope (because we had like 3-4 different scopes so far) including all the previous armies. In fact, what we currently have is the biggest in terms of factions of all the iterations the project had.

Not really correct.

What we have now is certainly not the biggest of all the iterations the project had.

I.e https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/23/the-old-world-ice-guard-of-kislevgw-homepage-post-4fw-homepage-post-2/

I have to relisten to the TOW vids from the Honest Warhammer, but what we have now is certainly not what was on the tables in the early phase of the project.

Anyway don't want to start the argument again or fill this topic again with posts about TOW. 😉

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12 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

They could theoretically just use the BoC endless spells as a generic 'wild magic' manifestation lore, I suppose, though it would be a bit of a kick in the teeth.

That seems a bit mean, if they do that they also could have added various BoC units to StD.

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2 hours ago, Grunbag said:

Does it mean my theory could be right about they removed BoC to let a free spot on another army with buff references (chorf) ? 

Yes , I think so .

Probably AoS studio didn’t have any plan for Beastmen ( sadly for Beastmen players)

So They can free up a slot for chorfs in chaos and possibly design wise a slot for beasts of destruction.

There was a lot of discussion about moving BoC to destruction, in this way they can do it in a undirected way.



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40 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Yes , I think so .

Probably AoS studio didn’t have any plan for Beastmen ( sadly for Beastmen players)

So They can free up a slot for chorfs in chaos and possibly design wise a slot for beasts of destruction.

There was a lot of discussion about moving BoC to destruction, in this way they can do it in a undirected way.



This , or maybe they plan to split darkoath from STD later like they just splited orruk once both had enough unit to stand alone . 

counting darkoath they aren’t far from IJ or KB unit count . Maybe they are missing a bit centerpiece named hero and some archer unit . Herdstone has been seen on the darkoath animation so maybe it’s the way they planned to reuse the herdstone 


Edit : honestly even the BOC endless spells wouldn’t be weird with darkoath , the raven and the horn fit their design and the Taurus is Okayish 

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5 hours ago, Tonhel said:

 I can't imagine that they would drop the dispossessed from CoS in favour of TOW and than add a simular  replacement for AoS. So I don't think this will happen.

Why wouldn't they? Isn't that essentially what they did with some of the basic Freeguild troops? They did the same with the Seraphon refresh (Chameleon Skinks > Hunters of Huanchi, Salamanders > Spawn of Chotec, Saurus Knights > Aggradon Lancers).

I'm sure there are more examples out there that I can't think of too.

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I think the AoS setting is big enough and the game is healthy enough to support an expanded Fyreslayer and Kharadon range, a new Chorf Faction and a few new Dispossessed kits under the CoS banner. That would give AoS 4 distinct flavours of Duardin. If you consider Sylvaneth as an Aelven faction (I still do) then there are 4 flavours of Aelves in the setting. 

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46 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

Why wouldn't they? Isn't that essentially what they did with some of the basic Freeguild troops? They did the same with the Seraphon refresh (Chameleon Skinks > Hunters of Huanchi, Salamanders > Spawn of Chotec, Saurus Knights > Aggradon Lancers).

I'm sure there are more examples out there that I can't think of too.

Well can't use the seraphon example because


When comes down to replacements for Core factions equivalents they must find themselves an aesthetic and look that differ enough form 

the Freeguild had to drop the Landsknecht aesthetic all together to be more the Swiss mercenary aesthetic


Same thing with the Lumineth dipped themselves in Asian aesthetic with their existing Greek/Calaquendi aesthetic to differ themselves away from the High elf 

that because when they don't we get a O&G situation where they falter hard due to a better alternative new models that marketed far more than a decades old model that they found in the back warehouse and inflated the price 

The same thing is what predicted with Chaos Warriors

If dispossessed do continue on they won't be LoTR Dwarfs like this

A new King leads the Dwarfs into Warhammer The Old World

they probably a new identity made for them where it be to make them more Norse base or blend with the current 15th century Cities of Sigmar

The Art of Paul Bonner

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If we do get new Cities Duardin, then I'd expect them to follow the new Freeguild aesthetic - with their own twist.

GW has been pretty consistent about giving armies a unified design language, often with subthemes that take the baseline and put a different spin on it (Lumineth Temples, Darkoath, Ruination Chamber). I'd think a re-imagining of the Dispossessed would follow the same pattern.

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9 hours ago, cyrus said:

Yes , I think so .

Probably AoS studio didn’t have any plan for Beastmen ( sadly for Beastmen players)

So They can free up a slot for chorfs in chaos and possibly design wise a slot for beasts of destruction.

There was a lot of discussion about moving BoC to destruction, in this way they can do it in a undirected way.



Someone with head here. 

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2 hours ago, Davariel said:

If we do get new Cities Duardin, then I'd expect them to follow the new Freeguild aesthetic - with their own twist.

GW has been pretty consistent about giving armies a unified design language, often with subthemes that take the baseline and put a different spin on it (Lumineth Temples, Darkoath, Ruination Chamber). I'd think a re-imagining of the Dispossessed would follow the same pattern.

Yeah, I am curious what they will do. I hope duardin and the aelves stay in CoS. I liked them in 3th, so I hope they improve the concept even more and for me they don't have to focus on the current Freeguild aesthetics for them.

18 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Legacy factions are not coming in the early future. Wait until the next decade.

You didn't seem certain what will happen with Orruk Warclans, which is in the near future, So any predictions from you for the next 6 years for another game system do need a ton of salt. 😉

Edited by Tonhel
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1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

Yeah, I am curious what they will do. I hope duardin and the aelves stay in CoS. I liked them in 3th, so I hope they improve the concept even more and for me they don't have to focus on the current Freeguild aesthetics for them.

You didn't seem certain what will happen with Orruk Warclans, which is in the near future, So any predictions from you for the next 6 years for another game system do need a ton of salt. 😉

Oh come on. Out of context again, Orruk Warclans still alives for now, not how I wanted but at least is something.

And please, I support more your game than you. So please, shut up and be a little more ashamed defending a wishlist of a game that with people like you will be impossible.

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