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6 hours ago, Envyus said:

 Nah, they will likely be similar to how they were in the past.

The Legions of Hashut are a different thing to mere Chaos following Duardin.


Ok, and who will be their named hero if it is not this fallen Fyreslayer?

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3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I think we might be getting Chorfs sooner than most of us are expecting. Maybe the end of year big update slot? 

Yeah. Either that slot or the same slot of the next year.

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8 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I’m more excited for when we actually get our hands on the Indexes than I am for the box itself (Plus whatever narrative we end up getting can’t be any less interesting than 3rd Edition’s)

It's weird. I am trying to get excited but I just can't. I honestly don't care ;(


Well at least I'll be getting the Stormcast half from a Club mate.


Edited by Gaz Taylor
Removed sales bit
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4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I think we might be getting Chorfs sooner than most of us are expecting. Maybe the end of year big update slot? 

As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been another new army in the same year as the launch box for AoS or the last three editions of 40k. The earliest we can expect them is a launch box at the end of January, like 40k got with the Dark Angels this year. 

Edited by Chikout
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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

But having that in the lore and not using it would be such a waste... IMO :(

That happens always. Old names can be removed or not, but sometimes small pieces of Lore must be redone to fit a new faction more independent and interesting.

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2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

It's weird. I am trying to get excited but I just can't. I honestly don't care ;(


Wait for the preview of the next awesome release. You'll be hyped then, then when the release date comes, you won't care anymore either. ;)

This is what happens when a company hypes us too much too frequently : you just stop caring about the release itself, you only crave for the new stuff that will be announced next.

I honestly felt the same with 40k 10th edition. AoS 4th is going the same way, to me.

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10 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Wait for the preview of the next awesome release. You'll be hyped then, then when the release date comes, you won't care anymore either. ;)

This is what happens when a company hypes us too much too frequently : you just stop caring about the release itself, you only crave for the new stuff that will be announced next.

I honestly felt the same with 40k 10th edition. AoS 4th is going the same way, to me.

IMHO, it is not about the company but about the customers not putting a limit on themselves. I won't be hyped about everything as I have clear that I have two armies and that's all. It has to be something truly captivating for me to feel hyped about something outside of my area of interest to the point that I will collect it (as it happened with the FEC refresh when I only had 1 army xD), but I don't consider that falling to over-hyped products, but just really liking a new range whose lore was tempting me already.

For example, the next big hyped release? Chorfs. Will I be hyped about it? Nah. They are not my soup, but I would enjoy the release and all that comes around.

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I'am hyped AF. I don't care about skavens nor SCE, but it seems that 4th will be an edition that I can really enjoy (plis, don't FU Workshop).

The rumour about Chaos Dwarfs is really interesting for Duardin players, another 2d wave for KOs or Fyres would be awesome.

Spearhead seems to be fun and the last miniatures from 3rd edition are miles away than early ScE.

My only issues for this edition are not that important (customization, "Challenge" mechanic and better Campaign books being the main ones).

Lore is fine to Ok, but I'm cautious until I read 4th Core Book. 3rd ed Black Library books were really good. Gw, just go in the same direction.

So yeah, bring it on, I'm ready!

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16 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

This is what happens when a company hypes us too much too frequently : you just stop caring about the release itself, you only crave for the new stuff that will be announced next.

Yep. I've seen some people talking about how they deliberately avoid the hype train so that, when they actually get the product, the act of opening it is actually novel and exciting, rather than feeling like old news. It's a very sensible idea, though not necessarily easy to stick to.

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33 minutes ago, Beliman said:

(plis, don't FU Workshop).

It would be funny if the competitive scene notices something "unbalanced" in AoS 4th rules, then GW releases an "emergency balance update" that invalidates the written rules merely a month after release, like they did with 40k 10th.

Basically, how much time before we get a balance update / FAQ that you will have to add to the books you paid, and you have to jump on the meta game train for another hell ride to be "playing the game right".

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5 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

It would be funny if the competitive scene notices something "unbalanced" in AoS 4th rules, then GW releases an "emergency balance update" that invalidates the written rules merely a month after release, like they did with 40k 10th.

Basically, how much time before we get a balance update / FAQ that you will have to add to the books you paid, and you have to jump on the meta game train for another hell ride to be "playing the game right".

I am unwilling to take the bet against that.

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6 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

It would be funny if the competitive scene notices something "unbalanced" in AoS 4th rules, then GW releases an "emergency balance update" that invalidates the written rules merely a month after release, like they did with 40k 10th.

Basically, how much time before we get a balance update / FAQ that you will have to add to the books you paid, and you have to jump on the meta game train for another hell ride to be "playing the game right".

Give it another month as much.

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4 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

It's weird. I am trying to get excited but I just can't. I honestly don't care ;(


Well at least I'll be getting the Stormcast half from a Club mate.


Do you play the game? With the leaked stuff, I’ve now played two games using 4th scoring and commands and two Spearhead games. Each game was an absolute blast and felt like a breath of fresh air. 

I bought the box so I can hit the ground running teaching Spearhead at my local store. Will probably end up selling both sets of models.

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3 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

Do you play the game? With the leaked stuff, I’ve now played two games using 4th scoring and commands and two Spearhead games. Each game was an absolute blast and felt like a breath of fresh air.

I think that's part of the problem. We got so much information about the rules in 4th that we can have that weird situation of people not being part of playtesters actually playing 4th before 4th's actual release. To the point where some competitive reviewers can say they have several dozens of game experience behind them already. That's crazy.

To me, it's only natural some people get tired of a product that's barely coming out so fast.

Well, fortunately, most players aren't that extreme and can still enjoy playing the game at their pace. I'm really hoping GW doesn't release a FAQ / balance update too early, because that's what get the casual players out : "what ? the rules have changed already ? But I'm still learning them !".

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9 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

I think that's part of the problem. We got so much information about the rules in 4th that we can have that weird situation of people not being part of playtesters actually playing 4th before 4th's actual release. To the point where some competitive reviewers can say they have several dozens of game experience behind them already. That's crazy.

To me, it's only natural some people get tired of a product that's barely coming out so fast.

"Having a lot of information and seeing other people already play makes me less hyped about 4th ed" is kind of a weird take, not gonna lie.

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15 hours ago, Elarin said:

There will be a Spearhead: Fire & Jade Gaming Pack containing game board, terrain and cards. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced it next Sunday or in two-weeks time

New Starter Sets are coming for pre-order on the 27th of July

Do you know if core book and printed faction packs are coming along Spearhead: fire & jade ?



So this was release schedule last year for 10Th edition/ Leviathan:


June 2 - Core Rules / Quickstart Guide

June 5 - Leviathan Datasheets

June 8 - Tyranid Datasheets

June 9 - Space Marine Datasheets

June 10 - Leviathan Preorder

June 12 - "Other" Space Marine Datasheets (BA, DA, SW, etc.)

June 13 - Chaos Datasheets

June 14 - Imperium Datasheets (Sisters, Custodes, Guard, etc.)

June 15 - Xenos Datasheets

June 16 - Points / GT Pack

June 20 - Combat Patrol Datasheets

June 23 - Boarding Patrol Rules / Crusade Rules

June 24 - Leviathan release 



So if they follow the same pattern :

June 24 (Today) >> June 28 (Friday )Core rules, Quick start guide , Skaventide warscrolls , Skaven faction pack, Stormcast faction pack

JUNE 29 : SKAVENTIDE preorder

July 1 >> July 12 : Order faction pack, Chaos faction pack, Death faction pack, Destruction faction pack , Points/GT pack, Spearhead warscrolls , Path to glory , ???



Tentative : JULY 13 : solo preorder of Core book , Spearhead book, printed faction packs, terrain

 JULY 27 : Starter sets preorder (warrior , harbinger , extremis) 


Summer of Sigmar ! 😉👍

Edited by cyrus
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4 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

It's weird. I am trying to get excited but I just can't. I honestly don't care ;(


Well at least I'll be getting the Stormcast half from a Club mate.

You can't force yourself to be hyped about something. It's okay to be burnt out on it too and revisit it later.

My hype died temporarily after Seasons of War: Thondria. Though I was extremely excited for incarnates and exploring more regions of the mortal realms, Then the Incarnate was locked in an insanely expensive box of even more (mostly) ruins as terrain, and we didn't get another book like that.

Dawnbringers got me slightly interested again with the initial book having a FS hero, and from there the hype has been slowly building again. What surprisingly got me back into working on AoS was Warcry, which I now think is an even better system than AoS (though 4th looks extremely good too). FS finally got a dedicated warband and since then it's been a blast.

Reading novels also helped me get my hype back. Even though I didn't care for him in the world that was, I loved the Gotrek novels in AoS (even Blightslayer overall, though I wish more of Gotrek's character development carried over). The Drekki Flynt novels are also amazing. The Grombrindal novel was great too (though I never got the chance to get my hands on a hardback version). I love reading about all the wacky and out-there stuff in the realms.

The prospect of a new FS wave in 4th and the FS anniversary model have started to me refining my painting skills again. The FS Warband is an ideal project for that, and I already have my spearhead ready for when the rules release! The full FS rules for AoS look amazing, and I can't wait to pick up the 4th core book!


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4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

"Having a lot of information and seeing other people already play makes me less hyped about 4th ed" is kind of a weird take, not gonna lie.

Just means you have less to discover yourself once you have the book in your own hands. That's why you get less hyped on the product when you actually have it : you already have most of it spoiled online.

The same situation is with movie trailers spoiling the entire story. You can still watch it, sure, but you won't have the same feeling than if you didn't see the trailer before.

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