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12 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Just means you have less to discover yourself once you have the book in your own hands. That's why you get less hyped on the product when you actually have it : you already have most of it spoiled online.

The same situation is with movie trailers spoiling the entire story. You can still watch it, sure, but you won't have the same feeling than if you didn't see the trailer before.

I feel like it’s pretty different. Movies you watch - war games you do. It’s also a lot easier to avoid reviews for Sigmar than movie trailers and/or spoilers if that’s what you want to do. 

I will say the hype cycle feels too long. I know the 13th is great for Skaven, but this should’ve released in June - not July.

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9 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

I feel like it’s pretty different. Movies you watch - war games you do. It’s also a lot easier to avoid reviews for Sigmar than movie trailers and/or spoilers if that’s what you want to do. 

I will say the hype cycle feels too long. I know the 13th is great for Skaven, but this should’ve released in June - not July.

I just really hope they put the faction packs up soon so we can all start brewing up lists again. They are perfectly positioned for it now, after all the faction focuses are over.

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Hopefully the they release every army index this week. It would be great to give people a couple of weeks to prepare for 4th and it could work in their favour since people will see the new warscrolls and points that could cause them to go out and buy more models in preparation.

Hopefully though now the way endless spells work they do make sure that they are constantly in production since it really feels like a lot more people are going to get them now that they are free.

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1 minute ago, Vaellas said:

Hopefully the they release every army index this week. It would be great to give people a couple of weeks to prepare for 4th and it could work in their favour since people will see the new warscrolls and points that could cause them to go out and buy more models in preparation.

Hopefully though now the way endless spells work they do make sure that they are constantly in production since it really feels like a lot more people are going to get them now that they are free.

More likely next week for indexes

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Warscroll Builder is being sunset. A new app will follow, but whether or not it'll have website integration is another story (I hope so, being able to faff with lists on my desktop was one of the better things about it).


Tony originally created Warscroll Builder to help his local gaming community, but it soon became popular with fans around the world. We were so impressed by it, that we partnered up with Tony and gave the roster builder an official home here on Warhammer Community in 2017.

But after seven years, and with big changes to army construction coming in the new edition, Tony has decided not to keep updating the program, and plans to move on to new things. This means that the Warscroll Builder will be removed in the coming weeks as the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar launches.


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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Warscroll Builder is being sunset. A new app will follow, but whether or not it'll have website integration is another story (I hope so, being able to faff with lists on my desktop was one of the better things about it).


Really hoping they make a desktop version. I am not looking forward to doing all my list building on my phone.

Or worse, in Microsoft Excel. 😩

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4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Warscroll Builder is being sunset. A new app will follow, but whether or not it'll have website integration is another story (I hope so, being able to faff with lists on my desktop was one of the better things about it).


That's sad. I love when GW give a push to community driven projects.

Edited by Ejecutor
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Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Really hoping they make a desktop version. I am not looking forward to doing all my list building on my phone.

Or worse, in Microsoft Excel. 😩

Honestly, the tool is not that tricky. It is purely all about the data. Mantinaing it all has to be a nightmare, and such a game breaker change... not worth for the guy.

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1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Really hoping they make a desktop version. I am not looking forward to doing all my list building on my phone.

Or worse, in Microsoft Excel. 😩

If you want a web-based list builder look at newrecruit. Its what I've been using for a while now

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1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

Just means you have less to discover yourself once you have the book in your own hands. That's why you get less hyped on the product when you actually have it : you already have most of it spoiled online.

The same situation is with movie trailers spoiling the entire story. You can still watch it, sure, but you won't have the same feeling than if you didn't see the trailer before.

To me it's the opposite. If there's no information, what is there to be excited about?

Without the trailer, I would probably not have watched the movie in the first place.

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

My hype died temporarily after Seasons of War: Thondria. Though I was extremely excited for incarnates and exploring more regions of the mortal realms, Then the Incarnate was locked in an insanely expensive box of even more (mostly) ruins as terrain, and we didn't get another book like that.

Wth, it started right there with me too. It simply got worse and worse and worse afterwards. Price hike, whacky general's hand books, really badly written Crusade book, price hikes again, culling of Stormcasts. Idk. Sellin most of my armies feels like the right thing to do right now. I am pretty certain it's hobby burnout without actually doing that much hobby to begin with. Maybe release cycle burnout?

TOW is fine for me but my interest in anything tabletop is strongly deminished

2 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

Do you play the game? With the leaked stuff, I’ve now played two games using 4th scoring and commands and two Spearhead games. Each game was an absolute blast and felt like a breath of fresh air. 

Not yet, it might help. the moment I read scoring I got the feeling of a chore and I mentally logged out XD
(it's combined late AoS with 40K 7th Post Traumatic-Tablet Top - Syndrome)
I've watched the Warhammer+ Battle report which was fine I guess. All the other coverage online made me quit after 5 minutes. (not enough might have changed to spice it up for me? Or the game simply isn't for me anymore)

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Edited by JackStreicher
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1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

Wth, it started right there with me too. It simply got worse and worse and worse afterwards.
TOW is fine for me but my interest in anything tabletop is somewhat deminished

We clearly missed two Season of War books, so it is normal that GW couldn't maintain the attention of some players, as what we got has been clearly a patch, but hopefully, with the Skavendoom, all become more exciting.

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1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

Wth, it started right there with me too. It simply got worse and worse and worse afterwards.
TOW is fine for me but my interest in anything tabletop is somewhat deminished

It's not too surprising that it started there. Community sentiment became relatively negative at that point and there was nowhere to really discuss AoS anymore without conversations derailing into unrelated negativity quickly. That's what started the decline of my hype for AoS.

The TOW discussions and release in the following period also contributed to it, a lot of AoS content and discussions started getting spammed by TOW comments, and official reveal streams were flooded with AoS negativity. It got so bad that the Age of Sigmar subreddit had to ban TOW/WFB talk entirely. Even posts on different fora (e.g. posts on the Fyreslayer subreddit often had at least one comment about how 'old slayers are better') kept getting derailed to AoS vs TOW. I just wanted to talk about paint schemes, new model reveals and AoS lore but even the AoS lore subreddit got flooded in TOW posts. And as somebody who doesn't really care about TOW, not being able to go anywhere without seeing posts or comments like 'TOW is GW admitting AoS was a mistake' got tiring.

I stopped interacting with online AoS communities for a while after that and only checking for rumours and leaks occasionally, that helped for me. And when I'm hyped now, I usually only talk to it about my friends who also play AoS since they are a lot less likely to diminish my hype with negativity. I'm happy to be hyped again about a game I love again. I've got Warcry to be excited about now, I'm waiting for news of a new Gotrek AoS novel, I'm trying to get my hands on a Brakki of the Gilded Key model and really wanting to dip my toes into AoS4 since the rules and lore look like a lot of fun. As long as I discuss things with people who also like AoS, I'll stay hyped. It doesn't need to be positivity all the time, but a generally positive vibe goes a long way.

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34 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:


Thanks to the web designer that maintained and updated the site for 3 editions ! 

BTW I was reflecting on AOS1, and oh boy was that a great, exciting if chaotic, time. Got a look at my old "Community Rules" folder with SCGT, Heelanhammer, Warhammer World comps, Hinterlands proto-skirmish, unofficial battletomes, etc. Nostalgia. 

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6 hours ago, Chikout said:

As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been another new army in the same year as the launch box for AoS or the last three editions of 40k. The earliest we can expect them is a launch box at the end of January, like 40k got with the Dark Angels this year. 

I fully expect Chorfs for AoS, (& Emperors Children for 40k) to drop in 2025. 2025 does not feature the summer launch of a new edition of either 40k or AoS. There will be significant releases for both systems to make up the shortfall. (I expect we will see new stuff for both HH and ToW as well as other games, I wouldn't be surprised to see a new box for Quest 40k) 


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5 minutes ago, cyrus said:

@Nezzhil what do you think about this rumors ? Big waagh as pdf ??

I think Bob is reffering to this : 

" All of the rules for the Ironjawz and the Kruleboyz will both come together in the Orruk Warclans Faction Pack. They are functionally two separate factions, but the pack contains a full set of battle traits, enhancements, battle formations, and warscrolls for each. "

from :https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/06/19/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-faction-focus-ironjawz/

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33 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

If you want a web-based list builder look at newrecruit. Its what I've been using for a while now

Yeah. I stumbled on newrecruit for TOW. Bought a sub for a year and I will certainly use it for AoS if the AoS official app is not good enough.

I can highly recommend newrecruit. It's also very handy when playing a game to keep track of everything.

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3 minutes ago, Hollow said:

I fully expect Chorfs for AoS, (& Emperors Children for 40k) to drop in 2025. 2025 does not feature the summer launch of a new edition of either 40k or AoS. There will be significant releases for both systems to make up the shortfall. (I expect we will see new stuff for both HH and ToW as well as other games, I wouldn't be surprised to see a new box for Quest 40k) 


I mean, for HH alone there is the plastic Mechanicum launch that is to come. 

10 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

I think Bob is reffering to this : 

" All of the rules for the Ironjawz and the Kruleboyz will both come together in the Orruk Warclans Faction Pack. They are functionally two separate factions, but the pack contains a full set of battle traits, enhancements, battle formations, and warscrolls for each. "

from :https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/06/19/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-faction-focus-ironjawz/

To me, that reads that GW is putting Ironjawz and Kruleboyz in a faction pack, but doesn't have ways to combine them.

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