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The Rumour Thread

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19 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


All my love for you and your family!

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21 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


Absolutely fantastic news on both fronts, congratulations!

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24 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


Congratulations on both fronts! Much love to you and your family ❤️

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33 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


I take that as confirmation for this old Rumour Engine 💙


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48 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


Wow! That's amazing. Congratulations on both counts!

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59 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


That's better than an Ogors refresh. Gz! Is the first little one, right? Enjoy it!

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


Congrats! and welcome to the Realm of Earth baby Brodd! 

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


This is the best news, congratulations brother, to you and the family. So so happy for you.


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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


Congratulations and great news about you being cancer free! 

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3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

"Don't worry, you will see a lot more war machines on the table pretty soon".

Awhile back one of the newer rumor folks said they saw a catapult troll from the hobbit. I do wonder if this actually turns out to be for krules or gitmob instead. 🤞

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Whilst putting together kit lists for the factions it began to stand out how few Warmachines and "Vehicle" kits there are across the AoS Ranges. There are lots of Character, Infantry and Monster kits, but very few "built" instruments of war. Here's hoping the Chorfs influence the setting and we see more weapons of war for factions in the future. 

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


Amazing news and I am so happy for you my friend. The dynasty continues and cancer has learned a valuable lesson to not mess with the Gargant King!

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


Congratulations! I will make a toast for you and your family!

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19 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Whilst putting together kit lists for the factions it began to stand out how few Warmachines and "Vehicle" kits there are across the AoS Ranges. There are lots of Character, Infantry and Monster kits, but very few "built" instruments of war. Here's hoping the Chorfs influence the setting and we see more weapons of war for factions in the future. 

I looked into this before, as well, and at the time I did it was mostly just a few odd chariots and artillery pieces. Outliers were Skaven, KO and the Cities of Sigmar, whose war machines go beyond that.

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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I looked into this before, as well, and at the time I did it was mostly just a few odd chariots and artillery pieces. Outliers were Skaven, KO and the Cities of Sigmar, whose war machines go beyond that.

This is pure wishlist stuff but I would love to see an AoS take on this bad boy - 


With Grand Alliance Siege Weapons packs with battering rams, ladders and siege towers. A pack of CoS Walls and gates would be cool as well. 


Edited by Hollow
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Btw, someone from the role-playing industry told me recently that AoS is spiking in popularity, both in wargame and roleplaying terms, but that as D&D is doing poorly lately some people who work with D&D are starting to be afraid of AoS.

IMO it is good news. The more players/ enthusiasts the merrier.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

IMO it is good news. The more players/ enthusiasts the merrier.

...and the higher the chance GW re-releases Mordheim. 

Now, I don't know EXACTLY how that logic works, but it's not like anyone could prove me wrong either, so there.

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, someone from the role-playing industry told me recently that AoS is spiking in popularity, both in wargame and roleplaying terms, but that as D&D is doing poorly lately some people who work with D&D are starting to be afraid of AoS.

IMO it is good news. The more players/ enthusiasts the merrier.

AoS is boomin ... 4th edition is so far a huge miracle

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3 hours ago, Grunbag said:

I don’t see the point giving a generic information that won’t affect the army at all . It’s like precise that a SoB buff won’t affect a SoB CAVALERY unit . 

SoB Mammoth cavalry confirmed !!!

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Posted (edited)

Would be awesome for Gloomspite to get a war machine or two back. Doom divers are missed, and squig-apults are desired. Would also be a lot of fun for Flesh Eaters to lean even further into the “used to be Bretonnia” vibe and get a war machine or two.

Edited by Warboss Gorbolg
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10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, someone from the role-playing industry told me recently that AoS is spiking in popularity, both in wargame and roleplaying terms, but that as D&D is doing poorly lately some people who work with D&D are starting to be afraid of AoS.

IMO it is good news. The more players/ enthusiasts the merrier.

Its going to be interesting how DnD 5.5 will be doing.

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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


Congrats on both counts! That's really great to hear.

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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.



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20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, someone from the role-playing industry told me recently that AoS is spiking in popularity, both in wargame and roleplaying terms, but that as D&D is doing poorly lately some people who work with D&D are starting to be afraid of AoS.

IMO it is good news. The more players/ enthusiasts the merrier.

I would be wildly surprised if AoS was even a blip on the radar of 99% of people working on D&D products.

AoS: Soulbound is fun but it's a very small fish in the rpg pond, while D&D remains the blue whale taking up most of the space and the oxygen from everyone else crammed in around it.

I am, of course, hoping it's true that AoS is genuinely spiking in popularity, and that it's going to go from strength to strength as a product, IP, and game in the future! I just doubt the D&D head honchos have the slightest tremor of fear about AoS.

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2 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Its going to be interesting how DnD 5.5 will be doing.

at the risk of derailing the thread massively, i'm really interested too.  i've been playing 5e for 8 years now and even DM'd it for a job for a year, and it is by no means a perfect system.  a ground-up update is pretty necessary just to keep up with the times and fix some long-standing issues.  with that being said, they just can't seem to generate hype around New/5.5/6e DnD and they really don't seem to have any unifying design principles beyond keeping most of 5e relatively intact.  my guess as to why is that they're terrified of killing their golden goose by making a new edition and scaring off all the 5e players, but i've been shown nothing that impresses me so far.

the idea of WoTC being scared of AoS is a little funny though.  as much as I enjoyed Soulbound, it's ultimately a supplementary product to Age of Sigmar.  you're greatly confined to the GW-approved experience, being models they've made with their own specific lore and weapons and what ever else have you; there's very little character to build in Soulbound.  it's also just a very simple system in terms of rules depth.  this doesn't make it bad, far from it, but there's not a ton of crunch even compared to 5e which is already comparatively streamlined.  if you showed a 5e player the spell list for a Soulbound caster i think they'd faint.

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