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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

But if they want they can just go "pum", mini, "pum", mini, "pum", next game and more minis. Most of the time the complaints I see about previews is that they "talk a lot". So condensing more minis would sort that.

When it was just the presenters talking about how they "were definitely considering an X army after seeing that model" for a strict ten minutes it was pretty bleh, but I actually quite liked the more in-depth interviews with the actual designers/writers they did for the last set of reveals. Getting some more details out of them rather than waiting for WarCom/influencer leaks was an improvement.

If they just throw out models and models alone it'd be over in ten minutes and I think GW prefers making an 'event' of these things, so I doubt we'll ever just see a rapid-fire of new models one after the other without an interlude of people talking.


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18 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Between that inquisitor and that one new Custodes guy, 40k models are kinda starting to look like knock-off Stormcast right now.

Well, well, well! How the turn tables...

Should we tell you? 🤔😆 

It‘s definitely the other way around but who cares, the new SC are lovely models. 👍

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43 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I find even weirder the human. It has... something that I cannot identify but it looks weird.

I think the problem is that he has the proportions of a baby and the armour suggests the shape of a diaper. Not exactly a cool and imposing figure.

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

Some Soulbound news at least finally!

Hopefully we get Champions of Chaos and some other more substantial stuff soon.

I think Champions of Chaos will be delayed until we get Chorfs.

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

Some Soulbound news at least finally!

Hopefully we get Champions of Chaos and some other more substantial stuff soon.

I'm crushed that Champions of Chaos almost definitely won't have playable beastmen.


On the one hand C7 is the best place for offshoot lore things (like the beasts now) but on the other hand VERY few playable classes are not AoS minis.

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3 minutes ago, The Red King said:

I'm crushed that Champions of Chaos almost definitely won't have playable beastmen.


On the one hand C7 is the best place for offshoot lore things (like the beasts now) but on the other hand VERY few playable classes are not AoS minis.

The biggest limitations of using a Warhammer IP, only use what we have already produce.


edit: then again they been using the now discontinued excelsior warpriest.


Edited by novakai
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Is it safe to say the Dawnbringers Crusade book is probably cancelled at this point? I remember them talking about it a very long time ago and it was the supplement I was most looking forward to. I figured the reveals of the new Cities of Sigmar stuff were what delayed any news, but we're approaching a year since then.

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44 minutes ago, novakai said:

The biggest limitations of using a Warhammer IP, only use what we have already produce.


edit: then again they been using the now discontinued excelsior warpriest.


They've been using the priest for a while but that could easily be because he was a "launch hero" from before GW decided to step in and "correct" C7. 

I haven't followed it as much lately but I don't think any of the newer books have options for non AoS minis as characters.

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49 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Is it safe to say the Dawnbringers Crusade book is probably cancelled at this point? I remember them talking about it a very long time ago and it was the supplement I was most looking forward to. I figured the reveals of the new Cities of Sigmar stuff were what delayed any news, but we're approaching a year since then.

can you elaborate what you mean Dawnbringer crusade book? like you mean like Season of War or like a Soulbound supplement?

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16 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

can you elaborate what you mean Dawnbringer crusade book? like you mean like Season of War or like a Soulbound supplement?

A C7 Souldbound book about the Crusades.

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

Some Soulbound news at least finally!

Hopefully we get Champions of Chaos and some other more substantial stuff soon.

I love the cover with the Idonth Grecian Fresco of sharks while the party is swarm by namaris with a dark blue hue lighting the room sell the AOS Atlantis

The preview of Ruins of Karaznethil was pretty great while it annoyed me a bit that they had to chaos bomb another cool location (Especial a cool Khazalid Karak) the fact that one of the ending is literally retaking the Karak and rebuilding lessen that annoyance. Plus it was fill with cool Chamon, Dwarf & Sylvanth lore

so seeing the full thing would be a treat

btw @JackStreicher those Dwarf shield bearers design was also used in the artwork of that campaign (pic below)

Karaznethil - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum

2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

And this kinda confirms that they moved this away from a cancelled preview.

Wonder if next week they're going to have to Monday reveal of Kill team Jump-pack Tempestus Scions and Vespid Stingwing or are they going to wait until NOVA 

1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Between that inquisitor and that one new Custodes guy, 40k models are kinda starting to look like knock-off Stormcast right now.

Well, well, well! How the turn tables...

it wild that im seeing 40k fans jealous that the Lord Terminos is far better than their model


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18 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Did they ever announced it?

On a blog post from way back in 2001.


The Dawnbringer Crusades

The forces of Order march forward from the great Cities of Sigmar to reclaim the Mortal Realms. Thousands answer the call of the Dawnbringer Crusades. Few will survive the brutal reality of life beyond the walls.

The Dawnbringer Crusades is a guide to building your own settlement in the Mortal Realms. The book dives into the lore and history of the Dawnbringer Crusades, and offers GMs and players advice on building their own fledgling settlements. Where is your settlement? What resources are available? What threats does it face? The Dawnbringer Crusades also includes two sample settlements to use in your own campaign.

The Dawnbringer Crusade is expected to release in PDF in Q2 of 2022, and in stores Q3.

Interestingly Ruins of the Past is also on there, so maybe there is still some hope given it's similarly appeared after being originally stated for two and a bit years ago.

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

But if they want they can just go "pum", mini, "pum", mini, "pum", next game and more minis. Most of the time the complaints I see about previews is that they "talk a lot". So condensing more minis would sort that.

and if they didn't talk those complaints would be "wow just showed pics of the models? why even stream that!"

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8 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Prices of the week!

I tend to collect the Getting Started with AoS magazine, but 15 € is starting to hurt. The first edition one was 5€, the one from the 2nd edition was 6,50 € and the 3rd edition one was 12 €.


87.50 euros for the Starter Set - anyone know what this translates to for USD pricing? I will straight up buy this inside a GW store if it'll be 100 USD.

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GW are not responding to any questions on their social media right now, they're not even giving their typical non-answears to people asking legitimate questions.

Maybe we can expect a damage control model reveal tomorrow to remove the heat from today's blunder?

Maybe even a reveal for a non-40k army to really get people's eyes off girth lord?

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6 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

87.50 euros for the Starter Set - anyone know what this translates to for USD pricing? I will straight up buy this inside a GW store if it'll be 100 USD.

Think they are all called now Starter Set. The big one is 170 €.

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3 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

GW are not responding to any questions on their social media right now, they're not even giving their typical non-answears to people asking legitimate questions.

Maybe we can expect a damage control model reveal tomorrow to remove the heat from today's blunder?

Maybe even a reveal for a non-40k army to really get people's eyes off girth lord?

That's why it was minis in plural. They already had the counter damage release ready 😅

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25 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Think they are all called now Starter Set. The big one is 170 €.

it's Starter Set and Ultimate Starter, but either way what are the conversions :P

29 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Maybe we can expect a damage control model reveal tomorrow to remove the heat from today's blunder?

what blunder? the new codex?

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