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Just curious since I don't remember seeing this "leak" in the forums, but I saw this floating around. It seems to me it fits too well with people wishes, so any one heard anything to semi confirm/deconfirm this? 


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38 minutes ago, BlazerVX said:

Just curious since I don't remember seeing this "leak" in the forums, but I saw this floating around. It seems to me it fits too well with people wishes, so any one heard anything to semi confirm/deconfirm this? 


Warclans seems already a big red flag of the plausibility for this "rumor" as seems pretty obvious they'll get split.

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5 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Warclans seems already a big red flag of the plausibility for this "rumor" as seems pretty obvious they'll get split.

True but I can equally mention that the City wave and Chaos Dwarf teaser are a major green flags for me... you know not in terms of reliability but in terms of sweet, sweet copium! 

Add Darkmech and Malerion to that list and then you have Neverchosen approved rumour!

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3 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

True but I can equally mention that the City wave and Chaos Dwarf teaser are a major green flags for me... you know not in terms of reliability but in terms of sweet, sweet copium! 

Add Darkmech and Malerion to that list and then you have Neverchosen approved rumour!

Chaos dwarves were already teased\rumored before that "leak"(from this forum nonetheless also)....and city waves 2 is the most obvious thing to happen considering how "important" they are.
Is a mix of safe bets,previous rumors and made up nonsense.

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1 minute ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Chaos dwarves were already teased\rumored before that "leak"(from this forum nonetheless also)....and city waves 2 is the most obvious thing to happen considering how "important" they are.
Is a mix of safe bets,previous rumors and made up nonsense.

Oh I meant the specifics of the Cities rumour sounds like a great wave. I am excited no matter what it brings but robust Dispossessed focus and some really cool sounding Human models just feels particularly awesome. But my tongue was firmly in cheek as a lot of the list seems fundamentally like wish listing based on established rumours.  

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1 hour ago, BlazerVX said:

Just curious since I don't remember seeing this "leak" in the forums, but I saw this floating around. It seems to me it fits too well with people wishes, so any one heard anything to semi confirm/deconfirm this? 


We commented this time ago and the consensus was it was false. As you said, it matches too much of what we are saying here and there.

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55 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

"Internet is on fire" with Torquemada. Hopefully we get something decent tomorrow, but sadly, to calm down the waters, it would have to be 40k related.


I have to say I read the Inquisition article and understood it less than the Wikipedia article on Tomás de Torquemada. Like are Death Watch part of this book or just like a new way of allying Space Marines (lets leave this rhetorical as this is an AOS board and I can look up real answers later)

I think 40k fans tend to get angry at everything that isn't a space marine... but will never fail to complain about another space marine. It is a symptom of having a large fan base where negative opinions tend to be loudest. Personally I think it is a downgrade but honestly it is one ugly dude in power armour replacing another ugly dude in power armour. Even if I prefer the older model it is not miles better. So I feel like GW can pretty easily ignore this controversy and just see a slight uptick on the old model before it goes entirely out of stock.

If they really wish to increase customer satisfaction they just showcase some more cuddly rat boys and just reveal that Darkmech have actually discovered the powers of warpstone which mutated them into anthropomorphic rats. Then 40k players can enjoy a nicely sculpted AOS army of their own. 

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

"Internet is on fire" with Torquemada. Hopefully we get something decent tomorrow, but sadly, to calm down the waters, it would have to be 40k related.

Blood Angels next for 40k, according to Valrak - that should do it

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2 hours ago, BlazerVX said:

Just curious since I don't remember seeing this "leak" in the forums, but I saw this floating around. It seems to me it fits too well with people wishes, so any one heard anything to semi confirm/deconfirm this? 


You can tell it’s BS because it involves giving the Idoneth stuff. 

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Valarak video about the new Agent of the Imperium codex said somethings

  • The next Reveal Show is the Slaughter of Hel Crown on August of 10th
  • there will be some 40k stuff but will put those video out the closer that date get
  • Blood Angle wave is next
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7 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Valarak video about the new Agent of the Imperium codex said somethings

  • The next Reveal Show is the Slaughter of Hel Crown on August of 10th
  • there will be some 40k stuff but will put those video out the closer that date get
  • Blood Angle wave is next

I really doubt they will reveal something for 40K at Hel  Crown preview : Battle of Oghram preview was all about Tyranids.

I think they will use model monday slot to preview something as it happened yesterday with imperial agents until end of august when NOVA open preview happens ( It should be around 28th/29th of august this year)

Last year we had reveals for 7 different games




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13 hours ago, BlazerVX said:

Just curious since I don't remember seeing this "leak" in the forums, but I saw this floating around. It seems to me it fits too well with people wishes, so any one heard anything to semi confirm/deconfirm this? 


Um, curious about the "Skavens and stormcasts are already there". Could be implying an early release on september for Hel Crown's winner?

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42 minutes ago, cyrus said:

I really doubt they will reveal something for 40K at Hel  Crown preview : Battle of Oghram preview was all about Tyranids.

I think they will use model monday slot to preview something as it happened yesterday with imperial agents until end of august when NOVA open preview happens ( It should be around 28th/29th of august this year)

Last year we had reveals for 7 different games

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Really the next big thing going for 40k for august-september was Agents, and that already got revealed. Seems to me like the blood angels and guard reveals could take a while longer while the rats and stormcasts release.

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1 minute ago, Garrac said:

Um, curious about the "Skavens and stormcasts are already there". Could be implying an early release on september for Hel Crown's winner?

Skaven and Stormcast are already out there, meaning we already have leaks about them.

Which is true for Skaven but not so much for Stormcast so another point why is likely fake

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The only reason I could see for a combined Orruk Warclans tome at the moment is in order to slap in a Big Waaagh army of renown early on in the edition, do a small initial release with the book just to tide things over, with the intention to then give KB and IJ their own separate battletomes (and likely a decent release wave for KB) much later in the edition. It's not like we haven't had factions get two battletomes in one edition before.

It doesn't feel likely, mind, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

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14 hours ago, BlazerVX said:

Just curious since I don't remember seeing this "leak" in the forums, but I saw this floating around. It seems to me it fits too well with people wishes, so any one heard anything to semi confirm/deconfirm this? 


Too many Battletomes during 2024.

Too many "multiple kits" releases in a short period.

The Cities wave is TOO big to be real.

AoS is not 40k.

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Nobody can be certain but if I had to place a bet, I would guess that Orruk Warclans will remain as a single Battletome.

A single Battletome with 2 Spearhead boxes. (I suspect that this Imperial Agents release is like a proof of concept of what we may see for factions in both 40k and AoS going forward) A single book with several Combat Patrol/Spearhead-type boxes comprised mostly of existing miniatures.

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22 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Too many Battletomes during 2024.

Too many "multiple kits" releases in a short period.

The Cities wave is TOO big to be real.

AoS is not 40k.

I agree. This list was posted before but it just has way too much stuff in it.

The only credible thing in there is the Cogfort, which @Whitefang back me up mentioned. With the recent reveal of the Agents of the Imperium codex, they have been 100% correct so far, I believe, so I think the existence of a Cogfort kit is highly credible.

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