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7 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Alright, locking in predictions for the preview;


  • Krieg teaser
  • Something Eldar


  • Chaos Sorcerer
  • Medium-big chariot / manticore equivalent
  • Surprise new unit / character
  • Campaign book + more terrain?

Kill Team

  • Orks (hoping for both Kill Teams to be shown)


  • SCE vs Mini-Doomwheel Skaven
  • Hope for Chorf tease


  • Campaign book or something
  • Show off the leaked and revealed stuff again

It's interesting that you mention terrain in the narrative book. What kind of terrain could it be? Considering we kind of agree the book is very likely Darkoath revenging the Skavens... Darkoath or Skaven terrain?

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I was just looking at Warcom, cool to see "Warhammer 40,000, The Ultimate Guide" Coffee table book covering Miniatures, Factions, Lore, Artwork and the Universe, written by Guy Haley and Gav Thorpe being released. Hopefully, this is testing the waters, does well and leads to something similar for Age Of Sigmar. Been calling for these types of publications for ages. 



It's published by DK books, hardback, good quality, full colour, 336 pages and £35. 2 pounds cheaper than -100 page Battletomes. 

Edited by Hollow
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Once again asking certain users to not turn this into an Old World thread, especially when OW has no presence at tomorrow's preview. There are dedicated threads for OW that would benefit from more posts! 

More on topic, I'm super hyped for this show as an Eldar collector since Aspect Warriors resculpts have been top of my wishlist since I got into the hobby! Really curious to see what we get for AoS (Khorgus Khul? S2D?), along with the new Underworlds starter. Since we never got those full Sigmarite building terrain sets, I'm really unsure about more GW terrain for AoS right now, but I'll always welcome it personally!

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Less than 24 hours to go. Time for my predictions.


Expect to see - slaves to darkness battletome, Darkoath spearhead, foot hero, narrative book. 

Would like to see - scenery and some surprise minis to go with the narrative book. Gitmob teaser


Expect to see. Krieg tease, different ways to play book.

Would like to see- swooping hawk teaser (I just bought my first 40k model since 7th edition because I'm excited about Eldar)


Expect to see- Skaven Vs Stormcast box set. 

Would like to see chaos Duardin teaser

Kill team

Expect to see Orks Vs ratlings box

Legions Imperialis 

Expect to see - campaign book, more admech stuff 

Would like to see - a primarch. 

One more thing- Skaven themed Warhammer quest. 

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I'd really like to see a chaos lord on flying mount, though not necessarily a dragon. I really like my big centre-piece models, but having an option for a more mobile lord while still being able to field more troops would be really nice.

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Did just occur to me that STD have lost the generic Sorcerer to TOW boxing. Between the W+ model and the Warhammer Day mini, maybe it'll be a new generic Sorcerer (in an armoured design rather than Darkoath)? Those two can be proxied as Gaunt Summoners of course, but still.

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I would like to see new chaos spawn and a new Darkoath shaman wizard or priest since you have to take Brands Oathbound for Nadja or Gnarlspirit pack in order to get a Darkoath wizard and no priests. The Chariot could do with an update too and hopefully added to the Spearhead similar to Clan rats in the Skaven Spearhead.

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Based on the last preview I'm not getting my hopes up for anything major being shown, that way I can't be disappointed! 

For AoS: comfrimation that the StD battletome is coming and the cover shown and more comfrimation that it's extra chaosy and you can make chaos armies with it. Chaos. 

Underworlds. Something is coming. Soon. Maybe later. 

40K.Cool stuff is coming. Soon. Maybe later. 

HH. Marines are coming. Soon. And later

Legions. Same as HH, just smaller. 

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I'd like to hold out hope that we might get some teaser about whatever death release is supposedly coming early next year, but I know better.  AoS is def going to be StD and nothing else.  A new sorcerer at least does seem likely.  I think they've got a pretty solid range in terms of units of dudes between the updated chaos warriors and the recent darkoath stuff, so what I'd most like to see is a new non-unique hero riding large monster for them, to give a generic/custom hero boss for big armies.  Maybe a replacement for the sorcerer on manticore or even a proper chaos lord on two-headed dragon like as unto the olden days.  I know GW tends to focus on named heroes for that kind of release in AoS these days, but they could do a dual kit maybe.

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29 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

GW are doing nothing to build hype for this show so I would suggest keeping one's expectations low.

Here's the worst case scenario. 

1 mini for slaves to darkness.

No narrative book. 

Full reveal of underworlds. I'm 99% sure this is happening and I think the box will go on pre-order this month. 

One half of the next kill team box.

A 40k book of some kind. No minis 

Some resin stuff for legions Imperialis.

Even just the underworlds stuff is enough to get me excited. 

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8 hours ago, Hollow said:

I was just looking at Warcom, cool to see "Warhammer 40,000, The Ultimate Guide" Coffee table book covering Miniatures, Factions, Lore, Artwork and the Universe, written by Guy Haley and Gav Thorpe being released. Hopefully, this is testing the waters, does well and leads to something similar for Age Of Sigmar. Been calling for these types of publications for ages. 



It's published by DK books, hardback, good quality, full colour, 336 pages and £35. 2 pounds cheaper than -100 page Battletomes. 

Thanks for remembering me about it! Totally forgot it. I can buy it through bol.com here in Belgium. 11,99 euro for the pdf or 40,99 euro for the hardcover +I get a 8% discount. That's indeed not a bad deal for a 336 book. Imo, a must have.

Edit: Just bought the pdf for testing it. I advise 100% for the proper hardcover book. I like it, but I don't know if this type of book would work with AoS or even TOW. It's basically a book with lots of pictures of mini's that describes in a short way a lot of equipment. It's not so much background.


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7 hours ago, Chikout said:

Less than 24 hours to go. Time for my predictions.


Expect to see - slaves to darkness battletome, Darkoath spearhead, foot hero, narrative book. 

Would like to see - scenery and some surprise minis to go with the narrative book. Gitmob teaser


Expect to see. Krieg tease, different ways to play book.

Would like to see- swooping hawk teaser (I just bought my first 40k model since 7th edition because I'm excited about Eldar)


Expect to see- Skaven Vs Stormcast box set. 

Would like to see chaos Duardin teaser

Kill team

Expect to see Orks Vs ratlings box

Legions Imperialis 

Expect to see - campaign book, more admech stuff 

Would like to see - a primarch. 

One more thing- Skaven themed Warhammer quest. 

Skaven theme Warhammet Quest. Interesting... I think it would be a nice surprise to have a quest, and a nice way to fill, but wouldn't something like that be part of the roadmap from the last preview?

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7 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Did just occur to me that STD have lost the generic Sorcerer to TOW boxing. Between the W+ model and the Warhammer Day mini, maybe it'll be a new generic Sorcerer (in an armoured design rather than Darkoath)? Those two can be proxied as Gaunt Summoners of course, but still.

I think the Summoner was removed from S2D store a while back.

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15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Skaven theme Warhammet Quest. Interesting... I think it would be a nice surprise to have a quest, and a nice way to fill, but wouldn't something like that be part of the roadmap from the last preview?

This is my ultimate wishlist item. I don't expect it to happen. A new game like this is definitely something GW would want to keep as a surprise. They wouldn't put it on a roadmap. 

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33 minutes ago, Chikout said:

This is my ultimate wishlist item. I don't expect it to happen. A new game like this is definitely something GW would want to keep as a surprise. They wouldn't put it on a roadmap. 

I am quite conservative/ realistic with my expectations for the preview.


S2D BT + One hero. Narrative book. Darkoath Spearhead. Maybe S2D no Darkoath-related battleforce with the new hero (Chaos Sorcerer?).

Some sort of announcement for Othar as well?


Krieg Tease. But this, KT and LI are where most of my doubts are, as they stated the preview will be mainly about chaos, so with that in mind it could be Emperor Children.


Probably the longest part of the preview if we indeed have a soft reboot as I expect. Explanation about the changes, the new Ruination vs Skyre launch box and some kind of roadmap.


I know there are talks about GW showing only the Orks, but there's a Spanish YouTuber who has been saying for ages we will see Ratlings soon. It is kind of a meme now, but he is saying we will see Ratlings. So IMO the full Orgryns + Ratlings vs Tankbusters, but again. Where is the chaos part?


Where can we put chaos in here? No clue. Some sort of narrative book?

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


Where can we put chaos in here? No clue. Some sort of narrative book?

Probably next narrative book with a focus on rules for space marines, accompanied by 17 new Leman Russ variants lovingly detailed in tiny plastic. Largest reveal with more new content than for any other gameline in the show.

As I said, I'm keeping my expectations very low here :P

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6 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Tzarketh is available and bought!

Edit: Now I am curious what the StD BT will get, as I have now all the limited sorcerers, but probably need only 1 for StD.

You have now a limited version and then they just remove them from the BT. That would be a classic GW move.

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Tzarketh purchase page specifies it can be used as a Sorcerer Lord in StD which does leave me further hopeful of a new core mini.

...of course, the folk writing this may only have the old battle tome to hand... :)



Screenshot_20241005_100954_Samsung Internet.jpg

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

You have now a limited version and then they just remove them from the BT. That would be a classic GW move.

Haha, yeah. But I am also working on a WoC army. So all those cool plastic sorcerers will find a use one way or another. I just need to decide which one I will use for StD.

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