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7 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The best part of this revision, honestly. Previously, you were very strongly incentivized to build mono-race. Now I could see myself mixing in a unit of dwarves or elves with my humans.

There are a lot of other nice changes, too. I think the move away from orders as a hidden information mechanic is good. I personally kind of enjoyed that, but my opponents really didn't. Had a bunch of feel-bads from them triggering my trap card.

The new system seems more powerful, too. Every hero gets to give an order on every player turn. That's a lot of orders.

There are a lot of goodies in this preview that I am pretty excited about. I like that they made the Fusil-Major into a buff hero for shooting units. I also like that Fortified Position is now -1 rend against everything rather than just shooting, but you have to spend your move action to set it up. Steelhelms also look really solid, giving out a free 5+ ward for humans on objectives. Between that and Hold the Line, I hope they can make Zenestra into something more interesting than a 5+ ward machine.


With the changes to priests I’d love it if she had some very powerful but super high casting number prayers. Would really fit flavour wise.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Xil said:

Thats ok for me (i don't play Seraphon and actually think their 'lets imagine what we need' lore is BS).

But i think you missed the joke ;D

New Seraphon mini will leak on Wednesday as well. Thankfully the leakers consider me a most valuable poster, so let me share the pic that was sent to me. I‘ve also been told there will be a potato faction called „Longpost-Sorrysayers“ at the end of releases for 4th.  


Edited by MitGas
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21 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

Same feeling. While necessary due to the limitations of a d6 system, rolling 35 dice (20+10+5) to do 2.5 damage to a 4+ save unit doesn't feel like a great use of anyone's time.

That being said, I am also happy and relieved to see the elves and dwarves still there and the cross-race orders

It is already the case in 3rd edition... Their attack profile has not changed at all from 3rd to 4th edition

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Steelhelms with 2 attacks is spicy. And it's good to see that Fortify is not just a little thing against ranged now.

Them mentioning aelves and duardin so many times also has me a bit more optimistic regarding them. Maybe my Dispossessed will live on?

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Okay; I read through everything and my hopes are high for CoS.

Not strengthwise and such - that I can’t evaluate just now. But there appears to be some genuine thought put into them, down to their statline.

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So for i feel that Gloomspite are least well recieved. But i like what im seeing. There is a clear theme going on with every faction so far. I hope this trend continues. 

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11 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Steelhelms with 2 attacks is spicy. And it's good to see that Fortify is not just a little thing against ranged now.

Them mentioning aelves and duardin so many times also has me a bit more optimistic regarding them. Maybe my Dispossessed will live on?

I was very happy to see them mention Duardin and Aelves (and Ogors), I so hope that even if we see the current Duardin and Aelve kits eventually move from the range, we will see new kits featuring those races at some point in the future. 

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Pity it doesn’t have its in-lore ability to siphon life from enemies to give to the rider when they were pointing out how unnervingly necromantic the Ruination are buuuut as a starter hero against squishy Skaven I could see why that’d be OP.

Also weird how the video is still unlisted. I saw it pop up officially Saturday and then get removed. I guess the Ruination are so reclusive that they only allow quick peeks. 😆 

8 minutes ago, Juicy said:

So for i feel that Gloomspite are least well recieved. But i like what im seeing. There is a clear theme going on with every faction so far. I hope this trend continues. 

That’s mostly because Gloomspite went from a 12/10 overtuned force* down to a 8/10 in line with the others so it feels worse than it is to lose tanky Squig herds and super wizards.

*not that this wasn’t deserved after how many years they were bottom-tier and deserved the moon-high boosts.


Lastly, interested in the flavor of the new CoS support spell. Turning people into beasts is usually a Ghur thing. Azyr magic is an interesting switch.

I’m imagining it’s basically turning them into gryph-hounds and mounts gryph-chargers before the spell breaks as they crash into combat. 🐦 

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47 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

They start with 3 attacks each. Order bumps them to 4. Old order used to boost horses as well though. 

I don’t think it’s a bad thing, just a notable change. It kind of used to be that you could buff cavaliers up and they’d kill god. Now I think people will have to think more.

I think they will be pretty good at alpha-tarpits now, with Hold the Line and that extra wound. 

Seems good in a ranged list to give your other units time to shoot everything to pieces.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Schulzy said:

Same armour save as a Freeguild Cavalier and only one extra wound!? That doesn't seem a fair delineation imo.

Cavaliers are 3 wounds, Lord Vigilor is 8 wounds. Dunno what you're reading. 

EDIT: Just realized you were talking about Cavalier Marshal, never mind.

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The best part of this revision, honestly. Previously, you were very strongly incentivized to build mono-race. Now I could see myself mixing in a unit of dwarves or elves with my humans.

There are a lot of other nice changes, too. I think the move away from orders as a hidden information mechanic is good. I personally kind of enjoyed that, but my opponents really didn't. Had a bunch of feel-bads from them triggering my trap card.

The new system seems more powerful, too. Every hero gets to give an order on every player turn. That's a lot of orders.

There are a lot of goodies in this preview that I am pretty excited about. I like that they made the Fusil-Major into a buff hero for shooting units. I also like that Fortified Position is now -1 rend against everything rather than just shooting, but you have to spend your move action to set it up. Steelhelms also look really solid, giving out a free 5+ ward for humans on objectives. Between that and Hold the Line, I hope they can make Zenestra into something more interesting than a 5+ ward machine.


Hopefully, this means a new wave of duardins and aelves is on its way!


Duardin torch confirmed?

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Posted (edited)

I'm thinking we shouldn´t pay too much attention to the Spearhead warscrolls because the real warscrolls could differ a lot.
But do we actually have any concrete evidence of this?
Which warscrolls have we seen both versions for, does anyone know off the top of their head?

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Just now, Sabush said:

I'm thinking we should pay too much attention to the Combat Patrol warscrolls because the real warscrolls could differ a lot.
But do we actually have any concrete evidence of this?
Which warscrolls have we seen both versions for, does anyone know off the top of their head?

Kroxigors were almost entirely different (They lost their good ability, and didn’t have the special maul)

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3 minutes ago, petitionercity said:

Wait, are subfactions gone? I totally hadnt noticed that before.


Yeah. They are now turned into pickable "skills" (I don't know the proper wording).

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46 minutes ago, Schulzy said:

Same armour save as a Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal and only one extra wound!? That doesn't seem a fair delineation imo.

Yeah, for such a mighty sculpt the Lord-vigilant does feel a bit weak. That beautiful greataxe  could have used a couple of abilities.

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1 minute ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Yes, they’re replaced by Formations. 


1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Yeah. They are now turned into pickable "skills" (I don't know the proper wording).

So a bit like 10th edition 40k? Or maybe different?

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, petitionercity said:


So a bit like 10th edition 40k? Or maybe different?

It sounds very similar to 40k's Detachments, yeah. "Bring the style of how an army might fight, not the specific lore/paintjob" as it were. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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4 minutes ago, petitionercity said:


So a bit like 10th edition 40k? Or maybe different?

I think it is an improved version, as you can enhance with formations the bits of your army that you want. Also, GW sold it as a way to free us from the constraint of having to pain the army using X or Y subfaction schema.

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