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I'd like to see new models for KO, I just don't see it happening this edition. There's too many other armies that are more likely to get updates to fit them in and nothing in terms of rumors or anything that currently hints at a KO expansion.

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Honestly, I find the arguments over which faction "deserves" updates pointless. It all comes down to people saying the faction they like clearly deserves more models while the faction they're apathetic towards is already complete, or saying "there's no design room for new units" when GW has already made a million varieties of Space Marine that prove that they can make a buttload of units from something that should've ran out of ideas ages ago. 

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5 hours ago, petitionercity said:

But the new stormcast are *just* as detailed as the cities models :)

That's debatable, but their are still between twice and trice the size of a Steel Helm, half the number of models, and mostly have easy to work with texture, where CoS has a hard to handle mix of skin, metals, wood, fur, textiles, etc. 


I don't like to be an annoying nay sayer, but Stormcasts being in all starters won't change ever. It's written in stone. 

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7 minutes ago, Xil said:

What does KO need? I mean, the designspace for them is limited.

I haven't disagreed with anything so hard lately. KO have tons of design space. Drillbills or other mechanical constructs, one-man ships, dockworkers (e.g. loaders with power-armor), gholemkind, brewmasters, some of the bigger ships in lore, aethergold mining units, a non cursed city trade-commodore and more. And that's just from existing lore, there's tons more you can think about.

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It's basically just ogors left operating solely on old whfb kits at this point, right?  I would have predicted ogors and beasts of chaos being shoe-ins for seraphon/FEC style updates this edition but, well, y'know how that went...

I guess DoK are, like, 80% fantasy kits still, and obviously Cities have several too, but most armies feel like they're just sitting on a couple of older sculpts which can be replaced piecemeal.

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10 minutes ago, Xil said:

What does KO need? I mean, the designspace for them is limited. Their 'cavalary' are the ballon dudes and small gunhaulers. It would be weird for them to be on horses.


Ogors really need new models. Those are butt ugly. IDK and DoK need units to help them have more diverse builds and not just play the same things over and over again.

Well, some chonky terminator-styled suits? Or maybe even dreadnought-size suit? Clockwork automatas (drill-bill needs some friends) or iron golems? New kinds of ships? Some support ones or bigger flagship? Some medium sky mines maybe that are launched by a completely new unit (Biovore style mechanic)? Close combat grundstoks? Field expeditionary war-machines or artillery? Pioneer arkanauts or some scouts? Dozens of ideas, just use your imagination. 

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Nah, I’m vetoing your bit here- OBR, Tzeentch, DoK and KBZ are all behind KO in terms of “Armies In Need Of New Units”.

What "need of new units" means.

Have you cheked DoK? 1/3 of their minis come in the same box and more than half the minis are fantasy minis.

OBR is just the same elite baseline, and is played with the spam of the same elite baseline + they guy that can buff the best elite baseline to the most. 

KBZ is directly a disaster. Just two foot melee units, and one of them are not even orruks and another foot shooting mini with an artillery. The rest? All heroes. You just can't convince me KO need something more than them.

Edited by Ragest
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15 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I have that mini. I  miss inquisitor. I'd love to see gw try something in a larger scale again, especially if it's for AoS. 

Wouldn't that be brilliant! I liked the idea of Inquisitor when it came out, but had no real interest in the 40k setting. An AoS-set large scale game would be tasty as hell. 

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6 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Honestly, I find the arguments over which faction "deserves" updates pointless. It all comes down to people saying the faction they like clearly deserves more models while the faction they're apathetic towards is already complete, or saying "there's no design room for new units" when GW has already made a million varieties of Space Marine that prove that they can make a buttload of units from something that should've ran out of ideas ages ago. 

Definitely some will be biased by the factions they like, but I saw some others trying to be objective. In the end, it is easy to measure it, IMO. Does it have AoS only models? How many? That's the basis for determining who needs a new release. After that, I would look for the release date and role coverage. That's why I don't think KO is in so desperate need compared with other factions, trying to be objective.

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9 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

That's debatable, but their are still between twice and trice the size of a Steel Helm, half the number of models, and mostly have easy to work with texture, where CoS has a hard to handle mix of skin, metals, wood, fur, textiles, etc. 


I don't like to be an annoying nay sayer, but Stormcasts being in all starters won't change ever. It's written in stone. 

It's written in storm

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Honestly, I find the arguments over which faction "deserves" updates pointless. It all comes down to people saying the faction they like clearly deserves more models while the faction they're apathetic towards is already complete, or saying "there's no design room for new units" when GW has already made a million varieties of Space Marine that prove that they can make a buttload of units from something that should've ran out of ideas ages ago. 

That sounds like a "I just won't admit there are some armies that need minis more than mine" for your part.

Some of us are trying to explain why some armies have a very bad built roster, generating a debate to talk about it and find any pattern or logic on releases.

On the other hand, there are some "No, I refuse"

Edited by Ragest
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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Definitely some will be biased by the factions they like, but I saw some others trying to be objective. In the end, it is easy to measure it, IMO. Does it have AoS only models? How many? That's the basis for determining who needs a new release. After that, I would look for the release date and role coverage. That's why I don't think KO is in so desperate need compared with other factions, trying to be objective.

Honestly, trying to go by that as a prediction is also somewhat foolish. By that logic Ironjawz wouldn't have gotten their recent update because they're all AOS kits with a single Fantasy kit in them. 

I hate this stuff because it always becomes an endless cycle of people complaining that GW neglects their faction and arguing with each other over who is the most neglected as if GW is reading the forums and using that as a basis to decide who gets updated next. Then when they get an update, then the next faction is chosen to be the most neglected and the cycle continues. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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2 minutes ago, Ragest said:

What "need of new units" means.

Have you cheked DoK? 1/3 of their minis come in the same box and more than half the minis are fantasy minis.

OBR is just the same elite baseline, and is played with the spam of the same elite baseline + they guy that can buff the best elite baseline to the most. 

KBZ is directly a disaster. Just two foot melee units, and one of them are not even orruks and another foot shooting mini with an artillery. The rest? All heroes. You just can't convince me KO need something more than them.

You misunderstood my points. I'm not trying to convince you, I just pointed out that I think that KOs and FS are good candidates for 2nd wave.

As @BarakUrbazsaid above, this arguments are pointless because only GW knows what's behind the curtains and probably uses other inputs to for new waves that players don't know or ignore.

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Question of who is most deserving or in need aside, I personally would be happy if KO got even a small wave of new models. KO struggles with being a shooting army in a game built around melee, which makes them extremely swingy in both directions, either being too good or woefully insufficient based almost entirely on how well they do during the one phase of the game where they do their thing.

If GW introduces even a relatively small wave of melee-centric units into KO, this allows the rules writers to rebalance the army so that they interact with the game on a more even keel (if you will.) 

Also, KO ranks alongside IDK as the army that I personally feel has the most fun and creative potential for expansion, and I'd love to see what GW came out with.

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2 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Honestly, trying to go by that as a prediction is also somewhat foolish. By that logic Ironjawz wouldn't have gotten their recent update because they're all AOS kits with a single Fantasy kit in them. 

Yeah, I am not Whitefang. I cannot predict it all :P Obviously there are always going to be "exceptions to that pattern", but I think if we look to the past years it has been more or less that. I hope KO is one of those exceptions for those of you that collect KO ;)

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Just now, Beliman said:

You misunderstood my points. I'm not trying to convince you, I just pointed out that I think that KOs and FS are good candidates for 2nd wave.

As @BarakUrbazsaid above, this arguments are pointless because only GW knows what's behind the curtains and probably uses other inputs to for new waves that players don't know or ignore.

I think anyone has neglected FS or talked about FS, we are talking about Kharadron there.

And if both FS and KO need more minis the solution seems simple xD but you won't like it.

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1 minute ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Honestly, I find the arguments over which faction "deserves" updates pointless. It all comes down to people saying the faction they like clearly deserves more models while the faction they're apathetic towards is already complete, or saying "there's no design room for new units" when GW has already made a million varieties of Space Marine that prove that they can make a buttload of units from something that should've ran out of ideas ages ago. 

I mean, there is a quite objective way of looking at it by just looking at how many kits an army has, how many of those kits are e.g. foot heroes or releases for not mainline AoS, looking at how long it has been since an army actually received a substantial release wave and seeing how many kits are WFB holdovers.

If you do that, five armies instantly pop up.

FS, KO and IDK who have a very small range and have not received anything besides foot heroes, terrain or spells since AoS1.

DoK who have a ton of fantasy holdovers, but who fans seemingly want to be merged with Malerion so that will have to wait.

Ogors whose entire range is almost WFB kits.

There are armies with a lot of WFB models like CoS, but they received a very substantial wave very recently, or already have quite large ranges with an AoS wave in there like Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne, etc. Then there are a lot more recent armies like OBR and Kruleboyz who could use some models, but will have to wait their turn like most other armies.

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1 minute ago, Ragest said:

I think anyone has neglected FS or talked about FS, we are talking about Kharadron there.

And if both FS and KO need more minis the solution seems simple xD but you won't like it.

Your solution is simple. Not mine.

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1 minute ago, OkayestDM said:

Question of who is most deserving or in need aside, I personally would be happy if KO got even a small wave of new models. KO struggles with being a shooting army in a game built around melee, which makes them extremely swingy in both directions, either being too good or woefully insufficient based almost entirely on how well they do during the one phase of the game where they do their thing.

If GW introduces even a relatively small wave of melee-centric units into KO, this allows the rules writers to rebalance the army so that they interact with the game on a more even keel (if you will.) 

Also, KO ranks alongside IDK as the army that I personally feel has the most fun and creative potential for expansion, and I'd love to see what GW came out with.

Without knowing too much in deep the KO lore, how likely is that KO ends up being a 50/50 melee and range army? To me they look like a 90% range army with little room for melee. What references do they have to be able to expand that melee side?

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I think anyone has neglected FS or talked about FS, we are talking about Kharadron there.

And if both FS and KO need more minis the solution seems simple xD but you won't like it.

You're arguing that Kruleboyz need more models, but that FS and KO can be souped? By your own logic, Kruleboyz should not need anything because they're souped with Ironjawz and IJ just got plenty of new models.

Edited by Snarff
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Ogors, without question, should be the next faction to receive an update. They basically have no AOS models...

Also - depth of roster do not equal good, fun or enjoyable army (cough SCE)

FS IDK and KO have limited ranges but are incredibly fun and rewarding to play and collect

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3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I mean, there is a quite objective way of looking at it by just looking at how many kits an army has, how many of those kits are e.g. foot heroes or releases for not mainline AoS, looking at how long it has been since an army actually received a substantial release wave and seeing how many kits are WFB holdovers.

If you do that, five armies instantly pop up.

FS, KO and IDK who have a very small range and have not received anything besides foot heroes, terrain or spells since AoS1.

DoK who have a ton of fantasy holdovers, but who fans seemingly want to be merged with Malerion so that will have to wait.

Ogors whose entire range is almost WFB kits.

There are armies with a lot of WFB models like CoS, but they received a very substantial wave very recently, or already have quite large ranges with an AoS wave in there like Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne, etc. Then there are a lot more recent armies like OBR and Kruleboyz who could use some models, but will have to wait their turn like most other armies.

While I agree the proper system should be "turn-based", I think Krules will receive a similar treatment to Necrons with something like 3-5 kits early in the edition.

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21 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Maybe. But that doesn't mean that KOs or Fyrslayers doesn't need new waves.

A lot. Elite-melee units, duelist heroes, defensive foot-troops, new ships (dedicated transports, offensive skyvessel, etc...), and any type of specialist unit that is not a "shoot" or "shoot-more" (megalith miners, corsairs, etc...). Btw, balloon boys are just shock troops, more close to light cavalry than a heavy cavalry.

Like KOs and Fyrslayers then. And remember that FS were released in 2016...

My source was the same that said that Vandus and Khorgos Start Collecting will not exist at the start of AoS4. That source was almost right.

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Just now, Ejecutor said:

Without knowing too much in deep the KO lore, how likely is that KO ends up being a 50/50 melee and range army? To me they look like a 90% range army with little room for melee. What references do they have to be able to expand that melee side?

KO had some good melee builds, I have a friend that just uses those type of lists with some success in competitive.

And that's the thing about KO and the rest. KO had a teleport + endless + shooting gameplay in second edition, to a balloon spam, to a boats spam, thunderer gunline and even melee.

Dok had... glasscannon melee elves, and Morathi with stuff. IDK? Eel spam or Shark spam. OBR Mortek spam or Inmortis/Morghast spam. TZ? Kairos with archaon and Kairos with Krondspine.

That's the differece between a well made roster like Kharadron, that has different pieces with different playstyles that you can mix and match and boring, all the same factions, that need some divergent designs.

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