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1 minute ago, Ragest said:

KO had some good melee builds, I have a friend that just uses those type of lists with some success in competitive.

And that's the thing about KO and the rest. KO had a teleport + endless + shooting gameplay in second edition, to a balloon spam, to a boats spam, thunderer gunline and even melee.

Dok had... glasscannon melee elves, and Morathi with stuff. IDK? Eel spam or Shark spam. OBR Mortek spam or Inmortis/Morghast spam. TZ? Kairos with archaon and Kairos with Krondspine.

That's the differece between a well made roster like Kharadron, that has different pieces with different playstyles that you can mix and match and boring, all the same factions, that need some divergent designs.

I agree here with the others that we shouldn't base the release on the possible builds, especially when the new edition will shake the pillars of the game. Maybe KO now will only have one viable build and DoK twelve.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Without knowing too much in deep the KO lore, how likely is that KO ends up being a 50/50 melee and range army? To me they look like a 90% range army with little room for melee. What references do they have to be able to expand that melee side?

Most books have more melee/boarding action that plain range shooting (appart from aerial combat between shipt vs ship).

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4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

You're arguing that Kruleboyz need more models, but that FS and KO can be souped? By your own logic, Kruleboyz should not need anything because they're souped with Ironjawz and IJ just got plenty of new models.

No, I'm, saying that FS need an expansion ASAP and Kharadron not. 

I don't know why you all are trying to put FS and Kharadron in the same boat (XD) all the time when anybody is talking about FS there.

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Just now, Beliman said:

Most books have more melee/boarding action that plain range shooting (appart from aerial combat between shipt vs ship).

Faction Focus is here! It is time to move the discussion over to the next KO topic! 😅

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Just now, Ejecutor said:

I am starting to hate this new way of painting the Spearheads. They look too poor quality-wise.

And I think the opposite (what a day I'm having xD)

Spearhead marketing is focused on new players, and for a new player, watching an easy to achieve paint scheme is not as frustrating as watching a eavy metal work with tons of details and techniques.

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I am starting to hate this new way of painting the Spearheads. They look too poor quality-wise.

Ehh, they aren't painted that poorly. Yes they are worse than normal studio level but still a nice paint job. 

The real difference, at least to me, are the color choices. A red/pink mix and white for the main colors with bronze and neon green accentcolors? Not really a color combination I find very pleasing to the eyes.


Gloomspite, Cities and the silver Stormcast were fine, the black Stormcast don't work well with the teal in my opinion and Skaven aren't bad per se but something feels off about them.

The Nighthaunt though where bad since they just ignored any metals and fabric that wasn't the main black one. They probably just wanted to make them look even more ethereal with ghostly weapons but its just too much of the same color this way

Edited by Matrindur
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22 minutes ago, Ragest said:

KBZ is directly a disaster. Just two foot melee units, and one of them are not even orruks and another foot shooting mini with an artillery. The rest? All heroes. You just can't convince me KO need something more than them.

I'd love to see the Breaka boss on Mirebrute become a unit like the Dreadblade Harrows of Nighthaunt did in their recent article. I think it would help the army out a lot. 

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Posted (edited)

One wound for Arkanauts? Am I confused in thinking Duardan were all at least 2 wounds(health) in AOS3?


EDIT: Nevermind, I was totally making that up in my head.

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1 minute ago, HCMistborn said:

One wound for Arkanauts? Am I confused in thinking Duardan were all at least 2 wounds(health) in AOS3?

Other Kharadron units and all the Fyreslayers including the basic Vulkites had two wounds but Arkanaut Company actually had one wound in 3rd

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25 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

Ogors, without question, should be the next faction to receive an update. They basically have no AOS models...

Also - depth of roster do not equal good, fun or enjoyable army (cough SCE)

FS IDK and KO have limited ranges but are incredibly fun and rewarding to play and collect

Lots of people enjoy playing and collecting Stormcast. Armies are really subjective things. 

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11 minutes ago, Ragest said:

And I think the opposite (what a day I'm having xD)

Spearhead marketing is focused on new players, and for a new player, watching an easy to achieve paint scheme is not as frustrating as watching a eavy metal work with tons of details and techniques.


I agree, I think Spearhead and the hobby in general is healthier for having more non-studio armies and paintjobs shown off on WHC. There's plenty of folks that see the official paint schemes and paint jobs as the standards they have to hold themselves to which can be really unachievable and motivation killing

More options and inspiration, more good! 😊


These are all excellent even just for being schemes that aren't the official faction ones, IMO









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1 minute ago, Urauloth said:

No champion on that Spearhead warscroll. I wonder if they're just simplifying those out.

Champions are in a seperate branch of the modular uses that the Spearhead battlepack doesn't use. 

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16 minutes ago, Ragest said:

And I think the opposite (what a day I'm having xD)

Spearhead marketing is focused on new players, and for a new player, watching an easy to achieve paint scheme is not as frustrating as watching a eavy metal work with tons of details and techniques.

Yep. Seeing miniatures all painted up to an exquisite standard is all very well, but can be very dispiriting. I've never been a naturally skilled painter, and I often need to remind myself that my models don't have to be of a competition-winning standard. 

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24 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

AoS KharadronFF May28 Spearhead

I am starting to hate this new way of painting the Spearheads. They look too poor quality-wise.

Completely disagree with this. This spearhead looks great and it's awesome to see gw embracing colour schemes that in almost every case have never been used in official material before and look achievable for the most painters. It's not like they aren't showing the eavy metal version as well. 

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Just now, Chikout said:

Completely disagree with this. This spearhead looks great and it's awesome to see gw embracing colour schemes that in almost every case have never been used in official material before and look achievable for the most painters. It's not like they aren't showing the eavy metal version as well. 

it looks more like an army that i would run into on a tournament. I like it. 

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Posted (edited)

I saw a bunch of people complaining on reddit about how the change to how transports work ruins the flavour of the army and how they hate it. I'm not entirely sure myself; I feel like its one of those things that has to be seen in gameplay to understand. I feel like the whole transport limit being simultaneously based on both model count and unit count is going to be annoying: like say there is a situation where you want to transport two heroes and a five-man unit of Thunderers at the same time. Old rules, would've been perfectly fine, but new rules even though the Frigate can carry twelve models it can only carry two units so no dice. I kinda regret choosing this name for the forum because if KO end up feeling too off to play I might just end up switching to FEC. 

I guess the Grundstok Expeditionary Fleet rules in Dawnbringers was really a demo for this idea?

On a side note, the Skywarden Heavy Weapon option just feels weaker to me than the Vulcanizer Pistol. I don't think the slightly improved range and extra rend against monsters is worth the loss of shots and accuracy. Those guns on the Skywardens and Endrinriggers always felt off to me because they essentially required removing the melee abilities of what are the KO's only true dedicated melee units. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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