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28 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

I dunno why people are obsessed with giving FS a cavalry unit, it doesn’t fit their lore and I don’t think they need it. 

not every army needs cavalry 

Magmadroth riding a naked dorf. Mark my words.

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30 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Also keep in mind Warcry as a vehicle to add in more units. If GW is planning to have at least one warband per faction KO, Slaanesh, Idoneth, Skaven, Gloomspite and Ironjawz (if they decide to split them from Kruleboyz) are left. Not counting Sons of Behemat because that just wouldn't really work. 

I've been waiting for that damn Slaanesh warband for Warcry for what feels like an age now! I've been saying to myself that I'll get into the game properly when they release a Slaaneshi bunch. Still exercising my patience...

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Well, regarding KO focus, I can see Frigate making Assault boat as part of counter-charge. And that's cool GW's building new edition around keywords and their combinations. 


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28 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

Not entirely true . More type of unit means you have more chance to adapt through the seasonal rules . But I agree that better rules are more important that more models  

I suppose my main point here would be: fix the rules first, THEN analyse what else the army might benefit from in a form of brand new additions.

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1 minute ago, Grungnisson said:

I suppose my main point here would be: fix the rules first, THEN analyse what else the army might benefit from in a form of brand new additions.

Then I agree .

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3 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Nope, the ability is just for YOUR charge phase.

I thought so, too, but Counter-Charge lets you call any CHARGE ability "as if it were your charge phase", so it does actually work. Assault Boat has the CHARGE keyword and Counter-Charge itself modifies the timing restriction.

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5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I thought so, too, but Counter-Charge lets you call any CHARGE ability "as if it were your charge phase", so it does actually work. Assault Boat has the CHARGE keyword and Counter-Charge itself modifies the timing restriction.

But says "Your Charge phase"

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3 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

Aos 3 major releases 

1. stormcast

2. kruleboyz

3. seraphon

4. slaves to darkness (twice!)

5. Cities of Sigmar

6. flesh eater courts

7. Ironjawz (small 4 kits)

8. sylvaneth (smallish)

so we got 8 faction releases in third so  my guess for aos4 is

1. Stormcast

2. Skaven 

3. Fyreslayers (smallish 4 kits)

4. Chaos Dwarves

5. Ogors

6. Dok (smallish 4 kits Krethusa is a literal herald)

7. Cities second wave


If we counting ironjawz we can count gitz since they got a centerpiece, a hero and a unit

I see Ossiarch getting a second wave that or what @Nezzhil khorne with Demon Khul, Valkyia, some pestigors, lord of khorne on juggernaut 

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2 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The generic Charge ability is specified as "your Charge phase" so by that logic you can't use that when you Counter Charge. 

And that's the reason we have Counter-Charge that says that you can use "Charge ability as it were your charge phase".


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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

But says "Your Charge phase"

As @Neil Arthur Hotep and @BarakUrbaz said:

  1. Core Charge Ability: In your charge phase. Has the CHARGE keyword
  2. Assault Boat: In your charce phase. Has the CHARGE keyword

Counter-Charge allows you to use a CHARGE ability (both Charge and Assault Boat have the CHARGE keyword), and allows them to use it in the enemy phase because "...as if it were your charge phase."

Edited by Beliman
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7 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

If we counting ironjawz we can count gitz since they got a centerpiece, a hero and a unit

I see Ossiarch getting a second wave that or what @Nezzhil khorne with Demon Khul, Valkyia, some pestigors, lord of khorne on juggernaut 

Valkia? no.

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2 hours ago, Cdance93 said:

I dunno why people are obsessed with giving FS a cavalry unit, it doesn’t fit their lore and I don’t think they need it. 

not every army needs cavalry 

I always thought a chariot would suit FS more than just generic mini-magmadroth cavalry.

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5 minutes ago, Scáthborn said:

I always thought a chariot would suit FS more than just generic mini-magmadroth cavalry.

That would be awesome! Even some sort of siege machine over the back of the chariot.

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5 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

More tunnelling mechanics would be great. Or anything really to encourage other playstyles than a castle.

Pickaxe Vulkites should have the tunnelling as a warscroll ability. Non-pickaxe should be a strong anvil instead.

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How many factions/major subfactions with primarily warehammer fantasy ranges, including resin models, are left in the game?  Beasts and Bonesplitters are getting squatted, skaven are getting a refresh now.  There are a handful of kits here and there in other factions, but the only major one I can think of is Ogors, so I'd certainly hope they get the major refresh treatment sometime this edition, preferably sooner rather than later.  Beyond that?

  • The non-human part of cities of Sigmar, since the fluff and rules for their index thankfully strongly suggest that part of their theme is sticking around, also need the same refresh that the human stuff got last edition, and given how central CoS has become to the setting, narrative, and overall look of the game, I wouldn't be shocked to see them get a second major wave not long after the first.  Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if they get to be the 'good guy' starter box faction in place of stormcast in a future edition of the game.
  • Fyreslayers are ~desperate~ for a major expansion.  As they are, they barely qualify as a subtheme of a real faction, like they're more equivalent to 'saurus' then they are to 'seraphon'.  They don't just need more kits, they need ~different~ ones, not just more naked dwarfs with mohawks and big weapons.
  • If they're actually splitting off from krulboys then the ironjaws could also stand for another wave, but they only just got one so I'm not expecting another soon.
  • Idoneth could use some fresh blood
  • OBR are overdue for a second wave
  • Some day we'll get Kurnothi and Shadow Elves as new factions, but entire new factions aren't that common these days, and it looks like the next of those we're going to see is already set to be...
  • Chaos Dwarves.  Between being legacy in Old World and having their cities specifically called out on the maps for 4e, these seem likely to be getting a full faction release this edition.  Which, imo, is a shame, because a lot of the stuff they might get (tauroid monster dwarves, fire elementals, weird war machines) is exactly the sort of things I feel fyreslayers need.


Beyond that, most armies have one or two old kits in need of being updated, or just missing kits in their range.  Soulblight need new grave guard, black knights, and a cavalry vampire lord.  Nighthaunt need new hexwraiths (and tomb banshees & cairne wraiths, if those old heroes aren't just squatted since they have unit versions in the grimghasts and myrnmourn already).  Sons of Behemat need new little giants.  the chaos factions need new basic core daemons.  I'm sure players of every faction can think of at least one unit that is either missing from their range or that desperately needs an update, so I'm hoping in 4e we see a new unit box instead of a new hero alongside most battletome releases.  Especially since it looks a lot harder to include extra heroes in your armies in 4e, and many factions are over-stuffed with heroes already after a couple editions of pity/fomo box hero releases.

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Fyreslayers may not necessarily need more units (or types of units) rules wise, but I think they could definitely use something a bit different for visual and aesthetic reasons.

As is the army just... isn't that interesting to look at compared to virtually any other AoS faction.

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1 minute ago, Davariel said:

Fyreslayers may not necessarily need more units (or types of units) rules wise, but I think they could definitely use something a bit different for visual and aesthetic reasons.

As is the army just... isn't that interesting to look at compared to virtually any other AoS faction.

Yeah, it's weird to think that such a 'recent' range needs an update to their kits, but the difference between the older units and the new Warcry warband is night and day. 

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3 minutes ago, Davariel said:

Fyreslayers may not necessarily need more units (or types of units) rules wise, but I think they could definitely use something a bit different for visual and aesthetic reasons.

As is the army just... isn't that interesting to look at compared to virtually any other AoS faction.

See I think this is only a perspective of non FS players. Their aesthetics are one of the things I love about them, dont find it boring at all

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