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6 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

See I think this is only a perspective of non FS players. Their aesthetics are one of the things I love about them, dont find it boring at all

That's fair, obviously people are drawn to armies they like the look of!

My point wasn't that their aesthetic is bad, but rather that it spans a much narrower band than pretty much every other faction in the game.

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3 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

See I think this is only a perspective of non FS players. Their aesthetics are one of the things I love about them, dont find it boring at all

I've heard it from a few FS players, but there's also a self selection filter there.  IMO there would be more FS players if there were more variety available to the FS faction.  Also, would you be upset if there were more visual variety?  Some dwarves wearing clothes or armor, some tamed fire elementals, some weird war machines & animated constructs, maybe some dwarf cavalry on smaller salamanders or even hybrid tauroid dwarf/salamander mixes emulating how their god got mixed up with the essence the great salamander he died with?  ok, maybe that last one is a bit out there and just a manifestation of my feeling that chaos dwarves should have stayed in fantasy and most of what they're about should have been given to fyreslayers in aos, but the rest of it at least?

I remember more than one Flesh Eater player telling me they liked how small their faction was, how it could virtually all be made from the same three kits, but none of them were complaining about their recent expansion, even the weirder bits like the judge, bishop, and bat monster cav were mostly welcomed.

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30 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

...from a dwarf faction, that rejects technology. Yeah, not too sure about that one.

It doesn't have to be too techy. A chariot with a catapult or something in the back.

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16 minutes ago, Sception said:

How many factions/major subfactions with primarily warehammer fantasy ranges, including resin models, are left in the game?  Beasts and Bonesplitters are getting squatted, skaven are getting a refresh now.  There are a handful of kits here and there in other factions, but the only major one I can think of is Ogors, so I'd certainly hope they get the major refresh treatment sometime this edition, preferably sooner rather than later.  Beyond that?

  • The non-human part of cities of Sigmar, since the fluff and rules for their index thankfully strongly suggest that part of their theme is sticking around, also need the same refresh that the human stuff got last edition, and given how central CoS has become to the setting, narrative, and overall look of the game, I wouldn't be shocked to see them get a second major wave not long after the first.  Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if they get to be the 'good guy' starter box faction in place of stormcast in a future edition of the game.
  • Fyreslayers are ~desperate~ for a major expansion.  As they are, they barely qualify as a subtheme of a real faction, like they're more equivalent to 'saurus' then they are to 'seraphon'.  They don't just need more kits, they need ~different~ ones, not just more naked dwarfs with mohawks and big weapons.
  • If they're actually splitting off from krulboys then the ironjaws could also stand for another wave, but they only just got one so I'm not expecting another soon.
  • Idoneth could use some fresh blood
  • OBR are overdue for a second wave
  • Some day we'll get Kurnothi and Shadow Elves as new factions, but entire new factions aren't that common these days, and it looks like the next of those we're going to see is already set to be...
  • Chaos Dwarves.  Between being legacy in Old World and having their cities specifically called out on the maps for 4e, these seem likely to be getting a full faction release this edition.  Which, imo, is a shame, because a lot of the stuff they might get (tauroid monster dwarves, fire elementals, weird war machines) is exactly the sort of things I feel fyreslayers need.


Beyond that, most armies have one or two old kits in need of being updated, or just missing kits in their range.  Soulblight need new grave guard, black knights, and a cavalry vampire lord.  Nighthaunt need new hexwraiths (and tomb banshees & cairne wraiths, if those old heroes aren't just squatted since they have unit versions in the grimghasts and myrnmourn already).  Sons of Behemat need new little giants.  the chaos factions need new basic core daemons.  I'm sure players of every faction can think of at least one unit that is either missing from their range or that desperately needs an update, so I'm hoping in 4e we see a new unit box instead of a new hero alongside most battletome releases.  Especially since it looks a lot harder to include extra heroes in your armies in 4e, and many factions are over-stuffed with heroes already after a couple editions of pity/fomo box hero releases.

DoK and CoS. FEC has a solid base of WHFB minis as well.

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4 minutes ago, Davariel said:

That's fair, obviously people are drawn to armies they like the look of!

My point wasn't that their aesthetic is bad, but rather that it spans a much narrower band than pretty much every other faction in the game.

Exactly, fyreslayers have a fine core aesthetic - look at how good Kevin Chin’s art is! - it’s just that it’s applied without any variation to units and heroes, leading to an incredibly flat and visually homogenous range which flies in the face of all the good visual hierarchy work GW has done on almost every other AoS range. The aesthetic needs both a broadening and a deepening in implementation.

tbh I do think magmadroth cavalry is kind of the ‘easy’ option for making the range more interesting. Not inherently a bad idea but it would be good to stretch a little.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

DoK and CoS. FEC has a solid base of WHFB minis as well.

CoS I did mention.  DoK and FeC have a handful of oldhammer kits left, as do other factions, but they've both seen major waves of new releases now making up the majority of their available kits, so I wouldn't say either of them are desperate for major release waves.  They're close to the soulblight situation of having been mostly refreshed already, and just having a few lingering kits that will want to be updated at some point.

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37 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

...from a dwarf faction, that rejects technology. Yeah, not too sure about that one.

Fyreslayers don't reject technology, they're master engineers like all Duardin and even have troops with magma-guns (the Auric Hearthguard). 

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19 minutes ago, Scáthborn said:

Yeah, it's weird to think that such a 'recent' range needs an update to their kits, but the difference between the older units and the new Warcry warband is night and day. 

"Recet". 8 years already. Time flies.

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Posted (edited)

Imho, and not being a KO fan, I think that the armies that need "something" to feel like they are an army:

  • Fyreslayers. Not only for more units, but they need to change the homogeneous silhouette that plagues the whole army.
  • Kharadrons. 2 troops and 1 double-kit doesn't feel like an army. They look fine in photos, with ships mixed with arkanauts, but they need at least one or two units to start feeling like an army.
  • Idoneth. Same as KOs, they doesn't feel like an army and I think they are in need of at least two units. 
  • OBR. For a legion-like army, they are far away from feeling like that. They need a lot more and I want to see at least archers in their roster (maybe even chariots Katakross hates Chariots, thx @ScionOfOssia).
  • Ogor Mawtribes: Remove fantasy models and remake the army for AoS.
  • DoK: They have two problems, the first one is the same as KOs, and Idoneth, and the second is the same as Ogor Mawtribes.
  • Kruleboyz: I don't think they need a lot, but there is a gap between monsters and troops that should be filled somehow (cavalry, elite troops, monstruous infantry, ...).

I don't think that Cities need a new wave now, they can still use Elves and Dwarf kits, and that means that they don't need to rush for new sculpts. Of course that I want old this kits removed for a new ones, but what I'm trying to say is that Cities are not in the same need as the ones above. Don't get me wrong  I want to see Tzeentch Warriors, Nurgle Barabrians, Tyrion followers, more Dinophons, etc... but if they just recieve a Hero, it will not be that bad.

Edited by Beliman
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5 minutes ago, Sception said:

CoS I did mention.  DoK and FeC have a handful of oldhammer kits left, as do other factions, but they've both seen major waves of new releases now making up the majority of their available kits, so I wouldn't say either of them are desperate for major release waves.  They're close to the soulblight situation of having been mostly refreshed already, and just having a few lingering kits that will want to be updated at some point.

FEC particularly (as is the one I know better) only has 2 units refreshed. The rest are 3 kits making your whole army. Maybe kit count-wise is not a biggie, but % of the army-wise it is.

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"quenching the flames" might need errata or faq to specify that it applies to any ability that would heal or return models to the unit, not just abilities 'that unit uses'.  For instance olynder's ability restores models to any nighthaunt unit on the table, but olynder would be the unit using the ability, not the units affected.

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2 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Fyreslayers don't reject technology, they're master engineers like all Duardin and even have troops with magma-guns (the Auric Hearthguard). 

They care not for it. It's all means-to-an-end kind of approach. Their weapons, for example, I remember to be described as well crafted but without all the love and attention the Dispossessed would put into them.

And also, quite possibly, if they could be bothered with such things, they'd probably would have started with some body armour anyway.

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21 minutes ago, Sception said:

 the chaos factions need new basic core daemons

Some more than others, I'd say. I think the Plaguebearers are holding their own, and the Horrors are OK. Khorne? Well, you can't polish a t... 

As for the Slaanesh Daemons... I'd be happy either way. The current models are still good enough for me. True, they could be a lot more dynamic... but it effectively means re-doing the Daemonettes, Seekers, and all the Chariot permutations, because they've all got the interchangeable parts. Hell, it'd probably mean re-doing the Hellstriders too, as their Steeds are interchangeable as well. 

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I really like the change to Pink Horrors. I never fancied painting up a million blue and brimstone horrors just so that I don't miss out on an ability with Pink Horrors. Attempting to pop some mortal wounds is a great alternate choice. 

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4 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Hell, it'd probably mean re-doing the Hellstriders too, as their Steeds are interchangeable as well. 

I wouldn't complain if Hellstriders were gone, we already have Seekers and Slickblades. 

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15 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

i hope for more women representation in our game:

Valaya duardin

Badass Ogress (is there any female in the Destruction faction?)

Orruks and grots are asexual. 

Iirc, only ogors, gargants, and troggs have two sexes. 


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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

FEC particularly (as is the one I know better) only has 2 units refreshed. The rest are 3 kits making your whole army. Maybe kit count-wise is not a biggie, but % of the army-wise it is.

They have 17 kits right now, of which only 3 are old kits.  Granted those three old kits make 11 units, but that's still 14 new vs. 11 old - more new than old, and imo some of those old units would be better off sent to legends than replaced.  IMO there's no room in the range for an 'abhorrent ghoul king on foot' when the 'abhorrent archregent' exists, nor is there any need or purpose for a 'crypt ghast courtier' when there are both 'Marrowscroll Heralds' and 'Royal Decapitators'.

I very much would like to see a dual kit hero release for the horror/flayer heroes, it's frankly kind of frustrating to me that that didn't happen yet, but otherwise while the horror/flayer kit and the dragon/terrorgheist kit could stand to be updated I'd again put it in the same category as Sons of Behemat really wanting new small giants, or Soulblight Gravelords wanting new Grave Guard.  ie, stuff that would be nice to have, and really should happen sooner or later, but isn't a desperate situation exactly.


as for basic crypt ghouls... that's a weird situation.  What would new crypt ghoul models even be, that would be at all visually distinct from the hand weapon version of crypt guard?  I'm frankly confused that the crypt guard weren't released as a dual kit, with the hand weapon versions being the new basic crypt ghouls and the halberd versions being the new elite crypt guard.  I mean, basic ghouls would have needed to be balanced around units of 10 instead of units of 20 if they did that, but that's what they were originally, it shouldn't have been too hard to do.

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