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As a big fan of Chaos Spawn, I love that they become much more important. I hope their warscroll will become a bit better though, high time get rid of their bad reputation (that's mostly down to their 40k rules tho!). I'm happy with what's shown in this preview, although it's just enough to wet my beak.

Gaunt Summoner better at hitting in CC than a Curseling is kinda weird, although I'll take it. It feels like our heroes finally got a bit better in CC as is just for a glorious and most noble pawn of Tzeentch!

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Sad that the Curseling seems to be the “Biggest Loser”warscroll from this faction focus. Getting +1 rend and damage on a +4+4 is not something I see myself doing. Really bummed he didn’t keep his steal a spell.

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, MitGas said:

As a big fan of Chaos Spawn, I love that they become much more important. I hope their warscroll will become a bit better though, 

And I, for one, seriously hope it won't.


Edited by Grungnisson
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Funny as it is for Tzeentch's thing to be 'setting things on fire', I kinda wish Burning or similar had been done as a core special rule for this sort of ongoing damage effect, so that more other units and rules could interact with it.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Gord the Lord said:

Sad that the Curseling seems to be the “Biggest Loser”warscroll from this faction focus. Getting +1 rend and damage on a +4+4 is not something I see myself doing. Really bummed he didn’t keep his steal a spell.

Yeah, it kinda weird to give him Infusion Arcanum and then have him on a 4+/4+... feels like he's neither fish nor meat, especially after losing his signature spell. His ranged attack is pretty decent tho (edit: due to new wyrdflame shenanigans). And the model is simply beautiful (to me), so he'll stay in my army.

Oh and we haven't seen Tzeentch's lore yet either. If the spells are good, the Curseling can be a quite decent I think. 

Edited by MitGas
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5 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

Funny as it is for Tzeentch's thing to be 'setting things on fire', I kinda wish Burning or similar had been done as a core special rule for this sort of ongoing damage effect, so that more other units and rules could interact with it.

My Gitz friend will hate it as he loves to field troll-centric armies. ❤️‍🔥

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10 minutes ago, Gord the Lord said:

Sad that the Curseling seems to be the “Biggest Loser”warscroll from this faction focus. Getting +1 rend and damage on a +4+4 is not something I see myself doing. Really bummed he didn’t keep his steal a spell.

He keeps the 3+ save, that's pretty big.

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8 minutes ago, Ragest said:

He keeps the 3+ save, that's pretty big.

As a Stormcast player, I can tell you it really doesn't matter that much to have a 3+ save on an infantry wizard

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3 hours ago, Cdance93 said:

I dunno why people are obsessed with giving FS a cavalry unit, it doesn’t fit their lore and I don’t think they need it. 

not every army needs cavalry 

It fits their lore completely fine. I'd love a cavalry unit, I think it'd fit Lofnir extremely well and incorporates magmadroths much better in the range.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Tomorrow Ogors. Will they hide a hint of an upcoming refresh?

Would be really cool but I doubt it unfortunately. I guess they won‘t reveal cool new minis via these previews!

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1 minute ago, MitGas said:

Would be really cool but I doubt it unfortunately. I guess they won‘t reveal cool new minis via these previews!

But maybe a hint, like the "little mention" to duardins and aleves in the CoS one.

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38 minutes ago, Sception said:

As for basic crypt ghouls... that's a weird situation.  What would new crypt ghoul models even be, that would be at all visually distinct from the hand weapon version of crypt guard?  I'm frankly confused that the crypt guard weren't released as a dual kit, with the hand weapon versions being the new basic crypt ghouls and the halberd versions being the new elite crypt guard.  I mean, basic ghouls would have needed to be balanced around units of 10 instead of units of 20 if they did that, but that's what they were originally, it shouldn't have been too hard to do.

My entirely baseless speculation is that at some point they'll just retire the ghoul kit entirely in favour if the crypt guard, outside of unit size they're both doing much the same thing visually and I don't think you really need 'ghouls with swords' and 'ghouls with claws' as two different warscrolls.

Then they're kinda free to just update the monstrous infantry kit in some shape or other (potentially alongside a big guy hero model) and the range is basically up to modern standards, minus the dragon/terrorgheist. 

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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Tomorrow Ogors. Will they hide a hint of an upcoming refresh?

I doubt it, but just seeing how their rules are re-imagined should be exciting in itself.  Is 4 attacks, 4+/2+ rend 2 dam 2 really the basic ogor stat line now?  Will they make thundertusks good/interesting?  We've seen a fair bit of 3 dice charges in previews already, will thundertusks get something that large?  Nighthaunts get to charge even if they're already in combat, might ogors do the same, dealing impact hits round after round?

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14 minutes ago, Snarff said:

It fits their lore completely fine. I'd love a cavalry unit, I think it'd fit Lofnir extremely well and incorporates magmadroths much better in the range.

Are magmadroths not limited to royalty though? or high ranking members of the Zhagrim 

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32 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Speaking of Tzeentch , we know Blue scribes and Fluxmaster are gone for good and they potentially will have new minis with either DoT battletome or 40K daemons codex release.



The 40k side rumor saying the demon codex will be giving 4 chaos boxes for each god with new champion so unless tzeentch is a very early tome the Scribes are fine if this rumor is back up

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