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7 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

Are magmadroths not limited to royalty though? or high ranking members of the Zhagrim 


It was the Zharrgrim priests who learned the secrets of hatching Magmadroth eggs and hand-raising the volatile
beasts, though only the most nobleblooded of the Fyreslayers have shown the prowess and willpower required to persuade a fully-grown Magmadroth to serve them as a battle mount.

Fyreslayers 2E battletome. 

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Good to know they kept the signature Fate Dice.


So a bit of a reality check on the Horrors situation: 

- They now have 2hp and a 6+++, which is fair looking at the size of the models. But it means they have to have an appropiate price tag.

-They now need a unit of blues that has lost models to split into - sounds too conditional to matter much but who knows? Dealing 1mw per 2models (4hp) lost does not sound like a better option - they could do that already and noone choose it.

- they basically have NO damage output.  Like seriously none. 1A 4+/4+ in melee , 2A 4+/4+ ranged. That burning ability needs to do heavy lifting here. And good luck getting it going using horrors - 12" range and no shoot in combat. 


I cannot see them in any capacity but as yet another tarpit. So again players will either hate them or not see them at all. 

Not a fan.



Kairos i do like. He sounds like a big buff peace but not as scary in his own as his size/points suggest. As should be. 

His battle tactic ability is powerfull. 

Would have loved for it to be a bit more trickster stlye. But its relevant and fitting the faction/unit. 

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16 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

But maybe a hint, like the "little mention" to duardins and aleves in the CoS one.

I‘m all for it! They‘ve waited too long for a decently sized update.

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2 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Fyreslayers 2E battletome. 

Exactly, they should be rare - not cavalry; and the other thing is that when I mean lore accurate, this army is infatry thats what theyre all about - their strength and individual bodies 

What I would love to see is more takes on the infantry theme, think 3 wound Oath-guard 

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3 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

Exactly, they should be rare - not cavalry; and the other thing is that when I mean lore accurate, this army is infatry thats what theyre all about - their strength and individual bodies 

What I would love to see is more takes on the infantry theme, think 3 wound Oath-guard 

If they can look visually distinct (i.e. pass the silhoutte test) from the other fyreslayer melee infantry, go for it. 

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19 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

Are magmadroths not limited to royalty though? or high ranking members of the Zhagrim 

The fully grown ones are usually Zharrgrim or high ranking lodge members. But we know that they have to be trained, we know that some lodges utilize them a lot more than others, and we know they take little ones into battle. So cavalry really would not be out of the question at all.

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4 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

If they can look visually distinct (i.e. pass the silhoutte test) from the other fyreslayer melee infantry, go for it. 

I have faith GW can do that by looking at Flameseekers

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

The fully grown ones are usually Zharrgrim or high ranking lodge members. But we know that they have to be trained, we know that some lodges utilize them a lot more than others, and we know they take little ones into battle. So cavalry really would not be out of the question at all.

or if not cavalry, maybe chariots.  Something.


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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Sception said:

or if not cavalry, maybe chariots.  Something.


I'd like cavalry. Chariots are IMO much less fitting, that feels like something for a more regimented army (unless it's something like the IJ big boar).

With the most recent lore being all about Vulcatrix and Lofnir collecting her sacred flames to empower their Magmadroths and how Magmadroths are raised and trained, I think cavalry makes perfect sense. I don't see them as regimented horses charging in lines, I see them as units of 3 medium sized semi-tamed droths wildly charging in with their wranglers on their backs wielding javelins or halberds

Edited by Snarff
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4 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Vyrkos lady can summon the wolves. 

Aren't there sylvaneth spells/units that let you summon units of dryads? I'm not super-familiar with that army though, so I could be wrong on that front. 

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Posted (edited)

I'm also in the camp of not wanting Fyreslayers to receive Magmadroth Cavalry. It feels like it would both be Flanderisation while also stepping on the toes of the Seraphon. Not to say I don't think they could do something else with Magmadroths - the Flameseekers with the young 'ens are a good example of that - but seeing them everywhere would be a disservice to them as centrepieces imo.

Of course given the demand for them over the years, I'm sure GW will probably cave and introduce them anyway.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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5 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Vyrkos lady can summon the wolves. 

Vyrkos in general can summon wolves in 3e, exactly one unit per game as a heroic action usable by any vyrkos vampire.

With subfactions gone in favor of 'battle formations' that's almost certainly gone in 4e.  Honestly, of all the factions in the game, soulblight probably loses the most in the shift from subfactions to formations, considering how important their various bloodlines were to their theme.  It's almost to the point that I half expect them to put the subfactions back somehow.  Like maybe one of their faction battle traits will be 'soulblight dynasties', with a different trait for each bloodline.

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I'm also in the camp of not wanting Fyreslayers to receive Magmadroth Cavalry. It feels like it would both be Flanderisation while also stepping on the toes of the Seraphon. Not to say I don't think they could do something else with Magmadroths - the Flameseekers with the young 'ens are a good example of that - but seeing them everywhere would be a disservice to them as centrepieces imo.

Of course given the demand for them over the years, I'm sure GW will probably cave and introduce them anyway.

I don't think it's Flanderisation, I think it's capitalizing on a great model. Demidroth cavalry would add proper variety and a niche to Lofnir lists. You now have as many magmadroths (which start to look same-y after a while) as you can. plus foot infantry because it's necessary. A cav unit would add some real variety to the list, and they don't have to just be mini-magmadroths. They can be one of the many magmadroth varieties that have been mentioned in lore so far.

I do think it would take away from the Magmadroths as a centrepiece, but I think we're eventually going to get Grimnir (on Vulcatrix) as a proper centrepiece model anyway.

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2 hours ago, Freemeta said:

i hope for more women representation in our game:

Valaya duardin

Badass Ogress (is there any female in the Destruction faction?)

I remember one from the short story "I, Behemat". There was a whole family of gargants led by female one. I do hope they will once make a female miniature of Behemat - that'd be cool!

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6 minutes ago, Sception said:

Vyrkos in general can summon wolves in 3e, exactly one unit per game as a heroic action usable by any vyrkos vampire.

With subfactions gone in favor of 'battle formations' that's almost certainly gone in 4e.  Honestly, of all the factions in the game, soulblight probably loses the most in the shift from subfactions to formations, considering how important their various bloodlines were to their theme.  It's almost to the point that I half expect them to put the subfactions back somehow.  Like maybe one of their faction battle traits will be 'soulblight dynasties', with a different trait for each bloodline.

Her warscroll spell also allows “summoning” in the form of turning d3 MW worth of dead models into a mini Dire Wolves unit.

That said, I’m also worried about their transition from bloodlines to formations, though I think a lot of armies are in that spot. Sylvaneth Groves, Ogor Mawtribes, DoK especially spring to mind.

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3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I do think it would take away from the Magmadroths as a centrepiece, but I think we're eventually going to get Grimnir (on Vulcatrix) as a proper centrepiece model anyway.

Vulcatrix is too big, haven't you seen that art of her fighting Grimnir where literal dragons look like insects in comparison?


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8 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I do think it would take away from the Magmadroths as a centrepiece, but I think we're eventually going to get Grimnir (on Vulcatrix) as a proper centrepiece model anyway.

I think at most we get an avatar of Grimnir, I dont think they're going to introduce more of the main pantheon gods into the game. 

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