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5 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Vulcatrix is too big, haven't you seen that art of her fighting Grimnir where literal dragons look like insects in comparison?


I mean, Alarielle, Morathi, Nagash, etc. also have models. I know they can also be just aspects, but size has never stopped them and they can always scale down.



Nagash is also relatively much smaller as a model than he is here.

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4 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

Or they just roll Gotrek into FS and bobs your uncle 

I'd be fine with this if they give him a FS-exclusive Grimnir avatar model like he's described in the books when the rune possesses him.

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Just now, Snarff said:

I'd be fine with this if they give him a FS-exclusive Grimnir avatar model like he's described in the books when the rune possesses him.

Only problem is lore wise he really dislikes FS so dunno what to do about that 😄

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Cdance93 said:

Only problem is lore wise he really dislikes FS so dunno what to do about that 😄

That's Realmslayer (and even during the course of Realmslayer he starts to like them more), in Soulslayer he's come around on them. In Gitslayer he comes around on the Kharadron, but doesn't like them much anymore at the start of Soulslayer. Then in Soulslayer he joins a FS lodge for a while and he refers to FS as the closest thing he has to kin in the Mortal Realms. Parts with them on good terms too. He really loves his FS axe and wants to use his FS rune for good now.

Edited by Snarff
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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

That's Realmslayer (and even during the course of Realmslayer he starts to like them more), in Soulslayer he's come around on them. In Gitslayer he comes around on the Kharadron, but doesn't like them much anymore at the start of Soulslayer. Then in Soulslayer he joins a FS lodge for a while and he refers to FS as the closest thing he has to kin in the Mortal Realms. Parts with them on good terms too. He really loves his FS axe and wants to use his FS rune for good now.

Ahh ok thank you! Ive just read Realm-slayer - if the rest include some more FS action I'll have to get them

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1 minute ago, Cdance93 said:

Ahh ok thank you! Ive just read Realm-slayer - if the rest include some more FS action I'll have to get them

The rest is really good, especially Ghoul- to Soulslayer. They are about Gotrek accepting his place in the Mortal Realms and going through some huge character development.

It slightly regresses in Blightslayer though (which is still enjoyable), but we'll see what the next book brings.

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1 minute ago, Gutsu17 said:

They had goblin hewer in fantasy, so i dont see why not

Fyreslayers are not old-world slayers though. I don't see a mechanical warmachine as fitting, since they're all about invoking and awakening Ur-Gold embedded in the Duardin or Magmadroths themselves.

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Fyreslayers are not old-world slayers though. I don't see a mechanical warmachine as fitting, since they're all about invoking and awakening Ur-Gold embedded in the Duardin or Magmadroths themselves.

yeah, but that could still be worked into cool war machines or piloted golems/mechs/dreadnoughts with fyreslayers acting as both the pilots/crew and the power source.

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2 minutes ago, Sception said:

yeah, but that could still be worked into cool war machines or piloted golems/mechs/dreadnoughts with fyreslayers acting as both the pilots/crew and the power source.

Ok I know I said cav was non-lorical but FS driving machines is like, heretical

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So, to make a target burning with a unit of Horrors I need to roll a 4+ and a 4+ and then the opponent must fail his save and ward. Then I need to roll a 3+ (2+on d3) to make them take 2 or 3 mw. Awsome!

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Posted (edited)

What about the side of the army that is more about a cult of zealots under the banner of a Berzerker god?

In other word, duardins "blessed" by their god (monstruous infantry maybe), war altars, a procession like Triumph of Saint Catherine (40k miniature), etc...?

Edited by Beliman
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16 hours ago, EthanolMuffins said:

I bet the elves wait til 5th, 4th feels like it will be dwarf focused to me. Idk why, just a feeling


Here's what I think we see for 4th: Fyreslayers update, Chorfs, COS 2nd wave, Seraphon 2nd wave (cause cmon if you gonna update the lizardmen, whats a better time to do it then when they go against their main foe the rats?), and Ogors refresh

Absolutely, that's why the new CoS wave will be dwarf centric! Easy!

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2 minutes ago, Pompe said:

So, to make a target burning with a unit of Horrors I need to roll a 4+ and a 4+ and then the opponent must fail his save and ward. Then I need to roll a 3+ (2+on d3) to make them take 2 or 3 mw. Awsome!

No exactly. You still need to allocate a wound, but in any shooting phase, you can give one unit the Burning keyword without rolling any dice. Only once per shooting phase btw.

The Mortal Wound ability is a separate one, and maybe you don't want to use it if Burning gives you some type of bonus (-1 to hit with the battle formation, but maybe there are going to be a more bonus).

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TBF it doesn’t have to be Magmadroth Calvary as it can any other fire mounted creature that they suddenly created out of nowhere. It just the most easy visualization of a new FS unit currently and a Calvary unit is more distinct than just more Foot infantry.

of course they did give FS a baby Droth as part of their warcry warband 

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33 minutes ago, Beliman said:

What about the side of the army that is more about a cult of zealots under the banner of a Berzerker god?

In other word, duardins "blessed" by their god (monstruous infantry maybe), war altars, a procession like Triumph of Saint Catherine (40k miniature), etc...?

The problem I see is that all of that wouldn't break the visual monotony, while what users are suggesting that would break it doesn't fit 100% lore-wise. IMO FS are in a weird situation if they want to not look all the time the same.

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20 minutes ago, novakai said:

TBF it doesn’t have to be Magmadroth Calvary as it can any other fire mounted creature that they suddenly created out of nowhere. It just the most easy visualization of a new FS unit currently and a Calvary unit is more distinct than just more Foot infantry.

of course they did give FS a baby Droth as part of their warcry warband 

Only to make you feel like a ****** when you kill a poor baby dragon. The FS are the true monsters of AoS! 😆

FS need something other than naked stumps to appeal to a wider audience IMO. Lots of cool things could easily be added, so GW should either support them properly or BoC them. 

Still really annoyed that GW killed of BoC in AoS. 

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

I'd like cavalry. Chariots are IMO much less fitting, that feels like something for a more regimented army (unless it's something like the IJ big boar).

I actually think it’s the other way, chariots could fit well with the whole heroic, unregimented, vaguely Greek ‘army of heroes’ approach you can see with FS, something bronze age. You could have a big chariot (chunky, metal, dwarven, like in the Hobbit films), maybe with 3-4 steeds, with a driver and a FS champion hurling javelins.

And then as an alt-build, it could be a slightly scaled up fire thrower like that wielded by the the hearthguard. Or a zhaargrim priest with a small altar/anvil, chanting and striking war-runes.

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2 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

The 40k side rumor saying the demon codex will be giving 4 chaos boxes for each god with new champion so unless tzeentch is a very early tome the Scribes are fine if this rumor is back up

That would be great. What is the source on that ?

Like 10 days ago Valrak did a stream about 40k and KT and said Daemons could go into their Monogod Chaos Space Marines Codexes (like in AOS, and like the "old" Khorne Daemonkin book).

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41 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I don't play FS but if those first edition kits were updated like stormies to more reflect the warcry band I'd be tempted. 

100%! If the first edition FS sculpts would be resculpt in the same style as the warcry band, it would be one of the most beautiful armies of AoS.


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3 hours ago, Talas said:

Which current factions can summon units from nothing in 3.0? Besides Tzeentch.


2 hours ago, novakai said:

Alarielle also can summon dryad or a Treelord for free though the cost is sort of bake into her points

Lady of Vines can also summon Dryads.

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37 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

That would be great. What is the source on that ?

Like 10 days ago Valrak did a stream about 40k and KT and said Daemons could go into their Monogod Chaos Space Marines Codexes (like in AOS, and like the "old" Khorne Daemonkin book).

I believe Valrek respond on the Bolter and chainsword forum that he does not believe in the daemon splitting into their respective Chaos space marine legion rumor. Mostly because it would leave Be’lekor homeless if done right now.

of course the big rumor right now is the Agents of the imperium codex 

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1 minute ago, novakai said:

I believe Valrek respond on the Bolter and chainsword forum that he does not believe in the daemon splitting into their respective Chaos space marine legion rumor. Mostly because it would leave Be’lekor homeless if done right now.

of course the big rumor right now is the Agents of the imperium codex 

Absolutely. And indeed this summer / Fall for 40k is almost confirmed Agents of the Imperium and Blood Angels + Kill Team Goodies. 

But i'd really like to know more about the Daemons Boxes @Dragon-knight77 mentionned xD

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