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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Grunbag said:

Yes and not mention they always been balanced as separated faction in all the metawatch, at the opposite of GSG for exemple . Now I’m starting thinking that maybe they were meant to be separated armies from the beginning , they simply didn’t had enough model to run on their own , and due to logistic issue they couldn’t release the ironjawz second waves before so maybe they souped them as a place holder until they release more unit for them . 

Or because BS had to have a temporary home for this edition.

Edited by Ejecutor
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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Or because BS had to have a temporary home for this edition.

Yeah though after 1st edition, it felt like GW never had a true vision for them going forward in AoS.

they got that low effort rules and lore writing and barely any recognition of there existence over the newer Ironjawz range.

maybe in the future they can come back as Savage Ironjawz but probably never as the Caveman Orcs of old.

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Holy cow, really?! Good for them! 👏 🐀 


Fingers crossed even 40% of your predictions hit home and make us feel like we’re back in 2018’s Malign Portents era of rapid releases and updates.

Even if that ends up 2 new units and a terrain piece per faction(especially those missing them, justice of Orruks get 2) and just a new universal Endless Spell pack I’ll consider that a big win compared to AoS3’s dry spell.

It's not that unrealistic a guess. If you ignore warcry, underworlds and single model factions AoS got 87 new kits in third edition. If all the factions I listed get the maximum number of kits I guessed it comes to 82 kits. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, novakai said:

maybe in the future they can come back as Savage Ironjawz but probably never as the Caveman Orcs of old.

It has already begun.



Edited by Gitzdee
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4 hours ago, Chikout said:

Fyreslayers mid sized release 3-6 kits. There will be cavalry. The one thing everyone loves about Fyreslayers is the magmadroth. Of course gw will lean into it. 

I hope you're right! I think there will also be incorporation of female FS into these kits.

4 hours ago, Chikout said:

Cities - mid sized update leaning into the religious side of the army. The underworlds warband was a preview. 

I think we might get some ironweld/Duardin updates as well, with the faction focus confirming the multiracial identity of cities and the explicit Duardin holds on the new vermindoom map

4 hours ago, Chikout said:

Lumineth - Tyrion will turn up in the end of edition campaign series which gw will foolishly release at the end of the edition again instead of spaced over the years. He won't get any friends until 5th edition. 

This might be sooner, since


the Lumineth twins have recovered a fragment of the Ur-Phoenix.

Unless they do the river temple first.

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8 minutes ago, Snarff said:

This might be sooner, since

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the Lumineth twins have recovered a fragment of the Ur-Phoenix.

Tell that to Grombrindall. IMO it is just another seed that they can pick in the future if they need it.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Tell that to Grombrindall. IMO it is just another seed that they can pick in the future if they need it.

Aelves actually get releases though, unlike Duardin lmao

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12 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Aelves actually get releases though, unlike Duardin lmao

I guess everyone forgot 2015- 2017 when we got two whole armies for Duardin and nothing for Aelves. In terms of number of AoS specific kits Aelves didn't overtake Duardin until  the Lumineth release in 2020. 

Dok still has the fewest AoS kits of any Aelven or Duardin faction. 

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5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I guess everyone forgot 2015- 2017 when we got two whole armies for Duardin and nothing for Aelves. In terms of number of AoS specific kits Aelves didn't overtake Duardin until  the Lumineth release in 2020. 

Dok still has the fewest AoS kits of any Aelven or Duardin faction. 

I want all races to have proper releases, but Aelves have definitely been doing quite good in both models and lore.

Idoneth was also introduced in 1st as a fully new army. Sylvaneth have a largely new range and had so from the start, and they recently got a few very nice range expansions. Lumineth got 2 waves shortly after one another and are also a fully new army with at least 2 more expansions planned. DoK is kind of in a poor state yeah, not going to argue with that.

WFB kits in Aelven armies also count for something. Most of those kits were quite new by the time of their release and they still make the armies a lot bigger than they otherwise would have been.

Those 2 Duardin armies you mentioned are 7 (or nearly 10 in the case of FS) years later still among the smallest ranges in the entire game, only ever getting single hero releases (and endless spells/terrain) in mainline AoS. The most recent Duaridn releases, KO admiral, FS runesmiter and Grombrindal are all limited models without properly supported rules (which really stings for armies that are already small).

My first comment was just a tongue in cheek joke about how Aelves got some very nice range expansions and a lot of focus in lore (Teclis, Alarielle, Morathi) from broken realms onwards, while Duardin have expertly ducked under the spotlight for almost 2 editions.

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16 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I want all races to have proper releases, but Aelves have definitely been doing quite good in both models and lore.

Idoneth was also introduced in 1st as a fully new army. Sylvaneth have a largely new range and had so from the start, and they recently got a few very nice range expansions. Lumineth got 2 waves shortly after one another and are also a fully new army with at least 2 more expansions planned. DoK is kind of in a poor state yeah, not going to argue with that.

WFB kits in Aelven armies also count for something. Most of those kits were quite new by the time of their release and they still make the armies a lot bigger than they otherwise would have been.

Those 2 Duardin armies you mentioned are 7 (or nearly 10 in the case of FS) years later still among the smallest ranges in the entire game, only ever getting single hero releases (and endless spells/terrain) in mainline AoS. The most recent Duaridn releases, KO admiral, FS runesmiter and Grombrindal are all limited models without properly supported rules (which really stings for armies that are already small).

My first comment was just a tongue in cheek joke about how Aelves got some very nice range expansions and a lot of focus in lore (Teclis, Alarielle, Morathi) from broken realms onwards, while Duardin have expertly ducked under the spotlight for almost 2 editions.


We need to stop this Aelf versus Duardin debate, it's like the war of the beard all over again, these old wounds need to heal. 

I propose with Grombrindal's new adventures he meets back up with Malekith, re-ignite their bromance and create the Shadow Dwelf (Elardin?) race. 

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18 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I want all races to have proper releases, but Aelves have definitely been doing quite good in both models and lore.

Idoneth was also introduced in 1st as a fully new army. Sylvaneth have a largely new range and had so from the start, and they recently got a few very nice range expansions. Lumineth got 2 waves shortly after one another and are also a fully new army with at least 2 more expansions planned. DoK is kind of in a poor state yeah, not going to argue with that.

WFB kits in Aelven armies also count for something. Most of those kits were quite new by the time of their release and they still make the armies a lot bigger than they otherwise would have been.

Those 2 Duardin armies you mentioned are 7 (or nearly 10 in the case of FS) years later still among the smallest ranges in the entire game, only ever getting single hero releases (and endless spells/terrain) in mainline AoS. The most recent Duaridn releases, KO admiral, FS runesmiter and Grombrindal are all limited models without properly supported rules (which really stings for armies that are already small).

My first comment was just a tongue in cheek joke about how Aelves got some very nice range expansions and a lot of focus in lore (Teclis, Alarielle, Morathi) from broken realms onwards, while Duardin have expertly ducked under the spotlight for almost 2 editions.

From what I heard Elves have always sold pretty solid since WHFB, so it makes sense from a company POV that they are receiving more love.

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20 hours ago, Sception said:

I doubt it, but just seeing how their rules are re-imagined should be exciting in itself.  Is 4 attacks, 4+/2+ rend 2 dam 2 really the basic ogor stat line now?  Will they make thundertusks good/interesting?  We've seen a fair bit of 3 dice charges in previews already, will thundertusks get something that large?  Nighthaunts get to charge even if they're already in combat, might ogors do the same, dealing impact hits round after round?

Maybe something that interacts with or boosts the new Power Through command for the big beasties?

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20 hours ago, Sception said:

I doubt it, but just seeing how their rules are re-imagined should be exciting in itself.  Is 4 attacks, 4+/2+ rend 2 dam 2 really the basic ogor stat line now?  Will they make thundertusks good/interesting?  We've seen a fair bit of 3 dice charges in previews already, will thundertusks get something that large?  Nighthaunts get to charge even if they're already in combat, might ogors do the same, dealing impact hits round after round?

3 attacks 4+/2+ rend 1 dam 2 will be the basic Ogor stat. Ogor Cities have a bit more damage and better rend than a Glutton.

You can do that movement with the CA at the end of the turn. You pass away over a unit, make MWs if you charged this turn and your Wound Characteristic is bigger than the unit you want to pass over it

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1 hour ago, Scáthborn said:


We need to stop this Aelf versus Duardin debate, it's like the war of the beard all over again, these old wounds need to heal. 

I propose with Grombrindal's new adventures he meets back up with Malekith, re-ignite their bromance and create the Shadow Dwelf (Elardin?) race. 

No, no, fight each other - mankind for the win!

Idoneth need another wave (sounds fitting), KO too and especially FS need more. I'll exclude DoK as I believe they'll get a big release once Malerion hits. FS apparently got horrible sales numbers, so if GW doesn't support them now, they'll go the way of BoC. And if GW supported BoC, they wouldn't have gone away either. 

GW's idea to break up factions and release mini-armies has to be one of the stupidest decisions in a long, long time - the idea itself isn't necessarily dumb, I mean it was nice to have a couple of new forces fast for AoS but the execution most certainly was. They should've known that most people nowadays are unwilling to wait 5+ years for a range extension. I think they could've helped the situation by taking a page out of WHFB's book - where not every new unit had actual models and people built their own until they were ready.

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27 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

You can do that movement with the CA at the end of the turn. You pass away over a unit, make MWs if you charged this turn and your Wound Characteristic is bigger than the unit you want to pass over it

I can't wait to play the game. Between Power Through, Counter-Charge, Redeploy and Covering Fire, games are going to be so much fun.

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1 minute ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Thought not... but they put a random thing about allies in AoS on Instagram yesterday, so I thought I might have missed something. 

Do you mean the Duardin Allies force from the W+ episode?

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7 minutes ago, MitGas said:

 I think they could've helped the situation by taking a page out of WHFB's book - where not every new unit had actual models and people built their own until they were ready.

Ah, back in the good old days. Before the phrase "kit-bashing" was even coined! 

In the current climate, though, I guess GW don't want rival companies putting out models that are filling gaps in their own line. 

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I think they could've helped the situation by taking a page out of WHFB's book - where not every new unit had actual models and people built their own until they were ready.

Doing that was the whole reason behind the Chapterhouse Studios mess, they can't do it anymore.

Plus it was frustrating if it required building something that was pretty complex. I dunno how people managed to create Kugath back in the day he had rules seeing as it required convering an GUO-sized Palanquin of Nurgle. Or something like the Tyranid Tyrannofex, which had rules for a while before its model released (and the model that was released looked nothing like the art in the codex for some reason).

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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9 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Ah, back in the good old days. Before the phrase "kit-bashing" was even coined! 

In the current climate, though, I guess GW don't want rival companies putting out models that are filling gaps in their own line. 


7 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Doing that was the whole reason behind the Chapterhouse Studios mess, they can't do it anymore.

Plus it was frustrating if it required building something that was pretty complex. I dunno how people managed to create Kugath back in the day he had rules seeing as it required convering an GUO-sized Palanquin of Nurgle. Or something like the Tyranid Tyrannofex, which had rules for a while before its model released (and the model that was released looked nothing like the art in the codex for some reason).

Yeah, it‘s not ideal but is it any better to set up various armies for failure due to a lack of support just because GW think it‘s better to release the 500th Stormcast unit? I think not!


Not a real dig at SCE but we know some forces need something fast and the BoC situation could‘ve been averted entirely. 👏

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