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15 minutes ago, Sception said:

Really?  I'm surprised I missed that bit, but I have been a bit checked out this edition.  Where did that happen again?

The 3rd Edition Bonereapers battletome told us this and apparently he pops up in a small way in DB4. If you didn’t have both, you probably wouldn’t draw the connection, but it matches his MO to a T. 

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The Ogor preview is definitely the weakest  of all the previews so far. To me it screams that it's just a place holder until they get the refresh and battletome this edition.  

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3 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

The 3rd Edition Bonereapers battletome told us this and apparently he pops up in a small way in DB4. If you didn’t have both, you probably wouldn’t draw the connection, but it matches his MO to a T. 

Hrm.  Pretty sure the only mention of arkhan was the skaven bit, but will go back and look, thanks.  Surprised I missed the bonereapers bit, but was more focused on other elements of the lore there.

Arkhan (maybe) poking around is one thing, but I hope they don't rush Nagash's return.  As much as I want him back, his return would (or at least should) put an end to the civil war between Mannfred and Neferata, and I'd like that to get a bit more spotlight and development, maybe even rope in more of the undead.  Like, the ossiarchs wouldn't care, the entire point of their existence is that they can stay on target even when Nagash is temporarily out of the picture and not get dragged down by petty internal conflicts, but I could see Olynder being convinced to side with Neferata, and I could see Ushoran throwing in with Mannfred after breaking with Neferata in Dawnbringers.  Might be fun to see how something like that plays out, while the bonereapers are left to resist the newly ascendant skaven on their own for a while as a real test of their strength.

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27 minutes ago, madmac said:

Mostly it evens out, but the edge cases are rough. Anything that debuffs to hit is going to be brutal against Ogres, same as it was for them in 1st/2nd edition before Mawtribes. As an elite army that rolls a small number of dice overall aiming for 4s or 5s can skew them pretty hard.

Yeah rolling for a 4+ is an absolutely miserable experience, it's so easy for the dice to skew a bit and just tank. In my experience it's better to just assume that any unit rolling for a 4+ is going to do dramatically less damage than expected, so seeing so many of them popping up in the faction focuses is a bit of a head scratcher. It kind of seems like it's one of the ways GW is toning down the damage for the edition but it's going to make for some annoyingly long and grindy combats where you roll a bunch of dice and just nothing happens.

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11 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

The Ogor preview is definitely the weakest  of all the previews so far. To me it screams that it's just a place holder until they get the refresh and battletome this edition.  

Copium hot take. Is this evidence of a new book incoming?  They've been putting all their effort into the new book and they don't want to show their hand too early??

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9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

A Darkoath Marauder is the Miniature of the Month this- uh, month, from the 8th of June. Sounds like it's a random draw rather than a specific miniature. 


Also, a Slaves to Darkness coin, from the 1st of June.


They can keep these unwashed barbarians! 🤭 


Where are my properly bathed Tzeentchian Sorcerer-Warriors, GW? 


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5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Copium hot take. Is this evidence of a new book incoming?  They've been putting all their effort into the new book and they don't want to show their hand too early??

I mean… everyone is getting new books, there’s no reason to think ours is early-on in the schedule. I hope the book fleshes things out. We need to realistically be okay with using the index for 1-3 years, sadly.

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1 hour ago, Sahrial said:

As a die hard Ogors player my main reaction is

”… huh.”

“Whelmed” really is the way to put it.

it doesn’t seem… awful… but like… I feel we just lost a lot of character to the army.

This has honestly been the biggest hit to my hype, yet.

My personal view is this is what's happened in at least half the previews so far, and there are a number of armies that will see the same thing happen. Thinking BoK, HoS and Seraphon in particular.

20 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

The Ogor preview is definitely the weakest  of all the previews so far. To me it screams that it's just a place holder until they get the refresh and battletome this edition.  

I think DoT is weaker personally. 

And TBF they're all placeholders until the battletomes are released.

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Posted (edited)

I just want to add my 2 cents to the Ogor Faction Focus arguments:

It seems that all armies had been nerfed (SCE seems to be the exception, and I expect Kruleboyz too). Just read the common players of this armies, look at their specialized subforum or reddit. The arguments are exactly the same "we have been nerfed" or "they removed alll this flavour abilities", or anything like that.

What I'm trying to say is, wait a bit and play the game, everyone is in the same square as you, and that's what matter.

Edited by Beliman
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5 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I mean… everyone is getting new books, there’s no reason to think ours is early-on in the schedule. I hope the book fleshes things out. We need to realistically be okay with using the index for 1-3 years, sadly.

I get that. I mean new book with new models and new rules not just a copy and paste from last edition. 

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With so many armies not everything is gonna be a smash hit with flavor and rules sadly, but so far none of the armies have been “misses”. None of the armies shown so far will suffer like admech, death guard, and votann did at the start of 10th. And here is to hoping none of the remaining ones are bad. Just want everyone to have fun and enjoyable rules

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14 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

And TBF they're all placeholders until the battletomes are released.

But for some armies won't they actually have their placeholder index for the majority of the edition if they are towards the end of the Tome release schedule?

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15 minutes ago, Beliman said:

It seems that all armies had been nerfed (SCE seems to be the exception,

Haha, I’m waiting for the boot to drop on that with point reveals and everyone went up 25% we go up 30% to pay for our elite status and Finest Hour buffs. 😅


But otherwise way, I think everything has been really cool. A lot of disgruntlement is because we’re looking in vacuums.(to the point some see only their faction nerfed and everyone else the same AoS3 power level)

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24 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

My personal view is this is what's happened in at least half the previews so far, and there are a number of armies that will see the same thing happen. Thinking BoK, HoS and Seraphon in particular.

I think DoT is weaker personally. 

And TBF they're all placeholders until the battletomes are released.

Yeah, DoT have definitely lost quite a bit of punch if judged solely by the preview. But like you‘ve said, it‘s too early to say for sure how good or bad they‘ll be when we get the whole picture. If points aren‘t really adjusted and heroes/units as expensive as they were before, then we‘ll suck big time. But I‘m used to to getting nerfed by now. I‘d rather play with a weak army than with a totally OP one to be fair.


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29 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I just want to add my 2 cents to the Ogor Faction Focus arguments:

It seems that all armies had been nerfed (SCE seems to be the exception, and I expect Kruleboyz too). Just read the common players of this armies, look at their specialized subforum or reddit. The arguments are exactly the same "we have been nerfed" or "they removed alll this flavour abilities", or anything like that.

What I'm trying to say is, wait a bit and play the game, everyone is in the same square as you, and that's what matter.

Rules have been toned down (people ASKED for less bloat) and profiles are standarized again to a 4+ roll (people ASKED for less lethality and save stacking)

So now poeple are crying for what they wanted xD

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1 minute ago, MitGas said:

Yeah, DoT have definitely lost quite a bit of punch if judged solely by the preview. But like you‘ve said, it‘s too early to say for sure how good or bad they‘ll be when we get the whole picture. If points aren‘t really adjusted and heroes/units as expensive as they were before, then we‘ll suck big time. But I‘m used to to getting nerfed by now. I‘d rather play with a weak army than with a totally OP one to be fair.


DoT might’ve either stayed the same or even gone down slightly because you completely lost summoning and that was previously pointed in. So compared to everyone else, you’re probably in a good spot except on Kairos. 

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22 minutes ago, Beliman said:

It seems that all armies had been nerfed (SCE seems to be the exception

I actually have the same issue with SCE, they were my army for 2 1/2 editions, and don't seem terribly exciting from the preview. The Ruination models are nice, but the rules and stats previews don't fill me with any excitement at all.

I think the thing is we're used to the way the armies play now, and some armies are so involved, to see it stripped back and consolidated makes it feel 'less than'. Lumineth and Seraphon are probably going to feel really bare in comparison to their 3rd books!

6 minutes ago, EntMan said:

But for some armies won't they actually have their placeholder index for the majority of the edition if they are towards the end of the Tome release schedule?

Yeah that's probably true. I'm sure what will happen with the battletomes is they will riff on the index, updating any glaringly problematic stats and abilities, and flesh out things like battle formations, hero traits, artefacts and all that kinda stuff, plus adding minimum the new foot hero each army will get alongside their book. 

That was pretty much the same thing that happened in 1st ed if I remember correctly, and what's occurring in 10th ed 40K as I understand it.


Yeah, DoT have definitely lost quite a bit of punch if judged solely by the preview. But like you‘ve said, it‘s too early to say for sure how good or bad they‘ll be when we get the whole picture. If points aren‘t really adjusted and heroes/units as expensive as they were before, then we‘ll suck big time. But I‘m used to to getting nerfed by now. I‘d rather play with a weak army than with a totally OP one to be fair.

As long as they're fun to play with and play against it'll be all good! 

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46 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

The relevant excerpt from Page 37. 


Ok yeah, I do remember this bit.  And I stand by my previous statement that this is more like 'yelling from the penalty box' than being let out of it.

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30 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I mean… everyone is getting new books, there’s no reason to think ours is early-on in the schedule. I hope the book fleshes things out. We need to realistically be okay with using the index for 1-3 years, sadly.

To be honest I not sure I hope books changes too much the index or not. While having more flavorful rules in the proper tomes would be cool it just make the factions that get the last books boring for a whole edition... I really hope one day we get rid of tomes be slowly drip feed through the edition and we get something like a yearly update for all the factions.

33 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I just want to add my 2 cents to the Ogor Faction Focus arguments:

It seems that all armies had been nerfed (SCE seems to be the exception, and I expect Kruleboyz too). Just read the common players of this armies, look at their specialized subforum or reddit. The arguments are exactly the same "we have been nerfed" or "they removed alll this flavour abilities", or anything like that.

What I'm trying to say is, wait a bit and play the game, everyone is in the same square as you, and that's what matter.

Sigmar have mercy if they find a way to nerf Kruleboyz!

On a more serious note, it is the same thing that happen with every new rules preview. The same happen when a tomes drops, now is just worse because the changes are more pronounced. I imagine the average warhammer player don't take interest in readying the rules for factions they personally play/collect, so they rarely look at the big picture to see that everyone else is in the same boat.

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5 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Rules have been toned down (people ASKED for less bloat) and profiles are standarized again to a 4+ roll (people ASKED for less lethality and save stacking)

So now poeple are crying for what they wanted xD

Do you ever think that maybe those are different people? That maybe the people having issues with a reduction in lethality or the loss of complexity aren't the same people who asked for a reduction in lethality and complexity? Isn't that a crazy thought? That there are different people online that want different things. What a world we live in.

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