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6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Hey lads, help me looking hints that we have with the #newAoS articles:

- The factions that had announced removed warscrolls could be the first books.
- Gloomspite lore doesn't mention Spiderfang
- BoC doesn't exist anymore and Tzaangors are undefined mutants
- Ogors seems will receive an update of the lore with the DB content. Gutbusters are not anymore "big hungry orruks", they have a purpouse and their own rituals
- Fyreslayers advance a bit more the lore with the DB content with the Fyrequeen as the most new thing

The other factions doesn't seem to have something new so they don't seem to be in the radar.

Prevalence of the Dawis and Aelves for CoS.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Hey lads, help me looking hints that we have with the #newAoS articles:

- The factions that had announced removed warscrolls could be the first books.
- Gloomspite lore doesn't mention Spiderfang
- BoC doesn't exist anymore and Tzaangors are undefined mutants
- Ogors seems will receive an update of the lore with the DB content. Gutbusters are not anymore "big hungry orruks", they have a purpouse and their own rituals
- Fyreslayers advance a bit more the lore with the DB content with the Fyrequeen as the most new thing

The other factions doesn't seem to have something new so they don't seem to be in the radar.

FS also had the sentence 'It's a good year to be a Scion of Grimnir!' in there, which is exciting.

Multicultural aspects of CoS were promoted with focus on Duardin and Aelves.

Regarding BoC: Weren't their origins always a mystery in the Mortal Realms? So maybe people are reading too much into that.

Kharadron don't have anything specific, but Brokk Grungsson has been mentioned for the first time in a long while AFAIK.

In Nighthaunt, I could not find anything new.

Edited by Snarff
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50 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I agree maybe the wording and the message is not the best, but he has a point.

Why would you care about what is said by someone you don't even know? It is not like the one saying it is the GW CEO and this will be translated into FS being cut from the game. And I have the feeling this is cultural. There are some countries where you have to be more careful about what you say than others, and not everyone is aware when writing. In the end, we are a multicultural forum.

My advice, if permitted, we have to learn to laugh about those moments. In the end, if I like an ugly bucket-like helmet from my Steelhelms and you say they are the worst helmet ever because they look like a bucket, why would I be offended? They are just toys and that won't make me change my opinion about something I like.

Hey please, stop having fun right now!

Maybe is a roleplay about the grudges, but some dwarf players are just inssuferable.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Or Idoneth today!!!

I don't think there's going to be Idoneth negativity. The only negative aspect of IDK IMO is that there's not enough of them! There's a ton of marine life that they can make into models. Crabs, squids, jellyfish, etc.

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

FS also had the sentence 'It's a good year to be a Scion of Grimnir!' in there, which is exciting.

Multicultural aspects of CoS were promoted with focus on Duardin and Aelves.

Regarding BoC: Weren't their origins always a mystery in the Mortal Realms? So maybe people are reading too much into that.

Kharadron don't have anything specific, but Brokk Grungsson has been mentioned for the first time in a long while AFAIK.

In Nighthaunt, I could not find anything new.

CoS is not something new, in terms of lore hints they are in the same position.

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Hey lads, help me looking hints that we have with the #newAoS articles:

- The factions that had announced removed warscrolls could be the first books.
- Gloomspite lore doesn't mention Spiderfang
- BoC doesn't exist anymore and Tzaangors are undefined mutants
- Ogors seems will receive an update of the lore with the DB content. Gutbusters are not anymore "big hungry orruks", they have a purpouse and their own rituals
- Fyreslayers advance a bit more the lore with the DB content with the Fyrequeen as the most new thing

The other factions doesn't seem to have something new so they don't seem to be in the radar.

The Gloomspite faction focus specifically names Spiderfang as one of the four Battle Formations for the army.

Beasts of Chaos still exist, they didn't poof out of existence in the universe. They will still show up in background material. They ceased being playable and are an 'NPC faction' like Wanderers.

The origins of Tzaangors specifically, and Beasts of Chaos in general, has always been a mystery, even going back to old Warhammer Fantasy. No one knows for sure where beastmen come from, though there's a lot of colorful speculation in-universe. The Warhammer Chronicles Archaon novel even mentions daemons getting busy with livestock as one of the theories.

Edited by Mortal Wound
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1 minute ago, Nezzhil said:

But that's was not different like it was written in the CoS book, I am looking for new content.

If you're truly looking for new content, then Fyrequeens can be taken out. Magmaqueens/Fyrequeens have been in the FS lore since the 2nd edition battletome and have consistently appeared since.

It is the first real mention of matriarchal lodges on Warhammer Community though, while before they were referred to as almost exclusively patriarchal, which is telling.

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2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

- The factions that had announced removed warscrolls could be the first books.

What makes you think that's the case?
And which factions are you referring to specifically?
BoC and Bonesplitters will just have free to download PDF battletomes.
Slaves to Darkness just had the warcry warbands removed.
Skaven and Stormcast will be the first two books 100%.

So the remaining factions with removed models are Sylvaneth, Gloomspite, Seraphon, Khorne and whatever faction Mistweaver Saith belongs to.
But these were just 1-2 warscrolls per faction.

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Hey lads, help me looking hints that we have with the #newAoS articles:

- The factions that had announced removed warscrolls could be the first books.
- Gloomspite lore doesn't mention Spiderfang
- BoC doesn't exist anymore and Tzaangors are undefined mutants
- Ogors seems will receive an update of the lore with the DB content. Gutbusters are not anymore "big hungry orruks", they have a purpouse and their own rituals
- Fyreslayers advance a bit more the lore with the DB content with the Fyrequeen as the most new thing

The other factions doesn't seem to have something new so they don't seem to be in the radar.

Other then the spiderfang omission none of them are new-ish?

Fyreslayer queen were mention a bunch the 3e  edition tome even has a section talking about female warrior amoung the faction infantry with little cheeky joke about how scholar belive the population of Fyreslayers boom to allow female warrior in their ranks beacuse of "increase of magic in the air" as such  the dawii denying such malarky

Tzaangors origns (allegedly it tzeentch) were they're beastmen or some sort of enlightening creature that got persecute by the Sigmarite who turn to tzeentch in promises of revenge as they and their persecutor mutated into the Tzaangors (it a play on Lovecraft The Doom that came to sarnath)

Gutbuster always had their rituals and their dedication to the gulping god while ruling their kingdom forming their border with mawpaths

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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2 minutes ago, Mortal Wound said:

The Gloomspite faction focus specifically names Spiderfang as one of the four Battle Formations for the army.

Beasts of Chaos still exist, they didn't poof out of existence in the universe. They will still show up in background material. They ceased being playable and are an 'NPC faction' like Wanderers.

The origins of Tzaangors specifically, and Beasts of Chaos in general, has always been a mystery, even going back to old Warhammer Fantasy.

I am using the lore part of the article. Spiderfang was omitted there.

Tzaangors were related to BoC before, and they are avian mutants now.

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3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

CoS is not something new, in terms of lore hints they are in the same position.

On Warcom the Human aspect was promoted specifically for a while now, and this is the first time that they've re-emphasized the multicultural aspect of the cities.

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2 minutes ago, Sabush said:

What makes you think that's the case?

I think that's because is easy to imagine that some more cutoffs are going to happen during the edition, but why not just announce them in that article? Because maybe they are just teasing the first year or year and half of the edition.

4 minutes ago, Sabush said:

whatever faction Mistweaver Saith belongs to.

She's an Umbraneth

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3 minutes ago, Sabush said:

What makes you think that's the case?
And which factions are you referring to specifically?
BoC and Bonesplitters will just have free to download PDF battletomes.
Slaves to Darkness just had the warcry warbands removed.
Skaven and Stormcast will be the first two books 100%.

So the remaining factions with removed models are Sylvaneth, Gloomspite, Seraphon, Khorne and whatever faction Mistweaver Saith belongs to.
But these were just 1-2 warscrolls per faction.

Slaves Chaos Sorcerer is removed too.

Other kits were removed for other factions too but not announced in the article.

They did the same in 40k, they removed a lot of resin kits, they were still playable in index but they are removed in the book now. It looks like the same pattern.

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

On Warcom the Human aspect was promoted specifically for a while now, and this is the first time that they've re-emphasized the multicultural aspect of the cities.

I am using the book as reference. If the new Warcom text says something new or different. Cities is the same.

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1 minute ago, Ragest said:

She's an Umbraneth

I don't think we know that right? The only info about Mistweaver Saihs is that they're Aelven Sorceresses from Ulgu. That doesn't mean they're affiliated with Umbraneth (presuming you mean Malerion Aelves with that term).

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1 minute ago, Nezzhil said:

I am using the book as reference. If the new Warcom text says something new or different. Cities is the same.

In that case, FS are the same too.

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6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

I am using the lore part of the article. Spiderfang was omitted there.

Tzaangors were related to BoC before, and they are avian mutants now.

Spiderfang are also mentioned in the overview part. 

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I don't think we know that right? The only info about Mistweaver Saihs is that they're Aelven Sorceresses from Ulgu. That doesn't mean they're affiliated with Umbraneth (presuming you mean Malerion Aelves with that term).

They were mentioned as Malerion's agents long time ago.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I don't think we know that right? The only info about Mistweaver Saihs is that they're Aelven Sorceresses from Ulgu. That doesn't mean they're affiliated with Umbraneth (presuming you mean Malerion Aelves with that term).

In the first magazine of AoS, Mortal Realms, there is a page about Malerion and the Umbraneth, ans there is a text about Mistweaver being part of his faction.

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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Ragest said:

In the first magazine of AoS, Mortal Relams, there is a page about Malerion and the Umbraneth, there is a text about Mistweaver being part of his faction.

The Saih is basicallly the predecessor of the Shroudqueen. They are almost a copy paste

Khainite Shadowstalkers – Warhammer - Age of Sigmar - LexicanumWarhammer Quest partie 2 : Mistweaver Saih - Gangeek Style

Edited by Xil
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21 minutes ago, Snarff said:

FS also had the sentence 'It's a good year to be a Scion of Grimnir!' in there, which is exciting.

Multicultural aspects of CoS were promoted with focus on Duardin and Aelves.

Regarding BoC: Weren't their origins always a mystery in the Mortal Realms? So maybe people are reading too much into that.

Kharadron don't have anything specific, but Brokk Grungsson has been mentioned for the first time in a long while AFAIK.

In Nighthaunt, I could not find anything new.

I wouldn't take too seriously/ straight the 'It is a good year' bit. We are almost 100% sure there's not much room left for something else apart from SCE and Rats this year. If FS would be out this year, IMO, it would imply no big refresh.

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