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7 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

They changed the name.


From the 2nd edition battletome:



Magmaqueen is also often used, but seems to refer to the wife of a Runefather. It's confusing, hopefully they clear it up in 4th.

Edited by Snarff
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1 minute ago, Xil said:

The Saih is basicallly the predecessor of the Shroudqueen. They are almost a copy paste

There is some collision right now between the shadow aelves from DoK and the supossed shadow aelves from Malerion (with mistweaver being the first).

That's why I don’t think Malerion will be an standalone army, because the designs are already on DoK, unless Malerion's Aelves are something not related to shadows or aelves at all.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

I wouldn't take too seriously/ straight the 'It is a good year' bit. We are almost 100% sure there's not much room left for something else apart from SCE and Rats this year. If FS would be out this year, IMO, it would imply no big refresh.

A year doesn't have to be a calendar year, there's 12 months left from posting the faction focus until a year passes. Am I on hopium? Yes. Are there indications that FS are getting more? Also yes.

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21 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I don't think there's going to be Idoneth negativity. The only negative aspect of IDK IMO is that there's not enough of them! There's a ton of marine life that they can make into models. Crabs, squids, jellyfish, etc.

If the original comment was about negativity I was totally understanding it wrong. I thought it was related to Nezzil asking for clues.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

We are almost 100% sure there's not much room left for something else apart from SCE and Rats this year.

That's crazy if true.

HALF a year left and nothing else?!...

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21 minutes ago, Sabush said:

What makes you think that's the case?
And which factions are you referring to specifically?
BoC and Bonesplitters will just have free to download PDF battletomes.
Slaves to Darkness just had the warcry warbands removed.
Skaven and Stormcast will be the first two books 100%.

So the remaining factions with removed models are Sylvaneth, Gloomspite, Seraphon, Khorne and whatever faction Mistweaver Saith belongs to.
But these were just 1-2 warscrolls per faction.

Mistweaver had no faction. Just order overall.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

That's crazy if true.

HALF a year left and nothing else?!...

It is what happened for 40k as well. What did they get? 4-5 heroes and two BTs?

Think about the follow-up waves pattern. It is usually released in Sept/ Oct. That' doesn't leave too much room before 2025.

Edited by Ejecutor
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8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I wouldn't take too seriously/ straight the 'It is a good year' bit. We are almost 100% sure there's not much room left for something else apart from SCE and Rats this year. If FS would be out this year, IMO, it would imply no big refresh.

Historically, there’s always at least one book that releases late in the fall or December after a launch box. As you stated, it’s usually a single kit. For AoS we had Beasts of Chaos in 2nd get endless spells and their terrain piece and Nurgle in third get a single hero IIRC.

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I really want to know how the Manifestation Lores for the endless spells in Malign Portents will be divided up. Am eyeing finally painting some of the box up, and it'd be great to know which spells are grouped with the ones I legitimately like and want to use.

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7 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

I really want to know how the Manifestation Lores for the endless spells in Malign Portents will be divided up. Am eyeing finally painting some of the box up, and it'd be great to know which spells are grouped with the ones I legitimately like and want to use.

I think they've shown them?

Purple Sun, Gravetide, Maelstrom, Shackles.

Cogs, Swords, Pendulum .

Burning Head, Life Swarm, Gnashing Jaws.

Spell Portal, Geminids, Pallisade.

Shards of Val, Boat, Bridge, Horrorghast.

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21 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

That's crazy if true.

HALF a year left and nothing else?!...

I mean look at 3rd Ed. I think after the books and model wave for SCE and Warclans we got 1 book and 1 model, for Nurgle. Now that might have been Covid slowing things down for sure, but I don't think that the next few books got anything more than 1 hero until Nighthaunt, which I believe came out in April.


So yeah I think it is safe to say no big releases after Skaven and SCE this year, maybe if we are lucky we will get a release with 3ish models like NH or Sylvaneth, but I wouldn't bet on it. The first year and a bit of an edition seems to usually be about clearing through a load of the small releases, with the latter half getting the major stuff.

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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

That's crazy if true.

HALF a year left and nothing else?!...

Well it's not really half a year.
Skaven and SCE will most likely get additional models along with their battletomes in september/october.
Then I would guess one or two more battletomes +single hero for the next 1-2 factions in november/december.

Edited by Sabush
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11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


Gitz were the last big update after a launch, but they changed the model with the COVID, that's the reason some people still thinks that after the November-December book is released the next is a big release.

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3 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Yes but any battletome plus one or two midels other than stormies or rats is still something. 

I just couldn't  imagine absolutely zero is what I was saying. 

One or two battletomes are almost sure before end of the year. Maybe Slaves and Seraphon are the two first books.

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