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27 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Also fine I guess (forgive me for skipping the maths behind it but I take it it would be fair) - anyways, they should be tough in one way or another, even if they follow the Fyreslayer dress code. 

Maths checks out but added it in General Chat since not really a rumour ;)

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4 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Time to see how overpowered they are this time! :P

THink the OBR will be a really interesting one, as didn't GW say that CP shenanigans were out now and the armies that relied heavily on them would be getting unit buffs or something like that? So expecting some fairly interesting changes!

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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

For me on the other hand that's the most negative factor so far. Big enough to make me stick to 3rd edition. Simplyfying everything makes it boring. Traits and special skills are being cut here and there and the more faction focus previews I see the less it is likely ifor me to play castrated AoS 4.0.

They've already added back "free summoning" within the space of a few articles. Give it a few tomes and we're back where we're used to be. :D

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8 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

But their batletome flavours has kinda continue with the indexes. Also, some where saying this is the downside of the indexes, to me there's not a big difference between an edition with or without indexes. In both cases you end playing with a battletome that is out of date, so for me I prefer the indexes.

I mean that not the point, it more that they have a hard time getting every battletome out in time and with enough lifespan before the edition ends. Has nothing to do with indexes

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Ogregut said:

Soulblight was a brand new army and that was the 2nd battletime for FEC in 3rd edition. 

I'm not disputing that a faction will be last to be released before 5th edition hits which gives a limited shelf life to that book, what I'm disputing is that whichever battletome is last to be released will be the first proper battletome for that faction in 4th edition. 

I stand by every faction will have a battletome within 18 months of the release of 4th edition. 

It just that it hasn’t really been a good track record for this statement, they rarely get half of them out in that timeframe of yours

Edited by novakai
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2 minutes ago, novakai said:

I mean that not the point, it more that they have a hard time getting every battletome out in time and with enough lifespan before the edition ends. Has nothing to do with indexes

They should literally be done with every battletome until mid-edition.

The second half of an edition then is for the next campaign book series, including new models etc. around it.

That would take the miniature release pressure off of battletomes, and allow meaningful releases not tied to battletomes.

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2 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

They should literally be done with every battletome until mid-edition.

The second half of an edition then is for the next campaign book series, including new models etc. around it.

That would take the miniature release pressure off of battletomes, and allow meaningful releases not tied to battletomes.

The problem is that it is easier to say it than to make it. If AoS would be the only game from GW, I would say doable, but they have to alternate releases an all that kind of stuff, that's why I think it is just a utopia and would never happen.

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18 hours ago, Ogregut said:

I foresee every faction to have a Battletome by the end of 2025. 

I just want to say that I 100% do not think this will happen. There is no way that GW will release 24/25? Battletomes by the end of 2025. Not a chance. 

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14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The problem is that it is easier to say it than to make it. If AoS would be the only game from GW, I would say doable, but they have to alternate releases an all that kind of stuff, that's why I think it is just a utopia and would never happen.

I agree, but am also kinda questioning their release strategy here.

It might make them money, but it also ties up a lot of design space & energy.

Indexes should be our battletomes, fully fleshed out etc. (tbf, what we‘ve seen so far looks good), battletomes should have a far longer life cycle (be more like faction books with the rules in an extra pamphlet that comes with tje book - and ofc digital as well), and campaigns should bring new releases throughout the whole edition.

but that’s daydreaming, I guess… 

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4 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

I agree, but am also kinda questioning their release strategy here.

It might make them money, but it also ties up a lot of design space & energy.

Indexes should be our battletomes, fully fleshed out etc. (tbf, what we‘ve seen so far looks good), battletomes should have a far longer life cycle (be more like faction books with the rules in an extra pamphlet that comes with tje book - and ofc digital as well), and campaigns should bring new releases throughout the whole edition.

but that’s daydreaming, I guess… 

I agree they should have a longer life span, but also would be detrimental from a sales pov. Why? I guess most of us here are aware of the term 'powercreep' and how it works in many cases of the gaming industry. You release something too powerful, make a decent chunk of sales, and after a certain period you nerf it.

Warhammer works in the same way. If we have all the BTs released earlier we will have fewer of this powercreep periods (or we should), so the sales would be lower.

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5 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Imo, the toughness of the blightking was better represented with health than armour save. Thus health 4 instead of 3 and armour save 5+ instead of 3+. The ward 5+ is there to represent the shrugging of wounds.

Bloated bulk could instead of adding to the control score be ignore 1 rend. But that is how I see Blightkings and its models.

Aye, and if I recall correctly they stated that they were looking at the models for the rules in this reset. (ie. high Armour Save isn't used to "represent" toughness, high Armour Save is given to models with a lot of armour.)

The quirk with Blighkings is that there's an extreme range of "armouredness" in the unit. From lads 95% covered in full Chaos plate, to those with nothing but their boots on. It's basically impossible to come to a number that fits every model.

(I would have gone for a 4+ save, 4 health myself.)

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Someone posted the Dominion celebration preview, which mentions you can still order the Dominion box https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/03/warhammer-preview-online-dominion-celebration/


Don’t forget there’s still time to get your hands on one of the few remaining copies of the Dominion boxed set. It’s packed with two armies, awesome Heroes, and a beautiful special version of the Core Book with a full-art cover. It’s the ideal way to jump into the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

I really hope this remains the same for Vermindoom, as I think I'm at the point where I need to see the rest of the Stormcast/Skaven before finalizing a Vermindoom preorder.

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11 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

Aye, and if I recall correctly they stated that they were looking at the models for the rules in this reset. (ie. high Armour Save isn't used to "represent" toughness, high Armour Save is given to models with a lot of armour.)

The quirk with Blighkings is that there's an extreme range of "armouredness" in the unit. From lads 95% covered in full Chaos plate, to those with nothing but their boots on. It's basically impossible to come to a number that fits every model.

(I would have gone for a 4+ save, 4 health myself.)

I do note that Blightkings in Warhammer Fantasy End Times all had an effective 3+ save due to having Chaos Armour backed with a shield. 

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33 minutes ago, Hollow said:

I just want to say that I 100% do not think this will happen. There is no way that GW will release 24/25? Battletomes by the end of 2025. Not a chance. 

I'd agree that 18 months is overly ambitious, but it's not too far off the possible pace. If we break AoS 3.0 Battletome releases into six month increments post-Launch:

  • L to L+6: 3
  • L+6 to L+12: 6
  • L+12 to L+18: 4
  • L+18 to L+24: 9
  • L+24 to L+30: 1 (+1 Supplement)
  • L+30 to L+36: 1 (+1 Supplement)

Looking at 40k's 10.0 so far

  • L to L+6: 4
  • L+6 to L+12: 6  (+1 Supplement)

I'd say it's within GW's capabilities to get ~20/24 out by the 18 month mark, if they wanted to. 

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Posted (edited)

I'm surprised at the zero discourse around sons. I don't care about them either but if this is any indication of army popularity I guess they'll be the next army to get beasted. Bonesplit? Sacrosanctioned? Lol

Edited by The Red King
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1 hour ago, LordSolarMach said:

I'd say it's within GW's capabilities to get ~20/24 out by the 18 month mark, if they wanted to. 

It's within GW's capabilities to get all Battletomes out within 2 months. If they really wanted to. They don't and they won't. The fastest pace I can see is having the BT's out by summer 2026, but I still think they will run till the end of 2026. 

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41 minutes ago, The Red King said:

I'm surprised at the zero discourse around sons. I don't care about them either but if this is any indication of army popularity I guess they'll be the next army to get beasted. Bonesplit? Sacrosanctioned? Lol

Sons preview is what most expected. Simple elite rules. The way their abilities work is definitely cleaner now. Hold objectives, swing and hope to make contact with enemy. 

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42 minutes ago, The Red King said:

I'm surprised at the zero discourse around sons. I don't care about them either but if this is any indication of army popularity I guess they'll be the next army to get beasted. Bonesplit? Sacrosanctioned? Lol

They’re a hyperelite faction who cost a lot to collect. There isn’t much discourse here because odds are most of us don’t actually own any. Plus, there’s not much TO talk about- They’re a straightforward faction with straightforward rules. For more discourse, check back in tomorrow after the Bonereapers preview. 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Hollow said:

I just want to say that I 100% do not think this will happen. There is no way that GW will release 24/25? Battletomes by the end of 2025. Not a chance. 

We only got to 13 battletomes at the end of 2022 for comparison and only because they squish 4 of them in the last quarter. 

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20 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

Sons preview is what most expected. Simple elite rules. The way their abilities work is definitely cleaner now. Hold objectives, swing and hope to make contact with enemy. 

I didn't spot anything in the article about whether all factions still get to have a Megagargant like in 3rd.


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