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23 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I didn't spot anything in the article about whether all factions still get to have a Megagargant like in 3rd.


There really hasn’t been much at all that I can recall about taking allies in general over the marketing releases.

is it possible they’re phasing that out since it rarely serves much benefit?

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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

There really hasn’t been much at all that I can recall about taking allies in general over the marketing releases.

is it possible they’re phasing that out since it rarely serves much benefit?

Not sure about rarely, more like the time that allies have been use have had averse effect.

like using the swampcrawla in a Gitz Troggherd list or using questor soulsworn in Order armies to buff your damage output.

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50 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

is it possible they’re phasing that out since it rarely serves much benefit?

I think Megas allying into any faction benefits GW as it makes it much more likely that people will buy one.

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11 minutes ago, The Red King said:

Yeah that's right in line with what I was saying about them not being very popular.

There not much army talk in this forum in general, you have to go to places like Reddit or Discord group to get better army discussions 

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3 hours ago, The Red King said:

I'm surprised at the zero discourse around sons. I don't care about them either but if this is any indication of army popularity I guess they'll be the next army to get beasted. Bonesplit? Sacrosanctioned? Lol

I think that we will have a gap of several years (if it even happens ever) before we see something like this again. IMO the main problem has been TOW, once that is settled there shouldn't be any reason for GW to remove a faction. Maybe combine them as they are doing now with 40k, but not remove them.

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58 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think that we will have a gap of several years (if it even happens ever) before we see something like this again. IMO the main problem has been TOW, once that is settled there shouldn't be any reason for GW to remove a faction. Maybe combine them as they are doing now with 40k, but not remove them.

I agree that it will be some time before any other faction is fully squatted.  At least 3 years (no squats before the next edition) and likely longer. 

However, it's good to remember that GW is a business first.  If there comes a time when an army isn't selling, and it is no longer profitable to maintain the shelf-space.  I could easily see them squatting that army in order to make way for something that has a chance to sell better.  

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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

I think Megas allying into any faction benefits GW as it makes it much more likely that people will buy one.

honestly it's nice that it's an option, there's not really any conflict in the lore for any GA. Also it'd be cool to see a kit for the matriarch storyteller gargants mentioned in the article, they're missing a wizard unit so it'd fill a hole in the roster

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And do we know if "damaged" means "got wounded (lost at least 1 HP) during the last combat phase" or just "aren't currently at full Health" ? Asking again for the GUO "Bloated with Corruption" ability.

BTW Rob did an interesting take on the MoN faction focus : 

Also, thank you @Chikout & @Marcvs for your answers, indeed the abilities with "(Army)" goes like that : 

 ‘Once Per Turn (Army)’ timing means that only one friendly unit can use this ability per turn, encouraging you to run mixed lists."


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42 minutes ago, Ferban said:

I agree that it will be some time before any other faction is fully squatted.  At least 3 years (no squats before the next edition) and likely longer. 

However, it's good to remember that GW is a business first.  If there comes a time when an army isn't selling, and it is no longer profitable to maintain the shelf-space.  I could easily see them squatting that army in order to make way for something that has a chance to sell better.  

Totally, but in the specific case of SoB it has so little products that I don't think they will be discontinued even if they are selling super poorly.

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Augusto said:

Sons of behemat getting squated? lol we truly are running out of real rumors

Well, apparently the lack of discussion on their FF is an indicator of their lack of popularity :P

I like SoB as a concept. Having new factions with little models count is a great deal for games workshop, IMO, they don't "waste" much room and you have another tool for the game and lore.

Do you guys think we could see something like this? Maybe the Kragnos boys could be another faction with not too many kits?

Edited by Ejecutor
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Do you guys think we could see something like this? Maybe the Kragnos boys could be another faction with not too many kits?

I’m thinking they’d be like Destruction S2D with Kragnos & Drogrukh as Varanguard, could be super elites you take in a small group or spread out with the hordes that follow them.

Also on the Sons thing, Reddit has popped off about them and it’s either “meh, boring nothing changed” or Sons players being really happy they get to keep stomping forward, smashing stuff and suplexing monsters.

exact same thing happened to Flesh Eater Courts and they’re super popular but when it’s almost the same faction stats then what’s there to talk about?

(plus I’ve literally seen new players go all in on SoB excitedly spending up to $900+ jumping in on them as their first army because they love the idea of just crushing everything with huge titans. No way is GW doing anything negative with those Whale-Eaters and their 40k imperial knight spenders. Especially with how many SoB players pop up at tournaments😄)


Edit: HeyWoah just reviewed them and is very positive with most of the changes to SoB. Agreed more factions could use that “side board” power to take artifacts before deploying for better options which is gonna give mega-gargants useful tools for different situations.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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Posted (edited)

Oh yeah, and their Spearhead is interesting. 

Basically with the reinforcement it comes down to you always having to face 5 gargants even though it starts with 3.

Luckily they’re kinda squishy at 12 Health and low Saves but that will be a gauntlet for some spearhead forces who don’t pace their battles with the Titan tribe well and aren’t prepared for the next 2 showing up.. 🦶 

Edit: the Stormcast spearhead especially can make some nail biter matches if they get wiped out before Yndrasta and her Annihilator hunting party show up half way through the game.

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7 hours ago, Ferban said:

If there comes a time when an army isn't selling, and it is no longer profitable to maintain the shelf-space.

Or some games workshop suits get into an ego measuring contest.

Don't forget that taking beasts out of AoS while continuing to sell all their kits for ToW not only DOESNT save GW any money or shelf space but it actually costs them in reboxing and consumer confidence.

It's important to remember GW is a business made of people and people can make really dumb decisions.

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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

Or some games workshop suits get into an ego measuring contest.

Don't forget that taking beasts out of AoS while continuing to sell all their kits for ToW not only DOESNT save GW any money or shelf space but it actually costs them in reboxing and consumer confidence.

It's important to remember GW is a business made of people and people can make really dumb decisions.

Maybe doesn't save them money, but saves them space. How? From AoS releases. Saves space from AoS but take it from TOW.

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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

Or some games workshop suits get into an ego measuring contest.

Don't forget that taking beasts out of AoS while continuing to sell all their kits for ToW not only DOESNT save GW any money or shelf space but it actually costs them in reboxing and consumer confidence.

It's important to remember GW is a business made of people and people can make really dumb decisions.

I think that unfortunately there was no plan for refresh/update for Boc by AoS studio in short period and since Beastmen is a focus faction in ToW they thought to push sales there : sad but true ! 

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8 minutes ago, cyrus said:

I think that unfortunately there was no plan for refresh/update for Boc by AoS studio in short period and since Beastmen is a focus faction in ToW they thought to push sales there : sad but true ! 

Also if there is a plan to do a future Beasts of Destruction under Kragnos/Drogrukh then might as well prune that branch now that BoC can be side-game supported elsewhere with less stock.(though I wish they just put them into Destruction but no use crying over spilt goat milk now)

And then you got the obvious Bonesplitterz taken out to make more room for Kruleboyz hunters & shaman Ironjawz to fill their niche while Sacrosanct are a response to faction bloat and will likely get a refresh later down the line.


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3 hours ago, The Red King said:

Or some games workshop suits get into an ego measuring contest.

Don't forget that taking beasts out of AoS while continuing to sell all their kits for ToW not only DOESNT save GW any money or shelf space but it actually costs them in reboxing and consumer confidence.

It's important to remember GW is a business made of people and people can make really dumb decisions.

I still think it's patently absurd that GW has enforced this separation between AoS models and TOW models upon themselves. Surely they know that people are going to use whatever models they want. And where's the business sense? Hasn't really happened yet, but presumably they're going to end up selling two different kits of the same thing (eg: Chaos Warriors). 

I also think the prices they're charging for some frankly rubbishy old kits are absurd too, but that's a whole different story. 

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1 minute ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I still think it's patently absurd that GW has enforced this separation between AoS models and TOW models upon themselves. Surely they know that people are going to use whatever models they want. And where's the business sense? Hasn't really happened yet, but presumably they're going to end up selling two different kits of the same thing (eg: Chaos Warriors). 

I also think the prices they're charging for some frankly rubbishy old kits are absurd too, but that's a whole different story. 

Yes and no. They will end up selling two boxes of the same "concept", but not the same thing if the sculpts are drastically different (and sometimes even the material of the kit).

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Yes and no. They will end up selling two boxes of the same "concept", but not the same thing if the sculpts are drastically different (and sometimes even the material of the kit).

I wouldn't call the current Chaos Warriors and the previous iteration of them "drastically different", myself. 

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