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2 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Well, that was a bit disappointing- Not the faction traits, having undeniable Ossiarch Commands is actually really bloody good, even if they’re a touch weaker and unlimited Nadirite Weapons is hilariously effective- I’m disappointed that they didn’t show off Katakros or Arkhan instead opting to show off Vokmortian as our named character, someone who to the best of my knowledge has literally never seen competitive play and is rarely brought in casual either, with a new signature spell that seems extremely finicky and very easily mitigated compared to the old Mortal Contract.

I'm pretty hype for new vokmortian, actually.  He previously never saw play not because he was bad (he spent most of 3e as a reasonably priced double caster with loremaster for pete's sake), but rather because his unique abilities required him to be in melee (the last place he wanted to be as a foot caster), and because the soulmason was just better.  Now his unique abilities work at range, and that 1/game debuff looks quite nasty with how limited command points are supposed to be in 4e.  Also the soulmason's been reigned in a bit, with a more situational spell that they don't get d3 free castings of.

Granted the new mortal contract looks... eh.  But it probably still has uses, and even if it doesn't empower nadirite weapons is still great and unlimited, and between manifestations, the other OBR lore spells, and just saving a cast to counter 'unleash spell' it's not like he'll have any trouble finding a use for his second cast.

Add in that he benefits from the +1 to cast battle formation, and I expect he'll finally actually see some play...


provided the 4e matched play battlepacks aren't all written specifically to require non-unique heroes like the 3e ones were.


Anyway, I'm mostly happy with the obr ff.  My only tiny gripe is that, narratively, a big part of the point of obr is that nagash designed them to be an undead army that /wasn't/ dependent on their leaders to function, so the battle traits all requiring heroes to function feels off.  But they're good abilities, so I'm not complaining.

Edited by Sception
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30 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

OBR has an extremely good spearhead for an army core (Assuming they don’t completely destroy the Mortek Core Combo). 

Yeah it does seem really good.  

It's interesting because I was wondering which of the spearheads would be fun to play as an army based on their contents alone. On that basis, they're largely all very well constructed 😅 So guess it's a case of buying more than one haha. It's only really DoT and FS that I think are weak.

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46 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

Credit where credit due because I've been a bit hard on these previews so far, but OBR seem like a fun, tactical army to play. 

Their rules are certainly better than +2 to Run rolls.

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21 minutes ago, Sception said:

I'm pretty hype for new vokmortian, actually.  He previously never saw play not because he was bad (he spent most of 3e as a reasonably priced double caster with loremaster for pete's sake), but rather because his unique abilities required him to be in melee (the last place he wanted to be as a foot caster), and because the soulmason was just better.  Now his unique abilities work at range, and that 1/game debuff looks quite nasty with how limited command points are supposed to be in 4e.  Also the soulmason's been reigned in a bit, with a more situational spell that they don't get d3 free castings of.

I think the Soulmason is actually stronger than in 3rd, but now Vokmortian actually has a role even if it’s another reasonably priced wizard body who can disrupt an opponent at a vital moment and outside that just dispense 2 more Empower Nadirite Weapons. I just wish we saw what the Harvester or one of the Mortarchs do. 

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

Do we know if the Kruelboys getting split from Orruk Warclans? Have there been any rumors along that front? With the retirement of bonesplitters I was wondering what they were going to do with orruk warclans moving forward? I could see either consolidating them into one cohesive force with the clan differences tied to detachments, keeping them as is, as two semi-independant armies with an option to mix and match, or splitting them into two entirely different forces. 



Yes, there been rumors that playtester confirmed there would be no more big wagh. Ironjawz and Kruleboyz would get separated indexes.

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1 hour ago, Sception said:

My only tiny gripe is that, narratively, a big part of the point of obr is that nagash designed them to be an undead army that /wasn't/ dependent on their leaders to function, so the battle traits all requiring heroes to function feels off.  But they're good abilities, so I'm not complaining.

That was the old lore. The new lore is that Nagash, being a very meticulous god, designed his best warriors to always stay precisely wholly within 12’’ of the leaders. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!

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2 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I think the Soulmason is actually stronger than in 3rd, but now Vokmortian actually has a role even if it’s another reasonably priced wizard body who can disrupt an opponent at a vital moment and outside that just dispense 2 more Empower Nadirite Weapons. I just wish we saw what the Harvester or one of the Mortarchs do. 

one more empower nadirite weapons.  iirc multiple wizards can try to cast the same unlimited spell in a phase, but each wizard can only try to cast the spell once.

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15 minutes ago, Sception said:

one more empower nadirite weapons.  iirc multiple wizards can try to cast the same unlimited spell in a phase, but each wizard can only try to cast the spell once.

I think you’re correct. Still, an additional spell or manifestation or unbind is still an additional spell or manifestation or unbind and with his ability, it’s probably worth it. 

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4 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I like it! And I've always been distinctly 'meh' about the visual style of the Ossiarchs before. I've gotta say, showing off the different colour schemes for the Spearhead is very inspiring. I think it's great that they're not just sticking with the immaculately painted 'studio' collection. 

I even enjoy more those that shor you new ones, not just another variant of the options from the BT. It could be a little fewer in terms of quality, but at least it gives new ideas for painting yout armies.

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4 hours ago, EthanolMuffins said:

My prediction for the rest of the previews

Next week:

DoK -> Sylvaneth -> HoS -> IJ -> SG

Week After: 

LRL -> Seraphon -> BoK -> StD -> KB


Could be im seeing a pattern where there arent any. I also think they end it off on Kruleboyz because they were antagonists for 3rd and it would be fitting to end it with them I think

I see DoK and LRL fitting together and Sylvaneth and Seraphon as the wildlife duo.

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3 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

Do we know if the Kruelboys getting split from Orruk Warclans? Have there been any rumors along that front? With the retirement of bonesplitters I was wondering what they were going to do with orruk warclans moving forward? I could see either consolidating them into one cohesive force with the clan differences tied to detachments, keeping them as is, as two semi-independant armies with an option to mix and match, or splitting them into two entirely different forces. 



So far the info looks to be that they will be split.

We saw warscrolls with the Ironjawz key on top rather than Warclans and we got a rumour about AoS tester saying they will be split, but nothing has been confirmed.

On top of that there's the idea that this split could happen only for the indexes so they have the same number of tools as the rest of the armies, meaning that once the BT is released they could be put back together.

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A little late to the party but overall I liked the SoB FF. My remaining big issue with them as a "faction" is that it is basically a single Gargant kit and a single Giant kit. 

Knights work because they are basically machines. Having multiple based off the same chassis makes sense. I just don't want to buy multiple "biological" kits as it just doesn't look right to me after 1 or 2. I doubt we will see it but I would love it if the SoB received another type of Gargant kit with a few variations and another Giant kit. 

It is pretty daming that even out very own King Brodd doesn't own King Brodd! 

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20 minutes ago, Hollow said:

A little late to the party but overall I liked the SoB FF. My remaining big issue with them as a "faction" is that it is basically a single Gargant kit and a single Giant kit. 

Knights work because they are basically machines. Having multiple based off the same chassis makes sense. I just don't want to buy multiple "biological" kits as it just doesn't look right to me after 1 or 2. I doubt we will see it but I would love it if the SoB received another type of Gargant kit with a few variations and another Giant kit. 

It is pretty daming that even out very own King Brodd doesn't own King Brodd! 

Yeah it is also one of those situations in which the dynamic posing is truly to the detriment of the overall army. Like SOB look best when there are proxies mixed in and in each case it reminds me of how amazing the kit truly is... but the other models just allow the army to feel functional and distinct rather than like 3 dudes with the same profile caught in the exact pose. 

The Knights are very kinda blandly posed and it makes them feel like cool war machines and gives you the ability to slightly pivot the weapons and heads to give some sense that they are not identical. 

Still I love Son's of Behemat and think the kits are great... just that I will awlays like them most when supported by a few 3rd party giants. 

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13 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Wow, what a bunch of amazing stories to end 3rd edition.

And Kragnos returning to his planet, what a complete waste of time was him and the era of the beast.

“I must go now, my planet needs me.”

Kragnos died on his way back to his home planet

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