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2 hours ago, Ragest said:

Wow, what a bunch of amazing stories to end 3rd edition.

And Kragnos returning to his planet, what a complete waste of time was him and the era of the beast.

And he‘s ugly too! *Bloodhound Gang‘s „Why is everyone always picking on me?“ playing*

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I really wish we could get some clarification about what happened with Kragnos. They seemed to set up something in Dawnbringers 5 but haven't really followed up on it since. Is Karazai also 'benched' for the time being?

I wonder how involved Kroak was beyond setting the trap if Alarielle also played a part in caging Kragnos the second time around.

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Posted (edited)

I’m okay with them putting Kragnos in the time-out corner next to Nagash for this edition with just their godly manifestations rampaging on the battlefields.

Destruction is looking to be going through a lot of changes and AoS in general.

Let him break out of the weakened goddess’ prison when all the old army refreshes are done & over and he can lead a new invigorated Destruction Alliance at the end of AoS5 and into AoS6 with Order vs Destruction again as Ghur reawakens for a feast. 🍖 (and isn’t weighed down by a pandemic + global disasters)

1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Best short story by far. Really felt like a wrap up and send off for 3.0 and breaking new ground for 4.0!!

Right on! 🎉 

It was a beefy story that did a great job sending us on a speedy drive by seeing through the eyes of the big god leaders as the Realmscapes changed in every reality for this new exciting epoch of the rodent.

Really liked Archaon’s character growth too when looking back he even spat on the GHR for even offering a blessing to now seeing a bigger picture for his rule over Chaos.

Super exciting times for an exciting new edition of the Mortal Realms! 🍻 ️ 

Edited by Baron Klatz
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Did I miss something with Kragnos?...

Read that short twice even. 


@Baron Klatz Care to elaborate on you GA destro gping through changes comment?

also, end of 5th going into 6th!!?? 

So destro fans are supposed to wait another 6 years for another edition where they do absolutely next to nothing.... again. 


Like honestly what was the point of third? I'm still trying to figure this out. 

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5 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Did I miss something with Kragnos?...

Read that short twice even. 


@Baron Klatz Care to elaborate on you GA destro gping through changes comment?

also, end of 5th going into 6th!!?? 

So destro fans are supposed to wait another 6 years for another edition where they do absolutely next to nothing.... again. 


Like honestly what was the point of third? I'm still trying to figure this out. 

Yeah, didn‘t read anything regarding Kragnos either?! 🤔

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9 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

So destro fans are supposed to wait another 6 years for another edition where they do absolutely next to nothing.... again. 

Yeah, I don't really like the idea that an entire edition is "singularly themed". That's why I am hoping for campaign books throughout the edition. 

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Posted (edited)

Also, I don't think Kragnos was as well recieved as Geedubs had hoped. 

Sure there's folks who like him but I do read more often then not that they don't so I wonder how well a whole army of ponies would be recieved. 

Not poking fun here at anyone if he's your jam. 

3rd was... weird. 

Edit: But hey, I got Kruleboyz! 🤘💚🤘

Edited by Vasshpit
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23 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Did I miss something with Kragnos?...

Read that short twice even. 


@Baron Klatz Care to elaborate on you GA destro gping through changes comment?

also, end of 5th going into 6th!!?? 

So destro fans are supposed to wait another 6 years for another edition where they do absolutely next to nothing.... again. 


Like honestly what was the point of third? I'm still trying to figure this out. 

Nope they trapped him off screen beacuse the writers were sick of Kragnos after the lukewarm reception 

Destruction fans can have big thing going for them now that the biggest weak link is gone as

  • Gordakk is shaking up the Varanspire war against Archaon and Kratakros
  • King Brodd did manage to destroy Fort Gardus and if wake up has to face off against the sylvaneth
  • Glob Gittermaw was build up in previous Ogre & Fyreslayer tome as he got his Kingdom back to financial and politcal power back after the revolution from the Boulderfirst tribe. So i expect him to be leading the forefront once ogre get their refresh
  • Goddsprak is doing something.......don't know what but he got a plan
  • King Trugg still rampaging
  • Skraggrot is going to play a key part in the Chamon theater after the verminlord attempt at assassinating him in the fugus asylum
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29 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Did I miss something with Kragnos?...

Read that short twice even. 


@Baron Klatz Care to elaborate on you GA destro gping through changes comment?

also, end of 5th going into 6th!!?? 

So destro fans are supposed to wait another 6 years for another edition where they do absolutely next to nothing.... again. 


Like honestly what was the point of third? I'm still trying to figure this out. 

Beginning of the Alarielle section:

Seated on her throne beneath the Oak of Ages Past, it had been an age since Alarielle had felt fear. She was weakened from her part in caging the Earthquake God and curtailing his destructive reign, and this left her vulnerable, but this strange dread had burrowed into her core. A curious, unwelcome sensation. It crept over her as the outer boughs of the glade parted to admit the delegation, the root barrier receding at her whim. 

Seems after book 3 when he ran off after Karazai & the Seraphon Alarielle was able to trap him which helped end the rampaging Ghur energies through the Realms(which is fitting as her Rite of Life unleashed him in the first place)


And AoS3 was supposed to have a lot more with the Gallet & Andtor campaigns giving us Season of War narrative campaign books past Thondia with the Dawner terrains & more Incarnates but between the pandemic and Brexit causing Chinese shipping to triple in costs those 2 got canned which left the edition and Destruction focus lopsided.

Hopefully things get better for them as refreshes go on, Kruleboyz get expansions and when Kragnos busts out again he can lead the Drogrukh who keep getting hints they’re just in hiding.

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Like honestly what was the point of third? I'm still trying to figure this out. 

Well it's very simple you see. It was called the Era of the beast so they could feel clever when they removed beasts (and bonesplitters were also the most bestial orcs come to think of it) at the end of the Era of the beast.

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Like honestly what was the point of third? I'm still trying to figure this out. 

probably something much cooler before Covid and the following years of warehouse + shipping issues messed it all up.

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10 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

My prediction for the end of 4th edition is it's Nagash who ultimately stops the Skaven. Would be good for him to get some payback! 

I really hope that’s what they’re setting up and then 5.0 is everyone else getting caught in the crossfire of a Death civil war. 

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56 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

My prediction for the end of 4th edition is it's Nagash who ultimately stops the Skaven. Would be good for him to get some payback! 

I hope the end of 4th edition is that Skaven win and then we get Stormfiend Eternals as the posterfaction for Age Of Horned Rat.

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1 hour ago, bethebee said:

probably something much cooler before Covid and the following years of warehouse + shipping issues messed it all up.

This is true, and they do deserve some slack, but it's frustrating that it feels like none of the big events & narrative threads going into 3e got any real follow up.  Kragnos's rampage?  petered out.  Belakor's rebellion against Archaon?  Naver happened.  Grand alliance order breaking up over Morathi's betrayal?  Nah they're all still fine.  Shyish falling into civil war between Mannfred & Neferata as soon as Nagash & Arkhan are off the table?  Well, that's supposedly happening, but we never get to see it   Hunt for slaanesh?  On hiatus.  Archaon v Katakros in the 8 points?  Well Archaon did assault Katakros's fortress, but not to any appreciable effect on the map.  Olynder allying with Belakor?  is that even still a thing?  Belakor's cloud shrouding the realms in perpetual storms & darkness?  that was just an excuse for new stormcast armor, no actual effect on the people, setting, or story.  Chamon cut off from the other realms?  We hardly even looked at any realms other than ghur, so it hardly mattered to anything we actually got to see.

like, I get that their plans & production schefule got disrupted, but it hardly seems like they had any plans at all, any now we're just rushing forward with new plot threads and all the old ones will just be left unresolved entirely.

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10 hours ago, Ragest said:

Wow, what a bunch of amazing stories to end 3rd edition.

And Kragnos returning to his planet, what a complete waste of time was him and the era of the beast.

Ahhhhhh. Spoilerrrrrr (I don't mind). I didn't have time to read it. With a quick look, I thought it would be all about Skavens, but it is nice if they close all the pending stuff, but c'mon, that should have been part of DB 6 epilogue.

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8 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

IMHO the whole "Dogrukh exodus hint" thing will bring him back,he's just benched for the time being.

Shouldn't be also removed from the game for the time being? 😅

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6 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Also, I don't think Kragnos was as well recieved as Geedubs had hoped. 

Sure there's folks who like him but I do read more often then not that they don't so I wonder how well a whole army of ponies would be recieved. 

Not poking fun here at anyone if he's your jam. 

3rd was... weird. 

Edit: But hey, I got Kruleboyz! 🤘💚🤘

IMO having more than one model will always have more impact on the playerbase than just one model. With some variety on the "ponies" they could catch more eyes.

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4 hours ago, Ogregut said:

My prediction for the end of 4th edition is it's Nagash who ultimately stops the Skaven. Would be good for him to get some payback! 

What about Tirion and Malerion stopping the Skavens?

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Sception said:

Chamon cut off from the other realms?  We hardly even looked at any realms other than ghur, so it hardly mattered to anything we actually got to see.

Can you elaborate?

Edited by Ejecutor
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