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4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Going with new grave guard on that one. 

Mate that would be epic!!

8 minutes ago, cyrus said:

So first we had RE of new Saurus guard and now for Grave guard : maybe the rumours about the “ goal of 4th edition “ to update remaining whfb troops and get rid of resin heroes is true ! 👍😉





Please please please let this be the case!! Id love to see it happen!!

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Just now, Mutton said:

I cannot hope to describe the fury I feel in learning that Total Eclipse still exists. 

Absolutely heinous game design idiocy.

At least it appears it is only a Warscroll spell on a unique character, and it also only effects the first time the opponent uses a command (as I recall it is currently all commands but I may be wrong there).

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20 minutes ago, Mutton said:

I cannot hope to describe the fury I feel in learning that Total Eclipse still exists. 

Absolutely heinous game design idiocy.

Well at least now it is only on 1 warscroll (probably pricey), it has a range of 18'' (not the whole table) and it works only for the first command ...

TBF Lumineth seems really strong now / still. Maybe not Eldar 10th Index-strong, but strong anyway. Thankfully I never faced LRL during 3rd but by general consensus and battle reports they looked pretty up in power level... 

EDIT : another look at the new Rat ogor 


Edited by HorticulusTGA
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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

So first we had RE of new Saurus guard and now for Grave guard : maybe the rumours about the “ goal of 4th edition “ to update remaining whfb troops and get rid of resin heroes is true ! 👍😉





Grave Guard Vs Temple Guard Warcry ? 

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15 minutes ago, Kronos said:

Grave Guard Vs Temple Guard Warcry ? 

Oh that would be great.

And fitting, if next season (not edition) is going inside the Seraphon temple ship ruins defended by Temple Guards...

(Also, new Grave Guard design were introduced in WUW : Gnarlwood, so they are presents in the area...)


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55 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

At least it appears it is only a Warscroll spell on a unique character, and it also only effects the first time the opponent uses a command (as I recall it is currently all commands but I may be wrong there).

The first time each enemy unit uses a command. So each enemy unit in range has to pay the extra cost. 18" is a massive range. A 36" bubble. It's about 80% of the board vertically and over half of the board horizontally. The Twins will just sit in the middle of the board, behind a bunch of spears or some other tank and project for the whole game. It's easy to get +1 cast in the army, so it won't be that difficult to cast. And the fixed amount of CP gain in 4th means this extra cost is even more debilitating.

This is a BAD ability to have in the game. It's only going to create massive feel-bads and turn Lumineth into the anti-fun army yet again. Total Eclipse could have been reworked to be anything. There's NO REASON it should exist in this way.

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11 minutes ago, Mutton said:

The first time each enemy unit uses a command.

Are you sure?

Total Eclipse wording: "the first time an enemy unit uses a command..."

Imho, first time means just the first, and not for each enemy unit, just for an enemy unit.

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25 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Total Eclipse wording: "the first time an enemy unit uses a command..."


This means that any time an enemy unit uses their first command, it triggers. So the first command used by each enemy unit in range costs extra. You could argue that this isn't what they meant, but that's an FAQ.

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6 hours ago, SilentSentinel said:

Whilst I don't really mind who wins I think I'm leaning towards hoping SCE take the win since we don't really know what's coming for them, aside from some multipart versions of the skaventide models (that and I'm also just sorta keen to what other ruination kits we might get). Compared to the Skaven where we more or less know what's coming due to that list that's been pretty damn accurate so far.

But if Skaven do win it'll at least be cool to see the updated units and the few new things in there. In the end I'm excited for both so it'll be a win either way.

This is where i'm at too; the Skaven models are going to be so good but we don't know what's up with SCE. and with Hel Crown being more interesting as an Order stronghold against the Vermindoom? I'm hoping Order/SCE end up winning.

Also big thanks to @Ejecutor for your interview series !!

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37 minutes ago, Mutton said:

This means that any time an enemy unit uses their first command, it triggers. So the first command used by each enemy unit in range costs extra. You could argue that this isn't what they meant, but that's an FAQ.

in that case it would say "any" not "an" i think

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25 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

This is where i'm at too; the Skaven models are going to be so good but we don't know what's up with SCE. and with Hel Crown being more interesting as an Order stronghold against the Vermindoom? I'm hoping Order/SCE end up winning.

Also big thanks to @Ejecutor for your interview series !!

Agreed, havibg a frontier at in the middle of enemy territory would be cool.

GW won’t do this however, the city will fall or be abandoned no matter what.

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4 hours ago, Mutton said:

I cannot hope to describe the fury I feel in learning that Total Eclipse still exists. 

Absolutely heinous game design idiocy.

I understand the sentiment but it has been substantially nerfed. Firstly Teclis can't cast it. This means it's possible to be unbound. Assuming there's some way to get +1 to cast it will work about twice a game. 

I can absolutely guarantee that RAI, it is designed to one affect the first time the army spends a command point not each unit. Why would they write it the other way? That's basically no limitations on the ability. I would bet my house that we see a faq that clears this up to mean that a maximum of one command point is lost per cast. 

It's not table wide any more. It's is a big bubble but it's on a relatively slow unit that can't fly. 

An insane ability has become a merely powerful one thanks to that triple nerf. 


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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

I can absolutely guarantee that RAI, it is designed to one affect the first time the army spends a command point not each unit. Why would they write it the other way? That's basically no limitations on the ability. I would bet my house that we see a faq that clears this up to mean that a maximum of one command point is lost per cast. 

I hope you're right. Either way, I don't think it's an ability that needed to exist in the first place.

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21 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


giphy (1).gif

I wouldn’t count on it for a bit. Both already have Warcry warbands. The more likely explanation is a release with their tomes. And they’ll STILL probably be out months before Briar and Bone. 

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2 hours ago, Loskelodd said:

Briar and Bone is an unsubstantiated myth.

We should finally have confirmation of an Orruk split tomorrow, unless GW decided to keep teasing us and show something not destruction on thursday.

I really hope they release briar and bone before Skaventide and yes today we will know finally about the orruks divorce


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I'm such a hypocrite. 

I'm often amused at how eager contributors to this forum are when it comes to reveals and countdowns and the like. It'll all come in the fullness of time, people.

... but right now I am literally counting down the hours until the Hedonites FF gets unleashed! 

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7 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I wouldn’t count on it for a bit. Both already have Warcry warbands. The more likely explanation is a release with their tomes. And they’ll STILL probably be out months before Briar and Bone. 

Plot twist, Briar and Bone is announced this week.

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36 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I'm such a hypocrite. 

I'm often amused at how eager contributors to this forum are when it comes to reveals and countdowns and the like. It'll all come in the fullness of time, people.

... but right now I am literally counting down the hours until the Hedonites FF gets unleashed! 

One needs a certain amount of hopium and copium to stay active here XD.

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14 hours ago, Mutton said:

I cannot hope to describe the fury I feel in learning that Total Eclipse still exists. 

Absolutely heinous game design idiocy.

The ability has an diameter of roughly 37". That's a lot considering the whole battle field only measures 60" x 44".
After reading the ability it's cleary worded in a way that let's the ability trigger on a once per unit bases. Otherwise they would have said "...once per turn, when an enemy unit..."


Only one solution:


Skaven snipers go zzzzZZZaap



Changing topic:

Honest Wargamer mentioned something interesting which very much resonates with me:
He assumed AoS is getting closer to being a Board Game instead of a wargame.
I've thought about this quite a bit and I agree - It's also the reason that I think most units feel like tokens (on a board game) instead of the RPG + Wargame mix Warhammer and AoS used to be.

In my case this would explain why my interest in the game reduced itself proportionally to the rising board-gamification.


What are your thoughts?

Edited by JackStreicher
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16 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

The ability has an diameter of roughly 37". That's a lot considering the whole battle field only measures 60" x 44".
After reading the ability it's cleary worded in a way that let's the ability trigger on a once per unit bases. Otherwise they would have said "...once per turn, when an enemy unit..."


Only one solution:


Skaven snipers go zzzzZZZaap



Changing topic:

Honest Wargamer mentioned something interesting which very much resonates with me:
He assumed AoS is getting closer to being a Board Game instead of a wargame.
I've thought about this quite a bit and I agree - It's also the reason that I think most units feel like tokens (on a board game) instead of the RPG + Wargame mix Warhammer and AoS used to be.

In my case this would explain why my interest in the game reduced itself proportionally to the rising board-gamification.


What are your thoughts?

In a world where the gaming aspect seems to look for quicker games, it wouldn't surprise me if GW opted for that approach to get fresh blood into their games. It is a win-win, IMO, younger players who are used to quick stimuli will be more in line with this and those with family and not much time for it would appreciate it as well.

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