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That's a beautiful beast!!

Clan Moulder look to be in such a good spot thematically now covering every size of mini.

We'll have new Packmasters or Master Moulders (I think?)

Wolf Rats for your horde style chaf units

Rat Ogors 

Stormfiends for some range

This new beast 

Hellpit Abominations for the centrepiece.


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4 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

That's a beautiful beast!!

Clan Moulder look to be in such a good spot thematically now covering every size of mini.

We'll have new Packmasters or Master Moulders (I think?)

Wolf Rats for your horde style chaf units

Rat Ogors 

Stormfiends for some range

This new beast 

Hellpit Abominations for the centrepiece.


I think a Monstrous Hero is something they could use that would fit in thematically. Though you could just give Thanquol the Moulder keyword because of Boneripper and that could work. 

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6 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

I think a Monstrous Hero is something they could use that would fit in thematically. Though you could just give Thanquol the Moulder keyword because of Boneripper and that could work. 

Ooo I completely forgot about Boneripper. Hopefully that will be the case. Stick a Master Moulder on top instead of Thanquol and have a nice thematic proxy. 

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15 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Whatever the merits of noting changes to game design in AoS, a lot of the discussion seems to boil down to the idea that “WHFB is the ur-wargame. Any deviation from WHFB makes something less of a wargame”, which imo is such a myopic and narrowly GW-centric view.

The disappointing thing about all these arguments is the idea that AoS should copy TOW. There are a few people,  the Honest Wargamer included, who have found that they prefer the ruleset for TOW which is absolutely fine. Why do they want both games to play the same though? Let GW have two different fantasy games which cater to two different audiences with different tastes. It will benefit both games in the long run. 

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

I thought the missing list would be:

Stormvermin, Weaponteams, Globadiers, Verminlord and Wolfrats.

This should be the update list :


1)Master moulder
2)Arch Warlock  (leaked one)
3) Stormvermin
4) Weaponteams
5)Skyre acolytes (former globadiers)
6)New verminlord  (Avatar of horned rat ???) 
7)New Behemoth (Moulder monstrosity)
Edited by cyrus
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24 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

That's a beautiful beast!!

Clan Moulder look to be in such a good spot thematically now covering every size of mini.

We'll have new Packmasters or Master Moulders (I think?)

Wolf Rats for your horde style chaf units

Rat Ogors 

Stormfiends for some range

This new beast 

Hellpit Abominations for the centrepiece.


i wonder if its a 120x92 or a 90x52 like Thanquol?

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2 minutes ago, cyrus said:

This should be the update list :


1)Master moulder
2)Arch Warlock  (leaked one)
3) Stormvermin
4) Weaponteams
5)Skyre acolytes (former globadiers)
6)New verminlord  (Avatar of horned rat ???) 
7)New Behemoth (Moulder monstrosity)

The arch-warlock hasnt still been leaked. That mini was a regular engineer with a spetial weapon.

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5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The disappointing thing about all these arguments is the idea that AoS should copy TOW. There are a few people,  the Honest Wargamer included, who have found that they prefer the ruleset for TOW which is absolutely fine. Why do they want both games to play the same though? Let GW have two different fantasy games which cater to two different audiences with different tastes. It will benefit both games in the long run. 

Another point is that, until now, AoS carried all 1.0 rules and just made patch over patch trying to figure their next step/edition.

Btw, I would love to see more customization for AoS and a "challenge" command, but that doesn't mean that I want to "copy" Warhammer Fantasy, it's just that I think that AoS seems perfect to build my own people and let my heroes fight as an epic blockbuster movie.

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Today we will know about the Orruk Civil Warᵀᴹ. Either if they preview an orruk faction as the next FF or they go with a Death faction (which means they will keep the two orruk faction for a two consecutive FF), it will mean a split. Only if they preview OW it will mean no split (and, due to my cognitive dissonance, I want to believe it will mean they will be souped until their own battletomes).

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1 minute ago, Chikout said:

I said it before. Split indexes doesn't necessarily mean split battletome. 

Battletomes are just books, not army lists.
There can be multiple army lists in a single battletome.
Split battletome has no incidence in rulez

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Now that is an AWESOME looking monster! Bit like the Mutant Rat Ogre from Total War. I wonder if the Skryre Verminlord will also be the rumored mega-mech. Feels very Skaven to summon a big daemon and then trap it armor, Evangelion style.


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2 minutes ago, novakai said:

I mean if Big WAAGH is gone and not in index, their probably no reason to keep them together at this point, essentially they are two separate armies now

Number of books and releases is the good reason to maintain one book.

Edited by Nezzhil
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Hey, it's nice for Shalaxi to have at least one halfway usable rule for once at least, makes a change!

I'm not hugely sold on the Slaanesh battle traits, nobody else is giving their opponent destiny dice just to turn on their special rules, but at least its better than pausing every roll to offer your opponent a mini-game.

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