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2 minutes ago, novakai said:

I mean if Big WAAGH is gone and not in index, their probably no reason to keep them together at this point, essentially they are two separate armies now

Unless they will change GorkaMorka character I can't see how they can be separated on a long run.

Edited by cofaxest
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3 minutes ago, novakai said:

I mean if Big WAAGH is gone and not in index, their probably no reason to keep them together at this point, essentially they are two separate armies now

Big Waagh can be an army of renown

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Why do you guys so sure about orruks being merged again for battletome? I mean, there is no reason in splitting them just for indices and then souping again. Like think from the marketing perspective - go buy separate army and then go buy another army because they’ve been combined again. 

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35 minutes ago, Garrac said:

The arch-warlock hasnt still been leaked. That mini was a regular engineer with a spetial weapon.

So it is so

1)Master moulder
2)Arch Warlock  

3) New  warlock (Galvaneer with warpvolt obliterators) (Leaked one)
4) Stormvermin
5) Weaponteams
6)Skyre acolytes (former globadiers)
7)New verminlord  (Avatar of horned rat ???) 
8 )  New Behemoth (Moulder monstrosity)




Come on Ladz : Orruks warclans are gone ! Welcome to Ironjawz and Kruleboyz in separate books !





Edited by cyrus
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Just now, Ookami said:

Why do you guys so sure about orruks being merged again for battletome? I mean, there is no reason in splitting them just for indices and then souping again. Like think from the marketing perspective - go buy separate army and then go buy another army because they’ve been combined again. 

Let's wait a few months to see one of the 40k future books...

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1 minute ago, Ookami said:

Why do you guys so sure about orruks being merged again for battletome? I mean, there is no reason in splitting them just for indices and then souping again. Like think from the marketing perspective - go buy separate army and then go buy another army because they’ve been combined again. 

No one are sure ofc. But I think that we have objective reasons for them being splited on that phase. 24 books looks like a normal size. BUT we prob will have Chaos Duardins and Malerion. Plus let's not forget about Kurnothi, Silent people, Gholemkind, New beastmens. So I think that Fist of Gork and Mouth of Mork will be reunited at some point. 

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3 minutes ago, Ookami said:

Why do you guys so sure about orruks being merged again for battletome? I mean, there is no reason in splitting them just for indices and then souping again. Like think from the marketing perspective - go buy separate army and then go buy another army because they’ve been combined again. 

I'm not so sure. I'd say it's about 50/50 right now. The biggest reason to recombine the armies is logistics. One less book that needs to be written, printed and shipped. Also in theory the book will sell twice as well since two sets of players will buy it. It's got nothing to do whether big waagh is a good idea and everything to do with how well GW think the books will sell. If they think current big waagh players will buy two books, that's an argument for separating them. 


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I actually really like the new Slaanesh rules. Yes they look weaker than before, but they're still flavourful and have some good tactics to consider. 

I can't imagine they'll tear up the meta, but I'm looking forward to playing them at least! 

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3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Let's wait a few months to see one of the 40k future books...

Agents of the Imperium is a way to recycle old minis that, independently from each other, sell well enough to stay in production, but not enough to justify the investment of giving them a new book with a bunch of new models. 

For what we know, it might not be the case of Ironjaws and Kruleboyz : they might sell enough to justify their separation.

That's from the "economical" perspective. 

From an esthetical perspective, Ironjaws and Kruleboyz shares less visual cues than Idoneth and Lumineth. 


And last but not least, if there is just one book, a minimal treatment this edition could mean a single hero mini for Kruleboyz OR for Ironjaws. 

With two books, we are assured to have at least one mini for each faction. 




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I also can't help but feel that a sizeable part of the design studio likes designing green skins. Of course, potential sales drive what is designed, but there is also a slight separation between the design studio and the sales team. It could be that the design studio wishes to explore Orruks separately for a variety of creative reasons. 

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Wouldnt be surprised to see the orruks or other stuff merging. There are already rumorus making the rounds about the chaos demons being chopped in favour of merging to the god-specific legions. GW loves this kind of movements.

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My impression is that for Slaanesh.... Why are the wounds from temptation only on a 1 or 2 for guaranteed successes on rolls? Why does Slaanesh have to give advantage to get access to their 1 actual buff ability on units, a buff that the OBR get for free on top of a load of other stuff?

There doesn't really seem to have been a buff to units alongside this to compensate. The twinsouls for example have more attacks but halved damage. Shallaxi seems to have been buffed but it was one of the worst warscrolls in the game before so that is not saying much. I have no idea why claws have been left at 2 attacks, if she is left at 400ish points I imagine she will still be fairly bad.

Early days and we haven't seen all the rules of course but my first impression is Slaanesh is once again going to struggle at the bottom of the pile. Hopefully will be proven wrong when the points and such drop but that is my impression from what I've seen.

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4 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

a buff that the OBR get for free on top of a load of other stuff?

Such is the power of Nagash! Also wow, Temptation Dice are completely garbage! “Roll a 1 or 2 and take D3 but guarantee a 6 on a vital roll regardless!” There is no situation in which I end a turn with any dice left

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What I find really strange about Hedonites is that the Spearhead battle trait is based on the old, revamped temptation dice system which on paper just obviously looks so much better than whatever the hell they've done to the AOS army proper. 

Edited by Starfyre
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11 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

My impression is that for Slaanesh.... Why are the wounds from temptation only on a 1 or 2 for guaranteed successes on rolls? Why does Slaanesh have to give advantage to get access to their 1 actual buff ability on units, a buff that the OBR get for free on top of a load of other stuff?

There doesn't really seem to have been a buff to units alongside this to compensate. The twinsouls for example have more attacks but halved damage. Shallaxi seems to have been buffed but it was one of the worst warscrolls in the game before so that is not saying much. I have no idea why claws have been left at 2 attacks, if she is left at 400ish points I imagine she will still be fairly bad.

Early days and we haven't seen all the rules of course but my first impression is Slaanesh is once again going to struggle at the bottom of the pile. Hopefully will be proven wrong when the points and such drop but that is my impression from what I've seen.

usual disclaimer/hot takes etc

but yes, this allegiance ability seems very bad. Giving the opponent two 6s is incredibly risky (hello guaranteed 12" (counter)charge) so you'll very rarely want to risk making two of your units Euphoric, which means most of the time the entire allegiance ability of Slaanesh is having one unit with crit(2 hits) and run/charge. They could still be great in terms of overall power level, because of the warscrolls and points, but the allegiance abilities are the worst we've seen so far IMHO

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1 minute ago, Starfyre said:

What I find really strange about Hedonites is that the Spearhead battle trait is based on the old, revamped temptation dice system which on paper just obviously looks so much better than whatever the hell they've done to the AOS army proper. 

They did the same with Fyreslayers

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5 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Such is the power of Nagash! Also wow, Temptation Dice are completely garbage! “Roll a 1 or 2 and take D3 but guarantee a 6 on a vital roll regardless!” There is no situation in which I end a turn with any dice left

Yep, though admittedly they also get run & charge+shoot, which is good. It still seems like it offers way too much to your opponent. Either the damage should be higher or far more reliable.

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34 minutes ago, Ookami said:

Why do you guys so sure about orruks being merged again for battletome? I mean, there is no reason in splitting them just for indices and then souping again. Like think from the marketing perspective - go buy separate army and then go buy another army because they’ve been combined again. 

There's one reason. Giving both of them the same love as the rest of the factions, but I agree. It would be weird even if the chance is there.

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7 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Such is the power of Nagash! Also wow, Temptation Dice are completely garbage! “Roll a 1 or 2 and take D3 but guarantee a 6 on a vital roll regardless!” There is no situation in which I end a turn with any dice left

An interesting part of this is that it does break the design convention of "Roll a d3, on a 2+ deal mortal wounds equal to the roll" that the designers have used for other rolls. Wouldn't change much, but its interesting.

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Given the evidence presented, I stand on the side that Orruks will not become a soup book again.

Narratively Gordrakk is off on another quest doing Gordrakk things. The story is wide open for Gobsprakk, and unless I’m missing something their respective grand schemes have both fizzled. I expect at some point in the future Gordrakk will return with a higher power level and a new sculpt. With rumors of redesigned gen 1 AoS characters (Ionus being a recent example), I believe that Ironjawz and Kruleboyz are being left open for another wave.

Big Waaagh was only necessary to retain the piles of intermingled orcs people started with, and while I hope it’s still possible by an army of renown or expanded ally system, it’s one hell of a drain on game design to have units you simply don’t play because they’re instantly less efficient in soup. A lot of people invested in Big Waaagh, so once again I hope it’s still possible, but I think it always had issues.

Now that Orruks have received a bit of a split, I’m starting to look at my Snarlfangs and Spiderfang… The retiring of the spider boss has me thinking…

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30 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

No one are sure ofc. But I think that we have objective reasons for them being splited on that phase. 24 books looks like a normal size. BUT we prob will have Chaos Duardins and Malerion. Plus let's not forget about Kurnothi, Silent people, Gholemkind, New beastmens. So I think that Fist of Gork and Mouth of Mork will be reunited at some point. 

Many of those will probably share a book with something that we already have, if they ever get released.

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1 minute ago, Eldarion79 said:

They did the same with Fyreslayers

Yeah but I thought the revamped rules for Fyreslayers looked decent whereas the revamped temptation dice just look really really bad.

Also, the loss of DP must make Slaanesh sad.

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