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21 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It is just a shame... Tornus is probably the coolest SCE in terms of lore but it got, IMO, the worst SCE design ever :(

Also, he was meant to be a Venator but there's no bow option anymore...


It comes down to personal taste, but I for one really love the design. Although I agree it stinks that we got the Azyros back but not the Venator

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19 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Is it just me or are they both very, very, busy and not in a good way? Obviously it's the paint job doing some of that, but particularly on the Skaven my eyes don't know where they should be focusing in on.

I know with Tornus they're trying to make him look floaty with the cloth touching the base, but it seems too straight and symmetrical? Like they're fancy panes of glass, not cloth.


I feel like busy model is just pretty common now from GW 

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It's not about being busy sculpt. It's shape is confusing. It looks like he has no legs. His top feels like it doesn't fit the bottom. Feels like bad kitbash.

Edited by michu
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1 minute ago, Flippy said:

The Skaven monster is weird to look at, in a bad way. Too much.

The other guy is from Diablo, right?

I agree. It's the first time I don't like Moulder stuff.

Wait, no, new Rat Ogres also feel weird too me 

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I love the Brood Terror. not sure about the painjob, it seems that the model demands more dark tones, but it's a unit that comes from a John carpenter movie.

I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, I don't want a new army, ....

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Really interested in the brood horror's deal; the smaller head has a "bald old man" vibe and it makes me wonder if they grafted a normal Skaven to an Rat Ogor to make a "smart one" to lead the stormfiends and ogors as a similarly sized fighter support character

Stormcast is pretty neat; I liked him more when I thought for a moment he'd ascended beyond the need for feet

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They mention in the article that there is a Master Moulder grafted onto the creature so it's probably a hero of some form.  They also mentioned that Tornus was a Knight-Venator that was promoted/shifted to Knight-Azyros. 

I do agree with the statement that these look a bit busy.  I think the Brood Terror without flensing knives would be fine but that's my opinion.  The bottom half of the Knight-Azyros just feels off and I think it's because the legs are splayed and covered by the robes.

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3 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

Really interested in the brood horror's deal; the smaller head has a "bald old man" vibe and it makes me wonder if they grafted a normal Skaven to an Rat Ogor to make a "smart one" to lead the stormfiends and ogors as a similarly sized fighter support character

Stormcast is pretty neat; I liked him more when I thought for a moment he'd ascended beyond the need for feet

The community article seems to say the small head of the brood horror is a very unlucky Moulder master.

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28 minutes ago, Flippy said:

The other guy is from Diablo, right?

This XD. Might buy one to paint it like Imperius or Tyrael.


Edit: Cant wait for the IJ tome now!

Edited by Gitzdee
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Also, do you think this has been a response to the leak? It feel a bit weird that they are running all this campaign to show the minis and 2 weeks after announcing the preorder you show one of each side.

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23 minutes ago, Loskelodd said:

The community article seems to say the small head of the brood horror is a very unlucky Moulder master.

Ah! Gave it a skim and missed that bit; hysterical lol it's tough being a rat

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1 minute ago, sandlemad said:

Am I missing something or is there zero distinction between Tornus and the regular knight azyros? It doesn’t even seem to be an alt-build, just the same mini.

Seems to be just the sword or lance option. Pretty unnoticeable...

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1 hour ago, Talas said:

Wait a minute, Tornus was a Knight-Venator 🤔

1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Also, he was meant to be a Venator but there's no bow option anymore...

read the article :)

Joining the ranks of the Hallowed Knights, Tornus fought long and hard as a Knight-Venator to prove his worth to his new allies, and through his tireless efforts has become a Knight-Azyros, taking the name Tornus the Redeemed, and vowing to continue to spread Sigmar’s light and vengeance far and wide across the Mortal Realms. 

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3 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Am I missing something or is there zero distinction between Tornus and the regular knight azyros? It doesn’t even seem to be an alt-build, just the same mini.

The weapon. Spear vs sword.

AoS Reveals Jun12 Image3

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Just now, CommissarRotke said:

read the article :)

Joining the ranks of the Hallowed Knights, Tornus fought long and hard as a Knight-Venator to prove his worth to his new allies, and through his tireless efforts has become a Knight-Azyros, taking the name Tornus the Redeemed, and vowing to continue to spread Sigmar’s light and vengeance far and wide across the Mortal Realms. 

I haven't yet... but still just a patch to remove one warscroll. I would have leave Venator over Azyros :(

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