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18 minutes ago, Snarff said:

And even without the fantasy kits it's still quite a good range compared to most other Order armies! It's in a much better state than FS/DoK, similar to IDK/Sylvaneth/KO and only slightly worse than LRL, SCE and Seraphon. And that's not even counting for the fact that DoK, Sylvaneth and Seraphon also have fantasy plastic in there.

But since CoS actually does still have the WFB plastics, it's even more varied. 1 UW warband is not even listed for CoS here while it is currently available.

It's also very balanced. Cavalry, melee and ranged infantry, elite squad, centrepiece behemoth, centrepiece non-behemoth, wizard, infantry, ranged and cavalry hero. Many armies can only dream of that. Could there be more? Yes. Are other armies in much worse shape (especially when you also remove the WFB models from them)? Definite yes.

Counting only kits that won't be removed from the game in the next few years (and terrain and endless spells), Cities is;

  • Smaller than Seraphon, Sylvaneth, Lumineth, and SCE
  • Same as Kharadron and Idoneth
  • Larger than DoK and Fyreslayers

So IMHO, it's about average size (bit bigger than the two most neglected Order factions), which I would be happy with, if it weren't for

  • Lack of generic Behemoth (hopefully getting resolved with Cogfort)
  • Rump subfactions (Ironweld, Devoted of Sigmar) that barely have a reason to exist (currently 2 Ironweld kits counting the cannon and probably retiring Steam Tank, and 2 Devoted kits in Zenestra and the Flagellants)
  • Lack of more "elite units" (new humans don't have anything above basic chaff besides the Cavaliers in terms of units)

I agree there are factions in bigger need of new stuff (especially Fyreslayers and Idoneth), but as it stands Cities as a faction still feels unfinished to me.

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26 minutes ago, Snarff said:

And even without the fantasy kits it's still quite a good range compared to most other Order armies! It's in a much better state than FS/DoK, similar to IDK/Sylvaneth/KO and only slightly worse than LRL, SCE and Seraphon. And that's not even counting for the fact that DoK, Sylvaneth and Seraphon also have fantasy plastic in there.

But since CoS actually does still have the WFB plastics, it's even more varied. 1 UW warband is not even listed for CoS here while it is currently available.

It's also very balanced. Cavalry, melee and ranged infantry, elite squad, centrepiece behemoth, centrepiece non-behemoth, wizard, infantry, ranged and cavalry hero. Many armies can only dream of that.

I was thinking the same, both when looking at the kit comparisons here and when playing the army. The Freeguild is in a really nice place already and it is totally possible to play a humans-only Cities of Sigmar army without feeling like it is incomplete.

Especially if you dip into some of the older kits like the Steam Tank, Karl Franz or the Hurricanum for another centerpiece model.

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1 minute ago, cyrus said:

After blue scribes and herald of tzeentch on disc , also Burning chariot /Exalted Flamer kit is  "silently" leaving the range 



Part of me wants a new burning chariot if the current one is quietly leaving. Soooo many daemons of chaos kits need a refresh, starting with all the lesser daemons… and all the Tzeentch oddities including the burning chariot.

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4 minutes ago, Periophtalmus said:

If it is a different warscroll, shouldn’t it be counted as a different build (just asking, I am not sure and weapon options seem to be fused together in 4e anyway) ?

How armies are built in 4e (Battalions led by a hero and made up of units) is what partially inspired me to make this list. Kits have now been clearly defined as either Heroes or Units. Done. So rather than trying to have a list that considered... "oh, do they have a Warmachine, Cavalry, Infantry, Artility, Centerpiece etc" It's just, how many products are available for each faction for Heroes/Units. Done. It made it much clearer in my mind how to list them. 

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10 hours ago, Hollow said:

I don't think I have ever heard that statement in real life. Only ever seen it online. Even the concept of "free rules" is not something that people are aware of if they aren't aware of wargaming in general. Also... there is free rules. Basic, yes. But there has been free rules for years. 

I don't think it is a wargaming thing only way people would be exposed to this concept general. It is more the problem of you buying something and it be incomplete (which maybe is less strange to Warhammer since we have to buy paint, glue and other things to even assemble our models). All the new players we got come from one of the following: Magic the gathering, some sort of tabletop RPG (generally 5e), board gaming or were total war players. All of those games you will buy something and you can play the game. The rules you need to play will be online for free if they don't come in the deck/book/box. Sure there are extra content like new cards, rulebooks and expansions, but they are not needed to play the game. Warhammer isn't like this. If you don't buy your faction tome you can play AoS with less tools (since the app blocks traits and such if you don't have your tome code) and can't actually play 40k if your faction already got a tome (since it also locks away the data sheets).

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Interview regarding the lore of the new edition.


Some of the more interesting quotes:


Phil: No normal Skaven leader could unite the fractious Great Clans, but there are whispers of a uniting force behind the recent wave of frenzied Skaven that are pouring out of the rents in reality. Very little is known about this shadowy figure. As for those frenzied Skaven – old school fans might remember the death frenzy spell which turned Skaven into a frothing nightmarish creature where their life expectancy dramatically shortens, but they fight with a hyperactive fury, becoming far more deadly than usual. Will we see the emergence of this eldritch skaven mastermind? Only time will tell.


It’s got to the point where this is arguably the Second Age of Chaos. Across the Mortal Realms, things have really gone wrong.


Phil: In Aqshy, the forces of Order – the Cities of Sigmar, the Stormcast Eternals, and the Fyreslayers – are now trying to make a stand using the Adamantine Chain mountains as a natural bulwark

Fyreslayers mentioned, so dare I hope for that second wave.

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11 minutes ago, cyrus said:

After blue scribes and herald of tzeentch on disc , also Burning chariot /Exalted Flamer kit is  "silently" leaving the range 



The Bluescribes and the other exalteds all went to Last Chance to Buy, not Sold Out Online. I thought Sold Out Online just meant they were changing packaging for reboxing or were essentially Made To Order?

I could be wrong but these are all Plastic kits that aren't that old, right?

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19 minutes ago, Hollow said:

How armies are built in 4e (Battalions led by a hero and made up of units) is what partially inspired me to make this list. Kits have now been clearly defined as either Heroes or Units. Done. So rather than trying to have a list that considered... "oh, do they have a Warmachine, Cavalry, Infantry, Artility, Centerpiece etc" It's just, how many products are available for each faction for Heroes/Units. Done. It made it much clearer in my mind how to list them. 

Oh I understood that.

i was just asking if since Vulkite Berzerkers have 2 weapon options that are 2 different warscrolls, should they have a blue border on the chart or not ?

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3 minutes ago, Periophtalmus said:

Oh I understood that.

i was just asking if since Vulkite Berzerkers have 2 weapon options that are 2 different warscrolls, should they have a blue border on the chart or not ?

I think I will leave it off, as a weapon change doesn't really fundamentally change what the unit is. Still a singular kit and with 4e I think they will be consolidated into a singular Warscroll anyways. 

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30 minutes ago, cyrus said:

After blue scribes and herald of tzeentch on disc , also Burning chariot /Exalted Flamer kit is  "silently" leaving the range 



The changeling is one kit, and all the others are the same kit. Looks like a repack or a change of the ID of these kits.

Edited by Nezzhil
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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

old school fans might remember the death frenzy spell which turned Skaven into a frothing nightmarish creature

Huh i don't know where he talking about the destroy Great clan Ikk who went to war with clan Verminous with berserkers or something older lore i blanking on

either way i guess they're teasing the new verminlord Skour more

9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Is there any rumour about the 40k armies that are supposed to refresh them? Are they expected soon?

It going back and forth wheter or not demons are going to be a thing or there a 4 (each god) box with new models but so far no one got hard confirmation 

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The tzeentch chariot kit (and associated sub-builds) is pretty old at this point, released alongside the rest of the plastic demon refresh I think, but the plastic Changeling is more recent, I believe it was first released with the original Disciples of Tzeentch tome in, like, 2017-18?  In short, I'd expect the changeling kit to stick around even if they are doing some sort of broad demon refresh/range trimming.

Edited by Lucentia
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36 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Interview regarding the lore of the new edition.


Some of the more interesting quotes:

Phil: No normal Skaven leader could unite the fractious Great Clans, but there are whispers of a uniting force behind the recent wave of frenzied Skaven that are pouring out of the rents in reality. Very little is known about this shadowy figure. As for those frenzied Skaven – old school fans might remember the death frenzy spell which turned Skaven into a frothing nightmarish creature where their life expectancy dramatically shortens, but they fight with a hyperactive fury, becoming far more deadly than usual. Will we see the emergence of this eldritch skaven mastermind? Only time will tell.


The Skaven mastermind/shadowy figure could be the rumoured Avatar of horned rat (model) 

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There were some rumours that the Daemons codex would be getting split up so that each Mark of Daemon was in their respective legion codex (Khorne in with World Eaters, Nurgle in with Death Guard etc). But with the Undivided Chaos space marine codex out, Bel'akor isn't included in there like with AoS and StD so I'm not sure it'll actually be the case.

As others have mentioned there was also a rumour that the Exalteds that disappeared a short while ago will be getting updates either through 40k or AoS. Personally I wouldn't mind so more setting specific options for AoS like the Twins

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45 minutes ago, Augusto said:

Whitefang mentioned that something weird was coming. Maybedaemons of tzeentch is part of it

IMO we don‘t need new daemons if we got no fatemaster, blue scribes, and (obviously) a mortal elite for Tzeentch. The flamers are decent enough for sure, if anything new pinks would be cool as that kit aged worst but even those aren‘t exactly an important update. So many other kits need it more if we look past Tzeentch. 

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Do we think the Ossiarchs will be able to maintain their foothold in the 8-points, given that their fortress was already shaken by Archaon's previous counterattack and their supply lines strained by inter-alliance conflicts and increased mortal resistance in Shyish following Nagash's temporary removal from the field?  With that background from 3e, it would make sense for the the renewed Skaven onslaught and the sudden explosion in the size and power of their particular dead rat subrealm to force a withdrawal from the 8 points.

On the other hand, it would be pretty disappointing to see a major plot development like Katakros taking Gothizzar/the End Gate regressed.

Or do you think we won't see any meaningful advancement on that front because the narrative will be too myopically focused on Ghyran and Aqshy, in the same way that we didn't get to see any meaningful details or advancement of the civil war between Neferata and Mannfred that has supposedly been happening in Shyish because the 3e narrative had tunnel vision on Ghur?

Edited by Sception
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8 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

There were some rumours that the Daemons codex would be getting split up so that each Mark of Daemon was in their respective legion codex (Khorne in with World Eaters, Nurgle in with Death Guard etc). But with the Undivided Chaos space marine codex out, Bel'akor isn't included in there like with AoS and StD so I'm not sure it'll actually be the case.

As others have mentioned there was also a rumour that the Exalteds that disappeared a short while ago will be getting updates either through 40k or AoS. Personally I wouldn't mind so more setting specific options for AoS like the Twins

The Belakor case is nothing that a supplement cannot fix.

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9 minutes ago, Sception said:

Do we think the Ossiarchs will be able to maintain their foothold in the 8-points, given that their fortress was already shaken by Archaon's previous counterattack and their supply lines strained by inter-alliance conflicts and increased mortal resistance in Shyish following Nagash's temporary removal from the field?  With that background from 3e, it would make sense for the the renewed Skaven onslaught and the sudden explosion in the size and power of their particular dead rat subrealm to force a withdrawal from the 8 points.

On the other hand, it would be pretty disappointing to see a major plot development like Katakros taking Gothizzar/the End Gate regressed.

Or do you think we won't see any meaningful advancement on that front because the narrative will be too myopically focused on Ghyran and Aqshy, in the same way that we didn't get to see any meaningful details or advancement of the civil war between Neferata and Mannfred that has supposedly been happening in Shyish because the 3e narrative had tunnel vision on Ghur?

As Katakros went full-in into defensive mode, I doubt they will lose much of their positions.

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15 minutes ago, Sception said:

Do we think the Ossiarchs will be able to maintain their foothold in the 8-points, given that their fortress was already shaken by Archaon's previous counterattack and their supply lines strained by inter-alliance conflicts and increased mortal resistance in Shyish following Nagash's temporary removal from the field?  With that background from 3e, it would make sense for the the renewed Skaven onslaught and the sudden explosion in the size and power of their particular dead rat subrealm to force a withdrawal from the 8 points.

On the other hand, it would be pretty disappointing to see a major plot development like Katakros taking Gothizzar/the End Gate regressed.

Or do you think we won't see any meaningful advancement on that front because the narrative will be too myopically focused on Ghyran and Aqshy, in the same way that we didn't get to see any meaningful details or advancement of the civil war between Neferata and Mannfred that has supposedly been happening in Shyish because the 3e narrative had tunnel vision on Ghur?

They were back on the warpath at the end of 3rd, and now with the Beastbone Plague gone, those massive stockpiles of it are fairly safe to use, while apparently the Skaven’s bones come with their own problems, but saw numbers swell so hard that Katakros is actually completely fine with the risks of using it. And Archaon’s not in the clear yet either- Belakor’s schemes are probably about to violently divide Chaos Undivided. 

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