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3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Interview regarding the lore of the new edition.


Some of the more interesting quotes:

Fyreslayers mentioned, so dare I hope for that second wave.

Well since we know that there's a Hashut/Chorf stronghold in the Adamantine Chain and is rather close to Vostargi Mount AKA the Fyreslayer equivalent of Rome/Mecca/Jerusalem/Mount Fuji, I'm willing to bet good money that this is a Duardin edition as well as a thraggoraki one. IMG_0399.jpeg.5cf159e9a473c48f7f20095ed22a1a93.jpeg.4b6fac72468ba86c9f2984c2caa7d959.jpeg

2 hours ago, MitGas said:

IMO we don‘t need new daemons if we got no fatemaster, blue scribes, and (obviously) a mortal elite for Tzeentch. The flamers are decent enough for sure, if anything new pinks would be cool as that kit aged worst but even those aren‘t exactly an important update. So many other kits need it more if we look past Tzeentch. 

Tzeentch definitely needs a refresh for all of his daemons and a new mortal unit that isn't another tzaangor or sorcerer hero (God knows we got enough of those lying around). Personally I wish for some kind of range unit or the Doom Knights from TOW/Total War, but like @MitGas I'd also accept some kind of heavily armored sorcerer-warrior combo.

2 hours ago, Sception said:

Do we think the Ossiarchs will be able to maintain their foothold in the 8-points, given that their fortress was already shaken by Archaon's previous counterattack and their supply lines strained by inter-alliance conflicts and increased mortal resistance in Shyish following Nagash's temporary removal from the field?  With that background from 3e, it would make sense for the the renewed Skaven onslaught and the sudden explosion in the size and power of their particular dead rat subrealm to force a withdrawal from the 8 points.

On the other hand, it would be pretty disappointing to see a major plot development like Katakros taking Gothizzar/the End Gate regressed.

Or do you think we won't see any meaningful advancement on that front because the narrative will be too myopically focused on Ghyran and Aqshy, in the same way that we didn't get to see any meaningful details or advancement of the civil war between Neferata and Mannfred that has supposedly been happening in Shyish because the 3e narrative had tunnel vision on Ghur?

While I believe that the Ossiarch will hold their position in the 8-points (it gives GW a perfect spot for a new forever war/Warcry season if they ever get back to it), they're definitely going on the defensive for the time being. Archaon's rep has taken a bit of a pounding these past few editions, and he's starting to claw it back with his recent victories, most notably taking out a Seed of Hope and gaining a new fortress in Ghyran. I suspect that Katakros is about to pull out from that theatre of war as well, whether by his own accord or because the fragments of Nagash were pissed that the rat-men have not only one-upped him but have established a whole new underworld in his domain (without his permission I might add) is anyone's guess. We're definitely about to be stuck in a Ghyran/Aqshy quagmire for a whole edition, but since GW has gone out of their way to point out that the Gnaw/Vermindoom/Skaventide is blitzing every realm in one form or another we might not be there for long.

2 hours ago, Chikout said:

This guy is definitely getting a large centerpiece model that will no doubt have broken rules that will see him nerfed in a FAQ once the skaven players begin to dominate a tournament or five. The only question is what other goodies are GW hiding in the rafters?

Edited by Twisted Firaun
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7 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

Skreech Verminkin to be his undoing?


Anyone know what Thanquol is up to nowadays?

Last I heard of Tranquol he was starting up his old reverse Tom and Jerry routine with Gotrek and whoever the slayer is currently traveling with (I haven't read a Gotrek book since Soul Slayer). Vizzik Skour and Skreech Verminking seem more like a Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck kinda deal: They're both the "face" of the Great Horned Rat's armies, and they view each other as rivals, but they'll fight anyone else who tries to stop them from achieving their God's goals.

Edited by Twisted Firaun
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39 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Well since we know that there's a Hashut/Chorf stronghold in the Adamantine Chain and is rather close to Vostargi Mount AKA the Fyreslayer equivalent of Rome/Mecca/Jerusalem/Mount Fuji, I'm willing to bet good money that this is a Duardin edition as well as a thraggoraki one. IMG_0399.jpeg.5cf159e9a473c48f7f20095ed22a1a93.jpeg.4b6fac72468ba86c9f2984c2caa7d959.jpeg

Tzeentch definitely needs a refresh for all of his daemons and a new mortal unit that isn't another tzaangor or sorcerer hero (God knows we got enough of those lying around). Personally I wish for some kind of range unit or the Doom Knights from TOW/Total War, but like @MitGas I'd also accept some kind of heavily armored sorcerer-warrior combo.

While I believe that the Ossiarch will hold their position in the 8-points (it gives GW a perfect spot for a new forever war/Warcry season if they ever get back to it), they're definitely going on the defensive for the time being. Archaon's rep has taken a bit of a pounding these past few editions, and he's starting to claw it back with his recent victories, most notably taking out a Seed of Hope and gaining a new fortress in Ghyran. I suspect that Katakros is about to pull out from that theatre of war as well, whether by his own accord or because the fragments of Nagash were pissed that the rat-men have not only one-upped him but have established a whole new underworld in his domain (without his permission I might add) is anyone's guess. We're definitely about to be stuck in a Ghyran/Aqshy quagmire for a whole edition, but since GW has gone out of their way to point out that the Gnaw/Vermindoom/Skaventide is blitzing every realm in one form or another we might not be there for long.

This guy is definitely getting a large centerpiece model that will no doubt have broken rules that will see him nerfed in a FAQ once the skaven players begin to dominate a tournament or five. The only question is what other goodies are GW hiding in the rafters?

Can they really improve on flamers and screamers though? I mean if they don‘t change their design, the plastic minis are still quite decent IMO. Pink Horrors sucked since day 1 but seeing how blue horrors share the same design language, I fear they won‘t change those a lot either. That said, the one pink in Silver Tower was already a huuuge improvement but I‘d like to see a mix out of these and the ones that came before them. The „scarier“ and weirder, the better. Tzeentch should lean into the Lovecraftian shtick even more. Which is ironic… a God that feeds on hope leans into a style that has hopelessness as one of its defining characteristics. 🤔

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Just now, MitGas said:

Can they really improve on flamers and screamers though? I mean if they don‘t change their design, the plastic minis are still quite decent IMO. Pink Horrors sucked since day 1 but seeing how blue horrors share the same design language, I fear they won‘t change those a lot either. That said, the one pink in Silver Tower was already a huuuge improvement but I‘d like to see a mix out of these and the ones that came before them. The „scarier“ and weirder, the better. Tzeentch should lean into the Lovecraftian shtick even more. Which is ironic… a God that feeds on hope leans into a style that has hopelessness as one of its defining characteristics. 🤔

I'd prefer some more mortals that lean into his "Not-Egyptian" aesthetic, kind like the Silver Tower Acolytes. Also Tzeentch is the God of Hope in the manner of the negative version of Pandora's box: since hope is still inside the box, humanity will keep on fighting otherwise hopeless battles. Just look at Ahriman in 40K, every now and then Tzeentch throws him a bone and tricks him into thinking he can undo his Rubric... meanwhile the latest attempt created a daemon whose sole purpose is to wipe out the Thousand Sons via weaponizing the Rubric.

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4 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Can they really improve on flamers and screamers though? I mean if they don‘t change their design, the plastic minis are still quite decent IMO. Pink Horrors sucked since day 1 but seeing how blue horrors share the same design language, I fear they won‘t change those a lot either. That said, the one pink in Silver Tower was already a huuuge improvement but I‘d like to see a mix out of these and the ones that came before them. The „scarier“ and weirder, the better. Tzeentch should lean into the Lovecraftian shtick even more. Which is ironic… a God that feeds on hope leans into a style that has hopelessness as one of its defining characteristics. 🤔

Flamers look like piles of old laundry with weirdly shredded abs.

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10 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I'd prefer some more mortals that lean into his "Not-Egyptian" aesthetic, kind like the Silver Tower Acolytes. Also Tzeentch is the God of Hope in the manner of the negative version of Pandora's box: since hope is still inside the box, humanity will keep on fighting otherwise hopeless battles. Just look at Ahriman in 40K, every now and then Tzeentch throws him a bone and tricks him into thinking he can undo his Rubric... meanwhile the latest attempt created a daemon whose sole purpose is to wipe out the Thousand Sons via weaponizing the Rubric.

Well, I think the Curseling got it just right. It‘s a very sexy mix out of European knights and trim that evokes an Egyptian flair. They could add to it by giving them more details but IMO the 100% Egypt-influenced style isn‘t necessarily Tzeentchian, it‘s Prosperine. So I hope they find the right balance. I definitely don‘t want besten up armor, torn capes etc. like Slaves have. I still consider ExDeath from final fantasy a decent starting point for Tzeentch warriors. 

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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I am so so so hoping that Fyreslayers have a second wave this edition. Something massive not just Sylvaneth sized.

Sylvaneth's been interesting though.  They've been the subject of gradual and consistent expansion for a while.  You got the initial launch stuff combined with some old world bits back in 1st ed.  Then 2nd ed you had the arch rev + new trees (huge QoL improvement there over the old ones imo) + endless spells.  Then you had the Warsong Rev in broken realms.  Then lady of vines, spiterider dual kit and gossamids in 3rd.  Then Belthanos in dawnbringers.  At some point the warcry warband is coming (plus they had 2 underworlds warbands which tend to be borderline unplayable so I don't really count them as much due to lack of balance effort).  My point is, Sylvaneth has been a pretty good, consistent ride with not just foot heroes.  

Fyreslayers have definitely had some similar expansion, but for them it was launch in 1st.  Foot hero + forge + invocations for 2nd. 3rd was just a foot hero with the book, but then they got a warcry band and another foot hero in dawnbringers.  Really if you swap 1 or 2 of the foot heroes for monstrous or cav heroes, tack on a new cav unit and ranged unit then you're basically on par with Sylvaneth and I think you're eating well at that point honestly.  I'm not opposed to a larger expansion of course, but I expect something more moderate and will be happy with it.

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1 hour ago, Grunbag said:

Cities of sigmar , stormcast and darkoath seems to be enlightened by GW. So I guess Cos and Darkoath could really have a second wave soon (stormcast already got the new wave) .

While I agree, both Darkoath and CoS are quite recent launches, so that is why they can look enlightened. I have the feeling as well, as others have mentioned, that this is an edition for those that are not that tall (duardins and skavens. Maybe GSG as well considering their height and that seems to be playing a role against skavens and a bit less but also against duardins).

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7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

It is not sold anymore on its own.

Of interest to my fellow tree folk after a Branchwytch - you can currently get one from Stormbringer, and Forbidden Planet have that issue reduced price. 

At £5.99 might even be worth it outside the UK with shipping cost?



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Just looked through the rule book (won’t snitch), and saw that there are at least four Hashut Forge Cities: the one in Aqshy surrounded by three Fyreslayer holds, one in Ghyran near Greywater, Zhar Vyxxa in Shyish, and final one in Chamon in the “Gazan Zhar” region in the “Mountains of muspelzhar…..” Look I know GW has never been the most creative with names but come on that last one is on the nose.

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1 hour ago, Grunbag said:

Cities of sigmar , stormcast and darkoath seems to be enlightened by GW. So I guess Cos and Darkoath could really have a second wave soon (stormcast already got the new wave) .

Slaves to darkness since they need to replace Sorcerer, Lord, Chariot, manticore riders & Chimera. There could be a darkoath throw in but it most likely in the chaos warrior side of things

CoS is a obvious contender to almost assured just due to the amount of WhF models still in there. Still hoping it a Khazalid/Ironweld wave

Ogres the only faction that didn't get a proper refresh

What left is Fyreslayer, Idoneth, Ossiarch, Tzeentch & Kharadon


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6 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Just looked through the rule book (won’t snitch), and saw that there are at least four Hashut Forge Cities: the one in Aqshy surrounded by three Fyreslayer holds, one in Ghyran near Greywater, Zhar Vyxxa in Shyish, and final one in Chamon in the “Gazan Zhar” region in the “Mountains of muspelzhar…..” Look I know GW has never been the most creative with names but come on that last one is on the nose.

The one south of Greywater is a Fyreslayer lodge 


Mountains of muspelzhar in Chamon the realm of Metal...........sigh

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