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10 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

The one south of Greywater is a Fyreslayer lodge 


Mountains of muspelzhar in Chamon the realm of Metal...........sigh

My bad, forgot where it was on the map, just that there is one in Ghyran. Also, I won't lie that name sure is something else, but at least there're getting closer to being confirmed.

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2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Just looked through the rule book (won’t snitch), and saw that there are at least four Hashut Forge Cities: the one in Aqshy surrounded by three Fyreslayer holds, one in Ghyran near Greywater, Zhar Vyxxa in Shyish, and final one in Chamon in the “Gazan Zhar” region in the “Mountains of muspelzhar…..” Look I know GW has never been the most creative with names but come on that last one is on the nose.

I personally expect them to have some more cities once the BT launches. Maybe it explains in their lore how they expand rapidly. It would be weird to just have one fortress over each of the most visited sections of each realm.

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16 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I personally expect them to have some more cities once the BT launches. Maybe it explains in their lore how they expand rapidly. It would be weird to just have one fortress over each of the most visited sections of each realm.

Could also tie into the old lore that the Dawi-Zhar have a LOT of issues with child-birth, ranging from typical duardin issues to Bull-Centaurs tearing apart their mothers (hence why they used a lot of slave labor and warriors). 

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3 hours ago, Karriko said:

Darkoath are the part of StD. 

And StD's just got too many shiny new stuff in 3rd. 

I think 4th edition will be their "pity hero in battle box + battletome" time. 

I think they placed darkoath with STD because they didn’t knew where to place them until they have enough mini to stand alone . 

darkoath doesn’t fit STD design and look to begin with . IMO , it’s like putting CoS with stormcast eternals 

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

While I agree, both Darkoath and CoS are quite recent launches, so that is why they can look enlightened. I have the feeling as well, as others have mentioned, that this is an edition for those that are not that tall (duardins and skavens. Maybe GSG as well considering their height and that seems to be playing a role against skavens and a bit less but also against duardins).

Darkoath , stormcast and cos  have special spotlight into warhammer plus animations 


my bet for V4 refresh range are :

- GSG spiderfang (possibly replaced by gitmob?)

- ogor refresh 

- CoS second wave

- Darkoath second wave maybe in end of V4 so they be their own faction at V5 

- FS few new kits 

- Kharadrons few new kits 


rest will have their foot hero with BT 


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3 hours ago, EntMan said:

Of interest to my fellow tree folk after a Branchwytch - you can currently get one from Stormbringer, and Forbidden Planet have that issue reduced price. 

At £5.99 might even be worth it outside the UK with shipping cost?



Grabbed one a few weeks back. I think p+p in UK bumped the price up to somewhere between £9-10 in the end but totally worth it.

Just need some Kurnoth hunters now and then that is another Spearhead good to go.

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13 hours ago, MitGas said:

Can they really improve on flamers and screamers though? I mean if they don‘t change their design, the plastic minis are still quite decent IMO. Pink Horrors sucked since day 1 but seeing how blue horrors share the same design language, I fear they won‘t change those a lot either. That said, the one pink in Silver Tower was already a huuuge improvement but I‘d like to see a mix out of these and the ones that came before them. The „scarier“ and weirder, the better. Tzeentch should lean into the Lovecraftian shtick even more. Which is ironic… a God that feeds on hope leans into a style that has hopelessness as one of its defining characteristics. 🤔

I think the only Tzeentch daemons that need a refresh are the pink horrors, flamers and screamers (and by extension, the burning chariot and heralds). The Juan Diaz horrors are GOATed and like you said I don’t see GW going back to them because of they continue the direction of the “little gremlins” in the blue horrors. I had forgotten how great the Silver Tower pink horror was… you’re right a set of them would be great !

As far as daemons go, Tzeentch and Slaanesh are the worst offenders. Demonettes look so stiff for what’s supposed to be graceful creatures. I don’t think we’ll see the like of the Diaz demonettes (with their bewbs out) but new ones in the style of those on the contorted epitome would be a huge improvement. And also new seekers/chariots… the new steeds of Slaanesh they released with the slaaneshi mortals look so much better than the demon ones.

Khorne and Nurgle demons still look fine imo. 

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8 hours ago, Grunbag said:

Darkoath , stormcast and cos  have special spotlight into warhammer plus animations 


my bet for V4 refresh range are :

- GSG spiderfang (possibly replaced by gitmob?)

- ogor refresh 

- CoS second wave

- Darkoath second wave maybe in end of V4 so they be their own faction at V5 

- FS few new kits 

- Kharadrons few new kits 


rest will have their foot hero with BT 


I think there will be much more than this ! ;)

Chorfs/Hammers of Hashut : Brand new faction/Big release = confirmed by Rob THW /Whitefang / new maps&lore

Gitmob/Gloomspite : mid size release = confirmed by Whitefang /new rumor engine

Cities second wave : at least Cofgort = confirmed by Whitefang jr and new Zealots (since steam tank and flagellants will be back in the old world)

Seraphon : Saurus guard confirmed by Rumor engine

Soulblight : Grave guard very likely by rumor engine

Lumineth : Phoenix guard aos edition hinted by Whitefang 


 Since we are in Asqhy , 2nd waves are likely for Fyreslayers and Idoneth 

Kruleboyz : as former starter set army could have a Nighthaunt treatment with 1 hero +1 unit 

Ossiarch and Tzeentch are also good pretenders for a 1 hero +1 unit treatment



We had this rumors (not from Whitefang) about the goal of 4th edition : update remaining whfb troops  and dismiss resin heroes. 

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4 minutes ago, Beliman said:

So, no signs for KO 2nd wave... /sad

You never know. There were also no hints of the smaller Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt updates previous edition. There's always hope.

We don't even know yet which factions are going to be updated in 4th. There are no rumours confirming even a FS update either.

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34 minutes ago, cyrus said:

I think there will be much more than this ! ;)

Chorfs/Hammers of Hashut : Brand new faction/Big release = confirmed by Rob THW /Whitefang / new maps&lore

Gitmob/Gloomspite : mid size release = confirmed by Whitefang /new rumor engine

Cities second wave : at least Cofgort = confirmed by Whitefang jr and new Zealots (since steam tank and flagellants will be back in the old world)

Seraphon : Saurus guard confirmed by Rumor engine

Soulblight : Grave guard very likely by rumor engine

Lumineth : Phoenix guard aos edition hinted by Whitefang 

 Since we are in Asqhy , 2nd waves are likely for Fyreslayers and Idoneth 

Kruleboyz : as former starter set army could have a Nighthaunt treatment with 1 hero +1 unit 

Ossiarch and Tzeentch are also good pretenders for a 1 hero +1 unit treatment

We had this rumors (not from Whitefang) about the goal of 4th edition : update remaining whfb troops  and dismiss resin heroes. 

Remember that very old playtester rumour about 3 new Idoneth warscrolls and 2 new FS warscrolls being cut from their AoS3 BTs ? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Maybe they kept them on the shelf for an edition just like they did to the Castellan Crowe mini in 40k, where they waited 3 years before releasing it ? 

Also, Sylvaneth could get something. They always get roughly 4 new kits every edition.

Also, where does the rumour that 4E means to get rid of all resin and WFB kits come from ? I’d like to see the original source.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

But the most important bit... what are going to be the 5th edition launch factions?! 😅

I am pretty sure that there are going to be rumours about that already, right?

If we follow the pattern it must be death.

SbG and FeC did have quite consequent releases during V3 and NH have already been featured in the V3 starter set. So I would say that NH will get new units during V4 and ObR will be the next opponent to ScE during V5 (or a new death faction) 

Edited by Vagard
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5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Remember that very old playtester rumour about 3 new Idoneth warscrolls and 2 new FS warscrolls being cut from their AoS3 BTs ? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Maybe they kept them on the shelf for an edition just like they did to the Castellan Crowe mini in 40k, where they waited 3 years before releasing it ? 

Also, Sylvaneth could get something. They always get roughly 3 new kits every edition.

Also, where does the rumour that 4E means to get rid of all resin and WFB kits come from ? I’d like to see the original source.

I don't think that FS/IDK rumour was reliable, and more like a guess. But otherwise, that's some tiny expansions for a few of the factions that need it most. Unless it's just part of the expansion of course. It's just annoying that other armies keep getting refreshes bigger than the entire FS range.

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18 minutes ago, Vagard said:

If we follow the pattern it must be death.

SbG and FeC did have quite consequent releases during V3 and NH have already been featured in the V3 starter set. So I would say that NH will get new units during V4 and ObR will be the next opponent to ScE during V5 (or a new death faction) 

I always thought (since I saw that theory) that we got that pattern wrong and the next one would be Order instead. Order > Death > Destro > Chaos > Order (5th).

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18 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I don't think that FS/IDK rumour was reliable, and more like a guess. But otherwise, that's some tiny expansions for a few of the factions that need it most. Unless it's just part of the expansion of course. It's just annoying that other armies keep getting refreshes bigger than the entire FS range.

I think, that sadly, there is always going to be a faction that gets less love (not saying FS is the one), but looking at 40k as an example, those smaller factions that get less love would be merged into bigger books.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

I always thought (since I saw that theory) that we got that pattern wrong and the next one would be Order instead. Order > Death > Destro > Chaos > Order (5th).

I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at? All the editions are Order (stormcast) vs ………?

The pattern refers to the opponent to the inevitable stormcast, so death would be next for 5th if it follows the pattern.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

As far as daemons go, Tzeentch and Slaanesh are the worst offenders. Demonettes look so stiff for what’s supposed to be graceful creatures. I don’t think we’ll see the like of the Diaz demonettes (with their bewbs out) but new ones in the style of those on the contorted epitome would be a huge improvement. And also new seekers/chariots… the new steeds of Slaanesh they released with the slaaneshi mortals look so much better than the demon ones.

I like absolutely everything about the current Slaanesh Daemon models... except the poses. I wouldn't change a thing apart from that. The hair, the claws, the corsets, the tails... all perfect. But the poses are just too static. No suggestion of speed or elegance. 

I've already gone on record saying the Diaz Daemonettes are vastly overrated. But bewbs... well, Fiends got to have theirs out! 

Edited by Big Kim Woof-Woof
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4 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at? All the editions are Order (stormcast) vs ………?

The pattern refers to the opponent to the inevitable stormcast, so death would be next for 5th if it follows the pattern.

What I am talking about is that the theory is wrong and it is not about their opponents but who "leads" the edition. Hence why the first one was Order (Stormcasts) and the next one would be Order again (maybe Malerion), but of course both theories could be wrong as we didn't have iterations enough to confirm the pattern.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

What I am talking about is that the theory is wrong and it is not about their opponents but who "leads" the edition. Hence why the first one was Order (Stormcasts) and the next one would be Order again (maybe Malerion), but of course both theories could be wrong as we didn't have iterations enough to confirm the pattern.

Ah, gotcha 👍🏻

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