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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think, that sadly, there is always going to be a faction that gets less love (not saying FS is the one), but looking at 40k as an example, those smaller factions that get less love would be merged into bigger books.

I don't think the situation will be nearly as bad.

Until a little less than a year ago, FeC were getting no love at all, now they got a pretty massive refresh. Ironjawz got nothing since launch until they suddenly got a pretty big wave. Seraphon and Skaven were nothing but WFB models for years and they've both got enough AoS releases/refreshes to be fully fledged plastic AoS factions now (with only a few holdovers). CoS was initially a passion project of a dev and they went from a WFB holdover army to getting a human expansion bigger than FS and DoK and on par with 3 other order armies, while still keeping a lot of their WFB minis for an even bigger range. It's inevitable that they'll be updated again, but I don't know if it will be in 4th or 5th.

We've only got Ogors left as a mostly WFB army.

Then the other only armies that never got a bigger release than single heroes or terrain/spells since their release in 1st are FS, DoK KO and IDK. They did 4 big range upgrades last edition (Seraphon, CoS, StD, FeC) and released a new army (KB). They have all the room to update the remaining 4 1st armies and get them to a state they can comfortably be in for a long time.

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57 minutes ago, Beliman said:

So, no signs for KO 2nd wave... /sad

You shoudn't be to worried. Imo, we only know for a certainty that there will be a release of a Chaos Dwarfs army and a second wave of CoS. KO will get their battletome, so hopefully they get atleast one new unit. Same for FS and IDK. They also should get something substantial this edition.


Edited by Tonhel
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30 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What I am talking about is that the theory is wrong and it is not about their opponents but who "leads" the edition. Hence why the first one was Order (Stormcasts) and the next one would be Order again (maybe Malerion), but of course both theories could be wrong as we didn't have iterations enough to confirm the pattern.

I hope this theory is right as it means other Order factions as well as Stormcast get to be in the launch set ups.

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27 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What I am talking about is that the theory is wrong and it is not about their opponents but who "leads" the edition. Hence why the first one was Order (Stormcasts) and the next one would be Order again (maybe Malerion), but of course both theories could be wrong as we didn't have iterations enough to confirm the pattern.

It is true that ScE were here to end the age of chaos during 1st ed. But since then, they always have been around in every new version. It will be strange that they change the pattern for the 5th one. I am pretty much more ok to see an order army against ScE that replacing them. And in this case, it should have been order vs order during the 1st ed. 

To me nothing works in this theory, the pattern is clear : chaos > death > destruction. It is quite sad that ScE always have the order place in the starter box but we altready had the debate a million times in this thread about why it is so 

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I think the only Tzeentch daemons that need a refresh are the pink horrors, flamers and screamers (and by extension, the burning chariot and heralds). The Juan Diaz horrors are GOATed and like you said I don’t see GW going back to them because of they continue the direction of the “little gremlins” in the blue horrors. I had forgotten how great the Silver Tower pink horror was… you’re right a set of them would be great !

As far as daemons go, Tzeentch and Slaanesh are the worst offenders. Demonettes look so stiff for what’s supposed to be graceful creatures. I don’t think we’ll see the like of the Diaz demonettes (with their bewbs out) but new ones in the style of those on the contorted epitome would be a huge improvement. And also new seekers/chariots… the new steeds of Slaanesh they released with the slaaneshi mortals look so much better than the demon ones.

Khorne and Nurgle demons still look fine imo. 

I think Plaguebearers are the best outta the bunch, the Bloodletters suffer from the obvious gap in their heads (weird choice) but are lovely representations of the design. Personally I think the Daemonettes are pretty decent overall but IMO they should be more alluring face-wise - I grew up with descriptions of how Daemonettes are super-sexay back when we had the old bald models with crab claws... which confused me. The one faction that looks "super-sexay" (well for miniatures...) is DoK so why would people fancy Daemonettes when you got those around? Those at least kill your horny behind swiftly.

The horrors might be are the worst of them all objectively speaking... I hope new ones would be significant upgrades. I still think flamers and screamers are fine unless they also really change the aesthetic. They'd need to be really good though in order for me to buy new ones... I hate removing flash too much and I'm too neat to not do it well, so every model is at first a pain in the butt.


Edit: Instead of daemons, I'd like to see other stuff first though... like a mortal elite, perhaps a mortal named hero (all the others have one), new chaos spawn and I still think a Chaos dragon would be cool. Since Galrauch was the first one and that was created via a Lord of Change and a High Elf dragon*.... they're kinda tzeentchian. Perhaps they should bring back Egrimm Van Horstmann? 



* oh my God, I just realized how interwoven Tzeentch and High Elfs are. And High Elfs are the progenitors of Luuuuumineth NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOO


Edited by MitGas
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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Remember that very old playtester rumour about 3 new Idoneth warscrolls and 2 new FS warscrolls being cut from their AoS3 BTs ? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Maybe they kept them on the shelf for an edition just like they did to the Castellan Crowe mini in 40k, where they waited 3 years before releasing it ? 

Also, Sylvaneth could get something. They always get roughly 4 new kits every edition.

Also, where does the rumour that 4E means to get rid of all resin and WFB kits come from ? I’d like to see the original source.

Yes , for Sylvaneth we have the long awaited and teased Kurnothi .

It was a 4chan rumor , back in March i think , and it was a compilation rumors with some proven good and some proven wrong already.: can't find the original post at the moment.


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People was very sure about a third Lumineth temple, Ossiarch second wave,... I prefer to be prudent with the "main protagonists" of third edition. I suspect that it could happen again and they go to the oblivion like GW always do. My opinion is that Cities or Krule receiving a bunch of kits this edition is not assured.

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2 hours ago, cyrus said:

I think there will be much more than this ! ;)

Chorfs/Hammers of Hashut : Brand new faction/Big release = confirmed by Rob THW /Whitefang / new maps&lore

Gitmob/Gloomspite : mid size release = confirmed by Whitefang /new rumor engine

Cities second wave : at least Cofgort = confirmed by Whitefang jr and new Zealots (since steam tank and flagellants will be back in the old world)

Seraphon : Saurus guard confirmed by Rumor engine

Soulblight : Grave guard very likely by rumor engine

Lumineth : Phoenix guard aos edition hinted by Whitefang 


 Since we are in Asqhy , 2nd waves are likely for Fyreslayers and Idoneth 

Kruleboyz : as former starter set army could have a Nighthaunt treatment with 1 hero +1 unit 

Ossiarch and Tzeentch are also good pretenders for a 1 hero +1 unit treatment



We had this rumors (not from Whitefang) about the goal of 4th edition : update remaining whfb troops  and dismiss resin heroes. 

Not sure the reasoning we are in aqshy so we will have new wave for idoneth and FS is valid unfortunately . Just take ghur and ogor for exemple , they didn’t had refresh or any wave while armies from other realm had army set . 

does gitmob wave will replace spiderfang or it will be another GsG subfaction ? 

about LrL and SBL , getting one unit with their BT is also possible (could be the unit you’ve listed) , but it’s not a second wave necessarily. 

- hashut / chorf release 

- cities of sigmar second wave : does cogfort could be a faction terrain ? They said some faction terrain will be able to fight or something ? 

- Kruleboyz : I think / wish they have 1 elite foot unit or cav , 1 hero and 1 faction terrain 

- IJ : endless spells 

- darkoath : ranged archer unit , 1 named hero  , 1 terrain and maybe endless spells (I still think they can have the BoC terrain we’ve seen with Gunnar animation on Wh+)

- FS : Queen hero teased in their FF , female FS infantry , 1 elite infantry (on foot or cav)

- Kharadron : new ship (gunhauler size, melee range) 

- ogor : refresh the resin kit + Warmaster named hero 

- GSG : gitmob wave replace spiderfang 

here my bet for V4 . We will see in the next 3 years what will happen .


Edited by Grunbag
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14 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

While I agree, both Darkoath and CoS are quite recent launches, so that is why they can look enlightened. I have the feeling as well, as others have mentioned, that this is an edition for those that are not that tall (duardins and skavens. Maybe GSG as well considering their height and that seems to be playing a role against skavens and a bit less but also against duardins).


10 hours ago, Grunbag said:

Darkoath , stormcast and cos  have special spotlight into warhammer plus animations 


my bet for V4 refresh range are :

- GSG spiderfang (possibly replaced by gitmob?)

- ogor refresh 

- CoS second wave

- Darkoath second wave maybe in end of V4 so they be their own faction at V5 

- FS few new kits 

- Kharadrons few new kits 


rest will have their foot hero with BT 


I am so incredibly hyped for modern plastic, dynamically posed Ogors.

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5 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

People was very sure about a third Lumineth temple, Ossiarch second wave,... I prefer to be prudent with the "main protagonists" of third edition. I suspect that it could happen again and they go to the oblivion like GW always do. My opinion is that Cities or Krule receiving a bunch of kits this edition is not assured.

i agree with you . Even if I’d love my kruleboyz ranged get expanded, I reasonably don’t think they will get that much unit . 

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36 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Personally I think the Daemonettes are pretty decent overall but IMO they should be more alluring face-wise - I grew up with descriptions of how Daemonettes are super-sexay back when we had the old bald models with crab claws... which confused me. The one faction that looks "super-sexay" (well for miniatures...) is DoK so why would people fancy Daemonettes when you got those around? Those at least kill your horny behind swiftly.

See, I've always liked the idea of Slaanesh Daemons being alluring even though they're horrific to look at. Their mere presence twists the mind, so that their enemies are enticed by claw-armed monstrosities. 

But I know a lot of people prefer the 'sexy girls' thing... 

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13 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

- cities of sigmar second wave : does cogfort could be a faction terrain ? They said some faction terrain will be able to fight or something ? 

At the moment that almost certainly refers to the Mawpit. The Shrine Luminor is the one that can move.

IMO, it would be a misstep to have a Cogfort terrain piece that can move and fight, because at that point that's just a unit that doesn't cost any points.

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1 hour ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Discussing the contents of a potential 5th edition starter box is kinda funny to me when the 4th edition one isn't out yet. :D

This is what months of no reliable rumours do to this forum.


The year is 20xx, AoS 15th is about to come out with the most widely-requested starter set to date: Stormcast vs Stormcast in Azyr. The Vandus Heresy has begun. Ruination chamber has been squatted, and replaced by the 'Ruined' chamber.

Plague Monks and Night Runners have still not been updated, and are at least 40 year old sculpts by this point. Since Skaventide there have been no more new Skaven models leading to their range being in the same relative state as it was in 3rd. Gnawholes are still out of stock.

Beasts of Chaos have a big narrative focus again, which ultimately led nowhere. They have been re-introduced and squatted 4 more times over the years.

The new Aelf army has been revealed! We now have Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth, Idoneth, Emberneth, Sylvaneth, Umbraneth, Ferraneth, Deathneth and more. Kurnothi remain nowhere to be seen.

Fyreslayers have officially been reworked into a hero only army and are getting their 27th foot hero, the Magmic Doom-Yearner. Vulkite and Hearthguard Berserkers were officially removed 3 editions ago. GW still will not give us more Magmadroths, and Grimnir is still perpetually on the brink of returning. At least there are female Duardin models now.

CoS has a full human range now (half of them named witchhunters, yet still no unnamed model exists), but there are still rules for Duardin and Aelves in the book (the models going to be released eventually). All wheels have been banned, Zenestra officially took over and still shows no signs of dying. Since gears are also considered wheels, Cogfort models have been retired due to lore reasons.

Lumineth have just received their 13th Aelemental temple, the poison temple. Every Pokemon type will get their own temple in time. Mixing and matching units from different temples is difficult, since your army can either end up being not very effective, super effective, or have no effect at all.

A 7th army has been added to Orruk Warclans. There are no rules to mix and match them, GW insists they are fully separate armies but refuses to split the tome because reasons. Meanwhile, the battletome is still only 160 pages long.

The Khrundhal-class Battleship has been released for the Kharadron Overlords. The model is so big that due to the smaller table size in the new edition, deploying one instantly wins you the game due to there being no more room for the enemy to deploy. Unfortunately, it costs 3100 points to bring, making it illegal for the standard 3000-point matched play.


The rumour thread continues hyping themselves up about Kurnothi periodically just to be disappointed again, constantly gets derailed due to soup discussions. Also, they are already speculating about the 16th edition starter set. No discernible pattern of which Grand Alliance will be featured in the starter set next time has been found yet, but maybe with the next edition things will suddenly be clear.

Edited by Snarff
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1 hour ago, Vagard said:

It is true that ScE were here to end the age of chaos during 1st ed. But since then, they always have been around in every new version. It will be strange that they change the pattern for the 5th one. I am pretty much more ok to see an order army against ScE that replacing them. And in this case, it should have been order vs order during the 1st ed. 

To me nothing works in this theory, the pattern is clear : chaos > death > destruction. It is quite sad that ScE always have the order place in the starter box but we altready had the debate a million times in this thread about why it is so 

Good point about the order vs order, but this theory is not considering that it has to be Order vs something but more that there's a new army/ refresh on that faction. So Stormcasts vs Chaos would tick the Order with SCE. Let's see once we start seeing rumours for the next edition.

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23 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Aqshy isn't the Idoneth primary capital realm; It Hysh

Aqshy is the home of the Fuethan enclave of Idoneth.

Edit; also IIRC the fury of the deep box between FS and IDK was set in Aqshy, so that could be why @cyrus made that logical jump?

Edited by GrimDork
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33 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

People was very sure about a third Lumineth temple, Ossiarch second wave,... I prefer to be prudent with the "main protagonists" of third edition. I suspect that it could happen again and they go to the oblivion like GW always do. My opinion is that Cities or Krule receiving a bunch of kits this edition is not assured.

I mean, people were right about the Lumineth temple. The Warcry Warband is the first of the Ydrilan.

But agreed on the rest. Krule is quite new, and new armies don't always immediately get a new wave (Ossiarch, the 1st edition AoS armies). CoS just got a large wave, and unless they're in a hurry to replace the Duardin they can definitely do with just a hero this edition.

With the rumours of Chuardin, I think that will be one of the big releases this edition. Some Gitmob and Seraphon seems inevitable due to the rumours and rumour engines. I'll wait for the leakers to see what else is happening, but I still hold out good hope for FS.

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If i had to guess

Full army wave

Chaos Dwarfs: the big new faction next year confirm by Honest-wargamer & Whitefang

Ogres: The only faction that didn't get a army refresh at all so it pretty obvious they will get something as there a chunck of resin models they got to get rid of. More Gutbusters side of thing with Glutons, Leadbelcher & Slaughter-masters that sort of thing

Mid-size wave

Gitmob/Gloomspite: the replacement for spider riders with wolf rider chariot boss, gitmob warrior & possibly an armor troll.

CoS: The cogfort mention by whitefang jr indicated a more Ironweld update with possibly cos dwarf integrated if the Core rule book lore can go off by. There also the fact that we require the Marshal on griffon (or whatever new mount) & Archknight. Flagellants can be added but like it could also be a warcry addition

Fyreslayer: can't say that they get something because of the realm that doesn't mean i don't think they get nothing. It probably be a FeC situation where it just boosting their army with a character and new unit rather then replace the already shallow roster

Single/minor unit

Seraphon: Temple guard

Soulblight: Grave guard

Slaves to Darkness: Sorcerer & chaos Lord maybe chariot 

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20 minutes ago, Snarff said:

This is what months of no reliable rumours do to this forum.


The year is 20xx, AoS 15th is about to come out with the most widely-requested starter set to date: Stormcast vs Stormcast in Azyr. The Vandus Heresy has begun. Ruination chamber has been squatted, and replaced by the 'Ruined' chamber.

Plague Monks and Night Runners have still not been updated, and are at least 40 year old sculpts by this point. Since Skaventide there have been no more new Skaven models leading to their range being in the same relative state as it was in 3rd.

Beasts of Chaos have a big narrative focus again, which ultimately led nowhere. They have been re-introduced and squatted 4 more times over the years.

The new Aelf army has been revealed! We now have Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth, Idoneth, Emberneth, Sylvaneth, Umbraneth, Ferraneth, Deathneth and more. Kurnothi remain nowhere to be seen.

Fyreslayers have officially been reworked into a hero only army and are getting their 27th foot hero, the Magmic Doom-Yearner. Vulkite and Hearthguard Berserkers were officially removed 3 editions ago. GW still will not give us more Magmadroths, and Grimnir is still perpetually on the brink of returning. At least there are female Duardin models now.

CoS has a full human range now (half of them named witchhunters, yet still no unnamed model exists), but there are still rules for Duardin and Aelves in the book (the models going to be released eventually). All wheels have been banned, Zenestra officially took over and still shows no signs of dying. Since gears are also considered wheels, Cogfort models have been retired due to lore reasons.

Lumineth have just received their 13th Aelemental temple, the poison temple. Every Pokemon type will get their own temple in time. Mixing and matching units from different temples is difficult, since your army can either end up being not very effective, super effective, or have no effect at all.

A 7th army has been added to Orruk Warclans. There are no rules to mix and match them, GW insists they are fully separate armies but refuses to split the tome because reasons. Meanwhile, the battletome is still only 160 pages long.

The Khrundhal-class Battleship has been released for the Kharadron Overlords. The model is so big that due to the smaller table size in the new edition, deploying one instantly wins you the game due to there being no more room for the enemy to deploy. Unfortunately, it costs 3100 points to bring, making it illegal for the standard 3000-point matched play.


The rumour thread continues hyping themselves up about Kurnothi periodically just to be disappointed again, constantly gets derailed due to soup discussions. Also, they are already speculating about the 16th edition starter set. No discernible pattern of which Grand Alliance will be featured in the starter set next time has been found yet, but maybe with the next edition things will suddenly be clear.

Putting here what I think you nailed:

Ruination chamber has been squatted.

The new Aelf army has been revealed! 

Kurnothi remain nowhere to be seen.

Zenestra still shows no signs of dying.

Orruk Warclans, GW insists they are fully separate armies but refuses to split the tome because reasons. Meanwhile, the battletome is still only 160 pages long.

The rumour thread continues hyping themselves up about Kurnothi periodically just to be disappointed again, constantly gets derailed due to soup discussions. Also, they are already speculating about the 16th edition starter set. No discernible pattern of which Grand Alliance will be featured in the starter set next time has been found yet, but maybe with the next edition things will suddenly be clear.

Edited by Ejecutor
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