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6 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

Aqshy is the home of the Fuethan enclave of Idoneth.

Edit; also IIRC the fury of the deep box between FS and IDK was set in Aqshy, so that could be why @cyrus made that logical jump?

Imo, unless it is clearly their main realm it makes no sense. All factions are in all the realms in the end, but some of them are more prominent over specific realms. I don't think this is the case for IDK over Aqshy.

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26 minutes ago, Snarff said:

The Khrundhal-class Battleship has been released for the Kharadron Overlords. The model is so big that due to the smaller table size in the new edition, deploying one instantly wins you the game due to there being no more room for the enemy to deploy. Unfortunately, it costs 3100 points to bring, making it illegal for the standard 3000-point matched play.

That would be so F cool!! Count me in for that 4000 points games!

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4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Khorne must have a wave, the Start Collecting models must be updated or removed soon.

But that logic they need only to release:

Lord of Khorne




You can buy bloodwarriors and reavers in their own boxes. 

Dont see it coming, cause lord, bloodsecrator and stoker were at first named models, and never sold separately, u could only get them directly from GW or in start collecting. And now these named heroes are gone.

Also, as far as i remember u can get khorgorath only from this box, he wasnt even in direct orders.

Also dont know what new Khorne need in AoS except new Khull model. Maybe some big monsters, but hey, Khull will play this role.

Updated lord... 

Models that were squated (resin ones)... 

((still thinking all gorechosen will be squated in 5th or even in 4th, cause they are all direct only)) 


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2 minutes ago, Karriko said:

But that logic they need only to release:

Lord of Khorne




You can buy bloodwarriors and reavers in their own boxes. 

Dont see it coming, cause lord, bloodsecrator and stoker were at first named models, and never sold separately, u could only get them directly from GW or in start collecting. And now these named heroes are gone.

Also, as far as i remember u can get khorgorath only from this box, he wasnt even in direct orders.

Also dont know what new Khorne need in AoS except new Khull model. Maybe some big monsters, but hey, Khull will play this role.

Updated lord... 

Models that were squated (resin ones)... 

((still thinking all gorechosen will be squated in 5th or even in 4th, cause they are all direct only)) 


All the models of the SC can be squatted or redone as SCE ones. It can be a Darkoath size wave.

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1 hour ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

See, I've always liked the idea of Slaanesh Daemons being alluring even though they're horrific to look at. Their mere presence twists the mind, so that their enemies are enticed by claw-armed monstrosities. 

But I know a lot of people prefer the 'sexy girls' thing... 

I can only imagine it kinda like with Prince Xizor from Star Wars.... basically he (as an alien) had pheromones that made him extremely alluring to women (even from other species) in that story. While I don't think Daemonettes make solely use of pheromones in that way, I figure they have an unnatural aura to them, kinda like Keepers. Perhaps one that even masks their daemonic features. Or it's just so strong that people don't care that most of them look like they do. Or they're just that desperate! 🤷‍♂️

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51 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Putting here what I think you nailed:

Ruination chamber has been squatted.

The new Aelf army has been revealed! 

Kurnothi remain nowhere to be seen.

Zenestra still shows no signs of dying.

Orruk Warclans, GW insists they are fully separate armies but refuses to split the tome because reasons. Meanwhile, the battletome is still only 160 pages long.

The rumour thread continues hyping themselves up about Kurnothi periodically just to be disappointed again, constantly gets derailed due to soup discussions. Also, they are already speculating about the 16th edition starter set. No discernible pattern of which Grand Alliance will be featured in the starter set next time has been found yet, but maybe with the next edition things will suddenly be clear.

I bet Kurnothi will come but as part of Sylvaneth, dunno where the fluff stands but I guess they can make up with Ariel. Perhaps a wave of 3 or 4 kits, like 2 troops and a hero. But it's preferable to branching out in the plant theme, unless you wanna see vegetable aelf-hybrids. Before you ask, the fruity ones are Lumineth. 😤

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1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Not really a confirmation  as by that logic Khorne would get a second wave and Aqshy isn't the Idoneth primary capital realm; It Hysh

Yes , khorne is a pretty strong candidate with Korghus kul ascended model.

Idoneth vs Fyreslayers pitted so far in  Asqhy both in fury of the deep box and dawnbringers 






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8 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Yes , khorne is a pretty strong candidate with Korghus kul ascended model.

Idoneth vs Fyreslayers pitted so far in  Asqhy both in fury of the deep box and dawnbringers 






If a box set was a good indicator of things to come, both OBR and Ogors would’ve received something substantial by now. 

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1 hour ago, Karriko said:

But that logic they need only to release:

Lord of Khorne




You can buy bloodwarriors and reavers in their own boxes. 

Dont see it coming, cause lord, bloodsecrator and stoker were at first named models, and never sold separately, u could only get them directly from GW or in start collecting. And now these named heroes are gone.

Also, as far as i remember u can get khorgorath only from this box, he wasnt even in direct orders.

Also dont know what new Khorne need in AoS except new Khull model. Maybe some big monsters, but hey, Khull will play this role.

Updated lord... 

Models that were squated (resin ones)... 

((still thinking all gorechosen will be squated in 5th or even in 4th, cause they are all direct only)) 


Logically as GW are shuffling models around and phasing out resin, Khorne should be getting a "2nd wave" in the form of some updated existing models. 
Valkia, Scyla, Herald On Jugganaut, Khul, and maybe the Dudes from the OG set should be getting an update. 
Khul will 100% get a new center peice model though. 

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14 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Yes , khorne is a pretty strong candidate with Korghus kul ascended model.

Idoneth vs Fyreslayers pitted so far in  Asqhy both in fury of the deep box and dawnbringers 






Fury of the deep was more the two faction needing to fight each other and chooisng Aqshy to be it location since that where the Fyreslayer mostly base at and justification of one of the many enclave. No diffrent from how arcane cataclysm was set in Hysh but tzeentch held dominion mostly in Chamon


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4 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

I am not sure GW tend to increase the range of all armies that far . They already shown that too many warscrolls aren’t useful as only average 20/25 warscrolls are really used per armies . 


That also really depends on how balanced the army composition is. Fyreslayers have multiple foot heroes filling nearly the same role for example, with one being better than the other. Some of the warscrolls are just weapon options too, of which most of the time one is better than the other.  But at the same time, they're missing roles that could still be filled too.

In case of SCE, CoS and StD, it's clear that some warscrolls are just worse versions of others. But it doesn't automatically mean that more warscrolls is a bad thing.

You can create even more roles by using subfactions. The Lofnir lodge for Fyreslayers enables very different builds than you would use with any other lodge, and makes more warscrolls viable that way.

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1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Yeah but Fuethan isn't the capital nor strongest enclave of the idoneth it Ionrach in Hysh

Personally, I don't think that IDK or FS are any more or less likely to receive updates just because the narrative action at the start of 4th seems to be set at least partially in Aqshy. Mainly because GW will do what they want, both in terms of lore and minis they want to sell.

However there are narrative reasons for someone to make that connection, perhaps more so than for other factions who up to now have had no lore set in that realm.

And regarding Fuethan, just because they aren't the main enclave doesn't mean that they couldn't feature in the future. With 4th, GW have shown that they are willing to develop a faction other than the "main faction" in Hammers of Sigmar being in the launch box. Anything could happen?

I do think that FS are definitely overdue some love.


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Just now, Snarff said:

It's not a retcon, they were described as massive, difficult to traverse in a lifetmie, but not infinite.

I think its just a matter of people taking "almost infinite" too literally. You cannot have an "almost infinity", because infinity is infinity, you can't have an infinity -1 (there's Aleph numbers but I'm pretty sure they don't work like that). And if the Realms were infinite-sized planes, they wouldn't have a centre or edge, which we know they do. "Almost infinite" is just a poetic way of saying "its really really big, like bigger than you can imagine". 

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See that giant ominous shadow blocking out the sun? That’s a towering pile of Skaventide boxes, all ready to be delivered to eager Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans in just a few weeks. This launch box heralds the new edition – and will be very shortly followed by the new Core Book and General’s Handbook which contain all of the new rules. 

New warhammer studio interview Warhammer Studio Interview – Redesigning the Core Rules of Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)


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