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16 minutes ago, Snarff said:

That also really depends on how balanced the army composition is. Fyreslayers have multiple foot heroes filling nearly the same role for example, with one being better than the other. Some of the warscrolls are just weapon options too, of which most of the time one is better than the other.  But at the same time, they're missing roles that could still be filled too.

In case of SCE, CoS and StD, it's clear that some warscrolls are just worse versions of others. But it doesn't automatically mean that more warscrolls is a bad thing.

You can create even more roles by using subfactions. The Lofnir lodge for Fyreslayers enables very different builds than you would use with any other lodge, and makes more warscrolls viable that way.

Yeah but armies over 30 warcsroll seems to be a waste of effort to balance them . If you barely use more than 25 warcsroll no matter how many warcsroll your army count . Who know what’s the warcsroll cap GW want to set for their armies 


i mean we all want more and more unit in our armies , but does GW plan to cap armies and just give 1 unit every version to those armies once your army has reached that cap . 

Edited by Grunbag
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23 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I also wouldn’t take GW’s estimation of sizes with regards to percentages very seriously- Didn’t they say that the Vermindoom destroyed like, half of the Great Parch and instead it ate a substantially smaller amount and created the Gnaw?

They said it destroyed a third


It might be a slight exaggeration, but it's still a gigantic part of the parch that is now absolutely ruined. It's quite close to a third if you overlay it.

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9 minutes ago, Snarff said:

They said it destroyed a third


It might be a slight exaggeration, but it's still a gigantic part of the parch that is now absolutely ruined. It's quite close to a third if you overlay it.

I also like how they're playing this out as this massive cataclysmic absolute disaster, that Skaven control a third of the parch.  Okay, that's 33%.  Oh, but they said each map is about 5% of that Realm.  So, 1.67%.  Oh, but there are eight realms.  So, Skaven now control about 0.21% of the realms.

We are all doomed.  Vermindoomed, even.

Edited by Amenephis
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3 minutes ago, Amenephis said:

I also like how they're playing this out as this massive cataclysmic absolute disaster, that Skaven control a third of the parch.  Okay, that's 33%.  Oh, but they said each map is about 5% of that Realm.  So, 1.67%.  Oh, but there are eight realms.  So, Skaven now control about 0.21% of the realms.

We are all doomed.  Vermindoomed, even.

As I understand, Skaven are also simultaneously attacking in a several of the other realms.

And of course it doesn’t really lessen the stakes for the people of the Parch. "I know you guys are being eaten by giant rats right now, but remember there are probably some corners in Ulgu somewhere where nothing out of the ordinary is happening."

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41 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

"Almost infinite" is just a poetic way of saying "its really really big, like bigger than you can imagine". 

'Almost infinite' in this case is a way of saying 'arbitrarily large'.  Ie, however much stuff they put in a realm, there's still always more room for more stuff to be added, either by future canon or by individual players adding homebrew lore for their personal armies and campaigns, and without ever shrinking the available expanse of 'unexplored wilderness' full of yet unknown discoveries and dangers.

"Arbitrarily large" is very much like 'infinity -1'.  It acts like infinity in that it's always greater than any defined finite amount, while still allowing for an edge in a way that a canon infinite plane like those in D&D's multiverse do not.

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7 minutes ago, Amenephis said:

I also like how they're playing this out as this massive cataclysmic absolute disaster, that Skaven control a third of the parch.  Okay, that's 33%.  Oh, but they said each map is about 5% of that Realm.  So, 1.67%.  Oh, but there are eight realms.  So, Skaven now control about 0.21% of the realms.

We are all doomed.  Vermindoomed, even.

It's not a disaster because of the absolute scale of the destruction, it's about the location. It's wiped out a third of the Great Parch, extremely close to some of THE most important free cities and other landmarks of the entire setting. It's continuously pouring out Skaven next to cities that already just suffered in the Dawnbringers campaign.

A nuclear bomb in the ocean is much less impactful than a nuclear bomb next to sevaral population centres, even though the bomb might be the same size. If a major city got bombed in real life you wouldn't be like 'oh but it's only a small percentage the surface of the earth so it's okay'.

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5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

As I understand, Skaven are also simultaneously attacking in a several of the other realms.

And of course it doesn’t really lessen the stakes for the people of the Parch. "I know you guys are being eaten by giant rats right now, but remember there are probably some corners in Ulgu somewhere where nothing out of the ordinary is happening."

Just another day in the mortal realms.

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4 hours ago, MitGas said:

I think Plaguebearers are the best outta the bunch, the Bloodletters suffer from the obvious gap in their heads (weird choice) but are lovely representations of the design.


I still think flamers and screamers are fine unless they also really change the aesthetic. They'd need to be really good though in order for me to buy new ones... I hate removing flash too much and I'm too neat to not do it well, so every model is at first a pain in the butt.

I just wish the bloodletters were a bit beefier to better justify their 2W status, and that their sprues had a better layout. 

I have no pity for screamers and their stingray abs though, same for flamers who look like bubblegum monsters but in a bad way. 

3 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

If i had to guess

Full army wave

Chaos Dwarfs: the big new faction next year confirm by Honest-wargamer & Whitefang

Ogres: The only faction that didn't get a army refresh at all so it pretty obvious they will get something as there a chunck of resin models they got to get rid of. More Gutbusters side of thing with Glutons, Leadbelcher & Slaughter-masters that sort of thing

Ogres surprisingly got 3 kits this edition, which is more than what some armies like SBGL and Khorne got. One of these kits is a direct replacement of a finecast model, this wouldn’t have happened if GW didn’t have plans to modernise the Ogre range on a larger scale.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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4 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Teclis and Malerion have to get relevant to the narrative at some point....

Teclis had his day in the sun (yuk yuk yuk).  Malekith, well...the absolutely last thing AoS needs is *even more elves*, but I had honestly expected that this edition would focus on Ulgu (the one Realm GW has entirely ignored) and then give us dark elves against Clan Eshin.

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5 minutes ago, Amenephis said:

Teclis had his day in the sun (yuk yuk yuk).  Malekith, well...the absolutely last thing AoS needs is *even more elves*, but I had honestly expected that this edition would focus on Ulgu (the one Realm GW has entirely ignored) and then give us dark elves against Clan Eshin.

Considering we know Chorfs are coming... I doubt it. Maybe for the next one.

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6 minutes ago, Amenephis said:

I had honestly expected that this edition would focus on Ulgu (the one Realm GW has entirely ignored) and then give us dark elves against Clan Eshin.

Same. Oh well. 

I will continue to wait for my King. I would have started DoK last edition, but GW released that short story with Malerion talking to his mom so I lost my nerve. 

Chorfs will tempt me. Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarfs were my last 2 armies in WHFB

Or if GW outright said that Malerion will merge with DoK, I'd at least get their spearhead. 

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Considering we know Chorfs are coming... I doubt it. Maybe for the next one.

No question, that's why I said I "had" expected it.  They could drop both Chorfs and dark elves during this edition perhaps, since only Ogres really need a range refresh at this point though.  Sure, there're lots of old kits and tiny ranges, no question, I'm just saying the Ogres are now the oldest range in AoS.

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1 hour ago, Amenephis said:

I also like how they're playing this out as this massive cataclysmic absolute disaster, that Skaven control a third of the parch.  Okay, that's 33%.  Oh, but they said each map is about 5% of that Realm.  So, 1.67%.  Oh, but there are eight realms.  So, Skaven now control about 0.21% of the realms.

We are all doomed.  Vermindoomed, even.

It's a total rataclysm you could say.

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I've mentioned this before, but I just have a feeling that the design studio is moving in the direction of having Battletomes as a larger "umbrella resource" that will play home to multiple distinctive "sub-factions". 

I could be completely wrong, but rather than seeing an increase in Battletomes I think we will see more sub-factions represented in existing tomes. 

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