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Tbh the current demon models hold up pretty well and i don't think they need an update at all. The Bloodcrushers still slap hard, the fiends look fantastic, Flesh hounds and plague drones look awesome and the Greater demons all look great. The only off looking models are the Horrors and Deamonettes. 

What does need updating are the old Resin models that were still lingering in the range and maybe some new undivided models or a new unit for each Chaos god, like greater spawn or somthing. 


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5 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

Tbh the current demon models hold up pretty well and i don't think they need an update at all. The Bloodcrushers still slap hard, the fiends look fantastic, Flesh hounds and plague drones look awesome and the Greater demons all look great. The only off looking models are the Horrors and Deamonettes. 

What does need updating are the old Resin models that were still lingering in the range and maybe some new undivided models or a new unit for each Chaos god, like greater spawn or somthing. 


I agree for the most part, having built most of them it's really just the weird unfortunate gaps in the older models. Plaguebearers on the side of the torso, all variants bloodletter heads, screamers along the spines, plague drones joint straight down the middle. It's nothing a hobbyist can't handle, but they're still annoying to deal with and an artefact of the older sculpting capabilities. Personally the only ones I think could use a big upgrade are the older Slaanesh models. They don't need to go back to the Juan Diaz style, but I'd like to see a lot more dynamic poses. Plus if you compare the old seekers to the exalted seekers the mortals get it's just jaw dropping to see the improvements. Also figure out a better way to do the chariots. I love the look but man alive they can be a nightmare to work with.

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1 hour ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Teclis and Malerion have to get relevant to the narrative at some point....

I suspect Teclis may be sidelined temporarily in the near future due to the spiritual wound he suffered fighting Nagash and this will coincide with Tyrion taking the lead. I wouldn't be surprised if the Ur-Phoenix fragment that the twins rescued from Phoenicium is involved in healing Teclis and/or empowering Tyrion. 

I personally think that Malerion and his shadow-elves will appear once Slaanesh breaks free, probably to kick off 6th edition 😉.


Edited by Star Weaver
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How many other kits are we expecting outside of the starter box and the two units (one for each) they have showed off so far. If I remember correctly Kruleboyz got like 5 kits afterwards and Stormcast got the dragon stuff. 

I still feel like there is a lot of Skaven stuff that needs to be replaced 

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16 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

How many other kits are we expecting outside of the starter box and the two units (one for each) they have showed off so far. If I remember correctly Kruleboyz got like 5 kits afterwards and Stormcast got the dragon stuff. 

I still feel like there is a lot of Skaven stuff that needs to be replaced 

9 kits for Skaven from SGWarhound 🐀🐁

1) Master Moulder.
2) Arch Warlock.
3) New Warlock (Galvaneer with warpvolt obliterators) (Leaked one).
4) Stormvermin.
5) Weaponteams.
6) Skyre Acolytes (former globadiers).
7) New Verminlord (Avatar of Horned Rat).
8 ) New Behemoth (Moulder monstrosity)= Brood Terror.
9) Wolfrats.


For Stormcast : more from Ruination chamber 

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28 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

How many other kits are we expecting outside of the starter box and the two units (one for each) they have showed off so far. If I remember correctly Kruleboyz got like 5 kits afterwards and Stormcast got the dragon stuff. 

I still feel like there is a lot of Skaven stuff that needs to be replaced 

5-10 for each faction I would say.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Is it really such a big card?

That's basically saying "Are Dark Elves popular?". Of course they are, and always have been. DoK is comparatively a niche fandom vs overall Dark Elf Players honestly. Certainly bigger than Chorfs, objectively speaking.

Not that I'm too interested personally, the only elf itch that hasn't been fully scratched for me yet in AoS is Kurnothi, but it would be huge for sure.

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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Is it really such a big card?

It's one of the big names of WFB returning to AoS, so I'd say yes. The edgy Melnibonean copycats of the Old World were always quite a popular army, I think people would buy the AoS reinterpretation of Dark Elves that aren't the monstergirls in bikinis we already have in DoK.

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1 hour ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I’d be fine if the Elves weren’t super narratively relevant for an edition besides maybe the Idoneth who have always played second or third fiddle in every narrative. Especially Teclis, who already was a major player. 

If the Elves are not relevant for the narrative there is a good chance that the narrative is not relevant for the setting. That’s the Warhammer Law.

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30 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

It's one of the big names of WFB returning to AoS, so I'd say yes. The edgy Melnibonean copycats of the Old World were always quite a popular army, I think people would buy the AoS reinterpretation of Dark Elves that aren't the monstergirls in bikinis we already have in DoK.

Yeah, but considering DE in its classic style (or partly) could stay for CoS... maybe they are not what the old DE are looking for. Plus the long wait, I have my doubts about it being that bing compared to being launched in the 1st or 2nd edition.

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4 hours ago, Amenephis said:

I also like how they're playing this out as this massive cataclysmic absolute disaster, that Skaven control a third of the parch.  Okay, that's 33%.  Oh, but they said each map is about 5% of that Realm.  So, 1.67%.  Oh, but there are eight realms.  So, Skaven now control about 0.21% of the realms.

We are all doomed.  Vermindoomed, even.

Chaos owns all the rest outside of this 5%, as we keep being told. So Skaven own 33% of the part of Aqshy that isn't 100% chaos-owned. Skaven are part of Chaos, regardless of how much the Big 4 (or we) don't want that. So it's definitely a Vermindoom. I doubt Phil &co are going to put the skaven subrealm "back in the box" which means we get to guess which Deus Ex will prevent a "second Age of Chaos" this time

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1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

How many other kits are we expecting outside of the starter box and the two units (one for each) they have showed off so far. If I remember correctly Kruleboyz got like 5 kits afterwards and Stormcast got the dragon stuff. 

I still feel like there is a lot of Skaven stuff that needs to be replaced 

Stormcast main range got:

  1. Bastian
  2. Stormdrakes
  3. Chariot
  4. Vigilors
  5. Vanquishers
  6. Knight-judicator
  7. knight-relictor
  8. Annihilator multipart
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8 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Chaos owns all the rest outside of this 5%, as we keep being told. So Skaven own 33% of the part of Aqshy that isn't 100% chaos-owned. Skaven are part of Chaos, regardless of how much the Big 4 (or we) don't want that. So it's definitely a Vermindoom. I doubt Phil &co are going to put the skaven subrealm "back in the box" which means we get to guess which Deus Ex will prevent a "second Age of Chaos" this time

My bet is a second Necroquake or Vizzik Skour and Skreech Verminking begin fighting and the Skaven’s ability to maintain a coherent offensive implodes as a counterattack forces them out. 

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2 hours ago, Jetlife said:

How many other kits are we expecting outside of the starter box and the two units (one for each) they have showed off so far. If I remember correctly Kruleboyz got like 5 kits afterwards and Stormcast got the dragon stuff. 

I still feel like there is a lot of Skaven stuff that needs to be replaced 

Per warhound list


-weapon team

-Globadiers/Skryre acolytes 

- Arch-Warlock 

- New engineer--->leak model


-new wolfrat

-new behemoth-->Brood terror


-new verminlord name SkourVizzik Skour

- a black fur warlord with trophy rack & loyal bodyguards (possibly refering to new queek)

Nothing on Stormcast but last time they got about 8-9 kits

Bastian, the dragon princes, Stormdrakes, Chariot, Vigilors, Vanquishers, Knight-judicator, knight-relictor, Annihilator multipart

right now all we have is the new Knight Azyros



Edited by Dragon-knight77
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5 hours ago, AquaRegis said:

Tbh the current demon models hold up pretty well and i don't think they need an update at all. The Bloodcrushers still slap hard, the fiends look fantastic, Flesh hounds and plague drones look awesome and the Greater demons all look great. The only off looking models are the Horrors and Deamonettes. 

What does need updating are the old Resin models that were still lingering in the range and maybe some new undivided models or a new unit for each Chaos god, like greater spawn or somthing. 


It is subjective but I like the current daemonettes over the older ones, can't say the same about pink horrors though. The cav units for each slaanesh and nurgle are interesting because we've seen their mounts get slightly revised designs (pusgoyle blight lords, blissbarb archers/seekers) so I'd expect to see new versions of those at some point. Bloodletters and plaguebearers aren't particularly outdated either but I feel like a new kit would probably still make a massive difference, looking at the newer heralds we've gotten

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