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2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Chaos owns all the rest outside of this 5%, as we keep being told. So Skaven own 33% of the part of Aqshy that isn't 100% chaos-owned. Skaven are part of Chaos, regardless of how much the Big 4 (or we) don't want that. So it's definitely a Vermindoom. I doubt Phil &co are going to put the skaven subrealm "back in the box" which means we get to guess which Deus Ex will prevent a "second Age of Chaos" this time

In theory.  In practice, of course, GW is very very big on "tell, don't show".  Certainly none of the actual stories ever really seem to reflect this, save for always offscreen, and we see that setting up titanic mega-cities doesn't actually seem to be all that big of a deal.

As far as the second half goes, I would assume that GW is either going to reset the status quo again like they've done...*checks notes*...every single time, or they're going to pull a 40K and start just staunchly ignoring this whole thing, pretending like it doesn't exist, and essentially never mention it again except occasionally in passing when one of them remembers.  They do have a pretty clear habit pattern in that regard.

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Stormcast sure don't get much narrative love despite being arguably the face of the setting. I hope that if Nagash isn't the one to stop the Vermindoom, the Stormcast manage to pull off an actual win since they've been getting their teeth smashed in by just about everyone since the end of 1st Edition. Maybe the Sacrosanct Chamber return early and do a ritual or something that cripples the Skaven's advance, and then they get models for 5th to represent the upgraded forces. Just something that actually makes them look like they exist to do something beyond die waiting for the actual winners to show up.

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1 hour ago, Tetheus said:

Skaven having been basically called out makes me really wish we had *something* with regards to the Stormcast. I imagine we'll probably get something refreshed from the warrior chamber, and then we'll have ruination guys as well.

There is almost nothing left in the Warrior Chamber to refresh apart from

  • Knight Heraldor 
  • Judicator (but like there already the Knight Judicator & Vilagors)
  • Lord Castellant
  • Lord Celestant

the paladin group like Paladins, Retributor & Protectors seem to have been replace by the Reclusians and the Annihilators 

The thunderstrike 3 edition wave was basically the Warrior chamber refresh as it brough new Warriors units: The vindicators, Vanquishers, Praetors & Lord Imperatant

I had to guess 

  1. Thunderstrike Lord Celestant
  2. New artillery depending on if you believe there a kernel of truth to that 4chan rumor
  3. Thunderstrike Knight Heraldor
    • 2023-12-20.png
  4. Lighting Ghiest the big tease unit
  5. Thunderstrike Lord-Castellant
  6. New Ruination unit
  7. Multipart Reclusian
  8. Name character centrepiece (possibly the Hallowed Knight Lord Commander?)  
  9. Knight Azyros already confirmed
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34 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

There is almost nothing left in the Warrior Chamber to refresh apart from

  • Knight Heraldor 
  • Judicator (but like there already the Knight Judicator & Vilagors)
  • Lord Castellant
  • Lord Celestant

the paladin group like Paladins, Retributor & Protectors seem to have been replace by the Reclusians and the Annihilators 

The thunderstrike 3 edition wave was basically the Warrior chamber refresh as it brough new Warriors units: The vindicators, Vanquishers, Praetors & Lord Imperatant

I had to guess 

  1. Thunderstrike Lord Celestant
  2. New artillery depending on if you believe there a kernel of truth to that 4chan rumor
  3. Thunderstrike Knight Heraldor
    • 2023-12-20.png
  4. Lighting Ghiest the big tease unit
  5. Thunderstrike Lord-Castellant
  6. New Ruination unit
  7. Multipart Reclusian
  8. Name character centrepiece (possibly the Hallowed Knight Lord Commander?)  
  9. Knight Azyros already confirmed

I'd like to add another point
10. Knight-Ordinator to survey tainted nexus point


Edited by IronHavoc
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1 hour ago, Sahrial said:

I’d love that but I feel like there would have been some sort of hint at that on warcom

Yeah I agree. Based on the NDA for the skaventide box it seens that they delayed the release a week. I think they hoped to launch the preorder last saturday (hence why the NDA was for that date and we got the core rules + spearhead) and the indexes were planned to release in the this week since Skaventide would be available on the 6th of July them. If the indexes NDA really end this weekend (hence the videos launching), it would mean they also delayed the indexes release a week as well.

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6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

There is almost nothing left in the Warrior Chamber to refresh apart from

  • Knight Heraldor 
  • Judicator (but like there already the Knight Judicator & Vilagors)
  • Lord Castellant
  • Lord Celestant

the paladin group like Paladins, Retributor & Protectors seem to have been replace by the Reclusians and the Annihilators 

The thunderstrike 3 edition wave was basically the Warrior chamber refresh as it brough new Warriors units: The vindicators, Vanquishers, Praetors & Lord Imperatant

I had to guess 

  1. Thunderstrike Lord Celestant
  2. New artillery depending on if you believe there a kernel of truth to that 4chan rumor
  3. Thunderstrike Knight Heraldor
    • 2023-12-20.png
  4. Lighting Ghiest the big tease unit
  5. Thunderstrike Lord-Castellant
  6. New Ruination unit
  7. Multipart Reclusian
  8. Name character centrepiece (possibly the Hallowed Knight Lord Commander?)  
  9. Knight Azyros already confirmed

It is not Knight Azyros... It is Tornus 😭

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9 hours ago, Luperci said:

 The cav units for each slaanesh and nurgle are interesting because we've seen their mounts get slightly revised designs (pusgoyle blight lords, blissbarb archers/seekers) so I'd expect to see new versions of those at some point. 

Updating Slaanesh Daemons would be a big task, because those older design of Steeds are used in so many different kits. Seekers, all the different varieties of Chariot, plus the Hellstriders. 

I don't hate the current Chariots/Hellflayers... but they always look like a big mess of metal parts, no matter how skillful a painter you are. I'd like to see a complete redesign of them. An Exalted Chariot that actually fits on a base would be nice, too. 

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2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

Yeah I agree. Based on the NDA for the skaventide box it seens that they delayed the release a week. I think they hoped to launch the preorder last saturday (hence why the NDA was for that date and we got the core rules + spearhead) and the indexes were planned to release in the this week since Skaventide would be available on the 6th of July them. If the indexes NDA really end this weekend (hence the videos launching), it would mean they also delayed the indexes release a week as well.

Yeah, It seems that Faction Focus were released too early and the rules are planned to be released a few days before the Skaventide launch. That means that we have a week or two weeks without real info of the new edition


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Here’s my recap of all the rumours about AoS4 releases so far.

Confirmed releases : SCE, Skaven (obviously)

Rumoured releases based on reliable sources (THW, TGA rumourmongers, descriptions in GW books, rumour engines, or a combination of these) : Chaos Dwarfs, GSG (Gitmob themed), CoS, Lumineth, Seraphon, SBGL, Khorne

Rumoured releases based on less reliable sources (WarCom articles, hints of lore in GW books, less reliable rumourmongers, etc) : Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth (Kurnothi), S2D

Fan wishlist territory (sorry guys but we have no concrete evidence these guys will get anything beyond the mandatory foot hero and maybe a Warcry band. This is where many neglected AoS1 factions fall) : DoK, KO, IDK, Tzeentch, KB…

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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Here’s my recap of all the rumours about AoS4 releases so far.

Confirmed releases : SCE, Skaven (obviously)

Rumoured releases based on reliable sources (THW, TGA rumourmongers, descriptions in GW books, rumour engines, or a combination of these) : Chaos Dwarfs, GSG (Gitmob themed), CoS, Lumineth, Seraphon, SBGL, Khorne

Rumoured releases based on less reliable sources (WarCom articles, hints of lore in GW books, less reliable rumourmongers, etc) : Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth (Kurnothi), S2D

Fan wishlist territory (sorry guys but we have no concrete evidence these guys will get anything beyond the mandatory foot hero and maybe a Warcry band. This is where many neglected AoS1 factions fall) : DoK, KO, IDK, Tzeentch, KB…

For Seraphon, SBGL and Khorne do you mean Saurus Guard, Graveguard and Khul? Or are there other rumoured releases for these factions?

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8 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

There is almost nothing left in the Warrior Chamber to refresh apart from

  • Knight Heraldor 
  • Judicator (but like there already the Knight Judicator & Vilagors)
  • Lord Castellant
  • Lord Celestant

the paladin group like Paladins, Retributor & Protectors seem to have been replace by the Reclusians and the Annihilators 

The thunderstrike 3 edition wave was basically the Warrior chamber refresh as it brough new Warriors units: The vindicators, Vanquishers, Praetors & Lord Imperatant

I had to guess 

  1. Thunderstrike Lord Celestant
  2. New artillery depending on if you believe there a kernel of truth to that 4chan rumor
  3. Thunderstrike Knight Heraldor
    • 2023-12-20.png
  4. Lighting Ghiest the big tease unit
  5. Thunderstrike Lord-Castellant
  6. New Ruination unit
  7. Multipart Reclusian
  8. Name character centrepiece (possibly the Hallowed Knight Lord Commander?)  
  9. Knight Azyros already confirmed

No new Lord Relictor?

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7 hours ago, Tetheus said:

I know Whitefang said they weren't redoing the old paladins, but maybe there will be new paladins? If I recall, the only paladins that exist now are Annihilators and maybe technically the Reclusians?

I think with Annihilators and Reclusians they are already fine with paladins if they don’t want to bloat sce range once again.

what we don’t know yet if judicators will be redone in thunder strike armour or not .

I hope they can really surprise us with new ruination chamber unit : I wish to see a “ Ionus alike” unit .


@The Lost Sigmarite: I should include also Ossiarch mortek archers in the wish list territory. 😉

Edited by cyrus
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17 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Here’s my recap of all the rumours about AoS4 releases so far.

Confirmed releases : SCE, Skaven (obviously)

Rumoured releases based on reliable sources (THW, TGA rumourmongers, descriptions in GW books, rumour engines, or a combination of these) : Chaos Dwarfs, GSG (Gitmob themed), CoS, Lumineth, Seraphon, SBGL, Khorne

Rumoured releases based on less reliable sources (WarCom articles, hints of lore in GW books, less reliable rumourmongers, etc) : Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth (Kurnothi), S2D

Fan wishlist territory (sorry guys but we have no concrete evidence these guys will get anything beyond the mandatory foot hero and maybe a Warcry band. This is where many neglected AoS1 factions fall) : DoK, KO, IDK, Tzeentch, KB…

Why are you including Lumineth on the list? River temple?

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3 minutes ago, cyrus said:

I think with Annihilators and Reclusians they are already fine with paladins if they don’t want to bloat sce range once again.

what we don’t know yet if judicators will be redone in thunder strike armour or not .

I hope they can really surprise us with new ruination chamber unit : I wish to see a “ Ionus alike” unit .


@The Lost Sigmarite: I should include also Ossiarch mortek archers in the wish list territory. 😉

While I agree crazy Ruination units would be awesome, if we think about its lore we shouldn't get too much from that chamber. It is a chamber made out of veterans who died, so it should be limited in terms of variety and closely paired with what they were before.

A good example is the Reclusians. Paladins with different weapons. Basically those that were Paladins now chose a different way to fight but it is still quite close in terms of what they were doing. Following this logic, I wouldn't expect a cavalry unit, for example.

15 minutes ago, Khadral said:

No new Lord Relictor?

I think the Lord Relictor's replacement is the Lord-Terminos. In the end both take care of the souls.

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36 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Rumoured releases based on less reliable sources (WarCom articles, hints of lore in GW books, less reliable rumourmongers, etc) : Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth (Kurnothi), S2D

Fan wishlist territory (sorry guys but we have no concrete evidence these guys will get anything beyond the mandatory foot hero and maybe a Warcry band. This is where many neglected AoS1 factions fall) : DoK, KO, IDK, Tzeentch, KB…

I don't see any diference between this 2 groups.

Lore and even WarCom articles doesn't have any weight for future AoS  releases (unless marketing a few weeks before the release or preview shows). And "less reliable" rumourmongers... just no.

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6 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Stormcast sure don't get much narrative love despite being arguably the face of the setting. I hope that if Nagash isn't the one to stop the Vermindoom, the Stormcast manage to pull off an actual win since they've been getting their teeth smashed in by just about everyone since the end of 1st Edition. Maybe the Sacrosanct Chamber return early and do a ritual or something that cripples the Skaven's advance, and then they get models for 5th to represent the upgraded forces. Just something that actually makes them look like they exist to do something beyond die waiting for the actual winners to show up.


44 minutes ago, cyrus said:

I think with Annihilators and Reclusians they are already fine with paladins if they don’t want to bloat sce range once again.

what we don’t know yet if judicators will be redone in thunder strike armour or not .

I hope they can really surprise us with new ruination chamber unit : I wish to see a “ Ionus alike” unit .


@The Lost Sigmarite: I should include also Ossiarch mortek archers in the wish list territory. 😉

Don’t judicator basically have a new model.

what are those new guys called with the cape bow and sword.



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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Here’s my recap of all the rumours about AoS4 releases so far.

Confirmed releases : SCE, Skaven (obviously)

Rumoured releases based on reliable sources (THW, TGA rumourmongers, descriptions in GW books, rumour engines, or a combination of these) : Chaos Dwarfs, GSG (Gitmob themed), CoS, Lumineth, Seraphon, SBGL, Khorne

Rumoured releases based on less reliable sources (WarCom articles, hints of lore in GW books, less reliable rumourmongers, etc) : Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth (Kurnothi), S2D

Fan wishlist territory (sorry guys but we have no concrete evidence these guys will get anything beyond the mandatory foot hero and maybe a Warcry band. This is where many neglected AoS1 factions fall) : DoK, KO, IDK, Tzeentch, KB…

Lumineth , SbGL and seraphon only rumored one unit , so maybe they will just got that unit with their battletome .They are  not necessary part of the armies that will have a second wave or army set this edition  ?

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