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27 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:


Don’t judicator basically have a new model.

what are those new guys called with the cape bow and sword.



They are not the same. Judicators are closer to siege machines than to archers. In fact in the 1st edition books Judicators and Paladins were demolising machines when they were siegen a fortress.

But following this same logic if Paladins are gone, even if they were shown as demolishing machines but retired in the end, Judicators could suffer the same result. Or have a rethought version, like the Reclusians.

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20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

They are not the same. Judicators are closer to siege machines than to archers. In fact in the 1st edition books Judicators and Paladins were demolising machines when they were siegen a fortress.

But following this same logic if Paladins are gone, even if they were shown as demolishing machines but retired in the end, Judicators could suffer the same result. Or have a rethought version, like the Reclusians.

A guy with a small bow destroying large siege machines.

that sounds like a horrible written arc

Edit: don’t get me wrong, I’m looking at the judicators and comparing their looks to the vigilators(?)

they both look pretty much the same thing just one looking a bit newer.

if the judicators would get an update, wouldn’t they literally just be vigilators just without a cape?

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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13 minutes ago, Ookami said:

Sorry, but could you remind what did Whitefang hint on or say on this rumour?

Only likes. Gitmob hero is coming, but I don't expect more than that. GSG loses 3 heroes with the indexes so it is possible that a early book with a Gitmob hero to fill the slot.

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1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:


Don’t judicator basically have a new model.

what are those new guys called with the cape bow and sword.



Yes right, vigilors already cover ranged unit slot : don’t really need judicators in thunder strike !

#dontbloatSceRange 😉

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13 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Yes right, vigilors already cover ranged unit slot : don’t really need judicators in thunder strike !

#dontbloatSceRange 😉

We actually lost 2 ranged units. Judicators and Castigators. If they focus Judicators on their bigger weapon option and use it as a replacement for the Ballista, I think that's the gap for them to fill.

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16 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Didn't they also like stuff about (armoured?) troggoths?

But that's a short story unit, Whitefang sometimes he likes things related to lore. I don't think that GSG will receive more than one kit if it is an early book. It is the same with the "Kurnothi event", not all the things he likes implies models.

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51 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Yes right, vigilors already cover ranged unit slot : don’t really need judicators in thunder strike !

#dontbloatSceRange 😉

Visually speaking, Vigilors are not meant to cover the "ranged unit" slot, they're more of a hybrid ranger-style.

Still, the SCE range has got that covered with longstrike raptors covering the bow hudicators and hurricane raptors covering xbow judicators

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12 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Stormcast sure don't get much narrative love despite being arguably the face of the setting. I hope that if Nagash isn't the one to stop the Vermindoom, the Stormcast manage to pull off an actual win since they've been getting their teeth smashed in by just about everyone since the end of 1st Edition. Maybe the Sacrosanct Chamber return early and do a ritual or something that cripples the Skaven's advance, and then they get models for 5th to represent the upgraded forces. Just something that actually makes them look like they exist to do something beyond die waiting for the actual winners to show up.

While I get where you're coming from, the problem is Lumineth and GW's elf fetish.  GW really, REALLY likes elves.  This is beyond any form of speculation or debate.  They LOVE elves.

Unfortunately, they decided that Lumineth should be light- and civilization-bringing uncorruptible super soldiers constantly taking the fight to the darkness...you know, everything that SCE are supposed to be, except that they made the LRL better at it in every possible way, and because they're elves, GW also likes them a lot more.

So, we're left with a situation where Lumineth have functionally entirely supplanted Stormcast in the lore, and GW's tendency to write based on their own personal biases and preferences means that this situation is not likely to change.

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58 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

But that's a short story unit, Whitefang sometimes he likes things related to lore. I don't think that GSG will receive more than one kit if it is an early book. It is the same with the "Kurnothi event", not all the things he likes implies models.

At least it's a big model this time. Also early book doesn't necessarily mean single figure release. One of the posts that Whitefang liked was about GW being surprised by the popularity of Gloomspite, and so ordering more sculpts. I'm not expecting it, but it would be great to see a unit of armoured troggs. Gloomspite feel like a perfect candidate for a future launch box. New regular grots and new Fellwater troggoths would make a pretty good core to a box. 

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I just think GW desperately needs to do a Destro faction that's something other than "slightly different humans covered in trash" is all.  Be it centaurs, reimagined BoC, insect people, whatever, Destro just desperately needs some variety.

Bonus points if GW manages to pull their heads out of their butts long enough to come up with a culture besides "uh, dey talk like dis an' dey fink dat da biggest is da strongest an dey krump da 'umies!"

You already have a soft shamanistic aspect with the LRL.  Since GW has confirmed that nature spirits are a real thing, you could have an animistic culture in Destro.  That would be a great opportunity to do something.

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3 minutes ago, Augusto said:

What i got from the armored troggoth appearences, its that they are some kind of bodyguard. That would be a gret way of making them feel more unique

Would be great for Warcry, like some kind of royal guard unit.

It seems like Gitmob is getting more Snarlfangs. Big Snarlfang from ToW artwork would be my guess. Dont think an early tome + hero release will be a big model like a chariot. 

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