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44 minutes ago, MitGas said:

It‘s also Phil Kelly, he‘s a hardcore (a)elf lover and on record for hating Chaos. Since he‘s one of the driving forces for AoS, it would suggest that the team has at least in part a fondness for aelves. But High and Dark Elves were already really popular in Warhammer days, so it‘s nothing new. Wood Elves struggled back then as far as I know with a much smaller playerbase. In my WHFB group we had Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Chaos (me), Dwarfs and O&G, so I think it‘s fair to say that people AND GW like elves. I do think that 5 factions of aelves are a bit much in the sense that one or two might feel left behind (right now IDK) but since Chaos got split up into lots of factions, it‘s hard to argue against that move. 

I still think that splitting up factions into many small, not really mixable, forces wasn‘t the best move though (might be a smart business-wise tho!) but I grew up with very mixed forces and I understand that others prefer very cohesive looking forces so realistically it‘s kinda impossible to please everyone. If I played aelfs or dwarfs, I‘d love to field a mixed force out of the different lines but I guess there are just many that hate the idea. I‘d also totally mix CoS with SCE or Soulblight with Nighthaunt and ghouls for a cool Castlevania force personally. 😆

Carsteinvania did you mean? 

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Thank you everyone for your time. This is the end of our behind the scenes interview series on the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. All that’s left to do now is pre-order Skaventide and count down the days until you can play the new edition.

Last studio interview article



Tomorrow is the BIG DAY 🐀🐁

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3 hours ago, Amenephis said:

Unfortunately, they decided that Lumineth should be light- and civilization-bringing uncorruptible super soldiers constantly taking the fight to the darkness...you know, everything that SCE are supposed to be, except that they made the LRL better at it in every possible way, and because they're elves, GW also likes them a lot more.

So, we're left with a situation where Lumineth have functionally entirely supplanted Stormcast in the lore, and GW's tendency to write based on their own personal biases and preferences means that this situation is not likely to change.

Lumineth are the AOS version of the WHFB High Elves, with a direct and stated continuation in the lore. Going out and fighting darkness to save the "lesser races" was exactly what the High Elves did, except now they march out from Hysh instead of Ulthuan. 

Have you read the lore for Lumineth? The sole reason the Hyshian society is the way it is right now is because of the shattering where Elven civilisation collapsed dur to thier society being corrupted within. 

How have they replaced the Stormcast in the lore when they don't work for Sigmar, or have particularly good relations with other Order factions? Stormcast recruit/live alongside order factions or are on pretty good terms. LRL go out of thier way to help Order, however it's always done on thier terms and if they need to sacrifice a town of Sigmarites to stop a demon invasion then so be it. This isn't theory, this is directly stated multiple times in the lore. 

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5 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

It a dual build with the helmeted version representing Tornus


We already got Knight Relictor, Lord Terminos & Ionus Cryptborn 

I would not call this a dual build, its just a character model gw said u could take as just a regular both the helmet and no helmet versions are all tornus

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21 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Thank you everyone for your time. This is the end of our behind the scenes interview series on the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. All that’s left to do now is pre-order Skaventide and count down the days until you can play the new edition.

Last studio interview article



Tomorrow is the BIG DAY 🐀🐁

There is a certain irony in this in that the absolutely universal conclusion has been that the Skaven SH in the box is utterly unplayable against the SCE SH in the box.  It's incredibly one-sided.

The mode as a whole seems fun enough though, especially if it actually gets the promised support.  GW promises lots of things.

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AoS index NDA ends tomorrow for tabletop content creators, and Season of War has a regular AoS 4.0 match scheduled for 15.00 CET. Whether or not GW releases the indexes to the public at the same time remains to be seen, but if they don't I expect maybe one or 2 content creators to anonymously them on their own.


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2 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

AoS index NDA ends tomorrow for tabletop content creators, and Season of War has a regular AoS 4.0 match scheduled for 15.00 CET. Whether or not GW releases the indexes to the public at the same time remains to be seen, but if they don't I expect maybe one or 2 content creators to anonymously them on their own.


I doubt they will. At this point I think they are just ignoring the NDA end date and changed their scheduled by a week due to the delay. It pretty safe to assume they will drop the indexes next week based on the NDA dates.

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9 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

I doubt they will. At this point I think they are just ignoring the NDA end date and changed their scheduled by a week due to the delay. It pretty safe to assume they will drop the indexes next week based on the NDA dates.

We are still waiting for core rules, wich NDA ended a week ago

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1 hour ago, Ragest said:

How many youtubers you know that are going to make a 2k battle report tomorrow?

I know Season of war and DKHM (spanish)

Tabletop tactics also has a skaven vs warclans (no word if kruleboyz or ironjawz) scheduled for tommorow.

Tabletop titans as seraphon vs gitz on sunday.

Edited by Arzalyn
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13 hours ago, cyrus said:

I think with Annihilators and Reclusians they are already fine with paladins if they don’t want to bloat sce range once again.

what we don’t know yet if judicators will be redone in thunder strike armour or not .

I hope they can really surprise us with new ruination chamber unit : I wish to see a “ Ionus alike” unit .


@The Lost Sigmarite: I should include also Ossiarch mortek archers in the wish list territory. 😉

I don't think Reclusians are supposed to count as paladins at all. We might see another weapon profile for Annihilators but I do agree that they could easily be left as the only remaining paladin unit.

Judicators i still think will come back, I don't see why you'd name a SIEGE HERO a Knight-Judicator and not bring them back as heavy ranged support.

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

I don't think Reclusians are supposed to count as paladins at all. We might see another weapon profile for Annihilators but I do agree that they could easily be left as the only remaining paladin unit.

Judicators i still think will come back, I don't see why you'd name a SIEGE HERO a Knight-Judicator and not bring them back as heavy ranged support.

Reclusion are Paladin as show with their icon pauldron 




  • Twin-tailed comet: Angelos Conclaves.
  • Star: Justicar Conclaves.
  • Lightning bolt: Redeemer Conclaves.
  • Crescent Moon: Paladin Conclaves. This symbol is worn on the right shoulder.
  • Blaze of arcane fire: Corpuscant Conclaves.
  • Cog: Ordinatos Conclaves.

There some wibbly wobbaly when it comes to how chambers work now but it indicating that the reclusians are paladins conclave in the Ruination chamber

But agree with you that there going to be judicator or some sort of remix as SEC are lacking any sort of heavy range after both castigator & ballista are gone. I expect it be some sort of Heavy Hurricane crossbow gun maybe a Ruination chamber show off the brutality of such 

How do Stormcast crossbows work without bowstrings? : r/AoSLore

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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25 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I won't be pre-ordering up Skaventide tomorrow (I'm working anyway), but I hope everybody who is manages to secure their copy swiftly and without fuss.

The pre-orders already started in NZ/AUS if anybody wants to sneak a peak at the sprues, though you'll have to sit through the queue for a bit.

Sprues and Brews has pics of the sprues as well.

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17 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I won't be pre-ordering up Skaventide tomorrow (I'm working anyway), but I hope everybody who is manages to secure their copy swiftly and without fuss.

The pre-orders already started in NZ/AUS if anybody wants to sneak a peak at the sprues, though you'll have to sit through the queue for a bit.

Good idea.60010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide38.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide39.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide37.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide43.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide44.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide45.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide40.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide41.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide42.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide49.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide46.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide51.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide47.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide48.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide50.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide52.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide53.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=94860010299043_ENGAOSSkaventide36.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=948

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9 hours ago, Augusto said:

What i got from the armored troggoth appearences, its that they are some kind of bodyguard. That would be a gret way of making them feel more unique

I would love for there to be a new Hero model for Gitz that actually was a box of 3 minis with the hero and 2 Armoured Troggoths!!

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