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Here we go! Start of a new edition (KO style):
Battle Traits:



Transport Capacity:

  • Ironclad: 3 units, 22 models
  • Frigate: 2 units, 12 models
  • Gunhauler: 1 unit, 5 models

Battle Formtions:

  • Iron-Sky Attack Squadrons: Ignore the first point of damage suffered to each of our skyvessels in each phase.
  • Aether-Runner:  +2" to Move Characteristic for all our Skyvessels.
  • Endrineers Guild Expeditionary Force: Pick 1 extra artifact at the start of the turn 


  • GrundCorps Wing: Thunderers and Gunhaulers gain an extra 3" range to their ranged weapons profiles.

Heroic Traits:

  • Endrinmaestro: All infantry units wholly within 12" gain an additional 2" to their ranged weapons.
  • Grundgebearer: Pick an enemy unit during deployment and double the damage characteristic of this hero.
  • Cunning Fleetmaster: When an skyvessel within 1" of this hero uses Redeploy, roll 2 dice and pick the highest.


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  • Ironclad: When deployed, each Ironcald can choose a  Great Endrinwork:
    • +2" extra move characteristic.
    • Transport capacity up to: 4 units, 32 models.
    • Gain Wizard (1) for unbind purpose.
  • Arkanaut Company: Same as spearhead but they can't be divided in two units of 5. THeir Glory Seekers triggers when they are contesting an objectives.
  • Skywardens:


  • Endrinriggers: Same as skywardens, but 3 attacks each at 4+/3+/-2/1D3, insteaf of Timed Charges, they repair skyvessels.
  • Admiral: Adds +1D6 Control Score to Arkanaut Company and a free All-Out-Attack command for Ironclad or Frigate every turn (no run+charge appart from Brokk?).
  • Navigators: Read the Winds, same as before but within 18" range. 
  • Khemist: +1 rend for Infantry units on a roll of 3+
  • Codewright: on a roll of 3+, pick one:
    • +2 control score
    • +1 run & charge
    • No mw on Retreat.

(Thanks to Goonhammer for thsi review, love you!).

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Courtesy of AoS Coach’s video, here’s what each Manifestation does. My opinion:

Winners: Morbid Conjuration, Twilit Sorceries, Forbidden Power, Krondspine Incarnate

Solid: Aetherwrought Machineries (1 excellent option, 1 good option, and 1 option who’s probably dead before seeing much value)

Only Okay: Primal Energy (Burning Head is okay but Horrorghast is better, Lifeswarm is neat but very fragile, and Ravenak as always looks pretty good)







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Morbid Conjurations are nuts. Armor save debuff for elite units, per-model mortal wound nuke for hordes AND movement manipulation. Definitely some of the strongest effects out there and great flexibility within the lore.

It will be the default manifestation lore for competitive play for sure. But I expect a lot of tweaks to the manifestations every few months, the lore that's Top Dog will likely change periodically as things get adjusted. I kinda feel bad for people that previously bought only one or two specific endless spell models. Having access to the entire Malign Sorcery set will be a huge boon.

Edited by Mortal Wound
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1 minute ago, Mortal Wound said:

Morbid Conjurations are nuts. Armor save debuff for elite units, per-model mortal wound nuke for hordes AND movement manipulation.

It will be the default manifestation lore for competitive play for sure. But I expect a lot of tweaks to the manifestations every few months, the lore that's Top Dog will likely change periodically as things get adjusted.

I think its weakness is bad saves, but I could see any of them besides Primal Energies seeing use. Twilit offers on-demand Obscuring Terrain, Command Denial, and good utility. Machineries offers a good offensive option, an extremely good support piece, and Penumbral Pendulum. Krondspine is an extremely strong beatstick who excels in hunting other Manifestations and is very hard to actually remove without devoting serious resources to it. Forbidden Power has strong mobility and a shooter that can ****** up enemy commands with a very favorable keyword. And this is before we’ve seen faction specific ones.

I can see slower armies like the Bonereapers favoring Forbidden Power which also gives them an important ranged option, while aggressive armies might favor Morbid, and Twilit and Krondspine are good, generally safe choices. Seraphon probably crave Machineries though, because Cogs seem to be extremely worth it to protect a Slann or Kroak. 

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For me, the ultimate dream would be that factions with endless spells should have their endless spells tailored so that they would always be the first pick (without being OP), and these other manifestation lores should be mor for factions without endless spells. 

However, until proven wrong I doubt this will be the case. So prove me wrong GW :D

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3 minutes ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

For me, the ultimate dream would be that factions with endless spells should have their endless spells tailored so that they would always be the first pick (without being OP), and these other manifestation lores should be mor for factions without endless spells. 

However, until proven wrong I doubt this will be the case. So prove me wrong GW :D

Unless Soulstealer Carrion is reworked to allow OBR to slingshot Mortek Guard across the map, I can’t imagine wanting to surrender such a useful mobility tool, and unless Nightmare Predator can clear chaff really well, I can’t imagine taking it over an actual shooting option that also sometimes shuts down commands. Faction specific spells fill a niche within a faction, but the generic ones can remove a weakness altogether. 

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24 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

Wish we got to know what some of the stuff the Bonereapers can do actually is. Also, they’re wrong about the Aspect of The Storm- Drench With Hate isn’t new, it’s currently an ability for the Eidolon. It does become more valuable this edition as AoE buffs are a lot more scarce. 

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5 hours ago, NotBeastmanBob said:

My LGS did a "stick your name here for interest and we'll do a bulk order for ye".

Have really come around on them and delighted to have the preorder minus the GW site panicking 😅

I though that's the usual way to proceed. At least it is here in Spain. I got my boxes confirmed on Tuesday.

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I hope you’re all ready to pay the Tithe because everything I’ve heard about the OBR sounds insane: 

Mortek Guard are Ethereal and have Anti-Charge.

Gothizzar Harvesters can now technically resurrect Morghasts, who now have either a 3+ Save (Archai) or benefit from Relentless Discipline globally (Harbingers). Archai have now pledged allegiance to the Null Myriad and keep their 4+ Spell Shrug. 

Immortis Guard lost a wound but now give all nearby Heroes +1 Save. Lost a Rend but Damage is unchanged. So now any Immortis Guard with 2 Wounds remaining near a Harvester is going to become 2 full health Immortis at the end of the turn. 

Katakros now has a better All-Out Defense that he can issue to up to 3 units, expands Relentless Discipline to 18” and probably also allows you to legally shoot the other player because why not.

Soulreaper for once might actually be viable because he can chain activate, and has a built-in Luminscythe. 

Healing seems down but this is all being translated from Spanish, so clarification may happen soon. 

Deathriders get Impact Hits and Charge on their weapons. All Deathrider units can also fly over low wound models. 

Zandtos apparently committed copyright infringement and gained a free Endless Duty during the Combat phase. He’s no longer a worse Liege-Kavalos! And the Ossifector Rend buff stayed.

Edit: The Rend buff is now only on a 3+ and wholly within 12”. Still a solid unit. 

Second Edit: Morghast now have a 3/3/2/2/3 statline with anti-Monster. Run for your lives, we now have an extremely funny target for our buffs. 

Third Edit: Harbingers get a 3D6 Charge. Don’t bother running, you will not escape. Only 1 gets the Relentless Discipline buff though, apparently. Fortunately our Archai apparently give +1 Cast/Unbind/Dispell whenever they ward something, so we’re exactly as BS as we were before!






Edited by ScionOfOssia
Adding sources and clarification
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Another 4chan "leak", courtesy of some guy in a FB group I'm in.

If I had a Cities wave for every fake list that had one...



GW is trying to catch up on some stuff that was intended for AoS 3rd right now, so the releases will be a bit heavier than usual. Expect more mini waves than single mini releases.

Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there, so after that we’ll have:
Warclans and Nighthaunt will be the first BTs in Fall
• Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
• Nighthaunt will have a Harridan Warder

After those, we’ll have Idoneth as this year’s Christmas announcement, with:
• Akhelian High-Lochian
• Akhelian Knights
• Shoalherd
• Endless Spells
And Soulblight following after with:
• Wight King’s Court
• Grave Guard
• Corpse Cart
• Endless Spells
Idoneth are supposed to be coming early Winter and Soulblight February-March

Spring will bring the first „bigger” release of the edition with Cities of Sigmar, with:
• Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
• Freeguild Bombardier-Major
• Botanite Apothecary
• Lector Unberogen
• Devoted Acolytes
• Outstrider Cogfort
• Dispossessed Gearwalker
• Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
• Dispossessed Ironclads
• Dispossessed Drakegunners
• Highscryer Outpost
• Endless Spells

First Chaos Dwarf teaser on April 1st

Late Spring will have:
• Temple Guard
• Endless Spells
Slaves to Darkness:
• Manticore
• Chaos Lord
• Chaos Sorcerer


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3 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Another 4chan "leak", courtesy of some guy in a FB group I'm in.

If I had a Cities wave for every fake list that had one...

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GW is trying to catch up on some stuff that was intended for AoS 3rd right now, so the releases will be a bit heavier than usual. Expect more mini waves than single mini releases.

Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there, so after that we’ll have:
Warclans and Nighthaunt will be the first BTs in Fall
• Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
• Nighthaunt will have a Harridan Warder

After those, we’ll have Idoneth as this year’s Christmas announcement, with:
• Akhelian High-Lochian
• Akhelian Knights
• Shoalherd
• Endless Spells
And Soulblight following after with:
• Wight King’s Court
• Grave Guard
• Corpse Cart
• Endless Spells
Idoneth are supposed to be coming early Winter and Soulblight February-March

Spring will bring the first „bigger” release of the edition with Cities of Sigmar, with:
• Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
• Freeguild Bombardier-Major
• Botanite Apothecary
• Lector Unberogen
• Devoted Acolytes
• Outstrider Cogfort
• Dispossessed Gearwalker
• Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
• Dispossessed Ironclads
• Dispossessed Drakegunners
• Highscryer Outpost
• Endless Spells

First Chaos Dwarf teaser on April 1st

Late Spring will have:
• Temple Guard
• Endless Spells
Slaves to Darkness:
• Manticore
• Chaos Lord
• Chaos Sorcerer


I will choose to believe this because it fits my copium filled dreams of an Idoneth wave. 

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6 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Another 4chan "leak", courtesy of some guy in a FB group I'm in.

If I had a Cities wave for every fake list that had one...

  Reveal hidden contents


GW is trying to catch up on some stuff that was intended for AoS 3rd right now, so the releases will be a bit heavier than usual. Expect more mini waves than single mini releases.

Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there, so after that we’ll have:
Warclans and Nighthaunt will be the first BTs in Fall
• Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
• Nighthaunt will have a Harridan Warder

After those, we’ll have Idoneth as this year’s Christmas announcement, with:
• Akhelian High-Lochian
• Akhelian Knights
• Shoalherd
• Endless Spells
And Soulblight following after with:
• Wight King’s Court
• Grave Guard
• Corpse Cart
• Endless Spells
Idoneth are supposed to be coming early Winter and Soulblight February-March

Spring will bring the first „bigger” release of the edition with Cities of Sigmar, with:
• Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
• Freeguild Bombardier-Major
• Botanite Apothecary
• Lector Unberogen
• Devoted Acolytes
• Outstrider Cogfort
• Dispossessed Gearwalker
• Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
• Dispossessed Ironclads
• Dispossessed Drakegunners
• Highscryer Outpost
• Endless Spells

First Chaos Dwarf teaser on April 1st

Late Spring will have:
• Temple Guard
• Endless Spells
Slaves to Darkness:
• Manticore
• Chaos Lord
• Chaos Sorcerer


Wait, is this "leak" claiming there will be no post-Skaventide release wave with books? Because if it is we know automatically it is BS. I guess it could mean we have had leaks of what we are getting I guess?

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