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The Rumour Thread

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2 hours ago, Asbestress said:

Une autre "fuite" sur 4chan, gracieuseté d'un gars d'un groupe FB dont je fais partie.

Si j'avais une vague de villes pour chaque fausse liste qui en avait une...

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GW essaie de rattraper son ****** sur certaines choses qui étaient prévues pour AoS 3 en ce moment, donc les sorties seront un peu plus lourdes que d'habitude. Attendez-vous à plus de mini vagues que de mini sorties simples.

En gros, tout ce qui concerne Stormcast et Skaven est déjà disponible, donc après cela, nous aurons :
Warclans et Nighthaunt seront les premiers BT de l'automne
• Orruk Warclans est toujours un Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead arrive. La seule nouvelle figurine est un chef Hobgrot
• Nighthaunt aura un gardien Harridan

Après cela, nous aurons Idoneth comme annonce de Noël de cette année, avec :
• Akhelian High-Lochian
• Akhelian Knights
• Shoalherd
• Endless Spells
Et Soulblight suivra avec :
• Wight King's Court
• Grave Guard
• Corpse Cart
• Endless Spells
Les Idoneth sont censés arriver au début de l'hiver et Soulblight Février-mars

Le printemps apportera la première « plus grande » sortie de l'édition avec Cities of Sigmar, avec :
• Freeguild Marshal sur Gryph-
• Freeguild Bombardier-Major
• Botanite Apothecary
• Lector Unberogen
• Devoted Acolytes
• Outstrider Cogfort
• Dispossessed Gearwalker
• Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
• Dispossessed Ironclads
• Dispossessed Drakegunners
• Highscryer Avant-poste
• Sorts sans fin

Premier teaser du Nain du Chaos le 1er avril

La fin du printemps aura :
Séraphon :
• Garde du Temple
• Sorts sans fin
Esclaves des Ténèbres :
• Manticore
• Seigneur du Chaos
• Sorcier du Chaos


4chan link ?

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56 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

Yeah, not what I look for in Orruk Warclans, hopefully the rumour is wrong 😋

Would also be a shame if they missed out on Endless Spells again with other factions getting some new ones.

Yeah. Krules getting just one kit is weird. Normally the faction launching in the previous edition gets more love.

Edited by Ejecutor
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57 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The factions launching the edition. So Khorne, NH and Krule, but this also applies to 40k. For example, Necrons this edition getting 3 kits.

And Death Guard getting a single hero in 9th.

Well, I suppose they did get a Dr. Seuss terrain piece, too.

Edited by Amenephis
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Honestly the biggest red flag of that leak, to me, is endless spells. GW hasn’t made any new ones in a while and most only likely included manifestations because archiving a whole other wave of minis people buy and use regularly right after the existing edition shelving would be really bad PR.

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27 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

I believed everything until I saw the last part. I highly doubt we will see a rescuplts of the chaos lord on manticore. GW doesn’t usually repeat creatures for AOS mounts. Considering They did a revamped manticore for Tahlia 

That's a good point. Feels like a remake of that sculpt/concept would change the comparatively generic Manticore for something more AOS-y, yet if the leaker doesn't have the name for that, then why would the have the names for the Cities of Sigmar units? Then again, they also called Saurus Guard by their old name. I guess it all could be true. A Chorf tease on April 1st would definitely get people talking.

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26 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

I believed everything until I saw the last part. I highly doubt we will see a rescuplts of the chaos lord on manticore. GW doesn’t usually repeat creatures for AOS mounts. Considering They did a revamped manticore for Tahlia 

there argument to be made. They kept the Cold ones (only renaming it to aggradon lancer), they kept the horses for the Cavilers, Dawnriders & Chaos Knights & kept the Boars for the Ironjawz (granted large boars)

Tahlia example is of them wanting a new mount to make her "unique" as a name character. 

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2 hours ago, Amenephis said:

Well, that, and making her lore that their super-special OC donut steele is the most besterest evar at everything evar

Doing the Mary Sue thing about a Warhammer character is crazy, especially one who’s done basically nothing other than one neat trick that was then disasterously adopted as a one-size-fits-all thing in the CoS armies

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12 hours ago, Asbestress said:

Another 4chan "leak", courtesy of some guy in a FB group I'm in.

If I had a Cities wave for every fake list that had one...

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GW is trying to catch up on some stuff that was intended for AoS 3rd right now, so the releases will be a bit heavier than usual. Expect more mini waves than single mini releases.

Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there, so after that we’ll have:
Warclans and Nighthaunt will be the first BTs in Fall
• Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
• Nighthaunt will have a Harridan Warder

After those, we’ll have Idoneth as this year’s Christmas announcement, with:
• Akhelian High-Lochian
• Akhelian Knights
• Shoalherd
• Endless Spells
And Soulblight following after with:
• Wight King’s Court
• Grave Guard
• Corpse Cart
• Endless Spells
Idoneth are supposed to be coming early Winter and Soulblight February-March

Spring will bring the first „bigger” release of the edition with Cities of Sigmar, with:
• Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
• Freeguild Bombardier-Major
• Botanite Apothecary
• Lector Unberogen
• Devoted Acolytes
• Outstrider Cogfort
• Dispossessed Gearwalker
• Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
• Dispossessed Ironclads
• Dispossessed Drakegunners
• Highscryer Outpost
• Endless Spells

First Chaos Dwarf teaser on April 1st

Late Spring will have:
• Temple Guard
• Endless Spells
Slaves to Darkness:
• Manticore
• Chaos Lord
• Chaos Sorcerer


Lol, I hope this is true as it is almost my personal wishlist becoming reality!

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15 hours ago, Asbestress said:

Another 4chan "leak", courtesy of some guy in a FB group I'm in.

If I had a Cities wave for every fake list that had one...

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GW is trying to catch up on some stuff that was intended for AoS 3rd right now, so the releases will be a bit heavier than usual. Expect more mini waves than single mini releases.

Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there, so after that we’ll have:
Warclans and Nighthaunt will be the first BTs in Fall
• Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
• Nighthaunt will have a Harridan Warder

After those, we’ll have Idoneth as this year’s Christmas announcement, with:
• Akhelian High-Lochian
• Akhelian Knights
• Shoalherd
• Endless Spells
And Soulblight following after with:
• Wight King’s Court
• Grave Guard
• Corpse Cart
• Endless Spells
Idoneth are supposed to be coming early Winter and Soulblight February-March

Spring will bring the first „bigger” release of the edition with Cities of Sigmar, with:
• Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
• Freeguild Bombardier-Major
• Botanite Apothecary
• Lector Unberogen
• Devoted Acolytes
• Outstrider Cogfort
• Dispossessed Gearwalker
• Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
• Dispossessed Ironclads
• Dispossessed Drakegunners
• Highscryer Outpost
• Endless Spells

First Chaos Dwarf teaser on April 1st

Late Spring will have:
• Temple Guard
• Endless Spells
Slaves to Darkness:
• Manticore
• Chaos Lord
• Chaos Sorcerer


I asume then september-october releases on the skaven stuff? Lol wonder when was last time GW went so much months without a 40k release. Sure they won't be desperate enough to make Agents match up with Skaventide or the 2nd Aos waves, right?

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8 hours ago, Sahrial said:

Honestly the biggest red flag of that leak, to me, is endless spells. GW hasn’t made any new ones in a while and most only likely included manifestations because archiving a whole other wave of minis people buy and use regularly right after the existing edition shelving would be really bad PR.

I am on the opposite side. After releasing with DB 6 a new faction scenery kit, this could give it more credibility, but that is also a plausible approach if you are planning a fake leak, IMO.

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Personally what makes me skeptical of the 4chan leak is the fact they stated first teaser for Chaos Dwarfs would be on April 1st. Because that goes into marketing, not production. Just because somebody knows the rough outline of when new stuff is going to be released doesn't mean they know when that stuff is going to be revealed. 

Plus the reason they revealed the Leagues of Votann on April 1 is because Squats coming back felt like such a ludicrous concept that it was easy to play it off as a joke before going "nah, we're actually serious". That wouldn't work for Chaos Dwarfs, partly because they're already fairly blatantly teased in the 4E corebook and partly because they already did that prank once and it wouldn't have the same effect twice. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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5 hours ago, Togetak said:

Doing the Mary Sue thing about a Warhammer character is crazy, especially one who’s done basically nothing other than one neat trick that was then disasterously adopted as a one-size-fits-all thing in the CoS armies

It is supposed to be a pretty renowned mercenary. I think the book that was shown recently will go in depth about that kind of detail and we will know what makes her special.

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45 minutes ago, Garrac said:

I asume then september-october releases on the skaven stuff? Lol wonder when was last time GW went so much months without a 40k release. Sure they won't be desperate enough to make Agents match up with Skaventide or the 2nd Aos waves, right?

Why does having an AoS launch invalidate having a 40k launch? I see them both happening in the same month without a problem.

Edited by Ejecutor
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