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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, bad news guys. Apparently all the Underworlds bands (and I mean ALL) have been removed from the indexes. This gives more credit, IMO, to the rumours about them wanting to separate sales from different games/ studios, and even worse, about the rumours of UW disappearing if the sales are not good.

Taking underworld warbands out of AoS indexes/battletomes makes sense and I think it's more to do with future proofing than separating sales. 

As they take underworld warbands out of production periodically by just removing them from AoS rules they don't end up in the situation where models aren't available when the rules are. Move them to legends, best of both worlds. 

The whole separation of sales thing just doesn't make sense, there so are many different reason a person might buy a model kit that isn't for it's original purpose. 

The 2 armies I've painted for The World this year are build 95% from AoS models. 

Sales of rulebooks, codexes, battletomes and launch boxes would probably give a better picture of how armies and systems are doing. 

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What do we expect for today's preorder? Another small week to leave Skaventide its time to shine?

Separate rulebook, GHB, maybe the new paint sets that always come with a new edition. 

TOW dwarves can't be far away as content creators have the arcane journal as some sold one on ebay a few days ago, probably won't see them tonight sadly. 

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So mirebrute got the infantry keyword ? 

GH said about sloggoth buff (which affect kruleboyz INFANTRY)

“There is a weird combination where you run two of these( sloggoth) , two breaka bosses, and a ton of gutrippaz and just see how many models come off the table.”

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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

Yes , we already know that at least 9 kits are coming for Skaven as second wave and probably 7-8 kits for Stormcast ruination chamber based on post Domionion release.

Orruk warclans are probably one of first battletome because it’s the oldest one together with SCE .

CoS second wave is coming for sure but that list seem way to big !!

Chorfs are coming for sure and We all know from Rob THW/Whitefang !


After 24hrs from preorder Skaventide is not sold out : was it expected? 





It's an amazing set, but 210 euro is still a lot of money. They also made a lot of sets. Less compared to Dominion but still a lot. Also a lot of local shops offer a discount, so if you want one that seems the first place to buy one.

Did the 40k launch box sell out in the first 24 hours?

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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

Yes , we already know that at least 9 kits are coming for Skaven as second wave and probably 7-8 kits for Stormcast ruination chamber based on post Domionion release.

Orruk warclans are probably one of first battletome because it’s the oldest one together with SCE .

CoS second wave is coming for sure but that list seem way to big !!

Chorfs are coming for sure and We all know from Rob THW/Whitefang !


After 24hrs from preorder Skaventide is not sold out : was it expected? 





All I want is an Ogor Refresh please GW.

12 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Hoping for Warcry this week! We still need Briar and Bone, and they need to be available sooner rather than later when the indices launch. Would also mean that it's finally time for a new Warcry roadmap 😍

Absolutely give us that new Road Map GW I wanna fight in the Adamantine Chain!!

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8 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

It's an amazing set, but 210 euro is still a lot of money. They also made a lot of sets. Less compared to Dominion but still a lot.

I feel like this might be another example of something being said online, then repeated enough that is now stated as near fact. The reality is that nobody knows the exact number of copies GW has made.

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4 minutes ago, Hollow said:

I feel like this might be another example of something being said online, then repeated enough that is now stated as near fact. The reality is that nobody knows the exact number of copies GW has made.

The online opinion seems to be: 'If it's not instantly sold out it's an obvious failure.'

People have been saying the same about the FeC box, Darkoath box, CoS box, etc. It's crazy, like they want the boxes to be underproduced or something..

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32 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Hoping for Warcry this week! We still need Briar and Bone, and they need to be available sooner rather than later when the indices launch. Would also mean that it's finally time for a new Warcry roadmap 😍

Why is roadmap time? Have we already fulfilled the previous one? Or is there some kind of milestone close? (apart of the new edition)

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Just now, Ejecutor said:

Why is roadmap time? Have we already fulfilled the previous one? Or is there some kind of milestone close? (apart of the new edition)

With the launch of Briar and Bone, the entire roadmap is fulfilled. Warcry 3 will still be a bit away, but it's kind of logical for us to be moving away from the Gnarlwood. Hopefully with a new starter set.

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19 minutes ago, Hollow said:

I feel like this might be another example of something being said online, then repeated enough that is now stated as near fact. The reality is that nobody knows the exact number of copies GW has made.

The closest thing we have is that those extra tokens have been produced around 2/3 of the equivalent from Dominion.

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5 minutes ago, Snarff said:

The online opinion seems to be: 'If it's not instantly sold out it's an obvious failure.'

People have been saying the same about the FeC box, Darkoath box, CoS box, etc. It's crazy, like they want the boxes to be underproduced or something..

It's frustrating that some stuff is sold out instantly. Personal experience the Kill Team boxes and TOW rulebook. So it's great that you have some time to place your pre-order. It's the way it should be.

For the Darkoath and FeC its different imo, as these were still available when the pre-orders of the seperate sets came online.

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Just now, Tonhel said:

It's frustrating that some stuff is sold out instantly. Personal experience the Kill Team boxes and TOW rulebook. So it's great that you have some time to place your pre-order. It's the way it should be.

For the Darkoath and FeC its different imo, as these were still available when the pre-orders of the seperate sets came online.

It's extremely frustrating. It's still the case for a lot of the Black Library Hardbacks.

I still don't think it means either of the sets were a 'failure'. Only GW will know if they were. It's frustrating to see them be called a failure though, especially when it might encourage GW to underproduce future boxes again like they did for battleboxes.

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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

Yes , we already know that at least 9 kits are coming for Skaven as second wave and probably 7-8 kits for Stormcast ruination chamber based on post Domionion release.

Orruk warclans are probably one of first battletome because it’s the oldest one together with SCE .

CoS second wave is coming for sure but that list seem way to big !!

Chorfs are coming for sure and We all know from Rob THW/Whitefang !


After 24hrs from preorder Skaventide is not sold out : was it expected? 





Leviathan didn't sell out in 24 hours, so this is definitely expected. Ministomp is an American retailer who is pretty active on twitter. He says he sold 68% of his allocation day one which was more than he was expecting. 

In a perfect world you'd want about 70 or 80 percent sold in the pre-order window so that the company is satisfied enough to continue support with the rest gradually selling over time at bigger discounts so that those who aren't so well off have a chance to buy it.

An instant sell out is a bad thing. It would would show GW that there's an opportunity to hike the price even more and of course many people would miss their chances to get a set. 

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7 minutes ago, Amenephis said:

For Warcry I'd like a rules overhaul, to make it actually capable of handling campaign play (while still retaining more or less its current ruleset for skirmish play), and to shift to an urban environment.  The current plot is the perfect excuse to do so.

Id love an Urban Environment. I really wish we would get an AOS styled Cities of Death.


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2 hours ago, cyrus said:

Yes , we already know that at least 9 kits are coming for Skaven as second wave and probably 7-8 kits for Stormcast ruination chamber based on post Domionion release.

Orruk warclans are probably one of first battletome because it’s the oldest one together with SCE .

CoS second wave is coming for sure but that list seem way to big !!

Chorfs are coming for sure and We all know from Rob THW/Whitefang !


After 24hrs from preorder Skaventide is not sold out : was it expected? 

Well it should be 8-9 kit as per Dominion (it only 8-9 due to the fact that one it was Annihilator multi-parts so it kind is 9 kits) 

Orruk Warclan should be early but i doubt there will be any significant wave most likely like 2-3 heroes at best

If we can go by rumor engine other another early tome contenders are Seraphon, Soulblight, Maggotkin & Nighthaunt

Chorf confirmed

CoS is obvious in the list of getting a wave

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18 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Id love an Urban Environment. I really wish we would get an AOS styled Cities of Death.


Ill say this yes Urban battle but i would like to see urban battle is not only Free cities but also other faction cities

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i feel most the location they fight in is always the wilds or a uncontested ruin

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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38 minutes ago, Snarff said:

It's extremely frustrating. It's still the case for a lot of the Black Library Hardbacks.

I still don't think it means either of the sets were a 'failure'. Only GW will know if they were. It's frustrating to see them be called a failure though, especially when it might encourage GW to underproduce future boxes again like they did for battleboxes.

Those Darkoath and FeC boxes certainly weren't a failure. Both sets were amazing. But I do believe that GW would have loved to have these sold out before pre-orders of the seperate sets, but as a customer its nice to have some time before they are gone. 

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21 minutes ago, Amenephis said:

For Warcry I'd like a rules overhaul, to make it actually capable of handling campaign play (while still retaining more or less its current ruleset for skirmish play), and to shift to an urban environment.  The current plot is the perfect excuse to do so.

I wouldnt like Warcry to be reworked, it's the best GW ruleset already. Campaigns also work well already.

And I would personally hate an urban environment. We already have so much urban terrain (or ruined urban terrain, defiled urban terrain, etc). We also had Warcry catacombs already. I feel like some people just want Warcry to turn into Mordheim.

The natural environments of the realm are so unexplored still, the Gnarlwood was our first actual delve into that. I want much more of that, just a bit more varied.

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