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14 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

What is up with the paint job in that picture? That doesn't look like like he usual 'Eavy Metal style at all.

I'd expect that's deliberate art direction. The model designers mentioned several times in interviews that are trying to underscore the alien-ness and otherness of both the Spyrer's tech and the malformed Genestealers in the Necromunda Secundus set.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Don't worry, if we follow the path the next Tuesday we will have a RE from another AoS unit that is clearly identifiable 😄

Can't wait to see the preview of the rest of the skaven/stormcast release by the way. Hope it will not be too late in summer

Edited by Vagard
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20 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Aqshy and Azyr Coins are (finally) this month, , along with a Kroot Carnivore as the Mini of the Month.


Both available from the 6th of July.

I'm really surprised it's not a rat, that would have fit perfectly as a small model to accompany Skaventide. The coins are even AoS themed

Edited by Matrindur
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20 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

By the time stores would be handing out the free minis Skaventide wouldn't be out yet. I'm guessing we'll have Skaven in August.

That doesn't really follow, because GW stores get that stuff in advance.  When the GW stores get stuff is entirely up to GW and not beholden to actual release dates.

EDIT: Or did you mean that GW wouldn't want the Clanrat sculpts out there a couple weeks before the box?  I realized I might have misinterpreted your intent, apologies.

Edited by Amenephis
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