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The Rumour Thread

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Not trying to tell moderators how to do their job, but I've been looking at this thread far less recently. Every time I do, people are turning it into a platform for relitigating Warhammer Fantasy Battles discourse. I'm not sure what the fix is, but I really wish I could reliably come to this thread to discuss AOS & its future with other people who like the setting.

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3 hours ago, Jetlife said:

I definitely feel these next two weeks are going to die down hype. Everyone just awaiting the indexes and app. They should have dropped the app this week with core rules so people could mess around with it and then unlocked indexes next week. 

I think this is only the case for us who are on this forum almost daily. For the more casual hobbyist the hype is still strong I think.

For our small group, I am the only one who is on a tabletop gaming forum. The others just don't care and when everyone is back from vacation we will start playing 4th.

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23 minutes ago, ArtistDog said:

Not trying to tell moderators how to do their job, but I've been looking at this thread far less recently. Every time I do, people are turning it into a platform for relitigating Warhammer Fantasy Battles discourse. I'm not sure what the fix is, but I really wish I could reliably come to this thread to discuss AOS & its future with other people who like the setting.

It does feel like a bit of a problem. It feels like there is a lot of combativeness. I'm quite interested in some of the old world news for using in sigmar. I want more high elf stuff to run in cities (I'm very tempted by using white lions as executioners) and if it works run skycutters as scourgerunner chariots. That said, it feels like it often overwhelms the discussion.

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1 hour ago, ArtistDog said:

Not trying to tell moderators how to do their job, but I've been looking at this thread far less recently. Every time I do, people are turning it into a platform for relitigating Warhammer Fantasy Battles discourse. I'm not sure what the fix is, but I really wish I could reliably come to this thread to discuss AOS & its future with other people who like the setting.

It is the same universe in different periods of time. I think it is normal to have some crossover. At least it is not 40k.

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The thing is, AoS and ToW are inextricably linked. The settings, the lore, the characters, the games, the model ranges and the factions. Whilst I agree that this thread is the AoS thread, ToW will at times come up in conversation. Just in the same way as 30k comes up in 40k conversations. I don't see the big deal. 

Edited by Hollow
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I think it falls on all of us as well to help keep this place as cool as it is. Mods are humans with busy lives too  and they don't want to jump on here after  long day and are blasted with reports so friendly reminder forum fam, new and old, is to remember:

We have multiple sub threads and not everything has to be in the rumor thread

Try and stay positive. Airing out upsets over Geedubs products or actions is one thing but try not to be combative towards one another. Everyone else doesn't want to read that. 😉 If someone is getting overly negative ignore them. Stay respectful. 

Stay classy, TGA. 🤘

Edited by Vasshpit
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I'd love to be on the site more but life at the moment is incredibly hectic. As the position is unpaid we do the best we can with the time we have.

I dont want to point fingers but it is also on the members themselves to not bring up topics that don't belong in the Rumour Thread.

If TOW gets mentioned just ignore the comment and move on. If not report it IF it breaches the rules of the site.


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22 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Valrak speculated about an upcoming reveal show later this month. Do we have any rumors backing this up? Think we'll see a celebration livestream on the 13th?

I feel like they would have posted if it was supposed to be at launch? I could totally see a reveal show this month but they might hold off until the campaign is done in August? 

Either way, when we do get one or maybe even before I would love to get a road map 

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1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

I feel like they would have posted if it was supposed to be at launch? I could totally see a reveal show this month but they might hold off until the campaign is done in August? 

Either way, when we do get one or maybe even before I would love to get a road map 

well that the thing they have to announce something 40k related coming how they just hit the end of their road map apart from the "mysterious" totally not Agents of Imperium event and the backlog of Blood angels, Eldar & demons of chaos ect

not to mention the next season of Warcry (despite Briar and thorn yet to release), oh and like next TOW stuff

They have only HH Mechanicus, Necromunda Secundus & TOW Dorf can they spared that across ~6 weeks 

I take it that the Roadmap will be reveal during the Helcrown victor show

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We probably won’t get out of the skaventide marketing until NoVA to be honest. Probably why there not much rumors to discuss 

the next reveal show will just show of the remaining launch items for SCE and Skaven. NoVA is probably where they show off the next battletome 

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4 hours ago, novakai said:

We probably won’t get out of the skaventide marketing until NoVA to be honest. Probably why there not much rumors to discuss 

the next reveal show will just show of the remaining launch items for SCE and Skaven. NoVA is probably where they show off the next battletome 

Not quite. I'm perfectly sure they will follow the 40k model. Everything else has mirrored that exactly. We will get a preview of the winning faction on August 3rd.  The other faction will be shown off at Nova. 

There will be a not AoS preview some time in July.

Edited by Chikout
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6 hours ago, Magnusaur said:

Valrak speculated about an upcoming reveal show later this month. Do we have any rumors backing this up? Think we'll see a celebration livestream on the 13th?

We have the contest inside the box backing this, but I would expect it to be early August as it ends on August the 5th.

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4 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

well that the thing they have to announce something 40k related coming how they just hit the end of their road map apart from the "mysterious" totally not Agents of Imperium event and the backlog of Blood angels, Eldar & demons of chaos ect

not to mention the next season of Warcry (despite Briar and thorn yet to release), oh and like next TOW stuff

They have only HH Mechanicus, Necromunda Secundus & TOW Dorf can they spared that across ~6 weeks 

I take it that the Roadmap will be reveal during the Helcrown victor show

That's a good point. Maybe we have a Not AoS preview before the one revealing Skavens or SCE in the same way we had the Not 40k one after the reveal of Nids.

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1 hour ago, novakai said:

We probably won’t get out of the skaventide marketing until NoVA to be honest. Probably why there not much rumors to discuss 

the next reveal show will just show of the remaining launch items for SCE and Skaven. NoVA is probably where they show off the next battletome 

They cannot be previewed together as the Helcrown contest winner will be shown earlier.

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Maybe the waining interest in this thread has different reasons: No more rumour gods, barely any rumours at all? I doubt speaking about an adjacent system would put people off that easily - maybe an easy scapegoat so to say? It’s at least sth. One can put one’s finger on?


If we’re being honest there’s not a lot to talk about concerning AoS: The rules aren’t fundamentally different, leaks are rare and few and all the maybe-soonish-releasing-factions have no solid foundation, so it’s just talk.


Our AoS WhatsApp group is basically dead at the moment.

Edited by JackStreicher
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