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Yeah time really is passing slowly this week but Monday with the rules roll-out it'll get exciting again!

Also looking forward for a not-AOS Preview in July (it will change the focus and we'll be happy to return to our setting latter) as well as the Hel Crown Preview around the 10th August and NOVA. 

BTW, the models chosen to illustrate the Factions Focus Recap article really show how good the whole AOS range is, and yes, I absolutely count the Gorgeous Warcry Gorgers ! 

... Speaking of Warcry, the last AOS WD (502) has a Warcry Campaign leading right to the gate of the crashed Seraphon ship and with the lore and release recap from Phil Kelly in WD I'm more and more sure we'll get inside the ship in the next "season" (not edition) of the game. 

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I think that's where we diverge. For me ToW and WHFB are the same. Hence they are our HH.

Btw, it is curious how all the factions are represented by AoS produced minis, including...

AoS FactionRoundup Jul4 Dest5

Gorgers maw pack are fantastic miniatures and I recall Whitefang stated that they replaced definitely old gorgers , and hopefully they will lead to Ogor full refresh as hunters of huanchi were the prelude of Seraphon refresh.

Since we are in Asqhy it would be great to expand fyrebellies concept in a proper subfaction .

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13 hours ago, Chikout said:

Not quite. I'm perfectly sure they will follow the 40k model. Everything else has mirrored that exactly. We will get a preview of the winning faction on August 3rd.  The other faction will be shown off at Nova. 

There will be a not AoS preview some time in July.

Sure but that we still stuck on the skaven tide stuff until November then if that the case

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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Yeah. Me too. ToW is just another derail possibility, but I don't see it that much different from 30k in how closely related to 40k is. IMO, once (if) ToW starts getting new models that could match into AoS armies the distance between both would be related as they could be cool proxies/ kitbash projects.

Well 30K is more connected to 40K lorewise and setting

ToW and AoS are connect like a bad Japanese Isekai story where both setting are barely related to each other with only some character like Teclis and Sigmar getting hit by a truck in the old world  and being reincarnated as Gods in tonally different world.

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Just now, novakai said:

Well 30K is more connected to 40K lorewise and setting

ToW and AoS are connect like a bad Japanese Isekai story where both setting are barely related to each other with only some character like Teclis and Sigmar getting hit by a truck in the old world  and being reincarnated as Gods in tonally different world.

But not only that. There are minor gods, more souls like the aelven ones. Skavens (GHR got as many Skavens as it could and saved them), Seraphons, the winds of magic, even the world that was itself is in AoS. Sigmarite is all about ToW... I would say it depends on how deep you want to look into it. Yes, it is not the same world, but the connection is as deep as 30k with 40k IMO.

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GTS just waited until everyone had their orders placed and the boxes arrived, then lowered the price from 15% to 30% discount, leading to small FLGS orders being cancelled; that hurts those stores hugely and by any book that's a sucker punch.

That's why we don't buy from them if possible. 


Moving on: Were are our Chorf leaks? Not even art? Come on guys!

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

There's no mention about it.


Aha, the Spanish version has a 30% discount and the English version a 15% discount. Shipping is 8 euro and 15 euro for secured postage.

I gonna think about it as 162 euro with secured postage for the mini's alone, as I can't speak Spanish is still an amazing deal.

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6 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Aha, the Spanish version has a 30% discount and the English version a 15% discount. Shipping is 8 euro and 15 euro for secured postage.

I gonna think about it as 162 euro with secured postage for the mini's alone, as I can't speak Spanish is still an amazing deal.

It is the place where I purchase my Stormbringer stuff. Their usual discount across Warhammer is 15%, but I guess they have too many Skaventide in Spanish.

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5 hours ago, Beliman said:

The ******... 30% discount of Skaventide box on some shops here.. 147€!!!


That's crazy good. Cheapest I've seen it going for in the UK is 25% off/£120, which is making it difficult to resist. 


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