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1 hour ago, Frodorowski said:

I understand that GW uses the available bits in the sprue for the amount of standard bearers and musicians.... however, I find it a little bit excessive to have 1 of each every 5 Grave Guard models, when the minimum unit size is 10


I'm not a fan of this when it's a three model kit where one guy in three actually has a weapon on the model. 

I often wonder if making this an available upgrade upon reinforcement would work or not. 

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Actually as the standard bearer and musician bonus is not stackable, you can just have one of each every 10 minis and remove them as last minis of the unit to keep the bonus until the end as damages are now allocated to the unit and not to a specific mini anymore. It doens't change anything 

Edited by Vagard
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16 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

TBH, the effect of having multiple standard bearers / musicians is so small that it really doesn't matter if you put the max or the min in the unit.

Even none at all, actually.

Yeah exactly, and even more with the new wound distribution, where you will always remove the champ, musician and bearer the last miniatures... there may be a situation where not removing one of these will make the unit go into missing coherence.... but it's really a corner case.

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2 minutes ago, Frodorowski said:

Yeah exactly, and even more with the new wound distribution, where you will always remove the champ, musician and bearer the last miniatures... there may be a situation where not removing one of these will make the unit go into missing coherence.... but it's really a corner case.

I see it more as a hobby option than anything competitive / balanced. Basically how many standards you find it cool to be in your unit.

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

See I have been assuming that Azyrian Culture is guilty of cultural erasure but it turns out that it is more into appropriation. Still problematic but at least I can build my city to work along my Ogors by being a frontier city dedicated to fine dining.

My head-canon (pun intended) for this unit was always:

human commander: “there’s no tree line, no fortifications, and no good cover. What are we supposed to do with our lookouts?”

random city Ogor walking by: “yknow… there’s this thing my cousins do… [explains lookout-gnoblars].”

HC: “by sigmar… that’s brilliant!”

RCO: -grins, happy the commander liked his idea, sneaks a cookie off the wartable-

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20 minutes ago, Ledgington said:

It’s been 20 years since the siege of Exelsis? Good lord! How old is Galen Ven Denst now?


The consequence of adding major characters that follow an average human lifespan in a setting as large and chronologically vague as AoS, is that now the writers seem insistent on having a concrete timeline of events that allow these human characters to actually be alive and in fighting shape. I am unsure how old Galen is, but he looks to be in his late fifties to early sixties. So BL adding an actual amount of years that have passed, makes the ages of characters seem skewed in an odd direction. 


Characters like the Ven Densts, Calis and Toll, and Tahlia kinda ensure that the setting can't move particularly quickly unless they go the 40k route and write something about how these characters were trapped in a magical portal for X years and have now broken free. Or maybe they just include a passage about how humans regularly drink potions of youth or something along those lines.

Edited by Captaniser
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1 minute ago, Captaniser said:

Or maybe they just include a passage about how humans regularly drink potions of youth or something along those lines.

Its actually been confirmed that Aqua Ghyranis increases lifespan. 

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6 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Its actually been confirmed that Aqua Ghyranis increases lifespan. 

Oh good so the rich are immortal…

But I hope they come up with some more inventive ways to keep mortal characters around. 


Edited by Ledgington
Can’t get spoiler text to work so removed the spoiler
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11 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

The consequence of adding major characters that follow an average human lifespan in a setting as large and chronologically vague as AoS, is that now the writers seem insistent on having a concrete timeline of events that allow these human characters to actually be alive and in fighting shape. I am unsure how old Galen is, but he looks to be in his late fifties to early sixties. So BL adding an actual amount of years that have passed, makes the ages of characters seem skewed in an odd direction. 


Characters like the Ven Densts, Calis and Toll, and Tahlia kinda ensure that the setting can't move particularly quickly unless they go the 40k route and write something about how these characters were trapped in a magical portal for X years and have now broken free. Or maybe they just include a passage about how humans regularly drink potions of youth or something along those lines.

Potions of Youth = Aqua Ghyranis. It is convenient. It makes you forever young and it is your day-to-day currency. I will start eating Euros.

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2 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

The consequence of adding major characters that follow an average human lifespan in a setting as large and chronologically vague as AoS, is that now the writers seem insistent on having a concrete timeline of events that allow these human characters to actually be alive and in fighting shape. I am unsure how old Galen is, but he looks to be in his late fifties to early sixties. So BL adding an actual amount of years that have passed, makes the ages of characters seem skewed in an odd direction. 


Characters like the Ven Densts, Calis and Toll, and Tahlia kinda ensure that the setting can't move particularly quickly unless they go the 40k route and write something about how these characters were trapped in a magical portal for X years and have now broken free. Or maybe they just include a passage about how humans regularly drink potions of youth or something along those lines.

Well no because the whole point of Aqua Ghyranis being a currency  is that it not only it heals but also prolong one life life expectancy to centuries

Callis is pushing ~500 being the oldest witch hunter in the realms

23 minutes ago, Ledgington said:

It’s been 20 years since the siege of Exelsis? Good lord! How old is Galen Ven Denst now?


Never ask for dates when it comes down to Age of sigmar because the Core rule book say the Calander is 145 TS (Tempest of sigmar) yet the cities of sigmar was build and thrive for centuries & the Hammer of Sigmar stormcast held their 300 year anniversary of the first battle of the Realmgate Wars

1 hour ago, Sahrial said:

My head-canon (pun intended) for this unit was always:

human commander: “there’s no tree line, no fortifications, and no good cover. What are we supposed to do with our lookouts?”

random city Ogor walking by: “yknow… there’s this thing my cousins do… [explains lookout-gnoblars].”

HC: “by sigmar… that’s brilliant!”

RCO: -grins, happy the commander liked his idea, sneaks a cookie off the wartable-

Funny enough the lore behind the Warhulk is that Major Docheval of Greywater Fastness wanted to deal with the native Crocosuchian gators infesting in the swamp. After many Croc leather bags they went "hey let just use this against chaos"

r/Grimdank - Actual canon lore

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5 minutes ago, Ledgington said:

Oh good so the rich are immortal…

But I hope they come up with some more inventive ways to keep mortal characters around. 


There a limit toward how long Aqua allow you to live for. We don't know the cap off but it said that Zenestra being far older then Aqua can prolong your life & she was public known from the start of the Age of Chaos

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16 hours ago, Sahrial said:

do we think that was an intentionally light/low effort tome, or representative of the eventual tomes we’ll see?

Might seem odd due to my general sour attitude about GW but I wouldn't consider the beasts tome all that low effort. Unless you're talking about like "amount of artifacts/traits/lore" in which case I agree with other posters that the beasts digital tome is probably (hopefully) not indicative of what other armies will eventually get.


Rules wise I think the team did an excellent job. A few outliers withstanding the internal balance of this book is strong and I'll eat crow for that if they didn't accidentally stumble into balance and end up nerfing it into the ground. 


If Beasts digital tome is indicative of later books balance wise I'd say yall are in for an enjoyable 4th edition.

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I agree. I was pleasantly surprised with both the supplementary tome and the respect for beasts in the lore write-up. I actually feel seeds of hope sprouting regarding a refresh down the road. 

For now this will do.

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10 minutes ago, Colonic said:

I agree. I was pleasantly surprised with both the supplementary tome and the respect for beasts in the lore write-up. I actually feel seeds of hope sprouting regarding a refresh down the road. 

For now this will do.

It didn't feel disrespectful per se (that one line I mentioned not withstanding) but it did kind of feel like the attached meme. It certainly leaves open the chance of coming back but it was always going to.

The amatuer writer in me balked when the opening paragraph of our new lore used the word revel twice in the same overlong sentence but that's a pretty minor gripe and wasn't indicative of any other lazy writing that jumped out at me.



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12 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I bring some rumors with a spoon of salt.

A content creator i follow talked about 2 things:

-gnoblars will become "aesthetically different from the past"/less grot-like.

Seems the designers want to stress the idea that the realms force to adapts like kruleboyz did.

-something new with Trolls(imho a gsg unit?)


The source Is pretty reliable but he also said these rumors are "vague" not too specific.

I personally would rather Gnoblars be done away with but if theyre going to get a makeover Im more than happy to see it!!

5 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I cannot wait for the Fusiler Warhulk short story!! I really hope GW starts doing more Destruction stories from their point of view. Ogors are probably the closest we could get to 'normal' world view in Destruction.

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Really loving how army building works in this edition. 

Reminds me of 5th Ed (I think) chaos back in warhammer fantasy where you bought a character and a warband for them to lead. 

Lends itself to creating themed lists and helps from a painting perspective as you can break up what you paint by regiments. 

Having lots of fun with this! 

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8 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Really loving how army building works in this edition. 

Reminds me of 5th Ed (I think) chaos back in warhammer fantasy where you bought a character and a warband for them to lead. 

Lends itself to creating themed lists and helps from a painting perspective as you can break up what you paint by regiments. 

Having lots of fun with this! 

I’m still rewriting my brain. One hero per regiment really tricks you into thinking you need fewer than I want for fewer drops, ignoring the fact I’m adding more units to each hero drop. I never even cared about drops before, lol, I always had 5-9 per list.

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34 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Lends itself to creating themed lists and helps from a painting perspective as you can break up what you paint by regiments.

I must say that, even if KOs have so little number of untis and basically, all heroes can be "officials", I'm enjoying the list-building process. I still want to have a lot more customization options (more artifacts, traits, mount traits, etc...) but appart from that, it feels refreshing.

Units are crazy expensive but maybe that's exactly what GW wants. Less miniatres means a lot more space to make plays, but that's tied to how good the whole system (lethality, defensive stuff, active abilities, etc,,,), Time will tell if they hit the sweet spot.

So Kritza can "steal" enemies Artefacts of Power but Drekki Flynt can't? That goes to the book!

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