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6 hours ago, Beliman said:

The point is not "an evil victory", the point is to have a great impact on the setting that people will still remember after some years. Taking down Order is one of the tools that the narrative has.

That may as well be destroying the setting though--which has coalesced as the achille's heel of AOS to me. Losing Hammerhal would essentially be losing the Realms again, as it would not only ruin Order's main foothold (and logistics center) but also allow Chaos into Azyr.

Don't get me wrong, I do agree with the overall concepts and moving narratives, my issue is solely at GW's feet for saying 90% of the Realms are corrupted by Chaos and Chaos only. Death and Destruction are in the same boat as Order. That's a... pretty small box to leave open for any kind of Push-Pull narratives, and it technically got smaller with the Vermindoom. If Death and Destro are going to have some major victories, by necessity, they must be against Chaos.

Maybe that's the point of 4e? Hearkening back to the Triad Alliance in the Age of Myth?? We'll see... I for one am hoping our D & D get to claw back some of that 90% for themselves.

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2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

That may as well be destroying the setting though--which has coalesced as the achille's heel of AOS to me. Losing Hammerhal would essentially be losing the Realms again, as it would not only ruin Order's main foothold (and logistics center) but also allow Chaos into Azyr.

Don't get me wrong, I do agree with the overall concepts and moving narratives, my issue is solely at GW's feet for saying 90% of the Realms are corrupted by Chaos and Chaos only. Death and Destruction are in the same boat as Order. That's a... pretty small box to leave open for any kind of Push-Pull narratives, and it technically got smaller with the Vermindoom. If Death and Destro are going to have some major victories, by necessity, they must be against Chaos.

Maybe that's the point of 4e? Hearkening back to the Triad Alliance in the Age of Myth?? We'll see... I for one am hoping our D & D get to claw back some of that 90% for themselves.

Why losing Hammerhall would allow Chaos into Azyr?

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Why losing Hammerhall would allow Chaos into Azyr?

Because that's how large its military and economic might has been positioned: the Twin-Cities are interlinked and dependent on one another. if one side of Hammerhal falls, the other is poised to follow right after. Then there's not much else to stop Chaos advancing on Azyr. I thought there was a realmgate to Azyr in both/one of them as well, but I'm not finding that right now.

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7 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Because that's how large its military and economic might has been positioned: the Twin-Cities are interlinked and dependent on one another. if one side of Hammerhal falls, the other is poised to follow right after. Then there's not much else to stop Chaos advancing on Azyr. I thought there was a realmgate to Azyr in both/one of them as well, but I'm not finding that right now.

They no Realmgate in Hammerhald either side that goes to Azyr the only realmgate that we know of is Corvine Gate to Shyish, Gryphonne Gate in Chamon, The Great Crystal gate in the Allpoints. There some random mention of other gates that we don't know where it leads to like Seventh Gate where in the Azyr side there a Star Titan an immortal sentient star god that "capable of sensing corruption within those who pass, their ability so potent they could sniff out even a solitary corrupt thought in a puritan"

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14 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Losing Hammerhal would essentially be losing the Realms again, as it would not only ruin Order's main foothold (and logistics center) but also allow Chaos into Azyr.

I don't think so. I mean, GW can destroy the Great Patch, write some books about the "survivors", a new campaign made 200 years later to move the burden from Hammerhall to another City, and go on from there (I mean, they destroyed Warhammer Fantasy, that should be enough to know what they are capable of).

I'm not a writer, but you get the point. Everything in AoS can be changed, some things require A LOT of work to do so, but doable.

Edited by Beliman
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18 hours ago, cyrus said:

Let's wait Nova on 28th/29th of August to know the fate of Warcry and Underworlds.

I am pretty confident we will get a new season of Warcry while rumors say Underworlds will be discontinued ...

Oh I think we'll get one too. And certainly a new edition because that's how GW works.

But the fact the compendium is not reprinted isn't an indication of a new season "soon", that's all I meant. Seasons were always working on their own regardless of the compendium existing or not, compendium was only there to play the other bands not covered by the season boxes.

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Roadmaps are a bad idea to me, because release schedules change all the time depending of the situation and when something can't be released at the said date, people get angry. And why bother with one when Warhammer Community litterally exists to give you news / previews every day.

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6 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Roadmaps are a bad idea to me, because release schedules change all the time depending of the situation and when something can't be released at the said date, people get angry. And why bother with one when Warhammer Community litterally exists to give you news / previews every day.

I think they're best when they just lay out something like "here are the next 6 (or whatever) major releases in order" without stipulating a quarter or date for release. Gives a good idea of what's in the pipeline without people getting bent out of shape about time slips. I'll be happy to see any kind of roadmap, really.

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10 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

I think they're best when they just lay out something like "here are the next 6 (or whatever) major releases in order" without stipulating a quarter or date for release. Gives a good idea of what's in the pipeline without people getting bent out of shape about time slips. I'll be happy to see any kind of roadmap, really.

Of course. It helps to budget your future purchases, even if it's kinda vague.

That's also why it's a bad idea for GW to release one. Because that means some of their products will be less appealing if you know something will render it useless later. Like Skaventide and the "true" starter sets.

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4 hours ago, Sarouan said:

Of course. It helps to budget your future purchases, even if it's kinda vague.

That's also why it's a bad idea for GW to release one. Because that means some of their products will be less appealing if you know something will render it useless later. Like Skaventide and the "true" starter sets.

And the only reason they release roadmaps is when people is mad with a product. If they think that people is happy with the content of the indexes they will not release any roadmap.

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3 minutes ago, Segersgia said:

I'm not saying its not a one to one reimagining, but a lot of elements match up. The Shoulder Pads, the Sword, the (headless) trophy rack.


Queek renounces lifetime of headtaking, has moved on to collecting loincloths of defeated foes instead.

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21 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

Hamilcar Rules from White Dwarf



Ok when they eventual do bring this boy into the game they need to keep 'Because I'm Hamilcar" and "That obe mine" don't know use it is in game but the flavor text already make me a fan of it :D


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