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12 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Right that's what I mean: They shouldn't need to do all that work. they've ALREADY constructed foundations of the setting that would have to be smashed or retconned, and then pull out more Deus Ex's to explain why Chaos didn't just win again if Order lost it's biggest, best COS. AOS does a ton of refreshing things with Fantasy, but I gotta say the narrative corner they've dug feels weirdly large for being 9 years old. I get Warhammer has always been like this in some fashion, it's just more tiring as an adult who enjoys literature analysis & not just reading cool stuff.

I agree, they shoudn't but the whole point is that they can. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Hammerfall must fall to make Chaos a bit more relevant or whatever.

Just moves a few steps back and look AoS from distance, lore is just a little part of the whole game, and it can be twisted as many times as GW wants to accomodate their own interests.

Edited by Beliman
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I love the idea of Major Settlements falling but if they are to fall they need to for purpose.

For example when Chaos Duardin come I dont want Vindicarum to fall to show how strong they are and make them a focal point. But if however  through the course of a narrative event it falls for a reason, say Archaon or an already established player in the Realms takes it, Ill take that.

I just dont want major events to be tied up in BUY THIS. I want the narrative to be the reason events take place.


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12 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I love the idea of Major Settlements falling but if they are to fall they need to for purpose.

For example when Chaos Duardin come I dont want Vindicarum to fall to show how strong they are and make them a focal point. But if however  through the course of a narrative event it falls for a reason, say Archaon or an already established player in the Realms takes it, Ill take that.

I just dont want major events to be tied up in BUY THIS. I want the narrative to be the reason events take place.


The main problem is that we focus those big losses on the minorities. Order is 10-90 in comparison with Chaos. The big dramatic consequences would have to happen on the Chaos side to start with. Why couldn't Archaon lose Eight Points against Nagash? Just an example. Then, with the field a bit more even we can see the changes here and there.

The problem is that we know more that 10%, we don't know that much about the 90%.

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2 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Doom flayers should be in the expected refresh list !


I was thinking yesterday about the RE and how delayed they are in solving the Christmas ones.

If we solve one on Saturday I think it will be this one, but plague priests are gone.


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15 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Doom flayers should be in the expected refresh list !


Plague Priest is stupid because you build it with the Bell kit, you even have the base to do it and the APP photo is that model

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On 8/6/2024 at 5:53 PM, CommissarRotke said:

Don't get me wrong, I do agree with the overall concepts and moving narratives, my issue is solely at GW's feet for saying 90% of the Realms are corrupted by Chaos and Chaos only. Death and Destruction are in the same boat as Order. That's a... pretty small box to leave open for any kind of Push-Pull narratives, and it technically got smaller with the Vermindoom. If Death and Destro are going to have some major victories, by necessity, they must be against Chaos.

I would like to add that while GW says that 90% of the Realms are corrupted by Chaos, it never actually feels that way - at least to me.

And how does the setting feel? Azyr is the stronghold of Order. Hysh is controlled by the mighty High Elves Lumineth, who named themselves Realm-lords to underline their dominance. Ulgu is Malerion's domain. Shyish = Nagash. Ghur? Destruction's playground. Ghyran? Depends on Allarielle's current mood. Chamon & Aqshy... I don't really know. Eightpoints besieged by Katakros. The space between the realms (aetheric void?) patrolled by Seraphon vessels.

The only struggle against Chaos they try to show are the CoS failed expeditions - and (unfortunately) in the broader context it just looks like regular humans are extremely incompetent in their attempts to establish new settlements.

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38 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I was thinking yesterday about the RE and how delayed they are in solving the Christmas ones.

If we solve one on Saturday I think it will be this one, but plague priests are gone.


Every single symbol on that boopk is nurgle related. The three dots, the fly symbol, the maggots, etc.

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10 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Every single symbol on that boopk is nurgle related. The three dots, the fly symbol, the maggots, etc.

We don't need a new model, we only need they remove the Legends key


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22 minutes ago, Flippy said:

I would like to add that while GW says that 90% of the Realms are corrupted by Chaos, it never actually feels that way - at least to me.

I had a dinner with some friends a few months ago. We discussed about the usual AoS vs Fantasy thing and most people talked about how dangerous the old word was compared to AoS. Most of them are AoS players or started with some Salvat/ Hatchet partworks (Stormbringer, Mortal realms, etc...). 

Of course that they are completely wrong, but that's what they think/feel, and it's exactly why some of them don't like this setting. But that's not their fault, it's the vision that AoS projects for people that are not 100% engaged with this setting.

Still, it's just an anecdote, but it is what it is.

Edited by Beliman
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38 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Empire Old World Imperial Griffon get an errata and they removed the option of a Griffon with two heads. It seems that the plastic kit is reserved for AoS now too.

Might honestly convince me to buy one. The kit still looks cool, but I was avoiding it until now because I thought we might lose it in the next book.


30 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Chamon & Aqshy... I don't really know.

Chamon has Kharadron Overlords as the main force and Aqshy is full of Cities of Sigmar and Fyreslayers. Although, to be fair, Chamon also has Tzeentch as a major force, and there is generally a lot of Chaos in Aqshy (I think Khorne lays claim to the realm).


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8 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Chamon has Kharadron Overlords as the main force and Aqshy is full of Cities of Sigmar and Fyreslayers.

Right, so now we have the full picture... The mortal realms, vast and varied, full of magic & wonder, inhabited by powerful and expanding civilisations, including: sky dwarves with machine guns, underwater elves, nature daemons who like to take the shape of elves, noble ghouls, golden chads and more! Oh, there is also Chaos and they do... something... hard to tell really; apparently they control the majority of these realms, but what does this really mean?

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2 hours ago, cyrus said:

Doom flayers should be in the expected refresh list !


I mention before but im hearing that the Warp grinder is gone but all other weapon team is staying 

1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

Empire Old World Imperial Griffon get an errata and they removed the option of a Griffon with two heads. It seems that the plastic kit is reserved for AoS now too.

Apologize running on fumes but are you saying the Old world is phasing out the Karl Franz model

1 hour ago, Flippy said:

I would like to add that while GW says that 90% of the Realms are corrupted by Chaos, it never actually feels that way - at least to me.

And how does the setting feel? Azyr is the stronghold of Order. Hysh is controlled by the mighty High Elves Lumineth, who named themselves Realm-lords to underline their dominance. Ulgu is Malerion's domain. Shyish = Nagash. Ghur? Destruction's playground. Ghyran? Depends on Allarielle's current mood. Chamon & Aqshy... I don't really know. Eightpoints besieged by Katakros. The space between the realms (aetheric void?) patrolled by Seraphon vessels.

The only struggle against Chaos they try to show are the CoS failed expeditions - and (unfortunately) in the broader context it just looks like regular humans are extremely incompetent in their attempts to establish new settlements.

Well that a bit in inaccurate as while Azyr is completely free of chaos the rest of the realms are not. Like if we look at ghyran all the brown that nurgle control land. The green is uncontested lands between order, destruction, chaos & death. The cities dotted everywhere but there a very limited "border" in the case where that dot is the the territory the free city contains. The same for the Sky-port cities of the Kharadon, Fyreslayer magmahold and 


Sorta wish they combine all the faction map into one interactive map of one of the to show this better but there a very little borders that order control and even then majority is contested; the seraphon in the void is a conatant battle against the tzeentch silver ships, the bloodbound still has massive ground as per the Slaves to darkness tome, Ymetrica is still suffering from the soul wars a ghouls and Ossiarch bastions still hold territories

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Might honestly convince me to buy one. The kit still looks cool, but I was avoiding it until now because I thought we might lose it in the next book.

I got mine the day i got the Forces of fantasy book and flip through it and found it on the book

It the reason why i never put a base on it yet lol

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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Hello guys I need your help.

I am intending to create free 3D-Printable bits to make hammerers get a gorget like in the following images (instead of pauldrons)



the issue being that I‘d need a precise 3D scan of this part of the hammerers torso



otherwise I‘d be impossible to make the bits fit.

since my 3D scanner is just the worst (iphone 12 depth camera) I wanted to know if you guys could point be towards a cheap alternative. (Pm please!)

The .stl files of the gorget will be shared on the forum, free for anyone to use. :)


thx in advance 

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27 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:


If you want fidelity close enough to dimensionality that you need to do little retopo/fixes - you want to find a friend with an professional (dental) scanner.
If you are OK with doing all the retopo and mesh stitching, a Revo Mini 2 is a solid "affordable" choice that actually works decently.
Your other choice for "cheap" is a better dedicted camera setup on a scanning dolly.

If it were me, I would just get the neck joint dims and design it to fit overtop with some clipping/sanding.

Source: reasons 🕵️.

1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

You mean night runners are keeping these sculpts?

Surely not for long. They can't keep selling those dreaded things much longer as nostalgic as they are.
Also, reminder for my ninja brethren: Underworlds models and third party sculpts exist for these and are absolutely mint.

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Empire Old World Imperial Griffon get an errata and they removed the option of a Griffon with two heads. It seems that the plastic kit is reserved for AoS now too.

Or maybe a new one is in the works. I cannot see a worse kit (together with the Steam Tank) to reserve for AoS.

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2 hours ago, Beliman said:

I had a dinner with some friends a few months ago. We discussed about the usual AoS vs Fantasy thing and most people talked about how dangerous the old word was compared to AoS. Most of them are AoS players or started with some Salvat/ Hatchet partworks (Stormbringer, Mortal realms, etc...). 

Of course that they are completely wrong, but that's what they think/feel, and it's exactly why some of them don't like this setting. But that's not their fault, it's the vision that AoS projects for people that are not 100% engaged with this setting.

Still, it's just an anecdote, but it is what it is.

Yeah. Definitely a problem with the narrative that is accessible for the overall player.

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