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6 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

If you want fidelity close enough to dimensionality that you need to do little retopo/fixes - you want to find a friend with an professional (dental) scanner.
If you are OK with doing all the retopo and mesh stitching, a Revo Mini 2 is a solid "affordable" choice that actually works decently.
Your other choice for "cheap" is a better dedicted camera setup on a scanning dolly.

If it were me, I would just get the neck joint dims and design it to fit overtop with some clipping/sanding.

Source: reasons 🕵️.

Surely not for long. They can't keep selling those dreaded things much longer as nostalgic as they are.
Also, reminder for my ninja brethren: Underworlds models and third party sculpts exist for these and are absolutely mint.

Thx for the recommendation. Retopo is my second name, so no issues.

Modeling the gorget isn’t hard, but I‘d to make using the bit as cutting and sanding free as possible :) (the torso‘s shape is quite complex with lots of curvature. It‘d take way too many tries to get it right :D)

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22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Or maybe a new one is in the works. I cannot see a worse kit (together with the Steam Tank) to reserve for AoS.

Yeah. I would be amazed if that would be kept for AoS. Also TOW need that one for the imperial Griffon with one or two heads. It's more likely that it will be replaced when the new CoS battletome arrives. Maybe with a monster of the same awesomeness as the CoS Manticore.

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Might honestly convince me to buy one. The kit still looks cool, but I was avoiding it until now because I thought we might lose it in the next book.


Chamon has Kharadron Overlords as the main force and Aqshy is full of Cities of Sigmar and Fyreslayers. Although, to be fair, Chamon also has Tzeentch as a major force, and there is generally a lot of Chaos in Aqshy (I think Khorne lays claim to the realm).


Also GSG is mainly over Chamon .

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2 hours ago, Flippy said:

Right, so now we have the full picture... The mortal realms, vast and varied, full of magic & wonder, inhabited by powerful and expanding civilisations, including: sky dwarves with machine guns, underwater elves, nature daemons who like to take the shape of elves, noble ghouls, golden chads and more! Oh, there is also Chaos and they do... something... hard to tell really; apparently they control the majority of these realms, but what does this really mean?

IMO the first step to short this has bee the new Darkoath box. In the end they are the majority out of that 90%.

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1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

You mean night runners are keeping these sculpts?


Screenshot_20240808-120123_Samsung Internet.jpg

Yes , unfortunately they are keeping the monkey rats for now . 🙈

But they are a good candidate for a refresh via warcry warband 🤞

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1 hour ago, Deakz28 said:

Does anyone know which events sell the event exclusive minis? Is it all tournaments or is it just some like only 40K/AOS?

Nova should get them for sure. And also, Warhammer World should get them while it is in those events.

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10 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Yeah. I would be amazed if that would be kept for AoS. Also TOW need that one for the imperial Griffon with one or two heads. It's more likely that it will be replaced when the new CoS battletome arrives. Maybe with a monster of the same awesomeness as the CoS Manticore.

It will be so weird if we keep the kit with the big "Karl Franz" wording on it.

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32 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Or maybe a new one is in the works. I cannot see a worse kit (together with the Steam Tank) to reserve for AoS.

They are still new kits, It could be but It will be strange with GW standards. But who knows...

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17 minutes ago, Vagard said:

I'm a big fan of 40k and AoS but MESBG is legitimately their best game, there's a reason why it's not changed in many years 😁

Those Trolls are gorgeous 😍

Edited by TrawlingCleaner
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13 minutes ago, Vagard said:

Really happy to see a big release for Middle Earth even though I don’t play the game. The rights shenanigans had me worried. Also the project manager and one of the lead designers went over to work on the old world.  There was reason to be worried but it’s good to see that support is continuing.
If the smaller studio can support the old world, blood bowl and middle earth with no cross over between the ranges surely the main studio can continue to support AoS, Warcry and Underworlds even if the sculpts don’t carry over any more. 

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46 minutes ago, Vagard said:

ME RiseOfAngmar Aug8 Image5

I wish SBGL/vamps/undead/whatever had these kind of undead back. I miss that aesthetic with my vamp armies and nighthaunt isn't quite the same.
Tempting to nab these and use as proxies.

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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Well that was a suprise announce for MESBG, cool models though! I assume then that the Blood Angels as well as this were for GENCon then but GW pulled out? I wonder if we will see anything for Old World or Legions Imperialis then or whether they will be at NOVA.

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6 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Well that was a suprise announce for MESBG, cool models though! I assume then that the Blood Angels as well as this were for GENCon then but GW pulled out? I wonder if we will see anything for Old World or Legions Imperialis then or whether they will be at NOVA.

I imagine we will see more, since gencon normally has 5 previews, normally 1 or 2 40K 1 AOS and 2-3 maybe 4 special games, so we’ve had 2 40K there won’t be AOS due to edition, now 1 LOTR so maybe a third 40K for BA or 2-3 specialist games? 

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5 hours ago, Flippy said:

I would like to add that while GW says that 90% of the Realms are corrupted by Chaos, it never actually feels that way - at least to me.

And how does the setting feel? Azyr is the stronghold of Order. Hysh is controlled by the mighty High Elves Lumineth, who named themselves Realm-lords to underline their dominance. Ulgu is Malerion's domain. Shyish = Nagash. Ghur? Destruction's playground. Ghyran? Depends on Allarielle's current mood. Chamon & Aqshy... I don't really know. Eightpoints besieged by Katakros. The space between the realms (aetheric void?) patrolled by Seraphon vessels.

The only struggle against Chaos they try to show are the CoS failed expeditions - and (unfortunately) in the broader context it just looks like regular humans are extremely incompetent in their attempts to establish new settlements.

Yep! I get it, it's a much easier way to kind of show the intent/aesthetic/inhabitants of a Realm, but it's not immediately clear that those titles are for the *safe* parts of the Realms. the 9/10ths thing is like an invisible Sword of Damocles hanging over our little playgrounds.

5 hours ago, Beliman said:

Of course that they are completely wrong, but that's what they think/feel, and it's exactly why some of them don't like this setting. But that's not their fault, it's the vision that AoS projects for people that are not 100% engaged with this setting.

I'd be curious to know how that's the projection AOS gives off? When I came in for 2e, my first experiences with the setting were "yeah Chaos ****ing almost won again, this is a grinding post-apocalypse" and it's felt like 3e only hammered that point in further? Does Stormbringer not introduce the setting that way? I dunno, even peeking at the setting it was immediately more dangerous than WHF.

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2 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:


More LOTR new edition! Thank fully that puts the rumours of LOTR ending to bed! War of Rohirrim looks super exciting must be a tie in to the new anime film 

Looks like the rights negotiations went well. Adding the rights to war of rohirrim is a positive sign for the future. I've had half a mind to collect a Rohirrim army since  the first edition of the game which I did play. This might push me over the edge. 

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1 hour ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

ME RiseOfAngmar Aug8 Image5

I wish SBGL/vamps/undead/whatever had these kind of undead back. I miss that aesthetic with my vamp armies and nighthaunt isn't quite the same.
Tempting to nab these and use as proxies.

Strong Dwayne Dibley vibes 


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